
90+ Indian Metaphysics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Arts in Philosophy (MA Philosophy) .


The purpose of ………....... is to clear one's path from confusion, misunderstanding, and deluded thinking.

A. eight fold path
B. right speech
C. right action
D. right view
Answer» D. right view

……………… means persistence and a passion for the journey.

A. right speech
B. right intent
C. right action
D. right thought
Answer» B. right intent

……………..involves recognition of the truth, an awareness of the impact of idle gossip and of repeating rumors.

A. right speech
B. right intent
C. right action
D. right thought
Answer» A. right speech

…………recognizes the need to take the ethical approach in life, to consider others and the world we live in.

A. right speech
B. right intent
C. right action
D. right thought
Answer» C. right action

…………….. encompasses the five precepts of not to kill, steal, lie, to avoid sexual misconduct, and not to take drugs or other intoxicants.

A. right speech
B. right intent
C. right thought
D. right action
Answer» D. right action

…………… means cultivating an enthusiasm, a positive attitude in a balanced way.

A. right effort
B. right intent
C. right thought
D. right speech
Answer» A. right effort

The doctrine of …………….is contained in the Second Noble Truth.

A. suffering
B. dependent origination
C. nirvana
D. sunyatha
Answer» B. dependent origination

Pratityasamutpada, viewed from the point of view of relativity is…………..

A. nirvana
B. suffering
C. samsara
D. samadhi
Answer» C. samsara

Pratityasamutpada, viewed from the point of view of reality is……………..

A. nirvana
B. suffering
C. samsara
D. samadhi
Answer» A. nirvana

The doctrine the Middle Path or Madhyama pratipat avoids both ………………and nihilism.

A. infinite
B. etemalism
C. externalism
D. experimentalism
Answer» B. etemalism

According to Buddha, “He who sees the Pratityasamutpada sees the Dharma, and he who sees the Dharma sees the ……………..”.

A. truth
B. sat
C. buddha
D. pratityasamutpada
Answer» D. pratityasamutpada

According to Buddha ………………. is the root-cause of all suffering.

A. desire
B. ignorance
C. delusion
D. maya
Answer» B. ignorance

An analysis of the twelve links shows their ………………… significance.

A. philosophical
B. biological
C. ethical
D. psychological
Answer» D. psychological

Kapila is regarded as the Father of ..………….. in the history of mankind.

A. cosmology
B. teleology
C. ontology
D. deontology
Answer» A. cosmology

Samkhya is ………...... as it considers both matter and spirit are equally real.

A. spiritual
B. realism
C. idealism
D. materialism
Answer» C. idealism

According to Samkhya, the efficient cause of the world is ………………..

A. prakrti
B. god
C. sat
D. purusha
Answer» D. purusha

Samkhya holds that…………. evolves for the sake of the Purusha.

A. mahat
B. ahankara
C. mind
D. prakrti
Answer» D. prakrti

The evolution of Prakrti is subservient to the ends of the ………., experience and liberation.

A. ahankara
B. mahat
C. purusa
D. ignorence
Answer» C. purusa

According to Samkhya, …………… is the root-cause of the world of objects.

A. ahankara
B. prakrti
C. mahat
D. purusa
Answer» B. prakrti

Since the first principle of the universe, Prakrti is called the……………

A. pradhāna
B. jada.
C. nirukta
D. savicara
Answer» A. pradhāna

As the unconscious and unintelligent principle, Prakrti is called the………….

A. pradhāna
B. jada.
C. nirukta
D. savicara
Answer» B. jada.

…………….. is composed of three essential characteristics.

A. ahankara
B. prakrti
C. mahat
D. purusa
Answer» B. prakrti

Sattva is concerned with ……………….

A. anger
B. pain
C. happiness
D. good
Answer» C. happiness

………………… is associated with ego, mind and intelligence.

A. satva
B. rajas
C. tamas
D. mind
Answer» A. satva

………………. is concerned with the actions of objects.

A. satva
B. rajas
C. tamas
D. mind
Answer» B. rajas

……………… is neither produced nor does it produce.

A. ahankara
B. prakrti
C. purusa
D. mahat
Answer» C. purusa

Samkhya believes that the ……………..cannot be regarded as the source of inanimate world.

A. prakrti
B. purusa
C. mahat
D. god
Answer» B. purusa

According to Samkhya…………… is not a substance which possesses the quality of Consciousness.

A. purusa
B. prakrti
C. god
D. isvara
Answer» A. purusa

The self is the foundation, the fundamental postulate of all empirical knowledge. This is………………… proof of Purusa.

A. logical
B. ontological
C. ethical
D. teleological
Answer» B. ontological

All objects of the world have the characteristics of producing pleasure, pain and bewilderment.

A. logical
B. ontological
C. ethical
D. teleological
Answer» C. ethical

The dynamism of Prakrti is attributed to its constituent ……………...

A. dravyas
B. gunas
C. karmas
D. essences
Answer» B. gunas

During the state of dissolution of the world, the gunas change …………….

A. parallel
B. ontologically
C. heterogeneously
D. homogeneously
Answer» D. homogeneously

………………. changes do not affect the state of equilibrium in the Prakriti.

A. parallel
B. ontological
C. heterogeneous
D. homogeneous
Answer» D. homogeneous

……………….. changes involve radical interaction among the three gunas.

A. parallel
B. ontological
C. heterogeneous
D. homogeneous
Answer» C. heterogeneous

The evolutionary process is initiated by the……………… guna of Prakrti.

A. satva
B. rajas
C. tamas
D. mahat
Answer» B. rajas

Prakriti is first transformed into ……………

A. satva
B. rajas
C. ahankara
D. mahat
Answer» D. mahat

The sankhya recognizes …………principles of reality including the Purusa.

A. twenty five
B. twenty four
C. twenty six
D. none of these
Answer» A. twenty five

Literally the word …………… means ‘end of the Vedas’.

A. advaita
B. daita
C. vedanta
D. visistadvaita
Answer» C. vedanta

……………..relies on three textual sources called the Prasthanatraya.

A. advaita
B. daita
C. vedanta
D. visistadvaita
Answer» C. vedanta

The Prasthanatrayas are Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the…………….

A. brhadaranyaka
B. brahma sutras
C. gita-bhasya
D. none of these
Answer» B. brahma sutras

An illusionary power of Brahman called…………… causes the world to arise.

A. adhyasa
B. khyati
C. mithya
D. maya
Answer» D. maya

According to …………. Brahman is asserted to have attributes, including individual conscious souls and matter.

A. advaita
B. daita
C. vedanta
D. visistadvaita
Answer» D. visistadvaita

Dvaita School was propounded by …………..

A. madhva
B. ramanuja.
C. vallabha
D. nimbarka
Answer» A. madhva

Dvata school advocates …………….as the route to liberation.

A. karma
B. jnana
C. bhakti
D. yoga
Answer» C. bhakti

Dvaitādvaita School was propounded by……………..

A. madhva
B. ramanuja.
C. vallabha
D. nimbarka
Answer» D. nimbarka

Who defines a body as that which is controlled, supported and utilized for its purposes by a sou?

A. sankara
B. ramanuja.
C. vallabha
D. nimbarka
Answer» A. sankara

According to ………………differences have separate existence and constitute the unique nature of things.

A. madhva
B. ramanuja.
C. vallabha
D. nimbarka
Answer» A. madhva

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