170+ Industrial Engineering Solved MCQs


Under which incentive plan, the minimum wages are guaranteed?

A. Rowan plan
B. Emerson's efficiency plan
C. Bedaux plan
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A dealer sells a set of tools for Rs. 900 which is 80% more than he paid for it. At what price must he sell the same set to make 120% on the cost?

A. Rs. 1100
B. Rs. 1300
C. Rs. 1200
D. Rs. 1000
E. Rs. 900
Answer» A. Rs. 1100

Which of the following is not a welfare measure in a factory?

A. Apprenticeship
B. Provision of cold water in summer
C. Canteen
D. Provision of housing
E. Apprenticeship training
Answer» E. Apprenticeship training

GERT is a

A. computerised PERT chart
B. technique which deals with the probability of a realisation of the activity
C. technique which has become obsolete now
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. technique which deals with the probability of a realisation of the activity

Who is responsible for an organisation's training and development

A. Top line management
B. Personnel help
C. Fellow employees (senior)
D. Supervisors
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

The use of CPM lies in

A. taking corrective measures
B. scheduling and controlling the project
C. planning and controlling the most logical sequence of operations
D. None of the above
E. Supply and demand conditions
Answer» C. planning and controlling the most logical sequence of operations

For manufacturing firm

A. average costs will rise as output reaches a certain level - then they will begin to fall
B. total costs will rise as output reaches a certain level - then they will begin to fall
C. marginal costs will rise as output reaches certain level - then they will begin to fall
D. average costs will fall as output reaches a certain level - then they will begin to rise
E. None of the above
Answer» D. average costs will fall as output reaches a certain level - then they will begin to rise

Among the following which is the best example of a short term capital gain?

A. A motor-cycle sold at a marginal loss within a year of its purchase
B. A house held by a real estate dealer for sale, the value of which has increased before purchase
C. A pleasure car sold for more than what was paid for it within 4 months of the purchase
D. A gift which is resold within six months of receipt
E. None of the above
Answer» C. A pleasure car sold for more than what was paid for it within 4 months of the purchase

UNI standards are followed in

A. Indonesia
B. Italy
C. France
D. India
E. America
Answer» B. Italy

Standard followed in Germany are known as

A. ISI standards
B. GOST standards
C. ASTM standards
D. DIN standards
E. UNI standards
Answer» D. DIN standards

Negative slack occurs when

A. dummy activities do not exist
B. dummy activities are large in number
C. events stick to their schedule
D. deficiency of resources occurs
E. None of the above
Answer» D. deficiency of resources occurs

MIS stands for

A. Multiple individual skills
B. Manufacturing industrial service
C. Mutual inventory supplies
D. Management information system
E. Mass interviewing and selection
Answer» D. Management information system

Critical path method is good for

A. small projects only
B. large projects only
C. both small and large projects equally
D. None of the above
E. Supply and demand conditions
Answer» B. large projects only

Group organisational climate

A. Guarantees productivity
B. Affects the efficiency of the operation
C. Can be precisely measured
D. Is prohibitively expensive in a small company
E. All of the above
Answer» B. Affects the efficiency of the operation

Which of the following is a parallel activity?

A. Wall construction and carpentary work of doors
B. digging of foundation and construction of a well
C. completion of flooring and plastering of walls
D. completing first floor and starting second floor construction
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Wall construction and carpentary work of doors

Which of the following is not an incentive plan

A. Taylor, 100% incentive plan
B. Rowan plan
C. Standard plan
D. Gantt plan
E. Halsey plan
Answer» C. Standard plan

Which one of the following is generally not the result of a good layout of an industrial plant?

A. Better service to customers
B. Better quality of product
C. Increased wages
D. Easier maintenance
E. Reduced capital investment
Answer» C. Increased wages

A bear marker is known as

A. A market of high demand
B. A stock market when prices are going up
C. A stock market when prices ae going down
D. A soft drinks market
E. A market dealing in liquor
Answer» C. A stock market when prices ae going down

If the life of high speed steel tools is taken as 100% the life of cemented carbide tools will be

A. 300 to 1000 percent
B. 30 to 50 percent
C. 100 to 150 percent
D. 50 to 20 percent
E. 80 to 130 percent
Answer» A. 300 to 1000 percent

A manufacturer in Tamilnadu sells his goods in Madras. Which tax is applicable on his goods?

A. Central sales tax
B. State sales tax
C. State excise duty
D. Central excise duty
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Central sales tax

Who among the following was least associated with fundamental work on time and motion study?

A. L.M. Gilbrath
B. F.W.Taylor
C. F.B.Gilbrath
D. Prof.J.K.Gailbreth
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Prof.J.K.Gailbreth

If the upper and lower control limits are within the allowable width, but are widely separated from them, it can be concluded that

A. control is good but limits need to be re-established
B. the sampling plan needs revision
C. A cheaper and less precise machine might be used
D. control is excellent and no action is needed
E. None of the above
Answer» C. A cheaper and less precise machine might be used

Which of the following statement regarding PERT is incorrect?

A. It establishes the sequence and the relationship between significant programmes events
B. It is statistical technique which makes decisions
C. It points out slippages before the fact happens and its impact on others
D. It helps to formulate new schedules when the existing schedule cannot be met.
E. None of the above
Answer» B. It is statistical technique which makes decisions

Bar charts are considered to be suitable for

A. minor works
B. major works
C. dam construction
D. large projects
E. None of the above
Answer» A. minor works

Choose the wrong statement in respect of value engineering.

A. Value engineering is applied to products which will be produced in future.
B. Value analysis is applied to products already in production
C. Supply and demand conditions
D. Cost is calculated item wise
E. Value engineering deals with improoving quality/performance to satisfy customer.
Answer» D. Cost is calculated item wise

A negatively skewed curve

A. will have longer tail one the right hand side
B. Will have longer tail on the left hand side
C. implies that mode will be less than the mean
D. implies that the median will be less than the mean
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Will have longer tail on the left hand side

While PERT is

A. float, slack
B. time, resource
C. event, activity
D. activity, event
E. None of the above
Answer» C. event, activity

Which of the following is a capital asset?

A. A copy right
B. Stock in trade
C. Property held for sale to customers
D. Shares of stock in a company
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Shares of stock in a company

Jobs going behind the schedule are conveniently shown in

A. Milestone chart
B. pi chart
C. Bar chart
D. Gantt chart
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Gantt chart

Current assets - current liabilities

A. Turn over
B. Share value index
C. Current value of the firm
D. Working capital
E. Book value of the firm
Answer» D. Working capital

A facility extended by an employer to his employees other than wages and salaries is

A. Parity
B. Compensation
C. Claim
D. Perquisites
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Perquisites

In time and motion study, the symbol 'O' represents

A. Operation
B. Quantity inspection
C. Temporary storage
D. Quality inspection
E. Obvious delay
Answer» A. Operation

Which statement does not describe human resource objectives?

A. Human resource objectives assume that the future of the organisation is linked to the future of the work force
B. Objectives can be short term as well as long term
C. Set objectives work to limit growth as well as guard against failure
D. Planning objective is the first step in the human resource planning process
E. Objectives are geared to affect the future
Answer» C. Set objectives work to limit growth as well as guard against failure

A factory is insured for 80% of its value at 5/12%. The premium is Rs. 500. What is the total value of the house?

A. Rs. 150,000
B. Rs. 180,000
C. Rs. 120,000
D. Rs. 240,000
E. Rs. 220,000
Answer» A. Rs. 150,000

CPM is a technique based on

A. neither event nor activity
B. activity
C. event
D. Operation chart
E. event and activity
Answer» B. activity

The advantage of product layout is

A. Lower total materials handling cost
B. Lower total production time
C. Less work-in-process
D. Less floor area required per unit of production
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

Therblig colour for search is

A. brown
B. blue
C. black
D. None of the above
E. Supply and demand conditions
Answer» C. black

In case the value of variance is more, then

A. certainly is more
B. probability of certainty is more
C. uncertainty is more
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. uncertainty is more

In case of comented carbide tools the back rake angle is positive while machining

A. Mild steel
B. Aluminium
C. Hard steel
D. Brass
E. Carbon steel
Answer» B. Aluminium

A family spends 25% of its income for food, 7

A. 250 weeks
B. 200 weeks
C. 150 weeks
D. 100 weeks
E. 300 weeks
Answer» B. 200 weeks

At 'break even point'

A. Constant expenses = Profits
B. Total sales = variable expenses
C. Variable expenses - Profits = Total sales
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

In which case value engineering may not be relevant?

A. Shopping plaza
B. Gas turbine blade ring
C. Electric fan
D. Automobile
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Gas turbine blade ring

To obtain solution of material problem so that the cost of handling will be minimum is

A. Simplex method
B. Queuing theory
C. Transport method
D. Value engineering
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Transport method

Loan of purchase of car is a

A. incentive scheme
B. bonus plan
C. fringe benefit
D. Perk
E. None of the above
Answer» C. fringe benefit

Bin cards are used in

A. Stores
B. Preventive maintenance
C. Machine loading
D. Fixing targets
E. Quality control
Answer» A. Stores

The basic tool in work study is

A. Planning chart
B. Process chart
C. Bar chart
D. Stop watch
E. Shop layout
Answer» D. Stop watch

Shewart control charts are used in

A. Work study
B. Motion study
C. Quality control
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Quality control

Total sales less cost of manufacturing gives

A. Taxable profit
B. Net
C. Book profit
D. Distributable profit
E. Gross profit
Answer» E. Gross profit

The economic life of a building is considered to be at an end under which of the following conditions?

A. When the cost of repairs is more than the income
B. When the income from the building fails to justify its existence
C. When the capitalization rate becomes high
D. When the directional growth of area is turned away from it
E. When thebuilding facilities become obsolete
Answer» B. When the income from the building fails to justify its existence

In queuing theory one faces with the situation that

A. the queue keeps on lengthening as the time passes
B. mean service rate is greater than mean arrival rate
C. mean service rate increases as the length of the queue increases
D. None of the above
E. Supply and demand conditions
Answer» B. mean service rate is greater than mean arrival rate

The chart used to review the overall sequence of an operation by focusing either the movement of operators or materials is called

A. SIMO chart
B. Gaunt chart
C. Flow process chart
D. NEMA chart
E. Operation chart
Answer» C. Flow process chart

Which of the following is incorrect with reference to work study?

A. Normal time = Representative time + Rating factor
B. Normal time = Representative time x Rating factor
C. Standard time = Normal time
D. Standard time = Normal time x Allowances
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Normal time = Representative time x Rating factor

Negative float can occur

A. in cse of normal activity
B. in case of critical activityonly
C. in case of sub-critical activity only
D. in case of super-critical activity only
E. None of the above
Answer» D. in case of super-critical activity only

All of the following types of companies have board of directors EXCEPT

A. Public sector undertakings
B. Private limited companies
C. Public limited companies
D. Cooperative societies
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Cooperative societies

The binding material in diamond tools is

A. Cobalt
B. Graphite
C. Carbon
D. Cement
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

Apprenticeship training is applicable to

A. Industries employing more than 500 workers
B. All industries
C. Only small scale industries
D. Only large industries
E. Only medium and large industries
Answer» A. Industries employing more than 500 workers

While selecting site for a regional paint, which factory services (is) are to be looked into?

A. Adequacy of supply of power
B. Water supply
C. Sewage disposal system
D. Availability of manpower
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

Which of the following is the symptom of bad layout?

A. congestion of materials on the shop floor
B. excessive amount of work-in-process
C. poor utilization of space
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A house valued at Rs. 47,500 is insured for 4/5 of its value at 1

A. Rs. 592.50
B. Rs. 950
C. Rs. 1475
D. Rs. 1187.50
E. 475
Answer» E. 475

In the short run, the competitive firm can maximise its profits (or minimise its losses) by

A. equating price and marginal revenue
B. equating price and average total cost
C. increasing marginal cost and lowering average fixed costs
D. equating marginal cost and marginal revenue
E. None of the above
Answer» D. equating marginal cost and marginal revenue

CPM is oriented to

A. activity
B. Supply and demand conditions
C. time
D. cost
E. objective
Answer» A. activity

The advantage of process layout is

A. Less duplication of equipment
B. Greater flexibility of production
C. Better control of complicated or precision processes
D. Easier to handle breakdown of equipment
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

A house costs Rs. 1000,000. Incidental expenses and taxes amount to Rs. 3600 a year. What rent per month must the owner receive to clear 6% of his investment?

A. Rs. 700
B. Rs. 600
C. Rs. 650
D. Rs. 750
E. Rs. 800
Answer» E. Rs. 800

Of the following, which one constitutes an implicit cost to a firm?

A. Profits realised from current production
B. Payments made on leased equipment
C. Salaries paid to its legal consultants
D. Depreciation charges on company owned equipment
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Depreciation charges on company owned equipment

Which of the following is a disciplinary action

A. Promotion
B. Transfer
C. Separation
D. Training
E. Suspension
Answer» E. Suspension

Analysis of an operation, when carried out in terms of individual motions of a worker is known as

A. work analysis
B. motion analysis
C. operation analysis
D. None of the above
E. Supply and demand conditions
Answer» B. motion analysis

In time and motion study, the symbol 'X' represent

A. Crossing
B. Opposite directional movements
C. Rejections
D. Completion of operation
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

Safety guards on machines should be

A. Put in position of desired by the operator
B. Used if they do not reduce the production
C. Never used
D. Used sometimes
E. Always in position
Answer» E. Always in position

By introducing a dummy activity in a network

A. unique numbering system for different activities is maintained
B. time is consumed additionally
C. logical sequence of activities is disturbed
D. Supply and demand conditions
E. resource is allocated additionally
Answer» A. unique numbering system for different activities is maintained

The mortgage market is generally highly sensitive to

A. A drop in deposits at saving in post offices
B. A drop in pension fund assets
C. The stock market
D. A drop in deposits at commercial banks
E. The yield on common stocks
Answer» D. A drop in deposits at commercial banks

Which one of the following is not the aim while taking insurance policy?

A. An asset that can be gifted
B. Protection against loss
C. Protection of family in case of sudden death of bread winner
D. Income tax reduction
E. Savings
Answer» A. An asset that can be gifted

For standardisation of steel, the series used in British standards is known as

A. A series
B. AB series
C. En-series
D. There is no such series in British standards
E. S series
Answer» C. En-series

The advantage of cost plus pricing system is

A. It over plays the precision of allocated costs
B. It ignores demand.
C. It does not reflect the effect of competitors
D. It does not take into account the birth of potential competitors
E. It always yields profit
Answer» E. It always yields profit
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