70+ Modern Indian History (1857 to the present) 1 Solved MCQs


Who founded Brahma Samaj?

A. mohan roy
B. benkin chandra chatterji
C. tagore
D. none .
Answer» A. mohan roy

Dayantha Saraswathy founded …........

A. arya samaj
B. prarthana samaj
C. aligarh movement
D. brahma samaj.
Answer» A. arya samaj

In 1917 Annie Besant was elected …........ of the Indian Natioanl Congress.

A. vice roy
B. cheif executive officer
C. manager
D. president.
Answer» D. president.

Which sect of Bhudhism flourished in Ceylon?

A. mahayan
B. hinayan
C. vajrayana
D. mahayana and hinayana equally
Answer» A. mahayan

The battle of plassey took place in the year .

A. 1757
B. 1787
C. 1907
D. 1717
Answer» A. 1757

The Drain Theory was propounded by

A. jawaharlal nehru
B. dadabhai naoroji
C. r c dutt
D. m k gandhi.
Answer» B. dadabhai naoroji

Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British state of

A. travancore
B. baroda
C. hyderabad
D. mysore
Answer» A. travancore

.Tipu Sultan was the ruler of

A. hyderabad
B. b madurai
C. mysore
D. vijaya nagar
Answer» C. mysore

.Wellesely came to India as governor general in

A. 1796
B. 1797
C. 1798
D. 1799
Answer» C. 1798

Hindu college Calcutta founded by

A. rajaram mohan roy
B. vivekanda
C. syyed ahmed khan
D. none.
Answer» A. rajaram mohan roy

India struggle for Independence is a book edited by

A. bipan chandra
B. satish chandra
C. sumit sarkar
D. none.
Answer» B. satish chandra

The battle of Buxar took place in the year

A. 1757
B. 1764
C. 1907
D. 1717
Answer» B. 1764

S N D P formed in the year …......

A. 1905
B. 1903
C. 1914
D. none.
Answer» B. 1903

Panditha Rama Bai belongs to …...........

A. karnataka
B. delhi
C. bengal
D. kerala
Answer» A. karnataka

Which was the first news paper in India?

A. bengal gazate
B. malayala manorama
C. mathrubhumi
D. the hindu
Answer» A. bengal gazate

Social back ground of Indian Nationalism is a work by …...

A. dr a c das
B. prof maxmuller
C. ram lal desai
D. dr k k sharma
Answer» C. ram lal desai

How many branches of Home rule league did Bal Gangadhar Tilak setup?

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 8
Answer» A. 6

. The papers New India and “common weal “ were started by …........

A. bal gangadhar tilak
B. jawahar lal nehru
C. mahatma gandhi
D. annie besant
Answer» D. annie besant

Where and when the extremists were readmitted in to the congress ?

A. lahore-1916
B. lucknow 1916
C. karachi 1917
D. surat,1917.
Answer» B. lucknow 1916

Who said the following of the Indian National Congress ;A safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces generated by our own actions was urgently needed ?

A. a o hume
B. m a jinnah
C. bal ganghadhar tilak
D. bipin chandra pal
Answer» A. a o hume

Where was the first section of Indian National Congress held in 1885

A. poona
B. calcutta
C. bombay
D. agra
Answer» C. bombay

Who presided over the second session of INC?

A. pherozeshah metha
B. a o hume
C. dada bhai naoroji
D. mahatma gandhi
Answer» C. dada bhai naoroji

In which session the Indian National Congress split in to the Moderates and the extremists?

A. 1905
B. 1909
C. 1908
D. 1907
Answer» D. 1907

Who was the first women president of Indian Natioanl Congress?

A. sarojini naidu
B. annie besant
C. nellie sen gupta
D. lakhshmi sehgal
Answer» B. annie besant

Who was the Viceroy of India during Swadeshi Movement ?

A. lord curzon
B. lord irwin
C. lord willingdon
D. lord lansdowne
Answer» A. lord curzon

Who among the following is not the chief architect of Swadeshi Movement ?

A. arabindo ghosh
B. m k gandhi
C. lokmanya bal gangadhar tilak
D. bipin chandra pal
Answer» B. m k gandhi

Who setup Swadesh Bandhab Samiti to propagate the Swadeshi Movement ?

A. surendra nath banerjee
B. rabindra nath tagore
C. g k gokhale
D. ashwini kumar dutt
Answer» D. ashwini kumar dutt

Who was the president of Indin Natioanl Congress during Swadeshi movement ?

A. dadabaha naoroji
B. a o hume
C. m k gandhi
D. b g tilak
Answer» A. dadabaha naoroji

Which of the following extremist leader murdered Kennedy on april 30,1908 ?

A. subramaniyam bharati
B. khudirium bose and prafulla chaki
C. hema chandra kanungo
D. sachindranath sanyal
Answer» B. khudirium bose and prafulla chaki

Taikh -i-Ferishta was written as per the instruction of which ruler ?

A. nizam shah
B. muhammad bin tuglaq
C. akbar
D. ibrahim adilshah
Answer» A. nizam shah

The revolt of 1857 began at …........

A. delhi
B. meerut
C. alahabhad
D. none
Answer» B. meerut

The head quarters of the Ramakrishna Ashramam is at …........?

A. calcutta
B. bombay
C. delhi
D. dhakka
Answer» A. calcutta

Who abolished dyrachy system?

A. warren hastings
B. lord curzon
C. cornwallis
D. minto.
Answer» A. warren hastings

Mangal Pandey was executed on

A. 9 th may 1857
B. 9 th may 1858n
C. 9 th may 1890
D. 8 th april 1857.
Answer» D. 8 th april 1857.

Who was the first martyr of the Revolt ?

A. mangal pandey
B. nehru
C. rani laxmi bhai
D. tantio tope
Answer» A. mangal pandey

Which part of India witnessed the revolt of 1857?

A. north india
B. south india
C. eastern india
D. north east
Answer» A. north india

India Struggle for Independence is a book edited by

A. bipan chandra
B. satis chandra
C. sumit sarkar
D. none
Answer» A. bipan chandra

The treaty of Sreerangapattanam was between

A. tipu and british
B. hyder and british
C. tipu and french
D. hyder and french
Answer» A. tipu and british

Permanent settlement proved harmful mostly to

A. land lords
B. peasants
C. company
D. money lenders
Answer» B. peasants

The permanent settlement was introduced in India by

A. warren hastings
B. lord welleseley
C. lord cornwallis
D. robert clive
Answer» C. lord cornwallis

The Second Carnatic war was fought between

A. 1749-1752
B. 1749-1754
C. 1749-1753
D. 1749-1755
Answer» B. 1749-1754

.How many years did the third Carnatic war last?

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. six
Answer» D. six

.Name the Irish lady who was elected first women president of Indian national Congress ?

A. nivedita
B. mira benh
C. annie besant
D. sarojini naidu
Answer» C. annie besant

Who among the following is considered as the 'Grand mother of Indian revolutionary movement ?

A. sarojini naidu
B. lakshmibai,the rani of jhansi
C. annie besant
D. madam cama
Answer» D. madam cama

In which place khar party was founded?

A. san francisco
B. california
C. tokyo
D. london
Answer» A. san francisco

Who was the founder of Gadar party?

A. lala hardayal
B. sohan singh bhakkna
C. taraknath das
D. all of the above.
Answer» B. sohan singh bhakkna

.Which was first Vernacular paper in India ?

A. bengal gazette
B. samachar darpan
C. mumbai samachar
D. the times of india.
Answer» B. samachar darpan

Which was the oldest daily in India?

A. bengal gazetee
B. samachar darpan
C. mumbai samachar
D. the times of india.
Answer» C. mumbai samachar

Which is the oldest English daily in India?

A. the hindustan times
B. the statesman
C. the times of india
D. the indian express .
Answer» C. the times of india

When was Queen Victoria”s proclamatiom

A. 1857
B. 1858
C. 1862
D. 1892
Answer» B. 1858

When was the Indian association formed ?

A. 1876
B. 1885
C. 1886
D. 1893
Answer» A. 1876

When was the Bengal Province partioned ?

A. 1905
B. 1906
C. 1911
D. 1909
Answer» A. 1905

When was Indian Councils Act announced ?

A. 1905
B. 1906
C. 1909
D. 1911
Answer» C. 1909

Who wrote 'vande mataram”

A. rabindra nath tagore
B. bankim chandra chatterjee
C. muhammad iqbal
D. b g tilak
Answer» B. bankim chandra chatterjee

. Who was the president of Indian national congress during Benagl partion ?

A. a w c banerjee
B. a o hume
C. dadabahai naoroji
D. gopal krishna gokhale.
Answer» D. gopal krishna gokhale.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak born on …....................

A. 23 july 1866
B. 23 july 1876
C. 23 july 1846
D. 23 july 1856
Answer» B. 23 july 1876

Which of the following is not related to Bal Gangadhar Tilak ?

A. social reformer
B. journalist
C. physician
D. teacher.
Answer» C. physician

Which of the folllowing personality is considerd as father of Indian Unrest ?

A. pandit nehru
B. mahatma gandhi
C. bal gangadhar tilak
D. subash chandra bose.
Answer» C. bal gangadhar tilak

In ….....Annie Besant founded the Home Rule League.

A. 1923
B. 1945
C. 1916
D. 1910
Answer» C. 1916

In 1913 Annie Besant started a journal called …........

A. the india
B. indian
C. independence india
D. new india
Answer» D. new india

.In 1913 ,Annie Besant founded Central Hindu College High School at …........

A. banaras
B. allhabad
C. delhi
D. kolkata
Answer» A. banaras

Annie Besant was first women to support …......... in England.

A. none of these
B. social responsibility
C. birth control
D. literacy rate.
Answer» C. birth control

Who said permanent settlement that it was sad blunder

A. Marshman
B. Holmes
C. V A Smith
D. Lanepoole
Answer» B. Holmes

Among the following ,permanent settlement was introduced in the province of

A. Madras
B. punjab
C. Bengal
D. Bombay
Answer» C. Bengal

Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of

A. Travancore
B. Baroda
C. Hyderaba
D. D Mysore
Answer» A. Travancore

Tipu sultan was the ruler of

A. Hyderabad
B. Madurai
C. Mysore
D. Vijaya nagar
Answer» C. Mysore

What was the prominent reason of the out break of the Battle of Plassey

A. Mir Jafar
B. Mir Kasim
C. Jagat Sait
D. None of them
Answer» A. Mir Jafar

What was the immediate cause of the out break of the revolt of 1857

A. Greased Catridges
B. Transfer policy of English
C. Behavoiur of the English
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Greased Catridges

The Indian Soldier who instigated the sepoys to the revolt of 1857 was

A. Mangal Pandey
B. Suresh Pandey
C. Ramesh Pandey
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Mangal Pandey

India came under direct colony of British in

A. 1857
B. 1858
C. 1869
D. 1860
Answer» B. 1858

The governor general of India came to be known as Viceroy of India with effect from

A. 1855
B. 1856
C. 1857
D. 1858
Answer» D. 1858

Whose tomb is at Bristol?

A. Rajaram Mohan Roy
B. William Bentik
C. Vivekanda
D. None
Answer» A. Rajaram Mohan Roy

What does the meaning peshwa means

A. A great personality
B. A great commander of the Army
C. Hea
D. of justice department D leader or Prime minister
Answer» D. of justice department D leader or Prime minister

Shudhi movement was started by

A. . swami shraddhanand
B. swami dayanand
C. sree narayana guru
D. R G Ranade
Answer» A. . swami shraddhanand

up to 1704 Mysore was under the supremacy of

A. Akbar
B. Jahangir
C. Shajahan
D. Aurangazeb
Answer» D. Aurangazeb

Haider Ali was born in 1722 at ….........

A. Siyal kot
B. Budikot
C. Sherkot
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Budikot
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