These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Education (CBCS) .
1. |
Educational Planning is necessary to – |
A. | ensure success of the enterprise |
B. | minimize backward children |
C. | broaden the outlook of students |
D. | better relations among teachers |
Answer» A. ensure success of the enterprise |
2. |
Institutional Planning is also known as – |
A. | Area planning |
B. | Grassroot planning |
C. | Village planning |
D. | Local planning |
Answer» B. Grassroot planning |
3. |
The basis of all programmes of qualitative and quantitative improvement in education is – |
A. | Educational Management |
B. | Educational Planning |
C. | Educational Finance |
D. | Educational Supervision |
Answer» B. Educational Planning |
4. |
The process of preparing a set of decisions for realizing specific goals by the best possible means is – |
A. | educationaladministration |
B. | educational management |
C. | educational planning |
D. | educational finance |
Answer» C. educational planning |
5. |
Efficient and effective planning saves – |
A. | time |
B. | money |
C. | effort |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
6. |
Every good planning should be – |
A. | relevant & clear |
B. | systematic & comprehensive |
C. | both of the above |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» B. systematic & comprehensive |
7. |
The quality of a plan depends on the quality of the _____ that produces a plan. |
A. | objectives |
B. | process |
C. | action |
D. | content |
Answer» B. process |
8. |
There are _____ basic steps involved in planning – |
A. | 4 |
B. | 5 |
C. | 6 |
D. | 7 |
Answer» B. 5 |
9. |
A plan prepared by a particular institution on the basis of its own development and improvement is called – |
A. | educational plan |
B. | school plan |
C. | institutional plan |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» C. institutional plan |
10. |
Institutional planning means planning at the – |
A. | highest level |
B. | lowest level |
C. | district level |
D. | village level |
Answer» B. lowest level |
11. |
Institutional planning is an effort to make use of available resources to the – |
A. | minimum |
B. | optimum |
C. | sufficient |
D. | maximun |
Answer» B. optimum |
12. |
Institutional planning is – |
A. | short term |
B. | long term |
C. | both of the above |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» C. both of the above |
13. |
Institutional plan forms the basis of – |
A. | Village plan |
B. | District plan |
C. | State plan |
D. | National plan |
Answer» B. District plan |
14. |
Institutional planning is an index of _____________of an institution |
A. | excellence |
B. | autonomy |
C. | quality |
D. | standard |
Answer» B. autonomy |
15. |
Institutional planning aims to – |
A. | save time, money and materials |
B. | involve every teacher in the plan preparation |
C. | promote better co-operation among teachers |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» B. involve every teacher in the plan preparation |
16. |
“Planning is an act or process of making or carrying out plans”. Who gave this definition? |
A. | Webster’s International Dictionary |
B. | Oxford Dictionary |
C. | Wikipedia |
D. | None of the above |
Answer» A. Webster’s International Dictionary |
17. |
“Planning is to design some action to be done beforehand”.Who gave this definition? |
A. | Webster’s International Dictionary |
B. | Oxford Dictionary |
C. | Wikipedia |
D. | None of the above |
Answer» B. Oxford Dictionary |
18. |
“Planning is a way of projecting our intentions, that is, a method of deciding what we want to accomplish”. Who said this? |
A. | Cuthbert |
B. | Likert |
C. | Adesina |
D. | Edmonds |
Answer» C. Adesina |
19. |
“To plan means to project, forecast, design, make or chart out a course”. Who said this? |
A. | Adesina |
B. | Fayol |
C. | Taylor |
D. | Ejiogu |
Answer» D. Ejiogu |
20. |
The main goal of planning is - |
A. | social and economic development |
B. | welfare and progress of citizens |
C. | bringing about desirable changes |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
21. |
Good planning requires |
A. | future objectives |
B. | good vision |
C. | perception and ability |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
22. |
Planning is a good method of - |
A. | solving problems |
B. | eliminating trial and error method |
C. | checking wastage and stagnation |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
23. |
Efficient planning contributes to – |
A. | smoothness and ease of administration. |
B. | efficiency of the administrative process |
C. | best utilization of available resources. |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
24. |
Uneven educational growth and regional imbalances can be corrected by adopting effective - |
A. | educational planning |
B. | educational management |
C. | educational administration |
D. | educational finance |
Answer» A. educational planning |
25. |
A good plan is always an outcome of - |
A. | scientific procedures |
B. | comprehensive procedures |
C. | systematic procedures |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
26. |
Comprehensive planning means that planning should be concerned with - |
A. | all levels of education. |
B. | all aspects of education |
C. | all componentsof education. |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
27. |
The first basic step or process involved in planning is - |
A. | defining the present situation |
B. | establishing goals, objectives or sets of goals |
C. | developing a set of actions. |
D. | determining aids and barriers |
Answer» B. establishing goals, objectives or sets of goals |
28. |
The final step or process in planning is - |
A. | determining aids and barriers |
B. | developing a set of actions |
C. | preparing a blueprint of the plan and circulating it for public opinion |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» C. preparing a blueprint of the plan and circulating it for public opinion |
29. |
Quality of planning is very much influenced by - |
A. | relevance and accuracy of data |
B. | case of processing data |
C. | validity of interpretation of data |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
30. |
One basic chain of activities underlying all educational planning consists of - |
A. | gathering information |
B. | processing information |
C. | interpreting information |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
31. |
“An institutional plan is “ a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available with a view to improving the school programme and school practices”. Who said this? |
A. | E.W.Franklin |
B. | M.B.Buch |
C. | F.W.Taylor |
D. | Robert House |
Answer» B. M.B.Buch |
32. |
“Institutional Planning is a milestone in the journey towards the improvement of education.” Who said this? |
A. | E.W.Franklin |
B. | M.B.Buch |
C. | F.W.Taylor |
D. | Robert House |
Answer» A. E.W.Franklin |
33. |
Institutional Plan emphasizes the planning and implementation of programmes such as - |
A. | improvement of teaching methods |
B. | enrichment of curricula |
C. | increasing the professional competence of teachers |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
34. |
The king pin in institutional planning is the - |
A. | teacher |
B. | principal |
C. | head |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» A. teacher |
35. |
The main objectives of institutional planning is - |
A. | Improvement of Instruction |
B. | Optimum utilization of existing resources |
C. | Imparting realism and concreteness to educational planning |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
36. |
The scope of institutional planning include - |
A. | Improvement of school plant |
B. | Improvement of instruction |
C. | Extra curricular activities for pupils |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
37. |
Extra- Curricular Activities for Pupils include - |
A. | Social service projects |
B. | Work experience |
C. | athletics and literary activities |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
38. |
Community programmes for the school include - |
A. | Literacy programmes |
B. | Adult education programmes |
C. | Youth service activities |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
39. |
Sound Educational Planning has to be - |
A. | pragmatic |
B. | progressive |
C. | forward-looking |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
40. |
Institutional planning results in improvement in motivation on the part of - |
A. | teachers |
B. | management |
C. | students |
D. | all the above |
Answer» D. all the above |
41. |
Webster’s International Dictionary (1981) defines planning: |
A. | selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action. |
B. | as an act or process of making or carrying out plans. |
C. | efficient and effective planning saves time, effort and money. |
D. | is a process utilized by an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on. |
Answer» B. as an act or process of making or carrying out plans. |
42. |
According to Hagman and Schwartz, planning is: |
A. | a good method of solving problems. |
B. | defining the present situation. |
C. | developing a set of actions. |
D. | planning selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action. |
Answer» D. planning selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action. |
43. |
Educational planning is a process utilized by: |
A. | an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on. |
B. | social and economic concerned with the welfare and progress of all citizens rather than the selfish goals of some special interest groups. |
C. | involvement of representatives of most of the concerned Sectors of the society in the process of planning. |
D. | based on the principle of maximum utility of resources available with school and the community. |
Answer» A. an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on. |
44. |
The Indian Commission 1964-66 opines that every educational institution can do much more through |
A. | a programme of development and improvement prepared by a particular institution |
B. | better planning and hard work to improve the quality of education within its existing resources |
C. | various alternative courses of action, evaluating these alternatives and choosing the most suitable alternative |
D. | changes made on adhoc piecemeal basis to solve immediate problems. |
Answer» B. better planning and hard work to improve the quality of education within its existing resources |
45. |
Educational planning is necessary to |
A. | ensure the success of education |
B. | minimize backward children |
C. | broaden the outlook of students |
D. | have better relationship among teachers |
Answer» A. ensure the success of education |
46. |
Institutional planning is based on the principles ___ utilization of the resources available in the school and community. |
A. | maximum |
B. | sufficient |
C. | optimum |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» A. maximum |
47. |
An Institutional planning is defined as “a programme of educational developmental improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs”. Who gave this definition? |
A. | M.B. Buch |
B. | Harold Koontz |
C. | George Litwin |
D. | Robert Stringer |
Answer» A. M.B. Buch |
48. |
Institutional involves the three main elements which are |
A. | pre-determined actions use of scarce funds and taking risks |
B. | pre-determined objectives, use of scarce resources and taking decisions |
C. | planning, evaluation and review |
D. | programme, actions and reviews |
Answer» C. planning, evaluation and review |
49. |
Educational planning is a subsystem of a general planning for____ development. |
A. | human |
B. | social |
C. | economic |
D. | national |
Answer» D. national |
50. |
Institutional planning can be of |
A. | long-term only |
B. | short-term only |
C. | short-term and long-term |
D. | none of the above |
Answer» C. short-term and long-term |
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