
140+ Macro Economics 1 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA Economics) .


Starting point of Keynesian economics is:

A. effective demand
B. individual demand
C. aggregate demand
D. market demand
Answer» A. effective demand

Keynesian three sector model consist of:

A. business sector, service sector, externalsector
B. households, business, government
C. governmentsector, open sector,service sector
D. governmentsector, private sector, open sector
Answer» B. households, business, government

A substantial increase in the rate of interest can cause:

A. increase in savings
B. reduce propensity to consume
C. all the above
D. none of the above
Answer» C. all the above

Functional relationship between saving and disposable income is:

A. savingfunction
B. income function
C. consumption function
D. investment function
Answer» A. savingfunction

As the value of MPC increases, the value ofmultiplier:

A. decreases
B. increases
C. constant
D. cannot
Answer» B. increases

Who among the following pioneered the first real estimate of national income?

A. adam smith
B. david ricardo
C. william petty
D. none of the above
Answer» C. william petty

Who argued that national income issimply equal to “net product of agriculture”?

A. mercantilists
B. physiocrats
C. classical economists
D. neo classical economists
Answer» B. physiocrats

Who argued that “Everything that is produced in the course of a year, every service rendered, every fresh utility brought about is a part of the national wealth.”?

A. js mill
B. stanley jevons
C. alfred marshall
D. robert malthus
Answer» C. alfred marshall

Who made the first major attempt to estimate national income in a somewhat comprehensive manner?

A. robert fisher
B. john maynard keynes
C. simon kuznets
D. arthur pigou
Answer» C. simon kuznets

Consumption of capital good in the process of production is called as

A. capital consumption
B. depreciation
C. decay of capital
D. none of the above
Answer» B. depreciation

Which one of the following is roughly equal to national income?

A. gdp
B. nnp
C. gnp
D. sdp
Answer» B. nnp

Which one of the following includes ‘income ofresidents’?

A. gdp
B. nnp
C. sdp
D. none of the above
Answer» B. nnp

Remittances made by NRIs to India in the context of national income accounting is called as

A. remittance income
B. nri income
C. factor payments
D. all of the above
Answer» C. factor payments

Who first introduced the concept of circular flow ofincome?

A. william petty
B. adam smith
C. david ricardo
D. fancois quesnay
Answer» D. fancois quesnay

Which one in the following is a stock variable?

A. income
B. investment
C. capital
D. fiscal deficit
Answer» C. capital

Which one in the following is a flow variable?

A. debt
B. wealth
C. unemployment
D. gdp
Answer» D. gdp

Why do not the sale or purchase of used goods are not included in the GDP?

A. used goods have only limited life
B. used goods are not fresh production
C. used goods are included in the previous gdp calculations
D. all the above
Answer» C. used goods are included in the previous gdp calculations

Inventories are unsold goods produced by a firm, then why do they are included in GDP?

A. inventories represent value
B. inventories add to the stock of the firm
C. they are purchases by the firm itself
D. all the above
Answer» C. they are purchases by the firm itself

The value of ‘intermediate goods’ are excluded from GDP calculation because:

A. it will increase the gdp unduly
B. it results in multiple counting of same value
C. intermediate goods are not important
D. all the above
Answer» B. it results in multiple counting of same value

Value added at each stage of production means:

A. value of output minus value of input
B. total value added by that stage
C. total value produced at that stage
D. all of the above
Answer» A. value of output minus value of input

Imputed value of good is added to the GDP because:

A. they indeed represent value
B. there is no market price for that
C. they increase consumption
D. none of the above
Answer» B. there is no market price for that

GDP Deflator is also called as:

A. implicit cost deflator
B. gdp at factor cost
C. implicit wage deflator
D. implicit price deflator
Answer» D. implicit price deflator

Personal Income includes:

A. dividend distributed
B. social insurance contributions
C. corporate profit
D. none of the above
Answer» A. dividend distributed

Disposable Income does not include:

A. excise dutypaid
B. income tax
C. customs dutypaid
D. none of theabove
Answer» B. income tax

Investment is reckoned by which method for computing GDP:

A. income method
B. productmethod
C. expenditure method
D. value added method
Answer» C. expenditure method

Adam Smith, the father of modern economic theory, defined economics as a subject, which is mainly concerned with the study of nature and causes of generation of

A. wealth
B. welfare
C. hipness
D. scarcity
Answer» A. wealth

introduced the concept of welfare in the study of economics:

A. fischer
B. alfred marshall
C. j s mill
D. adam smith
Answer» B. alfred marshall

Who defined economics as: a science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses:

A. j b say
B. alfred marshall
C. david ricardo
D. robbins
Answer» D. robbins

The problem of scarcity and choice making can be depicted using the tool of curve.

A. demand
B. isoquant
C. indifference
D. production possibility
Answer» D. production possibility

Macroeconomicsis primarily concerned with aggregates. Which of the following is not a macroeconomic aggregate?

A. decision making by a household
B. the unemployment rate, and inflation levels
C. national income
D. the supply of money
Answer» A. decision making by a household

Scientific attempts to describe economic relationships are :

A. factual and can never be wrong
B. accurate ways to predict political viewpoints
C. known as positive economics
D. directed at the fairness of social programs
Answer» C. known as positive economics

The method consistsin deriving conclusionsfrom general truths, takesfew general principles and applies them draw conclusions.

A. inductive
B. deductive
C. empirical
D. scientific
Answer» B. deductive

is a term referring to an intellectual controversy over epistemology, research methodology between Carl Menger, and Gustav von Schmoller.

A. methodenstreit
B. laissez-faire
C. cetris paribus
D. quid proquo
Answer» A. methodenstreit

Inductive method which also called empirical method was adopted by the:

A. marginalist school
B. mercantilists
C. physiocrats
D. historical school of economists
Answer» D. historical school of economists

Decisions made in households, firms, and government are the focus of:

A. positive economic
B. microeconomics
C. normative economics
D. macroeconomics
Answer» C. normative economics

Knowledge used to combine resources productively is called:

A. comparative advantage
B. capitalism
C. entrepreneurship
D. technology
Answer» D. technology

Economic efficiency for the entire economy requires that :

A. potential gains to anyone necessitate losses to another
B. all goods be produced at their lowest possible opportunity costs
C. maximum-valued output is obtained from given resource
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Theories are:

A. much more complicated than common sense
B. scientific only if based on normative value judgments
C. proven if only a few unimportant exceptions exist
D. developed when we collect data, try to explain how things work, and then
Answer» D. developed when we collect data, try to explain how things work, and then

Division of Labour is limited by the extent of:

A. supply
B. demand
C. price
D. market
Answer» D. market

Milton Friedman restated the :

A. labour theory
B. profit theory
C. quantity theory of money
D. wage theory
Answer» C. quantity theory of money

If the value of a variable varies as a consequence of the variation in the value of some other variable, it is called:

A. exogenous variable
B. endogenours v ariable
C. stock
D. flow
Answer» B. endogenours v ariable

Saving is a function of:

A. export
B. investment
C. improvement in productivity
D. income
Answer» D. income

In the classical theory the equlity between saving and investment is brought about by:

A. income
B. rate interest
C. consumption
D. none ofthese
Answer» B. rate interest

Economic Laws are:

A. statement of tendencies
B. exact and predictable
C. definite
D. none
Answer» A. statement of tendencies

Which of the following concepts are most closely associated with J.M. Keynes?

A. control of the money supply
B. marginal utility theory
C. indifference curve analysis
D. marginal efficiency of capital
Answer» D. marginal efficiency of capital

Which of the following is an example of economic overhead?

A. schools
B. roads and railwlays
C. sanitary facilities
D. hospitals
Answer» B. roads and railwlays

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