870+ Heat Transfer (HT) Solved MCQs


Which type of heat exchanger is preferred for heavy heat loads?

A. Double pipe
B. Plate fine
C. Series and parallel set of shell and tube
D. None of these
Answer» C. Series and parallel set of shell and tube

For condensation of pure vapors, if the heat transfer co-efficients in filmwise and drop-wise condensation are respectively hf and hd, then

A. hf = hd
B. hf > hd
C. hf < hd
D. hf could be greater or smaller than hd
Answer» C. hf < hd

The unit of heat transfer co-efficient in SI unit is

A. J/M2°K
B. W/m2°K
C. W/m°K
D. J/m°K
Answer» B. W/m2°K

Heat transfer in the laminar sub-layer in case of a liquid flowing through a pipe, is mostly by

A. Eddies current
B. Conduction
C. Convection
D. None of these
Answer» B. Conduction

If the baffle spacing in a shell and tube heat exchanger increases, then the Reynolds number of the shell side fluid

A. Remains unchanged
B. Increases
C. Increases or decreases depending on number of shell passes
D. Decreases
Answer» D. Decreases

__________ heat exchanger is the most suitable, when the temperature of shell side fluid is much higher than that of tube side.

A. Single pass, fixed tube sheet
B. U-tube
C. Three pass, fixed tube sheet
D. None of these
Answer» B. U-tube

Fouling factor

A. Is a dimensionless quantity
B. Does not provide a safety factor for design
C. Accounts for additional resistances to heat flow
D. None of these
Answer» C. Accounts for additional resistances to heat flow

Evaporation of 1kg of water from a solution in a single effect evaporator requires about __________ kg of steam.

A. 0.4 - 0.6
B. 1-1.3
C. 1.8-2
D. 2 - 2.4
Answer» B. 1-1.3

As the difference between the wall temperature and bulk temperature increases, the boiling heat transfer co-efficient

A. Continues to increase
B. Continues to decrease
C. Goes through a minimum
D. Goes through a maximum
Answer» C. Goes through a minimum

Thermal conductivities of most of the liquids __________ with rise in temperature.

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. May increase or decrease; depends on the liquid
Answer» B. Decreases

The equivalent diameter for pressure drop is __________ that for heat transfer.

A. Smaller than
B. Greater than
C. Equal to
D. Not related with
Answer» A. Smaller than

The purpose of providing a 'catchall' in the vapor line of an evaporator is to

A. Create vacuum
B. Regulate the vapor flow
C. Vent the non-condensable gases
D. Arrest the entrained liquid
Answer» D. Arrest the entrained liquid

Which of the following accessories is provided in the vapor line of an evaporator for removing the entrained liquid?

A. Bleed point
B. Vent
C. Catchall
D. Baffle
Answer» C. Catchall

Removal of __________ heat is involved in the condensation of a vapor under saturated conditions.

A. Super
B. Sensible
C. Latent
D. Both (B) & (C)
Answer» B. Sensible

In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to

A. Facilitate cleaning of the exchanger
B. Increase the heat transfer area
C. Relieve stresses caused by thermal expansion
D. Increase log mean temperature gradient
Answer» C. Relieve stresses caused by thermal expansion

The energy radiated from a surface Q at absolute temperature T is related as

A. Q ∝ T2
B. Q ∝ T4
C. Q ∝ T3
D. None of these
Answer» B. Q ∝ T4

Electromagnetic radiations propagate in vacuum with a velocity of __________ metre/second.

A. 3 × 105
B. 3 × 108
C. 3 × 1010
D. 3 × 1012
Answer» B. 3 × 108

Absorptivity of a perfect black body is unity. Which of the following has maximum absorptivity?

A. Aluminium foil
B. Refractory bricks
C. Iron plate
D. Coke breeze
Answer» D. Coke breeze

With the increase of temperature, the Col-burn jH factor

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. May increase or decrease; depending on temperature
Answer» A. Increases

Crystallisation of solids from a homogeneous solution is a/an __________ process.

A. Exothermic
B. Mildly endothermic
C. Highly endothermic
D. None of these
Answer» A. Exothermic

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Heat transfer by radiation cannot occur across an absolute volume
B. In case of a shell and tube heat exchanger, the pressure drop through the shell is proportional to the number of times the fluid crosses the bundle between baffles
C. Propagation velocity for travel of heat radiation through vacuum is equal to the velocity of the light
D. The amount of heat involved in the condensation or vaporisation of 1 kg of a fluid is the same
Answer» A. Heat transfer by radiation cannot occur across an absolute volume

Steam condensate is recovered by steam traps and recycled for use as boiler feed water, because of its low

A. Hardness
B. Dissolved solids content
C. Suspended solids content
D. All (A), (B) and (C)
Answer» D. All (A), (B) and (C)

In case of a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger, providing a baffle on the shell side __________ the heat transfer rate.

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Does not affect
D. May increase or decrease, depends on the type of baffle
Answer» A. Increases

__________ paint has the maximum absorption coefficient.

A. Black
B. Yellow
C. White
D. Grey
Answer» A. Black

The advantage of backward feed multiple effect evaporators over forward feed units is that

A. Heat sensitive material can be handled
B. There is no additional cost of pumping
C. Most concentrated liquid is at highest temperature
D. Equal heat transfer co-efficients exist in various effects
Answer» C. Most concentrated liquid is at highest temperature

Baffles are provided in heat exchangers to increase the

A. Fouling factor
B. Heat transfer area
C. Heat transfer co-efficient
D. Heat transfer rate
Answer» C. Heat transfer co-efficient

Film boiling is usually not desired in commercial equipments, because

A. The heat transfer rate is low in view of the large temperature drop
B. It is difficult to maintain
C. It is not economic
D. None of these
Answer» A. The heat transfer rate is low in view of the large temperature drop

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Superheated steam is preferably not used for process heating because of its low heat transfer film co-efficient
B. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the shell pressure drop is maximum for orifice baffles
C. S.I. unit of fouling factor is Watt/m2 .°K
D. Longitudinal fins are used in extended surface heat exchangers, when the direction of fluid flow is parallel to the axis of the tube
Answer» C. S.I. unit of fouling factor is Watt/m2 .°K

A dephlegmator is a

A. Total condenser
B. Vacuum evaporator
C. Partial condenser
D. Double pipe heat exchanger
Answer» C. Partial condenser

Prandtl and Reynold's analogies are identical for Prandtl number value of

A. 0
B. 0.5
C. 1
D. 5
Answer» C. 1

Reynold's analogy states that (where, St = Stanton number f = friction factor)

A. St = f/2
B. St = f/4
C. St = 4f
D. St = f1/2
Answer» A. St = f/2

The rate of heat transfer through a pipe wall is given by, q = 2π k (Ti- T0)/ln (ri /r0). For cylinder of very thin wall, q can be approximated by

A. q = [2π k (Ti + T0)/2]/ln (ri /r0)
B. q = 2π ri k (Ti- T0)/(r0/ri)
C. q = 2π k (Ti- T0)/(r0/ri)
D. q = 2π k (Ti- T0)/[(r0 + ri)/2]
Answer» D. q = 2π k (Ti- T0)/[(r0 + ri)/2]

Heat transfer by natural convection is enhanced in system with

A. High viscosity
B. High co-efficient of thermal expansion
C. Low temperature gradients
D. Low density change with temperature
Answer» B. High co-efficient of thermal expansion

If a single tube pass heat exchanger is converted to two pass, then for the same flow rate, the pressure drop per unit length in tube side will

A. Increase by 1.8 times
B. Decrease by 22
C. Increase by 216
D. Remain unchanged
Answer» C. Increase by 216

At what value of Prandtl number, the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers of a fluid flowing over a heated plate will be identical?

A. 1
B. < 1
C. > 1
D. None of these
Answer» A. 1

A measure of the extent to which viscous heating is important relative to the heat flow resulting from the impressed temperature difference is represented by the __________ number.

A. Condensation
B. Grashoff
C. Stanton
D. Brinkman
Answer» D. Brinkman

Heat flux through several resistances in series in analogous to the current flowing through several

A. Resistances in parallel
B. Capacitors in series
C. Resistances in series
D. None of these
Answer» C. Resistances in series

Heat transfer efficiency leading of energy conservation in a heat exchanger can be achieved by

A. Keeping the heat transfer surface clean
B. Enhancing the fluid pumping rate
C. Increasing the tube length
D. None of these
Answer» A. Keeping the heat transfer surface clean

For a counter current heat exchanger with Ti h = 80°C, T°c = 60°C, T°h = 50°C and Ti c = 30°C, and the temperature difference between the two streams being the same everywhere along Z, the direction of flow of hot fluid. The temperature profile should satisfy

A. d 2T/dZ2 > 0
B. d 2T/dZ2 = 0
C. d 2T/dZ2 < 0
D. dT/dZ = 0
Answer» B. d 2T/dZ2 = 0

Which is the most suitable for the concert-ration of highly concentrated solution?

A. Open pan evaporation
B. Long tube vertical evaporator
C. Agitated film evaporator
D. None of these
Answer» A. Open pan evaporation

For gases, the thermal conductivity increases with temperature rise. For liquids, with increase in concentration, its thermal conductivity generally

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Increases exponentially
Answer» A. Decreases

A hot liquid is kept in a big room. The logarithm of the numerical value of the temperature difference between the liquid and the room is plotted against time. The plot will be very nearly a/an

A. Ellipse
B. Straight line
C. Parabola
D. Circular arc
Answer» B. Straight line

With increase in the distance between the heat source and the object receiving the heat, the radiation heat transfer

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Increases exponentially
D. Remain unaffected
Answer» A. Decreases

Prandtl number is the ratio of

A. Mass diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
B. Momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
C. Thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity
D. Thermal diffusivity to momentum diffusivity
Answer» B. Momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity

Double pipe heat exchangers are preferably useful, when

A. High viscosity liquid is to be cooled
B. Requirement of heat transfer area is low
C. Overall heat transfer co-efficient is very high
D. A corrosive liquid is to be heated
Answer» B. Requirement of heat transfer area is low

A hot body will radiate heat most rapidly, if its surface is

A. White & rough
B. Black & rough
C. White & polished
D. Black & polished
Answer» B. Black & rough

Rate of heat transfer by vaporisation from pools of water is affected by the

A. Nature of heating surface and distribution of bubbles
B. Surface tension of water
C. Viscosity of water
D. All (A), (B) and (C)
Answer» D. All (A), (B) and (C)

Thickness of thermal boundary layer is more compared to that of hydrodynamic boundary layer, when the value of Prandtl number is

A. 1
B. < 1
C. > 1
D. > 5
Answer» B. < 1

The purpose of providing bleed points in the evaporator is to

A. Admit the feed
B. Remove the product
C. Facilitate removal of non-condensable gases
D. Create vacuum
Answer» C. Facilitate removal of non-condensable gases

Choose the most important factor on which the heat conducted through a wall in a unit time will depend on?

A. Thickness of the wall
B. Area of the wall perpendicular to heat flow
C. Material of the wall
D. Temperature difference between the two surfaces of the wall
Answer» D. Temperature difference between the two surfaces of the wall

With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of steel

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Increases exponentially
Answer» B. Decreases

Film boiling occurs at __________ pressure.

A. Atmospheric
B. Sub-atmospheric
C. Negative
D. Very high
Answer» D. Very high

In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the tube side heat transfer co-efficient just at the entrance of the tube is

A. Infinity
B. Zero
C. Same as average heat transfer co-efficient for tube side
D. None of these
Answer» A. Infinity

At Pr > 1, conduction in an ordinary fluid flowing through a heated pipe is limited to the

A. Buffer zone
B. Turbulent core
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. Viscous sub-layer
Answer» D. Viscous sub-layer

Which of the following is the most controlling factor for the rate of bubble detachment from the hot solid surface?

A. Liquid density
B. Liquid viscosity
C. Hot surface temperature
D. Interfacial tension
Answer» D. Interfacial tension

'Fouling factor' used in the design of a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger is a www.objectivebooks.com

A. Non-dimensional factor
B. Factor of safety
C. Conversion factor for individual film heat transfer co-efficient to overall heat transfer coefficient
D. None of these
Answer» B. Factor of safety

Radiation heat transfer rates does not depend upon the

A. Type of absorbing surface
B. Distance between the heat source and the object receiving the heat
C. Surface area and temperature of the heat source
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Economy of an evaporator is influenced by the

A. Steam pressure
B. Feed temperature
C. Number of effect
D. Both (B) & (C)
Answer» D. Both (B) & (C)

If all the conditions and dimensions are same, then the ratio of velocity through the tubes of a double pass heat exchanger to that through the single pass heat exchanger is

A. 1
B. 2
C. 1/2
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

Circulation pump is located below the evaporator to

A. Avoid cavitation
B. Avoid frequent priming
C. Create more suction head
D. None of these
Answer» C. Create more suction head

Which of the following is not concerned with the heat transfer?

A. Brinkman number
B. Stanton number
C. Schmidt number
D. Peclet number
Answer» C. Schmidt number

Which of the following has the highest thermal conductivity?

A. Brick
B. Air
C. Water
D. Silver
Answer» D. Silver

__________ equation relates the thermal conductivity of a solid to its temperature.

A. Antoine
B. Kopp's
C. Lee's
D. Kistyakowsky
Answer» C. Lee's

A hollow sphere and a solid sphere of the same material and equal radii are heated to the same temperature. In this case,

A. The cooling rate will be the same for the two spheres and hence the two spheres will have equal temperatures at any instant
B. Both the spheres will emit equal amount of radiation per unit time in the beginning
C. Both will absorb equal amount of radiation from the surrounding in the beginning
D. Both (B) & (C)
Answer» D. Both (B) & (C)

Unsteady state heat conduction occurs, when

A. Temperature distribution is independent of time
B. Temperature distribution is dependent on time
C. Heat flows in one direction only
D. Three dimensional heat flow is concerned
Answer» B. Temperature distribution is dependent on time

A __________ surface has the maximum thermal emissivity out of the following.

A. Black & smooth
B. Black & rough
C. White & smooth
D. White & rough
Answer» B. Black & rough

For specified tube outside diameter, higher BWG means higher

A. Tube thickness
B. Cross-sectional area
C. Weight per unit length
D. None of these
Answer» B. Cross-sectional area

1 BTU/hr.ft.°F is equal to __________ kcal/hr. m.°C.

A. 1.49
B. 1
C. 4.88
D. None of these
Answer» A. 1.49

A long iron rod initially at a temperature of 20°C has one end dipped in boiling water (100°C) at time, t = 0. The curved surface of the rod is insulated so that heat conduction is one dimensional in the axial direction. The temperature at a distance 100 mm from the dipped end becomes 40°C at time, t = 200 s. The same temperature is achieved at a distance of 200 mm from the dipped end at time

A. t = 283 s
B. t = 356 s
C. t = 400 s
D. t = 800 s
Answer» D. t = 800 s

Multiple effect evaporation is generally recommended, when the

A. Large scale evaporation of liquor is needed
B. Corrosive liquids are to be concentrated
C. Fuel is cheaply available
D. Evaporation on small scale is to be done
Answer» A. Large scale evaporation of liquor is needed

Value of Prandtl number for water ranges from

A. 1 to 2
B. 5 to 10
C. 100 to 500
D. 1000 to 2000
Answer» B. 5 to 10

Which of the following is correct?

A. Rate = Driving force × Resistance
B. Driving force = Rate × Resistance
C. Resistance = Driving force × Rate
D. Rate = Resistance/Driving force
Answer» B. Driving force = Rate × Resistance

For a fluid flowing in an annulus space, the wetted perimeter for heat transfer and pressure drop are

A. Same
B. Different
C. Never different
D. Linearly related
Answer» B. Different

Steam is routed through the tube in case of a __________ evaporator.

A. Basket type
B. Horizontal tube
C. Short tube vertical
D. Long tube vertical
Answer» B. Horizontal tube

1000 kg of wet solids are to be dried from 60% to 20% moisture (by weight). The mass of moisture removed in kg is

A. 520
B. 200
C. 400
D. 500
Answer» C. 400

The sum of reflectivity and absorptivity for an opaque body is equal to

A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 0
D. 2
Answer» B. 1

Dropwise condensation occurs on __________ surfaces.

A. Clean and dirt free
B. Smooth clean
C. Contaminated cooling
D. Polished
Answer» C. Contaminated cooling

In a backward feed multiple effect evaporator

A. Feed is introduced in the first effect
B. Feed flows from low pressure to high pressure
C. No pumps are required between successive effects
D. None of these
Answer» B. Feed flows from low pressure to high pressure

Conduction occurs in the buffer zone for a fluid flowing through a heated pipe, only when Prandtl number is

A. 0.1
B. > 1
C. < 1
D. 1
Answer» A. 0.1

For a given ambient air temperature with increase in the thickness of insulation of a hot cylindrical pipe, the rate of heat loss from the surface would

A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. First decrease and then increase
D. First increase and then decrease
Answer» D. First increase and then decrease

In thermal radiation for a black body (where, ε is emissivity and α is absorptivity)

A. α = 1; ε ≠ 1
B. α ≠ 1, ε = 1
C. α ≠ 1, ε ≠ 1
D. α = 1; ε = 1
Answer» D. α = 1; ε = 1

The type of liquor circulation system to be ' employed in evaporators (viz. natural or forced circulation) is determined mainly by the __________ of the liquid.

A. Viscosity
B. Density
C. Thermal conductivity
D. Corrosive nature
Answer» A. Viscosity

Nusselt number (for forced convection heat transfer) is a function of the __________ number.

A. Prandtl
B. Reynolds
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer» C. Both (A) & (B)

In case of __________ boiling, the bubbles formed on a submerged hot surface get absorbed in the mass of the liquid.

A. Nucleate
B. Pool
C. Low pressure
D. None of these
Answer» B. Pool

The separation of liquid droplets from the vapor is done by a/an __________, in the evaporators.

A. Steam ejector
B. Entrainment separator
C. Compressor
D. Vacuum pump
Answer» B. Entrainment separator

For the same heat transfer area and the terminal conditions, the ratio of the capacities of a single effect evaporator to a triple effect evaporator is

A. 3
B. 0.33
C. 1
D. 1.33
Answer» C. 1

A dilute aqueous solution is to be concentrated in an evaporator system. High pressure steam is available. Multiple effect evaporator system is employed, because

A. Total heat transfer area of all the effects is -less than that in a single effect evaporator system
B. Total amount of vapor produced per Kg of feed steam in a multiple effect system is much higher than in a single effect
C. Boiling point elevation in a single effect system is much higher than that in any effect in a multi-effect system
D. Heat transfer co-efficient in a single effect is much lower than that in any effect in a multieffect system
Answer» B. Total amount of vapor produced per Kg of feed steam in a multiple effect system is much higher than in a single effect

In a boiling curve, the peak heat flux is called the __________ point.

A. Nusselt
B. Leidenfrost
C. Boiling
D. Burnout
Answer» D. Burnout

Film condensation is promoted on a/an __________ surface.

A. Oily
B. Coated
C. Clean & smooth
D. Dirty
Answer» C. Clean & smooth

The equivalent diameter for the annulus of a double pipe heat exchanger, whose inner pipe has fins on the outside is __________ compared to the same size pipes without fins.

A. More
B. Less
C. Same
D. Unpredictable
Answer» B. Less

The wavelength at which the maximum monochromatic emissive power occurs for a black body, is (where, T = absolute temperature of the black body).

A. αT
B. α × 1/T
C. α T4
D. Independent of T
Answer» B. α × 1/T

In a 1-1 concurrent heat exchanger, if the tube side fluid outlet temperature is equal to the shell side fluid outlet temperature, then the LMTD is

B. 0
C. Equal to the difference between hot and cold fluids inlet temperature
D. Equal to the difference between hot fluid inlet temperature and cold fluid outlet temperature
Answer» B. 0

According to Reynolds analogy, Stanton number is equal to (where, f = Fanning friction factor)

A. 2f
B. f
C. f/2
D. f/4
Answer» C. f/2

Grashoff number, which is defined as g . β (Ts - T∞) ρ2. L3/μ2, is proportional to the ratio of buoyancy force to __________ force.

A. Viscous
B. Elastic
C. Inertial
D. None of these
Answer» A. Viscous

In forced circulation, the heating element is injected

A. Internally
B. Externally
C. Both (A) and (A)
D. Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer» A. Internally

If the thermal conductivity of a wall material is independent of temperature, the steady state temperature distribution in the very large thin plane wall having steady, uniform surface temperature follows __________ law.

A. Hyperbolic
B. Parabolic
C. Linear
D. Logarithmic
Answer» C. Linear

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. The condensing film co-efficient is about 3 times lower for vertical condenser as compared to the equivalent horizontal condenser for identical situation
B. Film co-efficient for vaporisation decreases as a result of vapor binding
C. In industrial practice, sub-cooling of condensate is required, when the condensate is a volatile liquid and is to be transferred for storage
D. Overall heat transfer co-efficient in a heat exchanger is controlled by the value of the film coefficient, which is higher
Answer» D. Overall heat transfer co-efficient in a heat exchanger is controlled by the value of the film coefficient, which is higher

Viscous & heat sensitive liquids are concentrated in __________ evaporators.

A. Open pan
B. Long tube
C. Agitated film
D. None of these
Answer» C. Agitated film

When does the heat generated by fluid friction becomes appreciable compared to the heat transferred between the fluids?

A. At high fluid velocity
B. At low velocity
C. When fluid flows past a smooth surface
D. None of these
Answer» A. At high fluid velocity

During crystallisation, formation of crystal can occur in __________ solution only.

A. Saturated
B. Supersaturated
C. Under-saturated
D. All (A), (B) and (C)
Answer» B. Supersaturated
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