10800+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

  1. 1. .NET Programming
  2. 2. 8085 Microprocessor
  3. 3. 8086 Microprocessor
  4. 4. Advanced Web Technologies
  5. 5. Basics of Computer Architecture
  6. 6. Basics of Computer Graphics
  7. 7. Basics of Database Management System (DBMS)
  8. 8. BCA- Mathematics
  9. 9. C Programming Basic
  10. 10. Cloud Computing
  11. 11. Communication Skill
  12. 12. Computer Fundamentals
  13. 13. Computer Organization and Architecture
  14. 14. Control Systems
  15. 15. Data Communication and Computer Network
  16. 16. Data Structures (DS)
  17. 17. DataBase Management System (DBMS)
  18. 18. Digital Electronics
  19. 19. E-Commerce
  20. 20. Front office Management
  21. 21. Fundamentals of Computer Programming 1
  22. 22. Information Security
  23. 23. Introduction to Computers
  24. 24. Java Programming
  25. 25. Linux Operating System
  26. 26. Management information system
  27. 27. Multimedia Technology
  28. 28. Object Oriented Programming Using C++
  29. 29. Object Oriented Programming with C++ (OOP in C++)
  30. 30. Operating System (OS)
  31. 31. Operations Research
  32. 32. Personality Development
  33. 33. Principle of Management
  34. 34. Principles of Accounting
  35. 35. Script Writing and Story Board Designing
  36. 36. Software Engineering
  37. 37. Statistical Methods
  38. 38. System Analysis and Design
  39. 39. Web Technology
  40. 40. Webenabled application

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