
870+ Heat Transfer (HT) Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Mechanical Engineering .


Pick out the correct statement.

A. 1 kcal/hr.m.°C is equal to 1 BTU/hr. ft.°F
B. In steady state heat conduction, the only property of the substance which determines the temperature distribution, is the thermal conductivity
C. In unsteady state heat conduction, heat flows in the direction of temperature rise
D. In heat transfer by forced convection, Grashoff number is very important
Answer» B. In steady state heat conduction, the only property of the substance which determines the temperature distribution, is the thermal conductivity

Evaporation by thermo compression results in the

A. Saving of steam
B. Realisation of multiple effect economy in a single effect
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both (A) and (B)

Fouling factor for a heat exchanger is given by (where, U1 = heat transfer co-efficient of dirty surface U2 = heat transfer co-efficient of clean surface).

A. U1 - U2
B. 1/U1 - 1/U2
C. 1/U2 - 1/U1
D. U2 - U1
Answer» B. 1/U1 - 1/U2

Use of transverse baffles in a shell and tube heat exchanger is done to increase the

A. Rate of heat transfer
B. Flow velocity
C. Turbulence of shell side fluid
D. All (A), (B) and (C)
Answer» D. All (A), (B) and (C)

All analogy equations connecting friction factor and heat transfer co-efficient apply only to

A. Wall or skin friction
B. Form friction
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» A. Wall or skin friction

Which of the following situations can be approximated to a steady state heat transfer system?

A. A red hot steel slab (having outside surface temperature as 1300°C) exposed to the atmospheric air at 35°C
B. 10 kg of dry saturated steam at 8 kgf/cm2 flowing through a short length of stainless steel pipe exposed to atmospheric air at 35°C
C. Boiling brine kept in open vessel when the bottom surface temperature of the vessel is maintained constant at 180°C
D. A sub-cooled refrigerant liquid at 8°C flowing at the rate of 6 Kg/minute through a copper pipe exposed to atmospheric air at 35°C
Answer» B. 10 kg of dry saturated steam at 8 kgf/cm2 flowing through a short length of stainless steel pipe exposed to atmospheric air at 35°C

Reason for operating an evaporator in multiple effects is to secure

A. Increased steam economy
B. Decreased steam consumption
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. Increased capacity
Answer» C. Both (A) and (B)

Heat transfer by __________ may not necessarily require the presence of a medium.

A. Conduction
B. Natural convection
C. Forced convection
D. Radiation
Answer» D. Radiation

Fluid motion in the natural convection heat transfer between a solid surface and a fluid in contact with it, results from the

A. Existence of thermal boundary layer
B. Temperature gradient produced due to density difference
C. Buoyancy of the bubbles produced at active nucleation site
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Nusselt number is the ratio of the

A. Temperature gradient of the wall to that across the entire pipe
B. Temperature difference to the temperature gradient at the wall
C. Heat flux at the wall to that across the entire pipe
D. None of these
Answer» C. Heat flux at the wall to that across the entire pipe

Critical value of the __________ number governs the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in free convection heat transfer.

A. Grashoff
B. Reynolds
C. Both 'a' & 'b'
D. Prandtl & Grashoff
Answer» D. Prandtl & Grashoff

Prandtl number is the reciprocal of

A. Thermal diffusivity/Momentum diffusivity
B. Thermal diffusivity × Momentum
C. Thermal diffusivity × Mass diffusivity
D. Mass diffusivity × Momentum diffusivity
Answer» A. Thermal diffusivity/Momentum diffusivity

In case of parallel flow heat exchanger, the lowest temperature theoretically attainable by the hot fluid is __________ the outlet temperature of the cold fluid.

A. Equal to
B. More than
C. Less than
D. Either more or less than (depending upon the fluid)
Answer» A. Equal to

For a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor is always

A. 1
B. > 1
C. < 1
D. Between 1 & 2
Answer» C. < 1

Evaporator tubes are generally

A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Inclined
D. Random
Answer» B. Vertical

Thermal conductivity of a gas at low density, __________ with increase in temperature.

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unchanged
D. May increase or decrease; depends on the gas
Answer» B. Increases

Which of the following is the most widely used heat insulating material for pipelines carrying steam?

A. Tar dolomite bricks followed by asbestos
B. Fireclay refractory followed by aluminium sheet
C. Cotton followed by aluminium foil
D. 85% magnesia cement and glass wool
Answer» D. 85% magnesia cement and glass wool

The interchange factor for radiation heat transfer from surface 'x' to surface 'y' in case of an infinite parallel planes with emissivities εx & εy is given by

A. εx + εy
B. εx . εy
C. 1/εx + 1/εy
D. (εx + εy)/( εx + εy - εx . εy)
Answer» D. (εx + εy)/( εx + εy - εx . εy)

If the thermal conductivity of a wall material is independent of temperature, the steady state temperature distribution in the very large thin plane wall having steady, uniform surface temperature follows __________ law.

A. Parabolic
B. Hyperbolic
C. Linear
D. Logarithmic
Answer» A. Parabolic

With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of a gas

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. May increase or decrease depending on the type of gas
Answer» A. Increases

Grashoff number is given by

A. gD3.β.Δtρ2/μ2
B. gD2βΔtρ/μ2
C. gD2βΔtP2μ
D. gD3βΔtP2/μ
Answer» A. gD3.β.Δtρ2/μ2

Which area is used in case of heat flow by conduction through a cylinder?

A. Logarithmic mean area
B. Arithmetic mean area
C. Geometric mean area
D. None of these
Answer» A. Logarithmic mean area

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Heat transfer from a hot body to cold body by the emission of heat waves is called radiation
B. Filmwise condensation takes place on non-wettable surfaces
C. The boiling point of a solution is affected by liquid head as well as boiling point elevation
D. None of these
Answer» B. Filmwise condensation takes place on non-wettable surfaces

Choose the correct equation.

A. Nu = (Re) (Pr) (Gz)
B. Nu = (Re) (Pr) (St)
C. Nu = (Re) (Pr)
D. Nu = (Pr) (St)
Answer» B. Nu = (Re) (Pr) (St)

In a heat exchanger, the rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid to the cold fluid

A. Varies directly as the area and the LMTD
B. Directly proportional to LMTD and inversely proportional to the area
C. Varies as square of the area
D. None of these
Answer» A. Varies directly as the area and the LMTD

Pick out the wrong statement.

A. 'Solvates' are chemical compounds formed by solute with their solvents. When water is the solvent, then it is called a 'hydrate'
B. In heat exchanger calculations (Δt) weighted is used in place of Δt, when it involves more than one sequence of heating or cooling i.e., desuperheating & condensation or condensation & sub-cooling
C. Heat transfer co-efficient during nucleate boiling is not influenced by the agitation imparted
D. In case of short tube vertical evaporators, area of central downtake is about 50 to 100% of the total tube cross-sectional area
Answer» C. Heat transfer co-efficient during nucleate boiling is not influenced by the agitation imparted

For what value of Prandtl number, St = f/2?

A. 1.5
B. 1
C. > 1
D. < 1
Answer» B. 1

The rate of emission of radiation by a body does not depend upon the

A. Wavelength of radiation
B. Surface temperature of the body
C. Nature of the surface
D. Shape and porosity of the body
Answer» D. Shape and porosity of the body

Heat sensitive materials can be concentrated in an evaporator employing

A. Vacuum
B. High pressure
C. High residence time
D. None of these
Answer» A. Vacuum

In a cooling tower, water becomes cool by

A. Loosing sensible heat
B. Heat transfer to surroundings
C. Vaporisation due to heat loss to air
D. Loosing latent heat
Answer» A. Loosing sensible heat

Conductance is given by (where, x = thickness, A = heat flow area, K = thermal conductivity.)

A. x/KA
B. KA/x
C. K/Ax
D. A/Kx
Answer» B. KA/x

Out of the following four assumptions used in the derivation of the equation for LMTD [LMTD = (∆t1 - ∆t2)/ln(∆t1/∆t2)], which one is subject to the largest deviation in practice ?

A. Constant overall heat transfer co-efficient.
B. Constant rate of fluid flow
C. Constant specific heat
D. No partial phase change in the system
Answer» B. Constant rate of fluid flow

LMTD can't be used as such without a correction factor for the

A. Multipass heat exchanger
B. Baffled heat exchanger
C. Condensation of mixed vapour in a condenser
D. All (A) (B) and (C)
Answer» D. All (A) (B) and (C)

What is the logarithmic mean of r1 and r2?

A. (r1 - r2)/ln(r1/r2)
B. (r1 - r2)/ln(r2/r1)
C. (r2 - r1)/ln(r1/r2)
D. (r1 - r2)/-ln(r1/r2)
Answer» A. (r1 - r2)/ln(r1/r2)

In a heat exchanger with steam outside the tubes, a liquid gets heated to 45°C, when its flow velocity in the tubes is 2 m/s. If the flow velocity is reduced to 1 m/s, other things remaining the same, the temperature of the exit liquid will be

A. Less than 45°C
B. More than 45°C
C. Equal to 45°C
D. Initially decreases and remains constant thereafter
Answer» B. More than 45°C

The Nusselt number for fully developed (both thermally and hydrodynamically) laminar flow through a circular pipe, where the wall heat flux is constant, is

A. 2.36
B. 4.36
C. 120.36
D. Dependent on NRe only
Answer» B. 4.36

Heat flux, as defined in heat flow is analogous to __________ in electricity flow.

A. Current
B. Voltage
C. Resistance
D. None of these
Answer» A. Current

The overall resistance for heat transfer through a series of flat resistance, is the __________ of the resistances.

A. Average
B. Geometric mean
C. Product
D. Sum
Answer» D. Sum

The driving potential for the crystal growth during crystallisation is the __________ of the solution.

A. Concentration
B. Viscosity
C. Super-saturation
D. Density
Answer» C. Super-saturation

Heat transfer co-efficient equation for forced convection, Nu = 0.023 Re 0.8. Prn, is not valid, if the value of

A. n = 0.4 is used for heating
B. n = 0.3 is used for cooling
C. Reynolds number for the flow involved is > 10000
D. Reynolds number for the flow involved is < 2100
Answer» D. Reynolds number for the flow involved is < 2100

For flow over a flat plate, the ratio of thermal boundary layer thickness, 'xt' and hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness 'x' is equal to (where, NPr = Prandtl number)

A. NPr
B. NPr 1/3
C. NPr -1
D. NPr -1/3
Answer» B. NPr 1/3

In a shell and tube heat exchanger, putting a longitudinal baffle across the shell, forces the shell side fluid to pass __________ through the heat exchanger.

A. Once
B. Twice
C. Thrice
D. Four times
Answer» B. Twice

An ejector is used to

A. Increase pressure
B. Increase temperature
C. Remove condensate
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

In a forward feed multiple effect evaporator, the pressure is

A. Highest in last effect
B. Lowest in last effect
C. Same in all effects
D. Dependent on the number of effects
Answer» B. Lowest in last effect

In a laboratory test run, the rate of drying was found to be 0.5 x 10-3 kg/m2 .s, when the moisture content reduced from 0.4 to 0.1 on dry basis. The critical moisture content of the material is 0.08 on a dry basis. A tray dryer is used to dry 100 kg (dry basis) of the same material under identical conditions. The surface area of the material is 0.04 m2 /kg of dry solid. The time required (in seconds) to reduce the moisture content of the solids from 0.3 to 0.2 (dry basis) is

A. 2000
B. 4000
C. 5000
D. 6000
Answer» C. 5000

With increase in temperature, the thermal conductivity of most liquids

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. First increases upto a certain temperature and then becomes constant
Answer» B. Decreases

Peclet number (Pe) is given by

A. Pe = Re.Pr
B. Pe = Re/Pr
C. Pe = Pr/Re
D. Pe = Nu.Re
Answer» A. Pe = Re.Pr

The film co-efficient between condensing vapour and metal wall increases with

A. Increasing temperature of the vapour
B. Decreasing temperature of the vapour
C. Increasing viscosity of the film of condensate
D. Increasing temperature drop
Answer» A. Increasing temperature of the vapour

In Fourier's law, the proportionality constant is called the

A. Heat transfer co-efficient
B. Thermal diffusivity
C. Thermal conductivity
D. Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Answer» C. Thermal conductivity

The non-dimensional temperature gradient in a liquid at the wall of a pipe is the

A. Heat flux
B. Nusselt number
C. Prandtl number
D. Schmidt number
Answer» A. Heat flux

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