150+ Principles of Food Preservation Solved MCQs


Which of the following is a factor that affects the storage stability of food?

A. type of raw material used
B. quality of raw material used
C. method/effectiveness of packaging
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all of the above mentioned factors are true. they all affect the storage stability of food.

Which of the following sentence is true with respect to food storage/preservation?

A. each food type has a potential storage life
B. the mechanical abuse that food has received during storage/distribution does not affects its storage stability
C. all of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. each food type has a potential storage life
Explanation: both of the mentioned sentences are true with respect to food storage/preservation.

Choose the true statement.

A. food storage and preservation is observed to be better/easier in parts of the world that have civilizations prevalent there
B. proteins are held in an emulsion state in a water system
C. fats are in colloidal state
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. food storage and preservation is observed to be better/easier in parts of the world that have civilizations prevalent there
Explanation: proteins are held in a colloidal state in a water system. fats are an emulsion.

Which of the following statement with respect to food preservation is true?

A. leafy vegetables perish fast due to their high moisture content
B. cereals have the highest requirements of moisture and soil types
C. cereal can be grown with less labour and yield of food is high
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all of the mentioned statements with respect to food preservation are true.


A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: cereals are the major source of food in the world.

Cereals are a major source of carbohydrates.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: cereals are a major source of carbohydrates, although, they provide fats, proteins and some vitamins also.

Statement 1: Nuts can be classified as high- fat, high-protein and high-carbohydrate. Statement 2: Cashew nuts come under the high-carbohydrate category.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» A. true, false
Explanation: cashew nuts come under the high-fat category.

Which of the following is true about Sound Ultrasound?

A. generates mechanical energy to enhance chemical action on surfaces
B. scrubbing action loosens the dirt particles and cleans the food particle
C. generates mechanical energy to enhance chemical action on surfaces & scrubbing action loosens the dirt particles and cleans the food particle
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. generates mechanical energy to enhance chemical action on surfaces & scrubbing action loosens the dirt particles and cleans the food particle
Explanation: both the statements given are true.

Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of microbes in food using electricity?

A. power ultrasound
B. pulsed electric field
C. hurdle technology
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. pulsed electric field
Explanation: pulsed electric field (pef)

Which of the following holds true for Pulsed Electric field?

A. it has been successful in pasteurizing milk, yogurt, soup etc
B. if there are no air bubbles present or the if food has low electrical conductivity, pef is non-applicable
C. it’s a continuous process. it cannot be applied for non-pump able solid food products
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all the statements pertaining to pulsed electric field are true.

In Pulsed Electric field, since no heat is used, the aroma and flavour of food are retained.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: in pulsed electric field, since no heat is used, the aroma and flavour of food are retained.

Which of the following combination of processing and preservation techniques works best for smoked products?

A. salt and acidification
B. heat and solid content
C. heat, salt, acidification/minimal moisture content
D. heat, salt, dipping in brine/ minimal moisture content
Answer» D. heat, salt, dipping in brine/ minimal moisture content
Explanation: several combinations of processing and preservation techniques are required and used for food products, the combination that best suits smoked products is – heat, salt, dipping in brine. not all smoked products need to be dipped in brine. some might need minimal moisture content.

Statement 1: Coconuts and certain citrus fruits can be easily handled and shipped. Statement 2: Post harvest loss is non-existent.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» A. true, false
Explanation: it is true that coconuts and certain citrus fruits can be easily handled and shipped. post harvest loss is existent and sophisticated technologies are needed to manage losses.

Which of the following is not related to Post Harvest losses?

A. post harvest losses can be reduced by adding value to products
B. packaging, storage, transportation areas are where losses take place
C. farmers don’t earn much after adding value to products
D. value can be added to products by converting raw form into a more processed/refined form
Answer» C. farmers don’t earn much after adding value to products
Explanation: it is false that farmers don’t earn money after adding value to products.

Which of the following holds untrue with respect to jam making?

A. boiling water to concentrate the mixture is an important step
B. the fruit is heated to soften it, extract pectin and then boiled rapidly to increase sugar content to about 70%
C. high methoxyl pectin is used in jam and low methoxyl in gelling agents in milk products
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: all the mentioned statements are true.

Which of the following are Milk Processing Operations?

A. clarification
B. pasteurization
C. homogenization
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: clarification, homogenization and pasteurization are milk processing operations.

Which of the following is true?

A. in clarification, all the dirt and filth is removed
B. standardization is to adjust the amount of fat in the milk
C. a stable emulsion of milk fat and serum is not made
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. standardization is to adjust the amount of fat in the milk
Explanation: it is correct that standardization is to adjust the amount of fat in the milk. but, in clarification, all the dirt

Homogenized milk has  

A. creamier structure
B. whiter appearance
C. bland flavor
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: homogenized milk has creamier structure, whiter appearance and bland flavour. this is because the fat globules that have low density, agglomerate (after homogenization)and rise to the top to give the properties as mentioned.

Pasteurized milk is not sterile and hence must be cooled immediately before the bacteria multiply.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: pasteurized milk is not sterile

How is milk pasteurized?

A. low temperature, long time
B. high temperature, short time
C. ultrahigh temperature
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: pasteurized milk is pasteurized by all the mentioned methods.

Cereals are the major source of food in the world.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: cereals are the major source of food in the world.

A substance intentionally added that affects the nature and quality of food is called  

A. food poison
B. food adulterant
C. food contaminant
D. food material
Answer» D. food material
Explanation: a substance intentionally added that affects the nature and quality of food are called food material.

When do we say that food is adulterated under the PFA Act?

A. if it is obtained from a diseased animal
B. if spices are sold without their essence
C. if any ingredient is injurious to health
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all the mentioned points are correct.

Statement 1: In the process of making certain oils, nickel is added as a catalyst. Statement 2: Nickel is injurious for consumption.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» B. true, true
Explanation: both the statements are true.

Which stage does adulteration take place in?

A. producer
B. distributor
C. retailer
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: adulteration takes place at all three stages.

Which of the following is an adulterant?

A. urea
B. pesticides
C. iron filings in tea
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all of the mentioned are adulterants.

Methods for detection of common adulterants are  

A. visual tests
B. chemical tests
C. physical tests
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: methods for detection of common adulterants are visual tests, chemical tests and physical tests.

In the history of packaging of the food industry, which among these was never a material of packaging?

A. bakelite
B. pottery and vases
C. iron and tin plated steel
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: bakelite, pottery and vases and iron and tin plated steel, all have been used in packaging.

Which of the given reasons, is NOT a valid reason for packaging of food items?

A. security and portion control
B. marketing and convenience
C. protection and information transmission
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: security, portion control, marketing, convenience, protection and information transmission are all valid reasons for packaging.

Which of the following is incorrect?

A. packages designed for uniform shipping cannot be loaded into mixed shipping
B. waste prevention is the most sought after option and disposal, the least sought after
C. shrink wraps is one of the forms of packing used
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: all the statements given are

Which of the following is a must in food labeling?

A. name
B. standard specification
C. place of origin
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all the mentioned are requisites on a food label.

It is legal for a label to say – ‘this product cures xyz disease’.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: it is prohibited for a label to read ‘this product cures xyz disease’.

Food Authenticity means  

A. the food should match the description
B. the food should taste good
C. it should be cheap
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. the food should match the description
Explanation: food authenticity means the food should match the description on the labels.

Which of the following is a form of mis- description?

A. incorrect origin
B. incorrect quantitative description
C. extending the food
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: incorrect origin, incorrect quantitative description and extending the food are all forms of mis-description.

The dough, in refrigerated dough making is stacked and packed in  

A. air-tight container
B. dough tight container
C. none of the mentioned
D. air-tight & dough tight container
Answer» B. dough tight container
Explanation: the dough, in refrigerated dough making is stacked and packed in dough tight container not air tight container so that the carbon dioxide escapes from it till the dough reaches and blocks the gas outlets.

The disc shaped dough is dusted with rice flour to  

A. reduce its stickiness and prevent them from sticking together
B. to increase the flavor
C. flour is a basic ingredient
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. reduce its stickiness and prevent them from sticking together
Explanation: the disc shaped dough is dusted with rice flour to reduce its stickiness and prevent them from sticking together.

Phosphate based leavening agents in dough crystallize.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: phosphate based leavening agents in dough crystallize which leads consumer rejection of these goods.

Proofing allows the required chemical reactions to take place to allow enough CO2 to leave the container and make the dough to fill the container so as to close the gas vents.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: proofing allows the required chemical reactions to take place to allow enough co2 to leave the container and make the dough to fill the container so as to close the gas vents.

With the increase in temperature, the holding time of the dough for cooling needs to be 

A. increased
B. decreased
C. kept constant
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. increased
Explanation: with the increase in temperature, the holding time of the dough for cooling needs to be increased. when the temperature is decreased, the formation of

Modification of carbon dioxide and oxygen levels for storage is worth it only if 

A. the fruit/vegetable is more commercial than its storage in air
B. storage time is brief
C. storage temperature is optimal
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. the fruit/vegetable is more commercial than its storage in air
Explanation: modification of carbon dioxide and oxygen levels for storage is worth it only if the fruit/vegetable is more commercial than its storage in air. it is not required if storage time is brief and/or storage temperature is optimal.

Controlled atmosphere has more oxygen than carbon dioxide.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: both the modified atmosphere (ma) and controlled atmosphere (ca) have more oxygen than carbon dioxide. it is due to the formation of dry ice in the former and due to manual/automated control in the latter.

Which of the following is NOT the correct method to enhance storage?

A. reducing pressure
B. increasing ethylene
C. decreasing respiration
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. increasing ethylene
Explanation: ethylene given out by produce should be reduced to enhance storage/life.

Which of the following statements is true?

A. polyethylene films have a good heat- sealability
B. polyvinylidene chloride films are gas and water vapor impermeable
C. nylon films have high physical strength
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: polyethylene films have a good heat-sealability. polyvinylidene chloride films are gas and water vapor impermeable. nylon films have high physical strength.

Which of the following is a technique applied to the processing of fresh meat?

A. chopping
B. protein extraction
C. none of the mentioned
D. chopping & protein extraction
Answer» D. chopping & protein extraction
Explanation: both of the processes mentioned are techniques to process fresh meat.

Coated meat products require  

A. breading
B. pre-dusting
C. battering
D. all three are methods of making coated meat products
Answer» D. all three are methods of making coated meat products
Explanation: all three – breading, pre-

Certain bacteria are added to minced meat products. This activity is followed by dehydration. What is this activity called?

A. coating
B. freezing
C. curing
D. fermentation
Answer» D. fermentation
Explanation: fermentation is a technique in which certain bacteria are added to minced meat products and then dehydrated.

Mina brought a meat product that was ‘ready to eat’ and she directly used between two slices of bread to make a sandwich. Which of the following is true about the above type of meat product?

A. this is called luncheon meat
B. this is pasteurized and stored in refrigerators
C. all of the mentioned
D. water binding agents are essential as re- heating tends to water loss
Answer» C. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all the three points are true about the description given my mina.

Oil/Lemon/Vinegar + Spices applied to meat is called  

A. marinating
B. emulsifying
C. fermenting
D. coating
Answer» A. marinating
Explanation: oil/lemon/vinegar + spices applied to meat is called marinating.

Meat based bioactive peptides have certain nutraceutical effects.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: meat based bioactive peptides have certain nutraceutical effects.

Soya is a meat analogue. This means it can be used with certain meat stuffing to increase the bulk as it has a similar texture as that of meat. This is done with proper labeling.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: soya is a meat analogue. this means it can be used with certain meat stuffing to increase the bulk as it has a similar texture as that of meat. this is done with proper labeling.

Holding time for pasteurization is more in continuous than that in batch pasteurization.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: holding time for pasteurization is more in batch than that in continuous pasteurization. this is because htst- high temperature short time is used in continuous whereas in batch operations, the exposure time is almost half an hour.

Which of the following change takes place during the ageing process in the making of ice creams?

A. decrease in viscosity
B. proteins change slightly
C. fats turn into liquids
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. proteins change slightly
Explanation: during the aging process of ice cream making, the viscosity increases, proteins change slightly and fats turn into solids.

Without which of the given steps, would ice cream be an inedible hard frozen mass?

A. freezing
B. whipping with air
C. hardening of ice cream
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. whipping with air
Explanation: whipping the ice-cream after a portion of it has been frozen is a very important step otherwise the ice cream would just be a hard frozen inedible mass like ice.

Which of the following risk is associated with a frozen material tagged ‘00+’?

A. contains a sensitive element that might be damaged with poor care
B. is prone to harmful bacteria if not maintained at the instructed conditions
C. chances of spoiling to take place by the mishandling of consumers
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. chances of spoiling to take place by the mishandling of consumers
Explanation: ‘00+’ means that there are chances of spoiling to take place by the handling of consumers. the fact that the first two symbols are a 0, the risks of it containing a sensitive element that might be damaged with poor care and that it is prone to harmful bacteria if not maintained at the instructed conditions are negligible.

Frozen prepared chicken dinner comes under which of the following categories of processes?

A. single component, single-product process
B. multi component blended products
C. multi component products with add-ons
D. multi component, multi process assembly operations
Answer» D. multi component, multi process assembly operations
Explanation: frozen prepared chicken dinner comes under multi component, multi process assembly operations.

Categories of food that is represented by category I is  

A. a special category of non-sterile food items for infants
B. +++foods
C. 000 foods
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. a special category of non-sterile food items for infants
Explanation: categories of food that is represented by category i is a special category of non-sterile food items for infants.

Which of the following indicators has a graduated scale?

A. defrost
B. time-temperature integrators
C. time-temperature integrators/indicators
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. time-temperature integrators/indicators
Explanation: time-temperature integrators/indicators have a graduated scale. they start to react as soon as the activated temperature is reached. defrost indicators are set to a temperature when the frozen food gets spoiled/starts de freezing. time-temperature integrators react as soon as they’re activated

Statement 1: The stomach of a goat or a sheep has an enzyme called rennin which is used to make cottage/curd cheese. Statement 2: Certain sea-foods such as shrimps and lobsters can destroy vitamin B- 12 in the body if eaten raw due to the presence of an enzyme called thiaminase.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» B. true, true
Explanation: the stomach of a goat or a sheep has an enzyme called rennin which is used to make cottage/curd cheese. certain sea-foods such as shrimps and lobsters can

Bacteria and yeast can  

A. grow with or without air
B. need humid/warm conditions to grow
C. need more moisture than molds
D. all the mentioned statements can be used to fill the blanks
Answer» D. all the mentioned statements can be used to fill the blanks
Explanation: bacteria and yeast can grow with or without air. they need humid/warm conditions to grow. they need more moisture than molds.

Dry storage means at a temperature about

A. 20, 50%
B. 100, 50%
C. 20, 50-100%
D. 100, 50-100%
Answer» A. 20, 50%
Explanation: dry storage means at a temperature about 20 and humidity below 50%.

Shelf life is the period between processing to retail purchase to consuming of the food product.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: shelf life is the period between processing to retail purchase to consuming of the food product.

Animal muscles have water as the majority of the content but the aim of humans is to extract the protein out of it and consume it.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: animal muscles have water as the majority of the content but the aim of

Filling of sterile containers with commercially sterile product is known as

A. passive packaging
B. active packaging
C. intelligent packaging
D. aseptic packaging
Answer» D. aseptic packaging
Explanation: filling of sterile containers

Which of the following steps is not included in aseptic packaging?

A. sterilizing product before filling
B. hermetic sealing
C. aseptic filling
D. sterilizing product after filling
Answer» D. sterilizing product after filling
Explanation: sterilizing product after filling is not included in aseptic filling. aseptic packaging contains the following steps –

LTLT is used in Aseptic Packaging.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: the given statement is false. ltlt stands for low temperature long time sterilization. ltlt process includes heating the product at low temperature for a longer time (ltlt – 63.15°c, 30 minute). this long time process makes it very slow. therefore it is not used in aseptic packaging.

UHT is used in Aseptic Packaging.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: the given statement is true. uht stands for ultra high temperature.

HTST is used in Aseptic Packaging.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: the given statement is true. htst stands for high temperature short time. htst process includes heating the product at high temperature for a short time (htst – 72° c, 15 minutes).

Sterilization using irradiation is done by

A. non-ionizing radiation
B. ionizing radiation
C. chemical treatment
D. thermal treatment
Answer» A. non-ionizing radiation
Explanation: sterilization using irradiation is done by ionizing radiation. irradiation is done by one of the following – ionizing radiation, pulsed light or uv-c radiation.

Which of the following is used for ionizing radiation?

A. infrared radiation
B. microwave radiation
C. radiowave radiation
D. gamma radiation
Answer» D. gamma radiation
Explanation: gamma radiation is used for ionizing radiation. it can also be done by x rays, electron beams, or higher energy rays,

Which of the following is a chemical used in aseptic packaging?

A. chlorine peroxide
B. lithium oxide
C. hydrogen peroxide
D. hydrogen sulfide
Answer» C. hydrogen peroxide
Explanation: hydrogen peroxide is a

Canning is also known as aseptic packaging.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: the given statement is false. canning is a conventional food processing method. in canning, the process starts with treating food (by brining or syruping) to inactivate the enzymes. this is followed by filling in cans and sealing.

Which of the following is used for checking integrity of aseptic packaging material?

A. sterility test
B. drop test
C. bursting test
D. grammage test
Answer» A. sterility test
Explanation: sterility test is used for integrity check for aseptic packaging material. other integrity check tests are-

Which of the following is an application of cold working?

A. extrusion
B. forging
C. hot rolling
D. deep drawing
Answer» D. deep drawing
Explanation: in all the other option the metal is heated over the recrystallization and hence they are hot worked.

What does the term soaking signify?

A. heating to a required temperature
B. holding at a constant temperature
C. cooling the material
D. heating for a long time
Answer» B. holding at a constant temperature
Explanation: soaking is a term used in annealing in which the material is hold at a constant temperature after heating to a required temperature.

Which of the following will not happen when metal is cooled fast in annealing?

A. warping of material
B. cracking of material
C. formation of thermo elastic stresses
D. strength increase
Answer» D. strength increase
Explanation: a material in annealing is cooled slowly to avoid warping of the material, cracking of the material due to the formation of thermal gradients and thermo elastic stresses inside the body.

In process annealing, heating is limited to avoid excessive oxidation.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: in process annealing, the material is heated to revert the effects of work hardening by recovery and recrystallization and heating is done in such a way that

Which of the following does not happen when a material is annealed?

A. internal stresses get relieved
B. increase in ductility
C. decrease in toughness
D. increase in softness
Answer» C. decrease in toughness
Explanation: a material is annealed to relieve internal stresses, increase ductility, toughness and softness and produce specific microstructure.

Which material is present above the upper critical temperature line in an iron carbon phase diagram?

A. martensite
B. pearlite
C. ledeburite
D. austenite
Answer» D. austenite
Explanation: above the upper critical line in a iron carbon phase diagram, all the material is austenite while below the lower critical no austenite material exists.

In stress relief annealing, the annealing temperature is relatively low.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: the above statement is true. annealing temperatures are low in stress relief annealing so that the useful effects of cold working are not eliminated.

Which of the following is not a type of annealing?

A. spherodizing
B. tempering
C. full annealing
D. stress-relief annealing
Answer» B. tempering
Explanation: tempering is used to increase hardness by reheating and cooling the

If fats and oils prevent bacteria spore formation and help in pore formation, why is it difficult to kill yeast in a salad dressing?

A. because the bacteria get stuck in the oil phase
B. this statement is incorrect
C. it is relative with respect to waster and hence better preserver
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. because the bacteria get stuck in the oil phase
Explanation: it difficult to kill yeast in a salad dressing because the bacteria get stuck in the oil phase.

Statement 1: With the increase in temperature, the enzyme gets deactivated. Statement 2: With the increase in temperature, the enzyme gets reactivated.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» B. true, true
Explanation: both the statements are true. this is because some enzymes like peroxide get reactivated after heating.

Reeti subjected all of these enzyme based food items to heat. Which among these did not get deteriorated?

A. pickle with vinegar
B. pickle without vinegar
C. pear
D. tomato with slight salt
Answer» A. pickle with vinegar
Explanation: all of the mentioned food items have enzyme peroxide in them. vinegar

Which of the following food items is the lowest in heating up?

A. broths and thin soup with negligible starch in it
B. fruits packed in water/syrup with large pieces
C. evaporated milk
D. chopped vegetables with high starch content packed with free liquid
Answer» D. chopped vegetables with high starch content packed with free liquid
Explanation: broths and thin soup with loads of starch in it. the starch in these solids

Which of the following comes under the categories of food – broken curve heating food?

A. evaporated milk
B. fruits packed without water/syrup
C. syrup packed with sweet potatoes
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. syrup packed with sweet potatoes
Explanation: in syrup packed with sweet potatoes, the heat transfer is through convection initially. but when the starch particles from the solids separate, they retard the heat transfer.

Statement 1: In a thermocouple, two wires are of different materials and a voltage difference is created due to the conduction of each material at the juncture and this gives us the difference in temperature in both metals and hence the temperature of the liquid. Statement 2: The zone of slowest heating in a container is called cold point of a container.

A. true, false
B. true, true
C. false, false
D. false, true
Answer» B. true, true
Explanation: in a thermocouple, two wires are of different materials and a voltage difference is created due to the conduction of each material at the juncture and this gives us the difference in temperature in both metals and hence the temperature of the liquid. all points inside a container do not heat up at

For canning technology, the cold point of the can is determined by soldering stuffing boxes and different depths in different boxes, a thermocouple in each box and a potentiometer in each box.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: for canning technology, the cold point of the can is determined by soldering stuffing boxes and different depths in different boxes, a thermocouple in each box and a potentiometer in each box.

The period of time elapsed from placing the cans into the retort and starting to heat until the retort reaches processing temperature is termed as  

A. slope of cooling curve, fc
B. slope of heating curve, fh
C. zero time
D. come-up-time
Answer» D. come-up-time
Explanation: the period of time elapsed from placing the cans into the retort and starting to heat until the retort reaches processing temperature is termed as come- up-time.

Which of the following is a synonym for loss factor of food?

A. loss tangent
B. dielectric loss
C. loss tangent & dielectric loss
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. loss tangent & dielectric loss
Explanation: loss factor of food is called loss tangent and dielectric loss.

Which of the following is true about loss factor of food?

A. it is desirable quality of food
B. it is the ability of food to absorb waves
C. it is represented by Ɛ
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: all the given factors are true about loss factor.

Penetration depth of food refers to the depth inside the food inside which the heat generation drops to 37%.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: penetration depth of food refers to the depth inside the food inside which the heat generation drops to 37%.

Which of the following is untrue?

A. it is difficult to predict the electric field intensity inside a food material
B. design of oven plays an important role in determining the electric filed intensity in a food material
C. orientations of microwaves is an important role
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: it is difficult to predict the electric field intensity inside a food material. design of oven plays an important role in determining the electric filed intensity in a food material. orientations of microwaves is an important role.

Hannah heats refrigerated rice which has been devoid of moisture and become dry. She heats it in a microwave. It gets unevenly heated. What should she do?

A. water should be added for even heating
B. she should heat it using equipment that offers conduction or convection
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. water should be added for even heating
Explanation: water has a low dielectric constant due to the generation of friction due to rotation of dipoles. hence, water should be added for even heating.

One disadvantage of microwave cooking is that the energy efficiency in this process is less.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: microwave cooking has very high energy efficiency.

Although microwave heating can be used for drying of food containing uneven water content, it is isn’t done for certain food products like garlic. Why?

A. no pasteurization
B. essential oils being stripped off
C. none of the mentioned
D. no pasteurization & essential oils being stripped off
Answer» D. no pasteurization & essential oils being stripped off
Explanation: for drying of garlic, the essential oils which are the volatile components of the garlic are stripped off from it.

Microwave heating is good for puffed products. Why?

A. the rate of heat transfer is less than the rate of moisture loss
B. the heat transfer in these food items takes place so fast that instead of shrinking of the food items due to loss of moisture content, they stay intact and hence puffed
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. the heat transfer in these food items takes place so fast that instead of shrinking of the food items due to loss of moisture content, they stay intact and hence puffed
Explanation: the heat transfer in these food items takes place so fast that instead of shrinking of the food items due to loss of moisture content, they stay intact and hence puffed.

Which of the following is NOT a part of the microwave heating system?

A. magnetron
B. anode
C. cathode
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned
Explanation: all the given above are parts of a microwave heating system.

Recently, cancer causing effects, nutritional destructions of food and biological effects of exposure of microwave heating has come into light.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: recently, cancer causing effects, nutritional destruction of food and biological effects of exposure of microwave heating has come into light.

Which of the following law gives the relationship between the moles of water and the moles of solute in a solution and its water activity?

A. hallinan law
B. burgess law
C. raoult’s law
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. raoult’s law
Explanation: raoult’s law gives the relationship between the moles of water and the moles of solute in a solution and its water activity.

Rice has a higher water activity than apples.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: rice has a lesser water activity than apples. apples contain higher water per 100 grams of dry material.
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