Chapter: Indian Constitution

The idea of Constituent Assembly to frame a constitution for India was first mooted by

A. MN Roy in 1927
B. Indian National Congress in 1936
C. Muslim League in 1942
Answer» A. MN Roy in 1927

The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held in

A. New Delhi
B. Bombay
C. Kolkata
Answer» A. New Delhi

The Objective Resolution, which outlined the philosophy of India constitution was moved in the Constituent Assembly by

A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Dr. BR Ambedkar
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer» C. Jawaharlal Nehru

The Objective Resolution reflected the perception of the Constituent Assembly as

A. India to be a sovereign independent republic
B. India to be a mix economy state
C. India to be a democratic nation
Answer» A. India to be a sovereign independent republic

The Government of India Act 1919 was known as

A. Morley Minto Reforms
B. Mont Ford Reform
C. Wavell reform
Answer» B. Mont Ford Reform

Which Act had introduced the dyarchical system in the Indian province

A. The Indian Council Act,1892
B. The Indian Council Act, 1909
C. The Indian Council Act, 1919
Answer» C. The Indian Council Act, 1919

Poorna Swaraj Diwas was celebrated on the following day

A. 26th January,1930
B. 26th January,1939
C. 26th January,1935
Answer» A. 26th January,1930

To complete making of India Constitution, the Constituent Assembly took

A. 2 years,10 month and 18 days
B. 2 years,11 month and 16 days
C. 2 years,11 month and 18 days
Answer» C. 2 years,11 month and 18 days

Who was the first elected President of the Constituent Assembly?

A. H C Mukherjee
B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C. Sir BN Rau
Answer» B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Which of the following Act provided for a Federal Form of Government for India?

A. Government of India Act, 1935
B. Indian Independence Act,1947
C. Government of India Act, 1919
Answer» A. Government of India Act, 1935

The design of the National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on

A. July 22,1948
B. July 22, 1947
C. July 22, 1946
Answer» B. July 22, 1947

The National Anthem was adopted by the Constituent assembly

A. January 24, 1950
B. January 24, 1947
C. January 24, 1951
Answer» A. January 24, 1950

The song Jana Gana Mana was adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem

A. January 24, 1950
B. January 24, 1949
C. January 24, 1951
Answer» A. January 24, 1950

Two independent states of India and Pakistan were created by

A. The Shimla conference
B. The Cripps Mission
C. The Indian Independent Act
Answer» C. The Indian Independent Act

Originally, the constitution of India contains

A. Preamble,395 Articles,24 parts and 8 Schedules
B. Preamble,395 Articles,22 parts and 12 Schedules
C. Preamble, 395 Articles, 22 parts and 8 Schedules
Answer» C. Preamble, 395 Articles, 22 parts and 8 Schedules

The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on

A. 26th November,1948
B. 28th November,1949
C. 26th November,1949
Answer» C. 26th November,1949

The Constitution of India came into force on

A. 26th January,1950
B. 24th January,1950
C. 28th January,1950
Answer» A. 26th January,1950

The „Heart and Soul Of India Constitution’ is

A. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art.32)
B. Right to Education (Art.21 A)
C. Right to freedom of Religion (Art. 25)
Answer» A. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art.32)

Who is commonly known as the Father of India Constitution

A. Dr. BR Ambedkar
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Sardar Valabhai Patel
Answer» A. Dr. BR Ambedkar

Arrange the terms in proper sequence as they appear in the Preamble of the Constitution of India

A. Sovereign, Secular, Democratic, Republic, Socialist
B. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
C. Sovereign, Democratic Socialist, Secular, Republic
Answer» B. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic

The main source of India Constitution was

A. Constitution of UK
B. Government of India Act, 1935
C. Constitution of USA
Answer» B. Government of India Act, 1935

Which of the following two words were added in the 42nd Amenment,1976

A. Sovereign and Democratic
B. Socialist and Secular
C. Sovereign and Socialist
Answer» B. Socialist and Secular

The Constitution of India has borrowed, Fundamental Duties from which of these countries Constitution

C. Canada
Answer» B. USSR

Fundamental Duties are contained in

A. Part IV A, Article 51 A
B. Part IV A, Article 50 A
C. Part IV A, Article 52 A
Answer» A. Part IV A, Article 51 A

Magna Carta of India refer to

A. Part III of India Constitution
B. Part IV of India Constitution
C. Part I of India Constitution
Answer» A. Part III of India Constitution

Fundamental Rights are contained in

A. Part III, Article 14-35
B. Part IV, Article 14-35
C. Part II, Article 14-35
Answer» A. Part III, Article 14-35

Part III of Indian Constitution guarantees

A. Six fundamental rights
B. Seven fundamental rights
C. Five fundamental rights
Answer» A. Six fundamental rights

Parliamentary form of Government was borrowed from which country

A. Constitution of USSR
B. Constitution of UK
C. Constitution of Japan
Answer» B. Constitution of UK

Parliamentary form of Government is also known as

A. Westminster Model of Government
B. Unitary Model of Government
C. Communist Model of government
Answer» A. Westminster Model of Government

The concept of Rule of Law was borrowed from

A. British Constitution
B. USA Constitution
C. China Constitution
Answer» A. British Constitution

Provision of Directive Principles of State Policy was borrowed from

A. Irish Constitution
B. Australia Constitution
C. South Africa Constitution
Answer» A. Irish Constitution

Directive Principle of State policy are

A. Enforceable to the law courts
B. Not enforceable to the law courts
C. Court are not interfere in case of violation
Answer» B. Not enforceable to the law courts

Article 1 of the Indian Constitution states

A. India shall be a union of states
B. India shall be democratic state
C. India shall be federal states
Answer» A. India shall be a union of states

Habeas Corpus meant

A. To have the body
B. To bring justice
C. To enquire the case
Answer» A. To have the body

Article 21A deal with

A. Right to Education
B. Right to Property
C. Right to Life
Answer» A. Right to Education

Right to Education was passed by

A. 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002
B. 86th Constitutional Amendment Act,2004
C. 86th Constitutional Amendment Act,2006
Answer» A. 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002

Article 22 grants two kind of protection to persons who are arrested or detained, such as

A. Punitive Detention and Preventive detention
B. Normal and Abnormal Detention
C. Absolute and partial detention
Answer» A. Punitive Detention and Preventive detention

Preventive detention mean

A. Detention of person without trial and conviction by a court
B. Detention of person in advance
C. Detention of suspected person without inform
Answer» A. Detention of person without trial and conviction by a court

The Constitution of India provide

A. Dual Citizenship
B. Single Citizenship
C. Federal Citizenship
Answer» B. Single Citizenship

Voting age was reduced to 18 years from 21 years in 1989 by

A. 61st Constitutional Amendment, 1998
B. 61st Constitutional Amendment,1988
C. 61st Constitutional Amendment, 1978
Answer» B. 61st Constitutional Amendment,1988
Chapter: Indian Federalism

The 7th Schedule of the Constitution of India contains provision regarding

A. Administration of Tribal Areas
B. Oath and Affirmation
C. The Union, State, Concurrent list
Answer» C. The Union, State, Concurrent list

The Indian Constitution is unitary in spirit because

A. Single Citizenship for all state
B. Division of power
C. Written Constitution
Answer» A. Single Citizenship for all state

The Union Parliament has exclusive power to make Laws with respect to subjects in

A. The Union List
B. The State List
C. The Concurrent list
Answer» A. The Union List

The State Legislature has exclusive power to make Laws with respect to subjects in

A. The Union List
B. The State List
C. The Concurrent list
Answer» B. The State List

The Union Parliament and the State legislature have exclusive power to make Laws with respect to subjects in

A. The Union List
B. The State List
C. The Concurrent list
Answer» C. The Concurrent list

The Union List contains

A. 97 items
B. 87 items
C. 47 items
Answer» A. 97 items

The state list contains

A. 87 items
B. 66 items
C. 47 items
Answer» B. 66 items

The Concurrent list contains

A. 37 items
B. 86 items
C. 47 items
Answer» C. 47 items

The Centre-State relations have been dealt by

A. Sarkaria commission
B. Ashok Mehta Commission
C. Balwant Rai Mehta Commission
Answer» A. Sarkaria commission

Emergency Provision are given in

A. Article 352-360
B. Article 350-364
C. Article 342-368
Answer» A. Article 352-360

Sarkaria Commission was established to study

A. Centre – State relations
B. President – Governor relations
C. President – Prime Minister relations
Answer» A. Centre – State relations

The Union territories are administered by

A. The Prime Minister
B. The Union Cabinet
C. The President through administrators appointed by him
Answer» C. The President through administrators appointed by him

Railway is under the subject of

A. Union List
B. State List
C. Concurrent List
Answer» A. Union List

In case of a conflict between the Centre and the state in respect of subject included in the Concurrent List

A. The Union Law prevails
B. The State Law prevails
C. The Supreme Court will decide
Answer» A. The Union Law prevails

Which Article of the Indian Constitution discuss the financial relations between the Centre and the State

A. Article 268-281
B. Article 268-278
C. Article 268-282
Answer» A. Article 268-281

Education comes under the

A. Union List
B. State List
C. Concurrent List
Answer» C. Concurrent List

Emergency Provision are contained in

A. Part XVIII of the Constitution
B. Part XIV of the Constitution
C. Part XII of the Constitution
Answer» A. Part XVIII of the Constitution

Financial Emergency due to a threat to the financial stability or credit of India are contained in

A. Article 352
B. Article 360
C. Article 356
Answer» B. Article 360

An Emergency due to the failure of the Constitutional machinery in the states are contained in

A. Article 360
B. Article 352
C. Article 356
Answer» C. Article 356

An Emergency due to war, external aggression or armed rebellion popularly known as „National Emergency’ is contained in

A. Article 352
B. Article 360
C. Article 356
Answer» A. Article 352

The President can declare Emergency only after written recommendation from

A. Lok Sabha Resolution
B. Union Cabinet Resolution
C. Rajya Sabha resolution
Answer» B. Union Cabinet Resolution

Proclamation of emergency must be approved by both House of parliament within

A. Within 1 month
B. Within 2 month
C. Within 3 month
Answer» A. Within 1 month

During National emergency fundamental right are suspended except

A. Article 20 and 21
B. Article 24
C. Article 14
Answer» A. Article 20 and 21

The first proclamation of National Emergency, 1962 was issued on account of

A. Chinese Aggression in NEFA
B. Internal Disturbance
C. India- Pakistan War
Answer» A. Chinese Aggression in NEFA

During National Emergency the Parliament becomes empowered to make Laws on

A. Any subject mentioned in the state list
B. Only the subject mentioned in the Union List
C. None of the above
Answer» A. Any subject mentioned in the state list

The Union List includes

A. Defence, foreign affairs, currency
B. Education, trade union, commerce
C. Police, health, local administration
Answer» A. Defence, foreign affairs, currency

The state list includes

A. Police, health, Local administration
B. Atomic energy, treaty
C. Trade and commerce
Answer» A. Police, health, Local administration

Federal features of India constitution are

A. Written and supremacy of the Constitution
B. Single citizenship
C. Strong Centre
Answer» A. Written and supremacy of the Constitution

KC Wheare describe the Constitution of India as

A. “Quasi-Federal”
B. “Cooperative - Federal”
C. “Competitive Federal”
Answer» A. “Quasi-Federal”

Granville Austin called the Indian federalism as

A. “Completive Federalism”
B. “Cooperative Federalism”
C. “ Bargaining Federalism”
Answer» B. “Cooperative Federalism”

Tensions between states and Centre are often created by

A. Imposition of President Rules in the state
B. Activity of opposition party
C. Media instigated activity in the state
Answer» A. Imposition of President Rules in the state

The central government appointed a six members Administrative reforms commission in 1966 to study

A. To study various issues in Centre- State relations
B. Working of the Constitution
C. Pay revision Committee for Parliamentarians
Answer» A. To study various issues in Centre- State relations

The Sarkaria commission was appointed by the central Government in the year

A. 1983
B. 1974
C. 1992
Answer» A. 1983

The Punchhi Commission was established in April,2007 to study

A. To study Centre State relations
B. To study working of Emergency Provision
C. To study working of Fundamental Right
Answer» A. To study Centre State relations

Fundamental right under article 19 can be suspended only on

A. External Aggression under National Emergency
B. State Emergency
C. Financial Emergency
Answer» A. External Aggression under National Emergency

A proclamation of national Emergency automatically suspends

A. All fundamental right
B. Right to freedom
C. No fundamental right suspended
Answer» B. Right to freedom

The proclamation of President‟s Rule should be approved by the parliament within

A. Within 2 month
B. Within 3 month
C. Within 1 month
Answer» A. Within 2 month

Tension and conflict area in Centre-State relations are created by

A. Mode of appointment and dismissal of Governor
B. Role of NGO in the state
C. Prevailing situation in the state
Answer» A. Mode of appointment and dismissal of Governor

During National Emergency ,Parliament can extend the life of the Lok Sabha beyond the five year term for a period

A. Not exceeding 1 year
B. Not exceeding 6 month
C. Not exceeding 3 month
Answer» A. Not exceeding 1 year

The provision of amending the Constitution is given in

A. Part XX Article 368
B. Part XXI Article 248
C. Part XXIV Article 248
Answer» A. Part XX Article 368
Chapter: Union Government President, Parliament & Prime Minister. State Government Governor, State Legislatu

The President of India is an integral part of

A. The parliament
B. The Constitution
C. The Judiciary
Answer» A. The parliament

The Prime Minister is the head of

A. The Government
B. The Constitution
C. The State
Answer» A. The Government

The President of India is elected by

A. Members of the Union Parliament
B. Members of Parliament and State Legislative Assembly
C. Directly elected by the people
Answer» B. Members of Parliament and State Legislative Assembly

The President of India is elected for a term of

A. 5 years
B. 6 years
C. 4 years
Answer» A. 5 years

The Prime Minister is appointed by

A. The President
B. Chief Justice of India
C. High Court Judge
Answer» A. The President

Minimum age of the President should be

A. 40 years
B. 35 years
C. 25 years
Answer» B. 35 years

Lok Sabha consisted of

A. 500 members
B. 550 members
C. 547 members
Answer» C. 547 members

Money Bill can be introduced only in the

A. Lok Sabha
B. Rajya Sabha
C. Both Houses of the parliament
Answer» A. Lok Sabha

The prime Minister holds office for

A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
Answer» C. 5 years

The Lok Sabha is summoned at least

A. Once a year
B. Twice a year
C. Thrice a year
Answer» B. Twice a year

The presiding officer of the Lok Sabha is called

A. Speaker
B. Chairman
C. Minister
Answer» A. Speaker

The Union Council of Minister shall be collectively responsible

A. The Prime Minister
B. The House of the People (Lok Sabha)
C. The president
Answer» B. The House of the People (Lok Sabha)

The Prime Minister is

A. Minority Party leader
B. Majority party leader
C. Leader of Rajya Sabha
Answer» B. Majority party leader

The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by

A. The President of India
B. The prime Minister
C. The members of the Lok Sabha
Answer» C. The members of the Lok Sabha

The ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the

A. The President of India
B. The Prime Minister of India
C. The Vice- President of India
Answer» C. The Vice- President of India

State Governor enjoy the office during the pleasure of

A. Both House of parliament
B. The president
C. The prime Minister
Answer» B. The president

The Vice President of India is elected y

A. The people
B. The Lok Sabha
C. The members of both Houses of the Parliament
Answer» C. The members of both Houses of the Parliament

The meetings of the Council of Ministers, Union Government is presided over by

A. The President
B. The Prime Minister
C. The Speaker
Answer» B. The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in

A. Rajya Sabha
B. Lok Sabha
C. Both Houses of parliament
Answer» B. Lok Sabha

The Council of Minister hold office as long as it enjoy

A. The confidence of the Parliament
B. The Confidence of the Lok Sabha
C. The confidence of the President
Answer» B. The Confidence of the Lok Sabha
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