410+ Engineering Materials Solved MCQs


Any process of heating and cooling steel that produces a rounded or globular from of carbide is known as

A. Spheroidizing
B. Drawing
C. Nomalizing
D. Nitriding
E. Ultra hardening
Answer» A. Spheroidizing

During stress relaxation phenomenon

A. Deformation tends to bind the joint and produces a stress reduction
B. Deformation tends to loosen the joint and produces a stress reduction
C. Stress is no longer proportional to strain
D. Stress reduces on increasing load
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

The materials which has the same elastic properties in all directions is called

A. Brittle material
B. Homogeneous material
C. Hard material
D. Isotropic material
E. Isentropic material
Answer» D. Isotropic material

Accounstical materials

B. Isentropic material
C. Create sound
D. Absorb sound
E. Reflect sound
Answer» D. Absorb sound

Recrystallistion temperature is one

A. At which change of allotropic form takes place.
B. At which crystals start growing in size
C. At which new spherical crystals first begin to form from the old deformed ones when a strained metal is heated
D. At which polycrystalline changes occur
E. At which crystals again begin to appear
Answer» C. At which new spherical crystals first begin to form from the old deformed ones when a strained metal is heated

Super conductors

A. Exist at temperatures below 10?K
B. Are non-crystalline
C. Are non-metallic substances
D. Are the purest forms of metals
E. Are the density metals without voids
Answer» A. Exist at temperatures below 10?K

In powder metallurgy the process of heating the cold pressed metal powder is known as

A. Sintering
B. Granulation
C. Deposition
D. Precipitation
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Sintering

The main constituent of glass is

A. B2O3
B. Al2O3
C. Semi-conductors
D. CaCO3
E. SiO2
Answer» E. SiO2

In iron-iron carbide diagram the

A. Abscissa is time
B. Abscissa is temperature
C. Abscissa is carbon percentage
D. Ordinate is time
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Abscissa is carbon percentage

Spot the process which is different from others?

A. Galvanizing
B. Chapmanizing
C. Carburizing
D. Cyaniding
E. Nitriding
Answer» A. Galvanizing

The Curic point for Rochelle salt is about

A. 1000?C
B. 500?C
C. 240?C
D. Absolute zero
E. None of the above
Answer» C. 240?C

Which of the following is the ductile material?

A. Aluminium
B. Zinc
C. Brass
D. Silver
E. Stainless steel
Answer» D. Silver

The structure of a semi-conductor resemles that of a

A. circle
B. rhombus
C. diamond
D. triangle
E. None of the above
Answer» C. diamond

In electro-forming the metal is supplied to the mould from

A. Solution
B. By liquids
C. Electrolytic solution in which bar of pure metal acts as an anode for the plating current
D. Separately by coating with a point
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Electrolytic solution in which bar of pure metal acts as an anode for the plating current

A bot in cupola is

A. A part of coupla
B. A defect in casting
C. A kind of cast iron
D. A flux
E. A clay plug to close tap hole
Answer» A. A part of coupla

Constantan is an alloy of

A. Copper-tin-zinc
B. Copper-tin
C. Copper-aluminium
D. Copper and Nickel
E. Nickel-iron-chromium
Answer» D. Copper and Nickel

Hot tear

A. Is a defect in castings
B. Is a process involving heating
C. Is a defect in wood
D. Is a phenomenon occurring in materials ixposed to weather e.g. sun and rain
E. Is a physical property of non-ferrous materials
Answer» A. Is a defect in castings

Coarse grained steels

A. Do not have tendency to distort
B. Are less tough
C. Are very tough
D. Are lighter
E. Are denser
Answer» B. Are less tough

In press work the dies that perform two or more operations simultaneously, but at different stations are known as

A. Multi-dies
B. Simple dies
C. Compound dies
D. Die and punch set
E. Progressive dies
Answer» E. Progressive dies

Vanadium is added to steel as an alloying element to

A. To soften the material
B. Increase temperture resistance
C. Increases resistance to corrosion
D. Increase shock resistance
E. Modify yield and tensile strength properties
Answer» A. To soften the material

Micro-structure of a material is generally examined by

A. Spectroscope techniques
B. Optical microscope
C. X-rays and electron diffraction
D. Naked eye
E. Microscope
Answer» E. Microscope

Ferri-magnetic materials generally find application as

A. conductors
B. insulators
C. resistors
D. semi-conductors
E. None of the above
Answer» D. semi-conductors

Which process is used for machining parts to planned dimensions?

A. Shearadising
B. Swaging
C. Electroforming
D. Anodizing
E. Routing
Answer» E. Routing


A. Semi-conductors
B. Can be vaporised but cannot be recycled
C. Can be recycled but cannot be vaporised
D. Can be vaporised as well as recycled
E. Can neither be vaporised nor recycled
Answer» E. Can neither be vaporised nor recycled

Which of the following is a fuel used in fast reactors?

A. Chromium
B. Plutonium
C. Zirconium
D. Heavy water
E. Graphite
Answer» B. Plutonium

Cold work is done on the metal

A. Below the thermal critical range
B. Above the thermal critical range
C. At zero degree centigrade temperature
D. After slightly warning the metal in furnace
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Below the thermal critical range

Which of the following timber is used for sports goods?

A. Mulberry
B. Mahogany
C. Sal
D. Deodar
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Mulberry

The statement that, at equilibrium, the number of phases plus the degrees of freedom must equal the number of components plus two is known as

A. Gibbs phase rule
B. Lever rule
C. Fick's rule
D. Heisenberg rule
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Gibbs phase rule

Steel balls for ball bearings are hardened to

A. 100 VPN
B. 400-700 VPN
C. 700-800 VPN
D. 150-200 VPN
E. 200-400 VPN
Answer» C. 700-800 VPN

Muntz metal contains

A. Copper-tin
B. Copper-chromium
C. Copper-nickel
D. Copper-zinc
E. Copper-alminium
Answer» D. Copper-zinc

Corrosion is a destructive attack on metals

A. Which may be chemical or electrochemical in nature
B. Which is basically caused by atmospheric air
C. Which is caused by contact with other metals
D. At high temperature
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Which may be chemical or electrochemical in nature

The depth hardness of steel increases by the addition of

A. Silicon
B. Nickel
C. Manganese
D. Sulphur
E. Chromium
Answer» E. Chromium

Dielectric strength of a material is

A. Capacity to withstand high voltage
B. Magnetic property
C. Energy storage capacity
D. Capacity to resist flow of current
E. Capacity to take two stresses
Answer» A. Capacity to withstand high voltage

The presence of sulphur in pig iron makes

A. Its casting unsound
B. It malleable
C. It brittle
D. It hard
E. It machinable
Answer» A. Its casting unsound

Shot blasting is the process for the cleaning of

A. Pattern
B. Cores
C. Moulding sand
D. Welded components
E. Castings
Answer» E. Castings

The process of zinc coating used extensively for protecting steel from atmospheric deterioration is known as

A. Anodizing
B. Colourizing
C. Pakerizing
D. Galvanizing
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Galvanizing

The process of producing parts by electrolytic deposition of metal upon a conductive removable mould or matrix is known as

A. Plating
B. Deposition
C. Electro-moulding
D. Electrolysis
E. Electro forming
Answer» E. Electro forming

Some engineering materials are made up of more than one phase, with different mechanical properties, such materials are known as

A. Discontinuous
B. Brittle
C. Plastic
D. Heterogeneous
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Heterogeneous

Chromium when added as an alloying element to steels

A. Increases corrosion resistance
B. Increases red hardness
C. Refines the grain structure
D. Improves mechanical properties
E. Softens the material
Answer» A. Increases corrosion resistance

The essential gradient of any hardened steel is

A. Martensite
B. Cementite
C. Pearlite
D. Carbon
E. Austenite
Answer» A. Martensite

Which type of thermostat is generally used in applicances with heating elements?

A. Bimetallic
B. Magnetic
C. Clad metal
D. Ferromagenetic
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Bimetallic

In order to measure/detect materials by non-destructive testing the method generally used is

A. Mossbanser effect
B. Thermochemic point
C. Infrared radiometer
D. Liquid crystallography
E. Acoustic emission
Answer» E. Acoustic emission

The defect blow hole in castings is caused due to

A. Hard ramming
B. Excessive moisture
C. Improper venting
D. Excessive carbouacious material
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

Spring steels should have high resistance to

A. Shocks
B. Fatigue
C. Corrosion
D. Deformation
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Deformation

The specific gravity of cast iron is closer to

A. 11
B. 9
C. 7
D. 5
E. 3
Answer» C. 7

The theory of failure generally applied in case of brittle materials is

A. Maximum shear stress theory
B. Maximum principal stress theory
C. Theory of superposition
D. Maximum strain energy theory
E. Maximum shear strain energy theory
Answer» B. Maximum principal stress theory

All of the following are destructive tests on materials EXCEPT

A. Charpy test
B. Tensile test
C. Cupping test
D. Fatigue test
E. Shore's scleroscope hardness test
Answer» E. Shore's scleroscope hardness test

If steel is quenched in oil the structure obtained is

A. Acicular
B. Troosite
C. Pearlite
D. Sorbite
E. Martensite
Answer» B. Troosite

Which of the following is p-type semi-conductor?

A. Selenium
B. Silicon doped with phosphorous
C. Silicon doped with gallium
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Silicon doped with gallium

The amount of energy expended by the action of external force in deforming an elastic body is known as

A. Elastic energy
B. Deformation energy
C. Strain energy
D. Work done
E. Potential energy
Answer» C. Strain energy

When the atomic magnetic moments are randomly oriented in a solid, its magnetic behaviour is termed as

A. polycrystalline
B. anti-ferromagnetic
C. paramagnetic
D. semi-magnetic
E. None of the above
Answer» C. paramagnetic

Plastic are

A. Good conductors of heat and bad conductors of electricity
B. Good conductors of heat as well as electricity
C. Bad conductors of heat and good conductors of electricity
D. Bad conductors of heat as well as electricity
E. Semi-conductors
Answer» D. Bad conductors of heat as well as electricity

Which of the following does not contain copper as one of the alloying elements?

A. Monel metal
B. Perminivar
C. Nichrome
D. Manganin
E. All of the above
Answer» C. Nichrome

When the metals are severely deformed in a particular direction, as in rolling or forging (on a macro scale), the mechanical properties may be

A. Anisotropic
B. Identical
C. Isotropic
D. Uniform
E. Non-uniform
Answer» A. Anisotropic

The product of blast furnace is known as

A. High carbon steel
B. Steel
C. Pig iron
D. Crude iron
E. Cast iron
Answer» B. Steel

The defect responsible for the phenomenon of slip, by which most metals deform plastically, is known as

A. Fracture
B. Twinning
C. Dislocation
D. Strain hardening
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Dislocation

In a 0.2% carbon steel which has been heated above the third critical temperature on cooling at the first critical point the austenite remaining in solution is transformed to new structure called

A. Ferrite
B. Cementite
C. Austenite
D. Ferrite
E. Pearlite
Answer» E. Pearlite

Which material has the best damping capacity

A. Cast iron
B. Mild steel
C. High speed steel
D. Diamond
E. Stainless steel
Answer» A. Cast iron

If a material recovers its original dimensions, when the load is removed, it is known as

A. Elastic
B. Soft
C. Annealed
D. Plastic
E. Brittle
Answer» A. Elastic

In plain carbon steel as the percentage of carbon increases from 0.2% to 0.8% which of the following decreases?

A. Brinell hardness number
B. Tensile strength
C. Percentage elongation
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Percentage elongation

In press work the dies which combine two or more operations at one station are known as

A. Progressive dies
B. Die and punch
C. Simple dies
D. Compound dies
E. Press
Answer» D. Compound dies

Spring steel sections are originally applied in

A. Hardened condition
B. Hardened and tempered condition
C. Annealed condition
D. Carburized condition
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Annealed condition

Which of the following ray has least wavelength?

A. Yellow light rays
B. Ultraviolet rays
C. X-rays
D. Cosmic rays
E. Infra-red rays
Answer» D. Cosmic rays

Cheek is

A. Top surface of metal
B. Physical property of metal
C. Non-ferrous coating on materials
D. Core of the welded joints in case of very thick material
E. Intermediate flask between copes and drag
Answer» E. Intermediate flask between copes and drag

Which of the following is 'acceptor' impurity for semi-conductor?

A. Arsenic
B. Phosphorous
C. Boron
D. Antimony
E. All of the above
Answer» C. Boron

The loss of strength in compression which occurs when there is a gain in strength in the tension due to overloading is

A. Iso-strain
B. Hysteresis
C. Bounhinger effect
D. Relaxation
E. Hooke's effect
Answer» B. Hysteresis

Electronic structure of a material is generally studied by

A. Mossbauer studies
B. Microscope
C. Naked eye
D. X-ray and electron diffraction
E. Spectroscope techniques
Answer» E. Spectroscope techniques

Steel castings

A. Cannot withstand impact
B. Are not weldable
C. Are weldable
D. Have poor endurance properties
E. Can withstand impact
Answer» C. Are weldable

Cold shuts are

A. Saturation of pores in bricks
B. Saturation of pores in metals by subsituting materials different from parent materials
C. Defects in castings due to two streams of metal which are too cold to fuse properly
D. Forging defects due to improper heating of materials
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Defects in castings due to two streams of metal which are too cold to fuse properly

The property of metal when the recovery after unloading is complete but not instantaneous is

A. Plsticity
B. Visco elasticity
C. An elasticity
D. Inelasticity
E. Elasticity
Answer» C. An elasticity

Cast irons are generally specified by

A. Hardness
B. Carbon percentage
C. Tensile strength
D. Iron percentage
E. Process of manufacture
Answer» C. Tensile strength

Identify the incorrect statement

A. Hot working performed on the metals is in a plastic state
B. Much greater pressures are needed for ot working than for cold working
C. When material is cold worked the resulting change in material shape brings about marked changes in the grain structure
D. Structural changes in cold working are grain fragmentation and lattice distortion
E. Residual stresses are set up in cold working
Answer» B. Much greater pressures are needed for ot working than for cold working

Galvanizing is generally done on

A. Low carbon steels
B. Cast iron
C. Non-ferrous metals
D. Non-metallic substances
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Low carbon steels

A Babitt is

A. A cutectic of iron and iron phosphide
B. A gadget for measuring volume
C. A measure of magnetic induction produced in a material
D. None of these
E. Antimony bearing lead or tin alloy
Answer» A. A cutectic of iron and iron phosphide

Which of the following colour of light has the least wavelength?

A. Violet
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Orange
E. Red
Answer» A. Violet

The process in which steel is heated 20? to 40?C below the lower critical temperature, held there for a prolonged period and then allowed to cool slowly in the furnace is known as

A. Annealing
B. Tempering
C. Normalising
D. Austempering
E. Spheroidising
Answer» E. Spheroidising

The fine grained steel

A. Are brittle
B. Are lighter
C. Are doctile
D. Have more tendency to distort
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Are doctile

An atom containing an odd number of electrons is said to be

A. Hypermagnetic
B. Paramgnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
D. Diamagnetic
E. Dielectric
Answer» B. Paramgnetic

For heavy loads in aircraft bearings the material used with lead to reduce the risk of scizure is

A. Silver
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Tin
E. Zinc
Answer» A. Silver

The raw material for mini steel plants is

A. Iron ore
B. Pig iron
C. Grey iron
D. CI and steel scrap
E. None of the above
Answer» D. CI and steel scrap

Which type of electron pair exists in a semi-conductor?

A. Ionic
B. Non-ionic
C. Homopolr
D. Hetropolar
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Homopolr

A body which is permanently deformed is said to have undergone

A. Elastic deformation
B. Limit of elastic deformation
C. Uniform deformation
D. Non-uniform deformation
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Uniform deformation

In Charpy impact test, the specimen is held as a

A. cantilever
B. simply supported beam
C. fixed beam
D. hinged beam
E. None of the above
Answer» B. simply supported beam

Materials which lack permanent magnetic dipoles are called

A. diamagnetic
B. ferromagnetic
C. semi-magnetic
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. diamagnetic

The consitituent which has a powerful softening effect on cast iron and its presence in cast iron reduces the ability of the iron to retain carbon in chemical combination, is

A. Silicon
B. Carbon
C. Sulphur
D. Aluminium
E. Chromium
Answer» A. Silicon

Which of the following materials demonstrate viscoelastic behaviour?

A. Rubber
B. Glass
C. Plastics
D. Non-crystalline organic polymers
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Non-crystalline organic polymers

Carbon steel is

A. An alloy of carbon and iron with varying quantities of phosphorous
B. An alloy of carbon and iron obtained by oxidising excessive carbon from cast iron
C. An alloy of carbon and iron obtained by oxidising excessive carbon steel
D. An alloy of carbon generally obtained by adding graphite to low carbon steels
E. None of the above
Answer» A. An alloy of carbon and iron with varying quantities of phosphorous

A hydrogen atom has

A. Two electrons
B. No neutrons
C. No protons
D. One each electron, neutron and proton
E. None of the above
Answer» B. No neutrons

Which one is different from the others in press work

A. Tube forming
B. Embossing
C. Bulging
D. Cupping
E. Notching
Answer» E. Notching

Which of the following properties has lower value for copper as compared to aluminium?

A. Specific gravity
B. Melting point
C. Electrical resistivity
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Electrical resistivity

A bearing alloy should have

A. High resistance to corrosion
B. Capacity to withstand shocks and vibrations
C. All above
D. Low coefficient of friction
E. High compressive strength
Answer» C. All above

When a loop composed of two dissimilar metals could be made to carry a continuous current simply by maintaining the two junctions at different temperatures, the above effect is known as

A. Thomson effect
B. Thompson effect
C. Peltier effect
D. Seeback effect
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Seeback effect

All of the following are point defects EXCEPT

A. vacancies
B. dislocations
C. interstitials
D. isolated impurities
E. None of the above
Answer» B. dislocations

The limiting load beyond which the material no longer behaves elastically is known is

A. Breaking load
B. Load bearing capacity
C. Limiting load
D. Plastic limit
E. Elastic limit
Answer» E. Elastic limit

When elastic limit is reached

A. Tensile strain decreases in proportion to stress
B. Tensile strain increases in proportion to stress
C. Tensile strain increases more quickly
D. Tensile strain decreases more quickly
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Tensile strain decreases in proportion to stress

In general, high cohesive forces are related to

A. Large values of elastic constants
B. Low melting point
C. Large coefficients of thermal expansion
D. Small value of elastic constants
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Large values of elastic constants

Hardness may be defined as resistance to

A. Local penetration
B. Machining
C. Wear
D. Scratching
E. Any of the above
Answer» E. Any of the above

The theory of failure which gives fairly good results for the ductile materials is

A. Hooke's law
B. Maximum shear stress theory
C. Maximum strain energy theory
D. Maximum principal stress theory
E. Maximum shear strain energy theory
Answer» E. Maximum shear strain energy theory

Which of the following factor has the least effect on the electrical conductivity of wires made of copper alloy?

A. Temperature
B. Alloying element
C. Vitrified clay
D. Method of forming the wire
E. Intensity of any incident light
Answer» E. Intensity of any incident light

Thermoplastic and thermoset polymers differ in

A. Glass transition temperature
B. Thermal behaviour
C. Mechanical behaviour
D. All of the above
E. Semi-conductors
Answer» B. Thermal behaviour
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