Chapter: working capital

The financial decision making that relates to current assets or short term asset is known as __________________.

A. working capital
B. non-working capital
C. venture capital
D. all of the above
Answer» A. working capital

In what order should current assets be present on a statement of financial position?

A. cash, bank, trade receivables, inventories
B. trade receivables, bank, cash, inventories
C. inventories, cash, bank, trade receivables
D. inventories, trade receivables, bank, cash
Answer» D. inventories, trade receivables, bank, cash

If value of opening inventories increases, what happens to the value of gross profit?

A. decreases
B. increases
C. stays the same
D. gets closer to net profit
Answer» A. decreases

What does the statement of comprehensive income show?

A. the liquidity position of a business at a point in time
B. the value of assets bought by a business over a period point in time
C. the profit or loss made by a business over a period of time
D. the value of a business at a point in time
Answer» C. the profit or loss made by a business over a period of time

Depreciation is applied to non-current assets in the statement of financial position in order to

A. show a profitability valuation of the non-current assets
B. show a true and fair value of the non-current assets
C. show how the non-current assets are affected by inflation
D. show what the non-current assets could make if leased out
Answer» B. show a true and fair value of the non-current assets

What would be the most likely impact on trade receivables days if invoice discounting was offered to and accepted by a large customer of a business?

A. trade receivables days would no longer exist
B. trade receivables days would reduce
C. trade receivables days would increase
D. trade receivable days would not be affected
Answer» B. trade receivables days would reduce

___________in accounting, is when the costs to acquire an asset are expensed over the life of that asset rather than in the period it was incurred?

A. purchasing.
B. capitalization.
C. selling.
D. financing
Answer» B. capitalization.

Capitalization is the sum of a corporation’s stock, long term debts &________?

A. liquid liability
B. retained earnings
C. fixed asset.
D. short term debts.
Answer» B. retained earnings

__________ is a situation in which actual profits of a company are not sufficient enough to pay interest on debentures, on loans and pay dividends on shares over a period of time?

A. under capitalization
B. over capitalization
C. market capitalization
D. none of the above
Answer» B. over capitalization

Asset structure = _________+__________.

A. current asset+fixed asset
B. tangible asset+fixed asset
C. fixed asset+current asset
D. intangible asset+current asset
Answer» C. fixed asset+current asset

In finance, "working capital" means the same thing as __________.

A. total assets.
B. fixed assets.
C. current assets.
D. current assets minus current liabilities.
Answer» C. current assets.

In deciding the appropriate level of current assets for the firm, management is confronted

A. a trade-off between profitability and risk.
B. a trade-off between liquidity and marketability.
C. a trade-off between equity and debt.
D. a trade-off between current assets and profitability.
Answer» A. a trade-off between profitability and risk.

Permanent working capital ___________.

A. varies with seasonal needs.
B. includes fixed assets.
C. is the amount of current assets required to meet a firm\s long-term minimum needs.
D. includes accounts payable.
Answer» C. is the amount of current assets required to meet a firm\s long-term minimum needs.

Net working capital refers to ___________.

A. total assets minus fixed assets.
B. current assets minus current liabilities.
C. current assets minus inventories.
D. current assets.
Answer» B. current assets minus current liabilities.

To financial analysts, "gross working capital" means the same thing as ________.

A. fixed assets.
B. current assets.
C. working capital.
D. cost of capital.
Answer» B. current assets.

An example of fixed asset is________.

A. live stock.
B. value stock.
C. income stock.
D. all of the above.
Answer» A. live stock.

Which one of the following is not the determinant of the working capital?

A. size of the firm
B. operating cycle
C. terms of credit
D. competitors
Answer» D. competitors

Permanent working capital ___

A. will vary at all times
B. will vary with volumes
C. fixed at all times
D. fluctuates according to the season
Answer» C. fixed at all times

Which one of the following is not a method to find working capital requirement?

A. percent of sales method
B. working capital components method
C. operating cycle method
D. physical method
Answer» D. physical method

The Capital used for meeting routine and repetitive expenses of day to day business operations is called____.

A. reserve capital
B. working capital
C. fixed capital
D. regular capital
Answer» B. working capital

Gross working capital represents __________.

A. total current liabilities
B. the excess of current assets over current liabilities
C. total current assets
D. total liquid assets
Answer» C. total current assets

Net working capital is the excess of current assets over ________.

A. current liabilities
B. long term liabilities
C. contingent liabilities
D. fixed liabilities
Answer» A. current liabilities

A positive (net) working capital will arise when current assets exceed _________.

A. fixed liabilities
B. contingent liabilities
C. long term liabilities
D. current liabilities
Answer» D. current liabilities

The net working capital, being the difference between current assets and current liabilities is a _______.

A. misleading concept
B. quantitative concept
C. qualitative concept
D. none of the above
Answer» C. qualitative concept

The Funds required by way of permanent working capital should be provided by __________.

A. indigenous banks
B. commercial banks
C. rbi
D. proprietors
Answer» D. proprietors

Service and Financial concerns may have _____.

A. longest operating cycle
B. shortest operating cycle
C. manufacturing phase
D. none of these
Answer» B. shortest operating cycle

_____ is that minimum amount which should always be present in the business to carry out the activities without a break.

A. net working capital
B. gross working capital
C. permanent working capital
D. temporary working capital
Answer» C. permanent working capital

Working capital over and above the fixed working capital would be termed as _______.

A. temporary working capital
B. permanent working capital
C. net working capital
D. gross working capital
Answer» A. temporary working capital

__________ denotes a situation of too much or excessive working capital.

A. gross working capital
B. redundant working capital
C. permanent working capital
D. temporary working capital
Answer» B. redundant working capital

_________ being the life blood of a business requires to be maintained in reasonably adequate quantity to run business successfully.

A. working capital
B. proper documents
C. assets
D. petty cash
Answer» A. working capital

According to ________ working capital refers to the company’s total investment in current assets.

A. net concept
B. gross concept
C. equal concept
D. accounting concept
Answer» B. gross concept

According to ________ working capital refers to the difference between current assets and current liabilities.

A. equal concept
B. accounting concept
C. net concept
D. gross concept
Answer» C. net concept

The funds required for running an organisation are generally called as ____________.

A. overdraft
B. cash credit
C. working capital
D. operating profit
Answer» C. working capital

The __________ is required to ensure circulation of operating cycle.

A. regular working capital
B. fixed working capital
C. reserve working capital
D. variable working capital
Answer» A. regular working capital

________ is the excess amount over the requirement for regular working capital.

A. variable working capital
B. fixed working capital
C. reserve working capital
D. regular working capital
Answer» C. reserve working capital

The working capital required to meet the seasonal need of the business is called _______.

A. fixed working capital
B. variable working capital
C. special working capital
D. seasonal working capital
Answer» D. seasonal working capital

___________ is required to meet special exigencies such as launching of extensive marketing campaigns for conducting research.

A. seasonal working capital
B. special working capital
C. reserve working capital
D. regular working capital
Answer» B. special working capital

The statement of changes in financial position prepared to determine only the sources and uses of working capital between two dates of balance sheet is known as __________.

A. cash flow statement
B. memorandum balance sheet
C. fund flow statement
D. profit and loss account
Answer» C. fund flow statement

What are the aspects of working capital management?

A. inventory management
B. receivable management
C. cash management
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

_________ function includes a firm’s attempts to balance cash inflows and outflows.

A. finance
B. liquidity
C. investment
D. dividend
Answer» B. liquidity

Firms which are capital intensive rely on _________.

A. equity
B. short term debt
C. debt
D. retained earnings
Answer» C. debt

Hirer is entitled to claim ___________.

A. depreciation
B. salvage value
C. hp payments
D. none of above
Answer» A. depreciation

Which of the following is not an advantages of trade credit?

A. easy availability
B. flexibility
C. informality
D. buyout financing
Answer» D. buyout financing

Which of the following are theories for dividend relevance?

A. walter’s model
B. mm approach
C. game theory
D. market value theory
Answer» A. walter’s model

What is not a form of dividend?

A. cash dividends
B. bonus shares(stock dividend)
C. share split
D. split reverse
Answer» D. split reverse

The percentage of earnings paid as dividends is called __________.

A. dividend policy
B. payout ration
C. cash dividends
D. reverse split
Answer» B. payout ration

What are the various methods of estimating cash?

A. receipts and payment method
B. adjusted profit & loss method
C. balance sheet method
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The art of managing, within the acceptable level of risk, the consolidated funds optimally and profitably is called _________.

A. integrated treasury
B. treasury management
C. merchant banking
D. none of the above
Answer» B. treasury management

What are the different types of underlying assets?

A. stocks
B. bonds
C. currency
D. stock indices
Answer» D. stock indices

What are people who buy or sell in the market to make profits called?

A. hedgers
B. speculators
C. arbitrageurs
D. none of the above
Answer» B. speculators

Which of the following is a technique that helps the exporter to sell the receivables to any bank or financial institution without recourse?

A. forfeiting
B. leading & lagging
C. derivatives
D. netting
Answer» A. forfeiting

Money market financial services not include:

A. bill discounting
B. merchant banking
C. leasing
D. securitization
Answer» B. merchant banking

Factoring involves:

A. providing short term loan
B. providing long term loan
C. financing of export receivables
D. management of receivables of borrower
Answer» D. management of receivables of borrower

The tools of treasury management does not include:

A. foreign exchange management
B. cash management
C. receivable management
D. risk management
Answer» D. risk management

Under which type of bank borrowing can a borrower obtain credit from a bank against its bills?

A. letter of credit
B. cash
C. purchase or discounting of bills
D. working capital loan
Answer» C. purchase or discounting of bills

The factors that affect dividend policy are:

A. tax consideration
B. privatization
C. foreign investment
D. working cash flow
Answer» A. tax consideration

To financial analysts, "working capital" means the same thing as __________.

A. total assets
B. fixed assets
C. current assets
D. current assets minus current liabilities.
Answer» C. current assets

Which of the following would be consistent with an aggressive approach to financing working capital?

A. financing short-term needs with short-term funds.
B. financing permanent inventory buildup with long-term debt.
C. financing seasonal needs with short-term funds.
D. financing some long-term needs with short-term funds.
Answer» D. financing some long-term needs with short-term funds.

Which of the following would be consistent with a conservative approach to financing working capital?

A. financing short-term needs with short-term funds.
B. financing short-term needs with long-term debt.
C. financing seasonal needs with short-term funds.
D. financing some long-term needs with short-term funds.
Answer» B. financing short-term needs with long-term debt.

-Which of the following would be consistent with a hedging (maturity matching) approach to financing working capital?

A. financing short-term needs with short-term funds.
B. financing short-term needs with long-term debt.
C. financing seasonal needs with long-term funds.
D. financing some long-term needs with short-term funds.
Answer» A. financing short-term needs with short-term funds.

The amount of current assets that varies with seasonal requirements is referred to as __________ working capital.

A. permanent
B. net
C. temporary
D. gross
Answer» C. temporary
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