
570+ General Science Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: General Knowledge (GK) , Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) , Indian Administrative Service (IAS) , Staff Selection Commission (SSC) .


Chapter: Physics

Which of the following measurements is not a unit of distance?

A. Ammeter
B. Cubit
C. Parsec
D. Angstrom
Answer» A. Ammeter

Which one of the following remains constant while throwing a ball upward?

A. Displacement
B. Kinetic energy
C. Acceleration
D. Velocity
Answer» C. Acceleration

Pure water freezes at what temperature?

A. 47 F
B. 32 F
C. 0 F
D. 19 F
Answer» B. 32 F

Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits?

A. . Vitamin A
B. . Vitamin B
C. . Vitamin C
D. . Vitamin D
Answer» C. . Vitamin C

Which of the following statements is not true regarding LASER?

A. A LASER is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification .
B. LASER beams can be focused to very tiny spots, achieving a very high irradiance.
C. The emitted LASER light is notable for its high degree of dispersive power unattainable using other technologies.
D. LASER light is used in bar-code scanners
Answer» C. The emitted LASER light is notable for its high degree of dispersive power unattainable using other technologies.

If a moving body turns its speed to 1.5 times, what will be the impact on its kinetic energy?

A. will become 1.5 times
B. will become 3 times
C. will become 2.25 times
D. will become 6 times
Answer» C. will become 2.25 times

Two Flat mirrors are placed at an angle of 60° from each other. How many images will be formed of a Candle placed in between them?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» C. 5

A tourist, who plans to visit a hill station located at very high altitude also wishes to take along his Television Set. In this context, consider the following:
Plasma TV
Cathode Ray Tube TV
Which among the above are expected to work properly at very high altitudes?

A. Only 1
B. 1 & 2
C. 1 & 3
D. 2 & 3
Answer» C. 1 & 3

If an egg with shell is placed in a microwave oven, which among the following would most likely happen?

A. The egg will not get warmed
B. The egg will get cooked slowly similar to a boiled egg
C. The egg shell will explode
D. The egg shell becomes yellow
Answer» C. The egg shell will explode

Which among the following is the SI physical unit of dynamic viscosity?

A. Poise
B. Pascal-second
C. Newton-second
D. Poise-second
Answer» B. Pascal-second

Which among the following phenomena of the optics makes the Endoscopy capable of examining the internal organs such as Abdomen?

A. Interference
B. Total Internal Reflection
C. Diffraction
D. Scattering
Answer» B. Total Internal Reflection

An antenna in a Geostationary satellite should have a minimum beam width of which among the following values to cover the entire earth?

A. 8.56°
B. 17.34°
C. 22.16°
D. 23.25°
Answer» B. 17.34°

A piece of Ice was tied with a string to a water bucket‘s bottom, and the water bucket was filled with water with ice fully submerged in it. What would be the impact on the level of water when the ice melts away completely?

A. The level of water will go up
B. The level of water will go down
C. The level of water will remain unchanged
D. The level of water will first increase then come to the previous on
Answer» B. The level of water will go down

A ―Charge-coupled device‖ in the modern Digital Cameras has replaced which among the following in the traditional Cameras?

A. Lens
B. Shutter
C. Photographic film
D. Flash equipment
Answer» C. Photographic film

An instrument called ―Theodolite‖ is used in which among the following ?

A. Measuring distances, elevations, bearings etc.
B. Measuring rotational speed of a shaft
C. Measuring horizontal and vertical angles in triangular networks
D. Measuring acidity or alkalinity of solutions
Answer» C. Measuring horizontal and vertical angles in triangular networks

A person is standing in front of a wall and makes a sound. What should be the normal minimum distance between the person and the wall , so that the person hears echo?

A. 6 meters
B. 13 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 17 meters
Answer» D. 17 meters

A long Rail (approximately 700 meters) made up of steel is struck to produce a sound. The person standing on the other end of the rail would hear in which among the following pattern?

A. He listens the sound waves once propagated via steel
B. He listens the sound waves once propagated via air
C. He listens the sound waves twice, first propagated via steel and second propagated via air
D. He listens the sound waves twice, first propagated via air and second propagated via steel
Answer» C. He listens the sound waves twice, first propagated via steel and second propagated via air

Which among the following is studied under ‖ fulminology‖?

A. Sudden changes in atmosphere
B. Lightning
C. Cloudbursts
D. Volcanic Eruptions
Answer» B. Lightning

Which among the following has the lowest frequency Range?

A. L-Band
B. S-Band
C. C-Band
D. X-Band
Answer» A. L-Band

How does the Isotope of Iodine, Iodine-135 plays an important role in Nuclear Power Generation?

A. It is used as a fuel supplement in some of the modern Nuclear Reactors
B. It is a bi-product of Nuclear Reaction which kills the neutrons and this inhibits the power formation
C. It is a moderator used actively in the Nuclear Reactors
D. It is an experimental substance for Nuclear Fusion
Answer» B. It is a bi-product of Nuclear Reaction which kills the neutrons and this inhibits the power formation

Which among the following is the correct statement about Black Ice?

A. It is the product of the freezing of water droplets in highly polluted air
B. It is the thin transparent layer of ice made up usually on roads and pavement
C. It is the solid Carbon Dioxide
D. It is the frozen water of a highly polluted river
Answer» B. It is the thin transparent layer of ice made up usually on roads and pavement

In many countries with cold climates, the municipalities often sprinkle salt on icy roads in winter. Which among the following is the correct reason for this?

A. The Salt inhibits the formation of Ice Crystals
B. The Salt lowers the Freezing Point of water
C. The Salt raises the freezing Point of water
D. The salt provides necessary friction to the tires of the vehicles
Answer» B. The Salt lowers the Freezing Point of water

Consider the following:
1. Near Infrared
2. Mid Infrared
3. Far Infrared
Which among the following is the correct order of increasing wavelength of the above?

A. 1,2,3
B. 3,2,1
C. 2,1,3
D. 3,1,2
Answer» A. 1,2,3

Which among the following is measured by an Odometer?

A. Pressure
B. Height
C. Distance
D. Velocity
Answer» C. Distance

The term ―Isopycnic‖ is most closely defined by which among the following?

A. Two places with same atmospheric pressure
B. Two liquids with same viscosity
C. Two liquids with same density
D. Two places with same temperature
Answer» C. Two liquids with same density

Which among the following property of the matter is studied in ―Rheology‖?

A. Gravitation
B. Viscosity
C. Magnetic Properties
D. Entropy
Answer» B. Viscosity

―Fermi‖ is a unit of which among the following?

A. Mass
B. Length
C. Velocity
D. Frequency
Answer» B. Length

Which among the following correctly represents a Parsec?

A. 0.326 Light Years
B. 3.261 Light Years
C. 32.61 Light Years
D. 3.026 Light Years
Answer» B. 3.261 Light Years

Consider the following:
1. Submarine Communications
2. AM Radio
3. Short Wave Radio
4. Radar
Arrange the above in increasing frequency of the waves used in their applications.

A. 4 3 2 1
B. 1 2 3 4
C. 2 1 4 3
D. 2 3 4 1
Answer» B. 1 2 3 4

Consider the following advantages of the Optic Fibers and the Copper wires:
Optic Fibers are NOT susceptible to the electrical interference
Optic Fibers can be used to transmit more signals that Copper Wires
Optic Fibers can carry a signal over a single fiber, unlike the electricity which requires a pair of Copper wires.
Which among the above stand correct ?

A. Only 1 is correct
B. Only 1 & 2 are correct
C. All 1, 2 & 3 are correct
D. Only 3 is correct
Answer» C. All 1, 2 & 3 are correct

The power we use at Home has a frequency of 60Hz. What would be the period of the sine wave?

A. 0.116 seconds
B. 0.0116 seconds
C. 0.00116 secon
D. 0.0016 Microseconds
Answer» B. 0.0116 seconds

What do we call the part of the ―DTH Satellite dish‖ that converts the signals from electromagnetic or radio waves to electrical signals ?

A. Orthomode transducer (OMT)
B. Low-noise block converter (LNB)
C. Block upconverter (BUC)
D. Parabolic Dish
Answer» B. Low-noise block converter (LNB)

Which among the following waves are used in the gemstone industry to change white topaz into blue topaz?

A. X-Rays
B. Gamma Rays
C. Alpha Radiation
D. Beta Radiation
Answer» B. Gamma Rays

Which among the following waves are most commonly used in the Night Vision Devices?

A. Microwaves
B. Infra Red Waves
C. Ultra Violet Waves
D. Radio Waves
Answer» B. Infra Red Waves

Which among the following strictly works on the principle of dipole movement of the water molecules?

A. Refrigerator
B. Microwave Oven
C. Air Conditioner
D. Electric Geyser
Answer» B. Microwave Oven

Which among the following is the most common cause of Sunburn?

A. Ultraviolet Radiation
B. Visible Radiation
C. Infrared Radiation
D. Microwave Radiation
Answer» A. Ultraviolet Radiation

One Torr is equivalent to how many mm of Mercury?

A. 1 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 100 mm
D. 0.1 mm
Answer» A. 1 mm

―Svedberg Unit‖ is a unit of _________?

A. Concentration
B. Size
C. Density
D. Time
Answer» D. Time

A vehicle moving on a circular path experiences ________?

A. centripetal force
B. centrifugal force
C. gravitational force
D. None of the above
Answer» A. centripetal force

At which of the following places water shall boil at the lowest temperature?

A. Kochi
B. ooty
C. Mount Abu
D. New Delhi
Answer» B. ooty

In which year, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for Raman effect?

A. 1927
B. 1929
C. 1930
D. 1932
Answer» C. 1930

Which among the following are used in Computed tomography (CT) Scan?

A. X-Rays
B. Ultrasound
C. Infrared waves
D. Radio Waves
Answer» A. X-Rays

Which among the following instruments used in Forensic Sciences is popular as Lie detector?

A. SmartWater
B. Culpascope
C. Polygraph
D. Bio Sensor
Answer» C. Polygraph

Which among the following component of a fluorescent lamp contributes maximum in making them costly?

A. Mercury vapor
B. Light-emitting phosphors
C. Ballast
D. Filament
Answer» C. Ballast

An electrical fuse is used to interrupt excessive________?

A. Voltage
B. Current
C. Resistance
D. Inductance
Answer» B. Current

In context with electromagnetism, which among the following is a correct definition of Permeability?

A. Ability of a material to repel magnetic field within itself
B. Ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within another body
C. Ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself
D. Ability of a material to create magnetic dipoles
Answer» C. Ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself

The following is measured in tonne of oil equivalent (toe) ?

A. Volume of Oil
B. Energy released by burning of oil
C. Demand of Crude oil at a point of time
D. Oil production capacity of a country
Answer» B. Energy released by burning of oil

Who among the following coined the term ―cosmic rays‖ ?

A. Henri Becquerel
B. Theodor Wulf
C. Robert Millikan
D. Bruno Rossi
Answer» C. Robert Millikan

Which among the following is the most acceptable range of LEO (Low Earth orbit)?

A. 350 – 2,600 kms
B. 200-2000 kms
C. 160 – 2,000 kms
D. 160-1600 kms
Answer» C. 160 – 2,000 kms

Which among the following is a Beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile

A. Agni
B. Prithvi
C. Astra
D. Nag
Answer» C. Astra

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