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The ocean covers…………percentage of the earth’s surface.

A. 51
B. 88
C. 71
D. 25
Answer» C. 71

Green Revolution is associated with……….

A. sericulture
B. horticulture
C. agriculture
D. aqua culture.
Answer» C. agriculture

Which one of the following is a renewable resource?

A. petroleum
B. biological species
C. mineral ores
D. soil fertility.
Answer» D. soil fertility.

Conventional energy source includes:

A. coal
B. solar energy
C. wind energy
D. geothermal energy.
Answer» A. coal

Sweeping away of fertile top soil by wind or water is…..

A. siltation
B. land slide
C. soil erosion
D. leaching
Answer» C. soil erosion

The soil of India’s eastern and western coast is–

A. alluvial
B. black cotton
C. red rocky
D. laterite
Answer» D. laterite

The most harmful environmental pollution from nuclear reactor is–

A. radioactivity
B. particulate formation
C. thermal pollution
D. noise pollution.
Answer» C. thermal pollution

11) Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?

A. thorium
B. graphite
C. radium
D. ordinary water.
Answer» B. graphite

Which state irrigates largest percentage of land?

A. haryana
B. uttar pradesh
C. maharashtra
D. punjab
Answer» D. punjab

Which of the following is not a primary pollutant?

A. so2
B. volcanic ash
C. o3
D. co2.
Answer» C. o3

Which one among the following covers the highest percentage of forest area in the world?

A. temperate coniferous forests
B. temperate deciduous forest
C. tropical monsoon forests
D. tropical rain forests.
Answer» A. temperate coniferous forests

Plants get their nitrogen from–

A. rain
B. the soil
C. the air
D. the bedrock.
Answer» B. the soil

The lowest temperature of air is recorded at–

A. midnight
B. just before sunrise
C. just after sunset
D. just after midnight.
Answer» B. just before sunrise

Which of the following is an organic gas?

A. hydrocarbons
B. aldehydes
C. ketones
D. ammonia
Answer» D. ammonia

Which of the following is/are inorganic gas (es)?

A. carbon monoxide
B. hydrogen sulphide
C. chlorine
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

All forms of water that comes down on Earth, including rain, show, hail etc. is known as---------------

A. calcification
B. fixation
C. precipitation
D. none
Answer» C. precipitation

The forests in the Arctic are called -------------------------

A. savanna
B. tundra
C. prairies
D. none of these
Answer» B. tundra

National Maritime Day of India is celebrated on:

A. october 16
B. april 05
C. march 21
D. june 05
Answer» B. april 05

The animal which consumes decaying organic matter is

A. carnivore
B. detrvore
C. herbivore
D. none of these
Answer» B. detrvore

Ganga Action Plan in India was launched in the year:

A. 1988
B. 1985
C. 1980
D. 1992
Answer» B. 1985

What is the name of the action plan for sustainable development in the twenty first century framed in the Rio Declaration on Environment & Development (1992)?

A. action 21
B. agenda 21
C. rio 2
D. kyoto protocol
Answer» B. agenda 21

A set of organisms that resemble one another in appearance and behaviour is called a:

A. exons
B. prions
C. species
D. all of these
Answer» C. species

The area where all the living organisms interact with each other and their environment is --------------- -

A. biosphere
B. exosphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
Answer» A. biosphere

Agriculture is the chief subject of…….

A. green revolution
B. white revolution
C. black revolution
D. none of these.
Answer» A. green revolution

The first protected area in India is --------------------------

A. silent valley
B. corbett national park
C. bandipur sanctuary
D. none of these
Answer» A. silent valley

The Indian Parliament passed the Biodiversity Bill in the year

A. 2000
B. 2005
C. 2002
D. 2008
Answer» C. 2002

World Water Day is celebrated on ----------------------

A. may 22
B. june 05
C. march 22
D. september 05
Answer» C. march 22

The Unit of measurement of intensity of sound is:

A. decibels
B. lux
C. parsec
D. hertz
Answer» A. decibels

A combination of smoke, fog and chemical pollutants seen in industrialized cities is known as -------- ----------

A. so
B. smog
C. fallout
D. ozone
Answer» B. smog

The violent tropical storms in the Indian Ocean are known as------------------

A. typhoon
B. cyclones
C. hurricane
D. none of these
Answer» B. cyclones

The worst nuclear accident happened to date is occurred at

A. chernobyl in 1986
B. three mile power plant in 1979
C. sellafield in 1957
D. none of these
Answer» A. chernobyl in 1986

Major cause of Ozone depletion is due to which chemical?

A. chlorofluorocarbons
B. polyphenols
C. dioxins
D. none of these
Answer» A. chlorofluorocarbons

The legally binding international agreement to reduce Greenhouse gases by 5 % 2012 is:

A. vienna convention
B. montreal protocol
C. kyoto protocol
D. agenda 21
Answer» C. kyoto protocol

The portion of the earth and its environment which can support life is known as

A. crust
B. biosphere
C. exosphere
D. mesosphere
Answer» B. biosphere

Public awareness of environment creates:

A. environment protection
B. environment degradation
C. environmental improvement
D. environmental cultivation
Answer» A. environment protection

How is the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere connected ?

A. hydrological cycle
B. nitrogen cycle
C. oxygen cycle
D. carbon cycle
Answer» D. carbon cycle

What is the meaning of the word “endemic”

A. rare and occur only in a few location
B. rare and occur everywhere
C. abundant and seen everywhere
D. abundant and only in few locations
Answer» A. rare and occur only in a few location

Which gas is likely to be reduced in the atmosphere by deforestation?

A. carbon dioxide
B. nitroge
C. oxygen
D. none of these
Answer» C. oxygen

What are rodenticides ?

A. that kill fishes
B. that kill insects
C. that kill rats
D. that kill crocos
Answer» C. that kill rats

Which of the following enhances soil fertility ?

A. crop rotation
B. improved methods of agriculture
C. using new seed verities
D. irrigation
Answer» A. crop rotation

Salinization is -------------------------

A. accumulation of salts in water
B. accumulation of salts in food
C. accumulation of salts in body animals
D. accumulation of salts in animals
Answer» A. accumulation of salts in water

What is oil slick ?

A. boiled oil
B. cooled oil
C. thin film of oil in sea water
D. oil in deep sea
Answer» D. oil in deep sea

Cigarette smoking exposes one to ---------------

A. sulphur dioxide
B. carbon dioxide
C. nitrogen peroxide
D. carbon monoxide
Answer» D. carbon monoxide

Noise is ---------------------

A. huge sound
B. sound of vehicles:
C. undesirable and unwanted sound
D. sound of crackers
Answer» C. undesirable and unwanted sound

Vermi composting is a natural method of

A. producing compost manure
B. producing worms
C. managing waste it creates
D. destroying worms
Answer» C. managing waste it creates

The intensity of earthquake is measured in ---------------

A. beaufort scale
B. richter scale
C. mohs scale
D. none
Answer» B. richter scale

Which of the below is most responsible for world water crisis ?

A. dams
B. floods
C. drought
D. population growth
Answer» D. population growth

Phagotropic mode of nutrition is found in ----------------

A. products
B. consumers
C. decomposers
D. all of these
Answer» B. consumers

Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of

A. potential energy
B. metabolic energy
C. heat
D. vapours
Answer» C. heat

The conversion of ammonia to nitrate is known as -------

A. ammonification
B. nitrification
C. denitrification
D. all of these
Answer» B. nitrification

The study of individual organism is known as

A. syn ecology
B. population ecology
C. autecology
D. human ecology
Answer» C. autecology

The resources that can be replaced by natural ecological cycle is called

A. renewable
B. nonrenewable
C. exhaustible
D. natural
Answer» A. renewable

Natural earthquakes are caused by --------------

A. earth’s crust
B. deep seas
C. peak mountains
D. forests
Answer» A. earth’s crust

Any unfavorable alteration of the environment may be called as

A. eutrophication
B. environment pollution
C. biomagnigication
D. bioaccumulation
Answer» B. environment pollution

The presence of solid, liquid or gaseous compounds, which may not be normally present, or in excess concentration in the atmosphere is called

A. air pollution
B. water pollution
C. soil pollution
D. radioactive pollution
Answer» A. air pollution

The place where the river meets the sea is called

A. estuaries
B. oceans
C. lake
D. wetlands
Answer» A. estuaries

The historical monument that is affected by acid rain is

A. taj mahal
B. pyramid of egypt
C. pisa tower
D. golden temple
Answer» A. taj mahal

The expansion on POLI is

A. physical quality of life index
B. population quotient of life in india
C. poor quality of life in india
D. poverty, quality of life in india
Answer» B. population quotient of life in india

The presence of which is necessary for photosynthesis

A. chloroform
B. chlorophyll
C. phosphorus
D. polymer
Answer» B. chlorophyll

The Primary Consumers are also called as

A. herbivores
B. carnivores
C. enzymes
D. none of these
Answer» A. herbivores

Forest is an example of

A. marine ecosystem
B. limnic ecosystem
C. artificial ecosystem
D. terrestial ecosystem
Answer» D. terrestial ecosystem

The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is called

A. solar flux
B. reflected light
C. minerals
D. solvents
Answer» A. solar flux

Snake is an example of

A. primary carnivores
B. secondary carnivores
C. herbivores
D. none of these
Answer» B. secondary carnivores

The forests which occur in law rain fall area is

A. evergreen forests `
B. deciduous forests
C. coniferous forests
D. all the above
Answer» B. deciduous forests

All the genes of a population is called

A. gene poll
B. gene
C. ecosystem
D. population
Answer» A. gene poll

The destruction of habitat of plants and animals is called

A. endemism
B. endangered species
C. habitant loss
D. flood
Answer» C. habitant loss

Zoos are examples for

A. insitu conservation
B. in vivo conservation
C. exsitu conservation
D. exvivo conservation
Answer» C. exsitu conservation

Organ affected by pneumonia

A. liver
B. kidney
C. heart
D. lungs
Answer» D. lungs

In which Indian state is Corbet National park located

A. madya pradesh
B. uttarakhand
C. kerala
D. tamilnadu
Answer» B. uttarakhand

Who wrote the book ‘Violence of Green Revolution’

A. vandana siva
B. sheela dikshit
C. menaka gandhi
D. arundhathi roy
Answer» A. vandana siva

The first national park of Kerala

A. aralam
B. kottayam
C. idukki
D. iravikulam
Answer» D. iravikulam

In which year was ‘Project Tiger’ launched?

A. 1973
B. 1964
C. 1998
D. 1970
Answer» A. 1973

The biggest award for environmental activities in India is given in the Name of an individual. In whose name is it constituted?

A. lal bahadur shasthri
B. morarji desai
C. indira gandhi
D. kamaraj
Answer» C. indira gandhi

On which date was the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment held ?

A. july 6th 1974
B. aug 8th 1976
C. june 5th 1972
D. dec 12th 1990
Answer» C. june 5th 1972

Where was the Stockholm conference on Human Environment held?

A. sweden
B. austria
C. india
D. greece
Answer» A. sweden

World Earth Day is observed on

A. may 24
B. july 5
C. aug 2
D. april 22
Answer» D. april 22

The controversial dam across the river Narmada ?

A. sardar sarovar
B. hirakud
C. bhakranangal
D. sutlej
Answer» A. sardar sarovar

Leader of ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’

A. vandana siva
B. medha patkar
C. menaka gandhi
D. mayilamma
Answer» B. medha patkar

Most abundant noble gas of the atmosphere is

A. neon
B. xenon
C. argon
D. krypton
Answer» A. neon

The most harmful of ultraviolet radiations are

A. uv-c
B. uv-b
C. uv-a
D. all the above
Answer» A. uv-c

Formation of soil takes place by

A. weathering
B. pedogenesis
C. melting
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Favorable morphological and physiological response to a change in environment is called

A. preadaptation
B. ecotyping
C. formation of ecophenes
D. accilimatisation
Answer» D. accilimatisation

Plants adapted to open, sunny habitats are

A. sciophytes
B. heliophytes
C. mesophytes
D. epiphytes
Answer» A. sciophytes

Plants growing under shade are

A. epipytes
B. semi-epiphytes
C. mesophytes
D. sciophytes
Answer» D. sciophytes

Study of inter-relationship between organisms and their environment is

A. ecology
B. ecosystem
C. phytogeography
D. ethology
Answer» A. ecology

Who among is a famous plant ecologist of India ?

A. charles darwin
B. ramdeva misra
C. birbal sahani
D. jagdish chandra bose
Answer» B. ramdeva misra

Grassland of USA is referred to as

A. praires
B. steppes
C. pampas
D. veldts
Answer» A. praires

Deserts occur in area of

A. adverse human disturbance
B. underground saline water
C. little underground water
D. rain shadow
Answer» C. little underground water

The term sustainable development was first used by…….

A. world development report
B. brundtland report
C. world environment report
D. none of the
Answer» B. brundtland report

The research report “The Limits to Growth” was published by:

A. uno
B. iucnn
C. green peace
D. club of rome.
Answer» D. club of rome.

An example of green house gases is……

A. oxygen
B. carbon monoxide
C. helium
D. methane
Answer» D. methane

‘Tragedy of the Commons” is explained by

A. garret hardin
B. a
C. pigou c) brundtland
D. simon kuznet.
Answer» A. garret hardin

The term bio-diversity is coined by:

A. w.g.rosen
B. ronald coarse
C. rachel carson
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. w.g.rosen

The presence of Ozone layer in the atmosphere was first observed by:

A. w.g.rosen
B. ronald coarse
C. chapman
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. chapman

The term Green House Effect was coined by:

A. ronald coarse
B. garret hardin
C. j.fourier
D. none of these.
Answer» C. j.fourier

What is called the biodiversity of habitat?

A. alpha diversity
B. beta diversity
C. gamma diversity
D. biosphere
Answer» A. alpha diversity

Which regions are included in Biodiversity Hot-spot?

A. sanctuary
B. national park
C. only hotspot
D. all the above.
Answer» A. sanctuary

In which one of the following countries, the ‘Earth Summit’ was held?

A. the uk
B. brazil
C. mexico
D. china
Answer» B. brazil

Conservation of biodiversity is important for:

A. animals
B. plants
C. animals and plants
D. all organisms
Answer» D. all organisms

The type of diversity including all the different kinds of living things found in a certain habitat is called as:

A. species diversity
B. genetic diversity
C. ecosystem diversity
D. population diversity
Answer» A. species diversity
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