500+ Engineering Thermodynamics Solved MCQs

Engineering thermodynamics is a branch of engineering that deals with the study of energy, heat, and their relationship to work and the transfer of energy from one place to another.

It is a fundamental subject that forms the basis of many other branches of engineering, including mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering. The principles of thermodynamics are used to design engines, power plants, refrigeration systems, and a wide variety of other devices and systems that are essential to modern society. Some of the key concepts in engineering thermodynamics include the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, and the concept of equilibrium.


For getting TdS equations, we assume entropy to be a function of T and V and also of T and p.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

During phase transitions like vaporization, melting and sublimation

A. pressure and temperature remains constant
B. volume and entropy changes
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

Which of the following requirement is satisfied by a phase change of the first order?

A. there are changes of volume and entropy
B. the first-order derivative of the gibbs function changes discontinuously
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

The vapour pressure p in kPa at

A. p = 101.325 exp (88/r)(1+t/tb)
B. p = 101.325 exp (88/r)(1+tb/t)
C. p = 101.325 exp (88/r)(1-t/tb)
D. p = 101.325 exp (88/r)(1-tb/t)
Answer» D. p = 101.325 exp (88/r)(1-tb/t)

The vapour pressure curve is of the form ln(p) = A + B/T + C*lnT + DT.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

According to Trouton’s rule, the ratio of latent heat of vaporization to the boiling point at 1.013 bar is

A. 77 kj/kgmol k
B. 88 kj/kgmol k
C. 99 kj/kgmol k
D. 100 kj/kgmol k
Answer» B. 88 kj/kgmol k

Estimate the freezing temperature of liquid water at a pressure of 30 MPa.

A. -2.2°c
B. 0°c
C. -0.2°c
D. -1.2°c
Answer» A. -2.2°c

The expression nRT/V is called the partial pressure of a gas.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The gas constant of the mixture is the   of the gas constants of the components.

A. average
B. weighted mean
C. sum
D. difference of the highest and the lowest
Answer» B. weighted mean

A quantity called partial volume of a component of mixture is used.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

When gases which are at equal pressure and temperature are mixed adiabatically without work, then

A. internal energy of the gaseous system remains constant
B. heat transfer of the gaseous system remains constant
C. entropy of the gaseous system remains constant
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. internal energy of the gaseous system remains constant

The fact that internal energy of a mixture is equal to the sum of the partial internal energies of the gases can also be applied to properties like H,Cv,Cp,S,F, and G.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Which of the following statement is true?

A. the chart is plotted for pressure equal to 760mm hg
B. the constant wbt line represents adiabatic saturation process
C. the constant wbt line coincides with constant enthalpy line
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

In sensible heating or cooling,

A. work done remains constant
B. dry bulb temperature or air remains constant
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. work done remains constant

Cooling and dehumidification of air is done in summer air conditioning.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Heating and humidification is done in

A. summer air conditioning
B. winter air conditioning
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. winter air conditioning

Which of the following is an absorbent?

A. silica gel
B. activated alumina
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

When air passes through silica gel,

A. it absorbs water vapour molecules
B. latent heat of condensation is released
C. dbt of air increases
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

In adiabatic evaporative cooling, heat transfer between chamber and surroundings is

A. zero
B. high
C. low
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. zero

The cooling tower uses the phenomenon of evaporative cooling to cool warm water above the dbt of air.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Cooling towers are rated in terms of

A. approach
B. range
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

Dry air consists of

A. oxygen, nitrogen
B. carbon dioxide
C. hydrogen, argon
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Complete dry air exists in nature.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Which of the following is true?(here pa=partial pressure of dry air, pw=partial pressure of water vapour, p=atmospheric pressure)

A. p=pw
B. p=pa
C. p=pw + pa
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. p=pw + pa

In a mixture of dry air and water vapour,

A. mole fraction of dry air = pa/p
B. mole fraction of water vapour = pw/p
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

When pw is very small,

A. saturation temperature of water vapour at pw is less than atmospheric temperature
B. water vapour in air exists in superheated state
C. air is said to be in unsaturated state
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Relative humidity is defined as

A. (saturation pressure of pure water) / pw
B. pw / (saturation pressure of pure water)
C. (saturation pressure of pure water) / p
D. p / (saturation pressure of pure water)
Answer» B. pw / (saturation pressure of pure water)

For saturated air, relative humidity is 0%.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

If water is injected into a container with has unsaturated air,

A. water will evaporate
B. moisture content of air will decrease
C. pw will decrease
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. water will evaporate

Humidity ratio is given by the ratio of

A. (mass of dry air per unit mass of water vapour)^2
B. 1/(mass of dry air * mass of water vapour)
C. water vapour mass per unit mass of dry air
D. mass of dry air per unit mass of water vapour
Answer» C. water vapour mass per unit mass of dry air

Which of the following statement is true?

A. dew point temperature is the temperature at which water vapour starts condensing
B. dry bulb temperature is recorded by thermometer with dry bulb
C. wet bulb temperature is recorded by thermometer when bulb is covered with a cotton wick which is saturated with water
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The wet bulb temperature is the   temperature recorded by moistened bulb.

A. lowest
B. highest
C. atmospheric
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. lowest

Air can be cooled and dehumidified by

A. circulating chilled water in tube across air flow
B. placing evaporator coil across air flow
C. spraying chilled water to air
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

When two equilibrium states are infinitesimally near,

A. dq/t=ds
B. dq/t>ds
C. dq/t<ds
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. dq/t=ds

The greater the temperature, the          is the vapour pressure.

A. lower
B. higher
C. depends on the substance
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. higher

It is necessary to have a temperature difference to obtain work of any cycle.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The absolute thermodynamic temperature scale is also known as

A. celsius scale
B. kelvin scale
C. fahrenheit scale
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. kelvin scale

In defining the temperature scale, the standard reference point is taken as

A. zero kelvin
B. boiling point of water
C. triple point of water
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. triple point of water

When the heat transferred isothermally between the given            decreases, the temperature          

A. isotherms, increases
B. isotherms, decreases
C. adiabatics, increases
D. adiabatics, decreases
Answer» D. adiabatics, decreases

If a system undergoes a reversible isothermal process without transfer of heat, the temperature at which this process takes place is called

A. absolute zero
B. triple point of water
C. boiling point of water
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. absolute zero

A definite zero point        on the absolute temperature scale but this point        be reached        violation of the second law.

A. doesnot, can, without
B. exists, cannot, without
C. exists, can, with
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. exists, cannot, without

Which law is stated here, “It is impossible to reduce any system to the absolute zero of temperature in a finite number of operations.

A. first law of thermodynamics
B. second law of thermodynamics
C. third law of thermodynamics
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. third law of thermodynamics

The statement of third law is also called the Fowler-Guggenheim statement of the third law.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The Kelvin temperature is numerically equal to the            and may be measured by means of a            

A. gas temperature, liquid thermometer
B. ideal gas temperature, gas thermometer
C. ideal gas temperature, liquid thermometer
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. ideal gas temperature, gas thermometer

During a fluid flow, the temperature is developed due to                 

A. increase in density
B. change in pressure
C. translational kinetic energy
D. fluid level
Answer» C. translational kinetic energy

The equation for the average kinetic energy is                   

A. 0.5 kt
B. 1.5 kt
C. 2.5 kt
D. 3.5 kt
Answer» B. 1.5 kt

Entropy occurs due to                

A. change in macroscopic variables
B. volumetric changes only
C. mass changes only
D. temperature only
Answer» A. change in macroscopic variables

Efficiency of a heat engine is defined as

A. total heat output / net work input
B. total heat input / net work output
C. net work output / total heat input
D. net work input / total heat output
Answer» C. net work output / total heat input

A TER which transfers heat to system is called          and one which receives heat is called          

A. source, sink
B. sink, source
C. sink, sink
D. source, source
Answer» A. source, sink

A reversible cycle has following processes.

A. 4 isothermal processes
B. 4 adiabatic processes
C. 2 isothermal and 2 adiabatic processes
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. 2 isothermal and 2 adiabatic processes


A. high, low, receives
B. low, high, receives
C. high, low, gives
D. low, high, gives
Answer» B. low, high, receives

According to Carnot’s theorem, all heat engines operating between a given constant temperature source and sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible engine.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The efficiency of all reversible heat engines operating between the same heat reservoirs is

A. same
B. independent of the nature of working substance
C. independent of the amount of working substance
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

For a reversible heat pump, COP is given by

A. t2/(t1-t2)
B. t1/(t1-t2)
C. t2/(t2-t1)
D. t1/(t2-t1)
Answer» B. t1/(t1-t2)

The entropy of an isolated system can never          

A. increase
B. decrease
C. be zero
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. decrease

According to entropy principle, the entropy of an isolated system can never decrease and remains constant only when the process is reversible.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Entropy may decrease locally at some region within the isolated system. How can this statement be justified?

A. this cannot be possible
B. this is possible because entropy of an isolated system can decrease.
C. it must be compensated by a greater increase of entropy somewhere within the system.
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. it must be compensated by a greater increase of entropy somewhere within the system.

The part of          available for conversion is referred to          

A. high grade energy, available energy
B. low grade energy, available energy
C. low grade energy, unavailable energy
D. high grade energy, unavailable energy
Answer» B. low grade energy, available energy

The          obtainable from a certain heat input in a cyclic heat engine is called          

A. minimum work output, available energy
B. maximum work output, available energy
C. minimum work input, unavailable energy
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. maximum work output, available energy


A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The available energy is known as          and the unavailable energy is known as          

A. energy, exergy
B. exergy, energy
C. both are called exergy
D. both are called energy
Answer» B. exergy, energy

Whenever heat is transferred through a finite temperature difference, there is always a decrease in the availability of energy so transferred.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Any thermodynamic process is accompanied by entropy generation.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

The rate of entropy increase of the control volume          or          the net rate of entropy transfer to it.

A. exceeds or is less than
B. exceeds, is equal to
C. is less than, or equal to
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. exceeds, is equal to

The rate at which entropy is transferred out must          the rate at which entropy enters the control volume.

A. be less than
B. equal to
C. exceed
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. exceed

The first law efficiency is defined as the ratio of the output energy to the input energy.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

With the concept of exergy available, which of the following is possible?

A. to analyse means of minimizing the consumption of available energy to perform a given process
B. to ensure most efficient possible conversion of energy
C. both of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both of the mentioned

If work is involved, Amin=          and if heat is involved, Amin=          

A. w, q(1+to/t)
B. w, q(1-to/t)
C. q(1+to/t), w
D. q(1-to/t), w
Answer» B. w, q(1-to/t)

If solar energy Qr is available at a reservoir storage temperature of Tr and if quantity of heat Qa is transferred by the solar collector at temperature Ta, then which of the following is true?

A. first law efficiency = qa/qr
B. second law efficiency = exergy output / exergy input
C. second law efficiency = (first law efficiency)*(1-to/ta)/(1-to/tr)
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

For proper utilization of exergy, it is desirable to make first law efficiency           and the source and use temperatures should

A. as close to unity, be different
B. as close to unity, match
C. as close to zero, match
D. as close to zero, be different
Answer» B. as close to unity, match

The slopes of sublimation and vaporization curves for all substances are

A. negative
B. positive
C. zero
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. positive

When does a vapour become superheated?

A. when the temperature of vapour is less than the saturation temperature at given pressure
B. when the temperature of vapour is more than the saturation temperature at given pressure
C. when the temperature of vapour is equal to the saturation temperature at given pressure
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. when the temperature of vapour is more than the saturation temperature at given pressure

The properties of liquid            with pressure.

A. do not vary
B. vary largely
C. vary little
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. vary little

What is the effect of reheat pressure on mean temperature of heat addition Tml?

A. reheat pressure is directly proportional to tml
B. reheat pressure is inversely proportional to tml
C. reheat pressure is equal to tml
D. tml is independent of reheat pressure
Answer» A. reheat pressure is directly proportional to tml

Which of the following problems are posed by increasing the number of reheats?

A. cost & fabrication problems arise
B. heat transfer problems arise
C. frictional losses arise
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. cost & fabrication problems arise

What is the most preferable dryness fraction of the exhaust steam?

A. 0.99
B. 0.77
C. 0.66
D. 0.88
Answer» D. 0.88

Which of the following represents the specific volume during phase transition.

A. vf-vg
B. vg-vf
C. vf+vg
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. vg-vf

An 80 litre vessel contains 4 kg of R-134a at a pressure of 160 kPa. Determine the volume occupied by the vapour phase.

A. 0.0775 m3
B. 0.0575 m3
C. 0.0975 m3
D. 0.0375 m3
Answer» A. 0.0775 m3

Rankine cycle comprises of                        

A. two isentropic processes and two constant volume processes
B. two isentropic processes and two constant pressure processes
C. two isothermal processes and two constant pressure processes
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. two isentropic processes and two constant pressure processes

In Rankine cycle, the work output from the turbine is given by                        

A. change of internal energy between inlet and outlet
B. change of enthalpy between inlet and outlet
C. change of entropy between inlet and outlet
D. change of temperature between inlet and outlet
Answer» B. change of enthalpy between inlet and outlet

Which of the following contributes to the improvement of efficiency of Rankine cycle in a Thermal Power Plant?

A. reheating of steam at intermediate stage
B. regeneration use of steam for heating boiler feed water
C. use of high pressures
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

A simple Rankine cycle operates the Boiler at 3 MPa with an outlet temperature of 350°C and the Condenser at 50 kPa. Assuming ideal operation and processes, what is the thermal efficiency of this cycle?

A. 7.7
B. 17.7
C. 27.7
D. 37.7
Answer» C. 27.7

How many types of feedwater heaters are present?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» B. two

The temperature of feedwater leaving a heater is          the saturation temperature at steam extraction pressure.

A. less than
B. equal to
C. more than
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. less than

The following also gave two-constant equations of state.

A. berthelot
B. dieterici
C. redlich-kwong
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is true about compressibility of real gases?

A. z = 1
B. z < 1
C. z > 1
D. both z < 1 and z > 1 view answer
Answer» D. both z < 1 and z > 1 view answer

1 mole of cyclohexane (z = 1.2) is filled in a container at 27oC and 4 atm, what is the volume of container?

A. 3.8 liter
B. 4.4 liter
C. 5.6 liter
D. 7.4 liter view answer
Answer» D. 7.4 liter view answer

If a relation exists among variables x,y,z then z may be expressed as a function of x and y as, dz=Mdx+Ndy .

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

A pure substance which exists in a single phase has          independent variables.

A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. three
Answer» C. two

Which of the following is not a Maxwell equation?

A. (∂t/∂v) = -(∂p/∂s)
B. (∂t/∂p) = -(∂v/∂s)
C. (∂p/∂t) = (∂s/∂v)
D. (∂v/∂t) = -(∂s/∂p)
Answer» B. (∂t/∂p) = -(∂v/∂s)

The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is given by

A. dp/dt = l / t(vf+vi)
B. dp/dt = l / t(vf-vi)
C. dt/dp = l / t(vf+vi)
D. dt/dp = l / t(vf-vi)
Answer» B. dp/dt = l / t(vf-vi)

Water          on melting and has the fusion curve with a          slope.

A. contracts, negative
B. contracts, positive
C. expands, negative
D. expands, positive
Answer» A. contracts, negative

At the triple point, l(sublimation) = l(vaporization) – l(fusion).

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

The slope of sublimation curve is          the slope of the vaporization curve at triple point.

A. equal to
B. less than
C. greater than
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. greater than

An application requires R-12 at −140°C. The triple-point temperature is −157°C. Find the pressure of the saturated vapour at the required condition.

A. 0.0058 kpa
B. 0.0098 kpa
C. 0.0068 kpa
D. 0.0088 kpa
Answer» B. 0.0098 kpa

The expression which represents the pressure exerted by a gas is

A. nvrt
B. nrt/v
C. v/nrt
D. 1/nvrt
Answer» B. nrt/v

Which of the following relation is correct?

A. mole fraction of the kth gas = moles of the kth gas / total number of moles of gas
B. partial pressure of kth gas = (mole fraction of the kth gas)*(sum of the partial pressures)
C. sum of mole fractions of all the gases is unity
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The total entropy of a mixture of gases is the          of the partial entropies.

A. average
B. weighted mean
C. sum
D. difference of the highest and the lowest
Answer» C. sum

When humidity ratio of air          air is said to be dehumidified.

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. decreases

The degree of saturation is the ratio of

A. (saturated specific humidity / actual specific humidity)^2
B. 1/(saturated specific humidity * actual specific humidity)
C. saturated specific humidity / actual specific humidity
D. actual specific humidity / saturated specific humidity
Answer» D. actual specific humidity / saturated specific humidity
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