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October 30, 1922 - King Victor Emmanuel III invited …………….to form the government in Rome.

A. hitler
B. lenin
C. winston churchill
D. mussolini
Answer» D. mussolini

January 1930 - General Miguel Primo de Riviera of …………resigned from his office.

A. france
B. britain
C. spain
D. italy
Answer» C. spain

In 1931 - …………….invaded Manchuria.

A. france
B. britain
C. japan
D. italy
Answer» C. japan

A Republic was established in ………...under the leadership of Zamora.

A. britain
B. spain
C. france
D. italy
Answer» B. spain

In 1932 - ………….acquired a German Citizenship.

A. lenin
B. winston churchill
C. chamberlain
D. hitler
Answer» D. hitler

In …………….. The Nazi party acquired 44% seats in the Reichstag (German Parliament)

A. 1931
B. 1933
C. 1938
D. 1941
Answer» B. 1933

In August …………. - After the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler became an absolute ruler and is called the Fuehrer.

A. 1924
B. 1934
C. 1937
D. 1942
Answer» B. 1934

In ………… - Italy invaded Ethiopia.

A. 1905
B. 1915
C. 1935
D. 1937
Answer» C. 1935

The Second World War can be traced to the Treaty of Versailles, which had been imposed on……………...

A. germany
B. britain
C. france
D. italy
Answer» A. germany

In 1931, Japan grabbed Manchuria from…………..

A. italy
B. britain
C. france
D. china
Answer» D. china

World War II began with Hitler’s attack on Poland on September 1,……………...

A. 1909
B. 1919
C. 1939
D. 1946
Answer» C. 1939

The Anglo-Russian Alliance was formed on July 22, ……………, for mutual military aid in the war against Germany.

A. 1901
B. 1911
C. 1931
D. 1941
Answer» D. 1941

The American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was bombed by the Japanese on December 7,…………..

A. 1921
B. 1933
C. 1941
D. 1945
Answer» C. 1941

Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of…………..

A. britain
B. france
C. italy
D. u.s.a
Answer» A. britain

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of …………

A. u.s.a
B. britain
C. france
D. italy
Answer» A. u.s.a

Japan continued to battle until atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, …………….respectively, by the United States.

A. 1935
B. 1945
C. 1947
D. 1949
Answer» B. 1945

During the Second World War, the Nazi dictator, …………initiated a movement that aimed at wiping out the whole race of Jews which was called the holocaust.

A. lenin
B. winston churchill
C. chamberlain
D. adolf hitler
Answer» D. adolf hitler

After the war, Japan was placed under the control of the Far Eastern Commission with General …………….as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces.

A. mac arthur
B. lenin
C. hindenburg
D. victor emmanuel iii
Answer» A. mac arthur

In 1931 Japan captured…………...

A. leningrad
B. greece
C. manchuria
D. peking
Answer» C. manchuria

In 1938 …………..annexed Austria.

A. britain
B. germany
C. france
D. italy
Answer» B. germany

September 3, 1939 - Britain and France declared war on ………….

A. britain
B. greece
C. leningrad
D. germany
Answer» D. germany

September 1939 - ……………..attacked and captured Denmark and Norway.

A. germany
B. greece
C. leningrad
D. yugoslavia
Answer» A. germany

November 30, 1939 - Soviet Union invaded……………...

A. usa
B. greece
C. leningrad
D. finland
Answer» D. finland

Battle of Britain was in the year………………..

A. 1930
B. 1940
C. 1942
D. 1946
Answer» B. 1940

December 7, 1941 - …………..attacked Pearl Harbor.

A. usa
B. japan
C. malaysia
D. hong kong
Answer» B. japan

December ……………. Germany and Italy declared war on USA.

A. 1911
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1941
Answer» D. 1941

August 1945 - US dropped Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, (6th) and Nagasaki (9th), in ……

A. malaysia
B. china
C. japan
D. luxembourg
Answer» C. japan

…………. attacked Poland on September 1, 1939.

A. hitler
B. john f. kennedy
C. lenin
D. hindenburg
Answer» A. hitler

The U.S.A. entered the Second World War when …….attacked the Pearl Harbor in 1940.

A. belgium
B. malaysia
C. luxembourg
D. japan
Answer» D. japan

The United Nations Organization was established in………………..

A. 1935
B. 1945
C. 1947
D. 1949
Answer» B. 1945

In August …………… the Atlantic Charter was issued by the U.S. President Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Churchill.

A. 1901
B. 1911
C. 1921
D. 1941
Answer» D. 1941

In October 1944, a scheme for the establishment of an international security organization was discussed at Dumbarton Oaks Conference held in………………….

A. washington dc
B. san francisco
C. malaysia
D. luxembourg
Answer» A. washington dc

The Yalta Conference held in 1945 in which the U.S. President Roosevelt, the British Prime Minister Churchill and the Soviet Prime Minister …………met to resolve to call for a session of the United Nations.

A. lenin
B. stalin
C. winston churchill
D. hindenburg
Answer» B. stalin

……………started functioning from 24th October, 1945.

A. u.n.o.
B. cento
C. seato
D. usa
Answer» A. u.n.o.

Headquarters of UNO was at………………...

A. new york
B. jerusalem
C. malaysia
D. hague
Answer» A. new york

The Security Council is the executive body of the ……………

A. u.n.o.
B. cento
C. seato
D. unicef
Answer» A. u.n.o.

The seat of The International Court of Justice of the U.N.O. is at …………… Netherlands.

A. jerusalem
B. hague
C. malaysia
D. belgium
Answer» B. hague

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established in…………….

A. 1936
B. 1946
C. 1948
D. 1949
Answer» B. 1946

Headquarters of UNICEF is………………….

A. new jersey
B. jerusalem
C. belgium
D. new york
Answer» D. new york

World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 1948 with its headquarters at……………..

A. geneva
B. czechoslovakia
C. jerusalem
D. malaysia
Answer» A. geneva

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded in 1946 with its headquarters at………………...

A. paris
B. czechoslovakia
C. jerusalem
D. belgium
Answer» A. paris

1941 - The US president Roosevelt and the ……………Prime Minister Churchill issued declaration called the Atlantic Charter.

A. spanish
B. british
C. portuguese
D. african
Answer» B. british

The UNICEF was established in …………. with its headquarters at New York.

A. 1916
B. 1926
C. 1928
D. 1946
Answer» D. 1946

November 1946 UNESCO was established with its head quarters at……………..

A. paris
B. belgium
C. thailand
D. czechoslovakia
Answer» A. paris

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up as the world´s "Atoms for Peace" organization in …………..within the United Nations family.

A. 1907
B. 1917
C. 1927
D. 1957
Answer» D. 1957

The post World War II period saw a new kind of international relations set in. It was neither an era of peace nor of war. The major power blocs were the Western Bloc, led by The United States and Great Britain and, the Eastern Bloc, led by the…………….

A. soviet union
B. malaysia
C. belgium
D. america
Answer» A. soviet union

The term ‘Cold War’ was first coined by Bernard Baruch, an ……………statesman and later popularized by Professor Lippmann.

A. american
B. belgian
C. spanish
D. british
Answer» A. american

The Truman Doctrine was announced by President Truman in the American Congress on March 12,…………..

A. 1947
B. 1949
C. 1957
D. 1958
Answer» A. 1947

Who declared that the United States must adopt a policy to support free peoples who were resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures?

A. truman
B. john f. kennedy
C. yasser arafat
D. lenin
Answer» A. truman

The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in ………….on April 4, 1949.

A. washington
B. malaysia
C. belgium
D. paris
Answer» A. washington

……………….., a career Foreign Service Officer, formulated the policy of "containment," the basic United States strategy for fighting the cold war with the Soviet Union.

A. george f. kennan
B. george c. marshall
C. john f. kennedy
D. yuri andropov
Answer» A. george f. kennan

Harry S. Truman was the president of ………………..

A. usa
B. french
C. soviet union
D. portugal
Answer» A. usa

Cominform was founded in ………………….

A. 1917
B. 1927
C. 1937
D. 1947
Answer» D. 1947

Cominform was a Soviet-dominated organization of Communist parties founded in September 1947 at a conference of Communist party leaders in Szklarska Poręba,………………...

A. poland
B. belgium
C. thailand
D. czechoslovakia
Answer» A. poland

The initial seat of Cominform was located in …………….(then the capital of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia).

A. belgrade
B. luxembourg
C. belgium
D. thailand
Answer» A. belgrade

After the expulsion of Yugoslavia from Cominform in June…………….., the seat was moved to Bucharest, Romania.

A. 1908
B. 1918
C. 1948
D. 1953
Answer» C. 1948

The Second World War ended in …………. with the defeat of Nazi Germany.

A. 1915
B. 1925
C. 1935
D. 1945
Answer» D. 1945

In the …………….Agreement of 2 August 1945, the four victorious allies – the USA, Soviet Union, England and France – decided to divide Germany up into four occupied zones.

A. potsdam
B. luxembourg
C. belgium
D. thailand
Answer» A. potsdam

The Berlin Wall fell in November …………………

A. 1949
B. 1959
C. 1969
D. 1989
Answer» D. 1989

Germany was reunified on 3 October………………..

A. 1940
B. 1950
C. 1960
D. 1990
Answer» D. 1990

Under the guidance of Soviet Russia, a founding meeting of the Chinese Communist party (CCP) was held in ……….in July 1921.

A. luxembourg
B. shanghai
C. thailand
D. hunan
Answer» B. shanghai

On October 1, …………., Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

A. 1939
B. 1949
C. 1953
D. 1956
Answer» B. 1949

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in …………. by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.

A. 1939
B. 1949
C. 1951
D. 1959
Answer» B. 1949

South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was formed in………….

A. 1944
B. 1954
C. 1957
D. 1959
Answer» B. 1954

Which was the Headquarters of SEATO?

A. czechoslovakia
B. bangkok
C. jerusalem
D. malaysia
Answer» B. bangkok

SEATO was formally disbanded in…………..

A. 1967
B. 1977
C. 1979
D. 1987
Answer» B. 1977

The Warsaw Treaty Organization (also known as the Warsaw Pact) was a political and military alliance established on May 14, 1955 between the …………….and several Eastern European countries.

A. soviet union
B. jerusalem
C. malaysia
D. america
Answer» A. soviet union

The Warsaw Pact officially disbanded in March and July of …………. following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

A. 1931
B. 1941
C. 1991
D. 1992
Answer» C. 1991

The ……………..pact was a defensive organization for promoting shared political, military and economic goals founded in 1955 by Turkey, Iraq, Great Britain, Pakistan and Iran.

A. baghdad
B. jerusalem
C. soviet union
D. malaysia
Answer» A. baghdad

The main purpose of the …………Pact was to prevent communist incursions and foster peace in the Middle East.

A. baghdad
B. albania
C. poland
D. palestine
Answer» A. baghdad

………………. was renamed the Central Treaty Organization, or CENTO, in 1959 after Iraq pulled out of the Pact.

A. baghdad
B. hungary
C. bulgaria
D. romania
Answer» A. baghdad

CENTO was formally disbanded in…………….

A. 1959
B. 1969
C. 1979
D. 1989
Answer» C. 1979

In…………, the Suez Canal became the focus of a major world conflict.

A. 1916
B. 1926
C. 1956
D. 1958
Answer» C. 1956

In the late 19th century ………….arose as a nationalist and political movement aimed at restoring the land of Israel as a national home for the Jewish people.

A. zionism
B. cento
C. lollards
D. judaism
Answer» A. zionism

The first Zionist congress took place in 1897 in Basel under the guidance of ……………..journalist Theodor Herzl.

A. austrian
B. lebanon
C. soviet union
D. american
Answer» A. austrian

Who wrote the book “The Jewish State”?

A. theodor herzl
B. john f. kennedy
C. nikita khrushchev
D. fidel castro
Answer» A. theodor herzl

The PLO was created in …………………

A. 1914
B. 1924
C. 1944
D. 1964
Answer» D. 1964

By 1967 the ………………had decided that their primary goal was the destruction of the state of Israel.

A. plo
B. zionism
C. cominform
D. cento
Answer» A. plo

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formally dissolved on 25th December,…………..

A. 1941
B. 1951
C. 1967
D. 1991
Answer» D. 1991

…………….led the USSR from 1962-1982.

A. leonid brezhnev
B. stalin
C. khrushchev
D. cherenkov
Answer» A. leonid brezhnev

In 1894 ……………..founded the Chinese Revival society.

A. dr. sun yat sen
B. chiang kai-shek
C. mao
D. yuanshikai
Answer» A. dr. sun yat sen

The Boxer Rebellion in China was in ………………

A. 1800
B. 1890
C. 1900
D. 1907
Answer» C. 1900

The Manchu dynasty was overthrown in a revolution of …………….

A. 1879
B. 1891
C. 1911
D. 1921
Answer» C. 1911

Japan captured Manchuria and withdrew from the League of Nations in …………...

A. 1911
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1935
Answer» C. 1931

In 1941 …………..attacked the American Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

A. china
B. japan
C. britain
D. spain
Answer» B. japan

In 1949 Indonesia becomes independent from …………rule.

A. none
B. dutch french
C. spanish
D. british
Answer» B. dutch french
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