9700+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English)

  1. 1. Appreciating Poetry
  2. 2. Appreciating Prose
  3. 3. Communication Skills in English
  4. 4. Critical Reasoning, Writing and Presentation
  5. 5. Dalit Literature
  6. 6. Emergence and Establishment of Islam
  7. 7. English Grammar and Usage
  8. 8. English Literature and Informatics
  9. 9. Evolution Literary of Movements ,The cross currents of Change
  10. 10. Evolution of Literary Movements The Shapers of Destiny
  11. 11. Fundamentals of Communication and Media
  12. 12. Historical Survey of Islamic Golden Age
  13. 13. History and Philosophy of Science
  14. 14. History of English Literature 1
  15. 15. History of Journalism 1
  16. 16. History of Journalism 2
  17. 17. History of Mass Media
  18. 18. History of Tudors and Stuarts
  19. 19. Indian Constitution and Politics
  20. 20. Indian Constitution And Politics 1
  21. 21. Indian Constitution And Politics 2
  22. 22. Indian Writing in English.
  23. 23. Informatics
  24. 24. Introducing to Literature
  25. 25. Introduction to Communication and Journalism
  26. 26. Introduction to Electronic Media
  27. 27. Introduction to Mass Communication
  28. 28. Introduction to Political Science and Governmental Structures and Processes
  29. 29. Introduction to TV and Cinema
  30. 30. Journalistic Practices
  31. 31. Language and Linguistics
  32. 32. Literary Criticism and Theory
  33. 33. Literature and Contemporary Issues
  34. 34. Literatures in English- American and Postcolonial
  35. 35. Methodology in Humanities
  36. 36. Methodology of Literature
  37. 37. Modern English Literature
  38. 38. Modern Indian History (1857 to the present) 1
  39. 39. Modern Indian History (1857 to the present) 2
  40. 40. Modern World History
  41. 41. Modern World History from AD 1500
  42. 42. Movements and Revivalism in Islam- Islamic Revivalism in Modern Era
  43. 43. Movements and Revivalism in Islam- Political Movements in the Middle East
  44. 44. Perspective on Literature
  45. 45. Principles of Sociology
  46. 46. Radio and Television (Electronic Media)
  47. 47. Reading Drama
  48. 48. Reading Fiction
  49. 49. Reading Literature in English
  50. 50. Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment
  51. 51. Reading Poetry
  52. 52. Reading Prose
  53. 53. Regional Literature in Translation
  54. 54. Signatures- Expressing the self
  55. 55. Social and Cultural History of Britain
  56. 56. Social and Cultural History of Britain (Ancient and Medieval Period)
  57. 57. Social and Cultural History of Britain 2
  58. 58. Spectrum- Literature and Contemporary Issues
  59. 59. Transactions- Essential English Language Skills
  60. 60. Ways with Words
  61. 61. World Classic In Translation
  62. 62. Writing for Academic and Professional Success
  63. 63. Zeitgeist- Reading on Contemporary Culture

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