
20+ The Birthday Party - Harold Pinter Solved MCQs

in Drama 2

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: English (CBCS) .


Chapter: The Birthday Party - Harold Pinter

Goldberg and McCann have come to the boarding house to

A. See Petey and Meg
B. Enjoy a holiday
C. Do a job
D. Visit Stanley
Answer» C. Do a job

McCann was methodically tearing pages of newspapers into

A. 2 equal strips
B. 3 equal strips
C. 4 equal strips5 equal strips
D. 5 equal strips
Answer» D. 5 equal strips

When McCann observes that Stanley appears depressed on his birthday, Stanley

A. Says that he has a headache
B. Says that it’s not his birthday
C. Says that he is not depressed
D. Tells McCann to go away
Answer» B. Says that it’s not his birthday

The broken drum that symbolises mental instability represents

A. Petey
B. Stanley
C. Goldberg
D. McCann
Answer» B. Stanley

Meg’s fear of the wheelbarrow reflects her fear of

A. Death
B. Sickness
C. Movement
D. Accident
Answer» C. Movement

Stanley’s mental breakdown was caused by

A. Being forced to confront his past sins and delusions
B. The sudden entrance of two more boarders
C. Meg’s amorous advances
D. The birthday party
Answer» A. Being forced to confront his past sins and delusions

“Stan, don’t let them tell you what to do!” is said by

A. Meg
B. Petey
C. Lulu
D. McCann
Answer» B. Petey

What is the name of the game played in the play The Birthday Party?

A. Hide and Seek
B. Cheese
C. Truth or dare
D. Blind man’s buff
Answer» D. Blind man’s buff

“My motto. Work hard and play hard. Not a day’s illness” is said by

A. Stanley
B. Petey
C. Goldberg
D. McCann
Answer» C. Goldberg

The name of Lulu’s first love is

A. Stanley
B. Eddie
C. Goldberg
D. John
Answer» B. Eddie

The nickname ‘Nat’ in The Birthday Party refers to

A. Goldberg
B. McCann
C. Stanley
D. Petey
Answer» A. Goldberg

Stanley’s full name is

A. Stanley Webber
B. Stanley Webster
C. Stanley Weber
D. Stanley Wabber
Answer» A. Stanley Webber

In the play, A Birthday Party, Nat Goldberg is also known as

A. Petey and Benny
B. Simey and Benny
C. Simey and Stanley
D. Stanley and McCann
Answer» B. Simey and Benny

Where did Petey meet Goldberg and McCann?

A. In town
B. On the beach
C. At the Boles’ house
D. On the road
Answer» B. On the beach

What instrument does Stanley says he plays professionally?

A. Piano
B. Violin
C. Flute
D. Drums
Answer» A. Piano

What did Goldberg say when Lulu asked him why he raped her?

A. He apologized
B. He cried and tried to make things right
C. He said she wanted him to do it, so he did
D. He ran away
Answer» C. He said she wanted him to do it, so he did

Why did Petey lie to Meg at the end of the play when she asked where Stanley was?

A. Because he was jealous of Stanley and wanted him gone
B. Because the knowledge that Stanley had been taken away would leave Meg mentally fragile
C. Because Stanley was not a good person and manipulated Meg whenever he got the chance
D. Because Petey had killed Stanley and did not want to tell the truth
Answer» B. Because the knowledge that Stanley had been taken away would leave Meg mentally fragile

The piece of news Petey reads out aloud from the newspaper in Act I part I of The Birthday Party is about one of the following

A. Comic
B. A birth announcement
C. The horoscope
D. An accident
Answer» B. A birth announcement

The relationship between Meg and Petey in the play is that of

A. Brother and sister
B. Friends
C. Husband and wife
D. Master and tenant
Answer» C. Husband and wife

Meg’s birthday gift for Stanley is

A. A mat
B. A bottle of whisky
C. A mini piano
D. A drum
Answer» D. A drum

Goldberg’s nickname is

A. Nat
B. Simey
C. Mc Enroe
D. Matt
Answer» B. Simey

Goldberg and McCann tell Petey they are taking Stanley to

A. Their house
B. His house
C. Another boarding house
D. A doctor
Answer» D. A doctor

McCann and Goldberg accuse Stanley of killing

A. His mother
B. His brother
C. His child
D. His wife
Answer» D. His wife

Meg and Petey are

A. Brothers and sisters
B. Husband and wife
C. Neighbours
D. Business partners
Answer» B. Husband and wife

Stanley tells Meg that a ________ is coming to take her away.

A. A policeman
B. A doctor
C. An ambulance
D. A wheelbarrow
Answer» D. A wheelbarrow

Meg has an inappropriate flirtatious relationship with

A. Petey
B. Stanley
C. Goldberg
D. McCann
Answer» B. Stanley

What is the birthday gift presented to Stanley?

A. Groceries
B. Chocolates
C. A toy drum
D. Alcohol
Answer» C. A toy drum

Who accused Stanley of killing his wife?

A. Goldberg
B. McCann
C. Petey
D. Meg
Answer» A. Goldberg

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