170+ Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 1 Solved MCQs


A ______ is a value that may change within the scope of a given problem or set of operations

A. constant
B. variable
C. function
D. exponent
Answer» B. variable

__________ variable is a factor that is not itself under study but affects the measurement of the study variables or the examination of their relationships.

A. exogenous
B. endogenous
C. extraneous
D. dependent
Answer» C. extraneous

An index number is used:

A. to measure changes in quantity
B. to measure changes in demand
C. to measure changes in a variable over time
D. to measure changes in price
Answer» C. to measure changes in a variable over time

The ratio of a new price to the base year price is called the:

A. price absolute
B. price decrease
C. price increase
D. price relative
Answer» D. price relative

A simple aggregate quantity index is used to:

A. measure the change in price of a product
B. measure the change in quantity of a product
C. measure the overall change in quantity of a range of products
D. measure the overall change in price of a range of products
Answer» D. measure the overall change in price of a range of products

A simple aggregate price index:

A. ignores relative quantities
B. compares relative quantities to relative prices
C. considers relative quantities
D. compares absolute prices to absolute quantities
Answer» A. ignores relative quantities

This index measures the change from month to month in the cost of a representative ‘basket’ of goods and services of the type bought by a typical household

A. paasche price index
B. retail price index
C. laspeyres price index
D. financial times index
Answer» B. retail price index

The Laspeyres and Paasche index are examples of:

A. weighted price index only
B. aggregate index numbers
C. weighted index numbers
D. weighted quantity index only
Answer» C. weighted index numbers

The Laspeyres price index:

A. regards the current year quantities as fixed
B. regards the base year quantities as fixed
C. regards the base year prices as fixed
D. regards the current quality as fixed
Answer» B. regards the base year quantities as fixed

A scaling factor is used to:

A. change a simple index to a weighted index
B. convert the paasche index to a laspeyres index
C. change an aggregate index to a weighted index
D. change the base year
Answer» D. change the base year

The distinctive feature of the ______ index is that it uses a group of commodities purchased in the base period as the basis for comparison

A. paasche’s
B. laspeyres
C. fisher’s
D. dorbish-bowley
Answer» B. laspeyres

________was developed to measure changes in the cost of living in order to determine the wage increases necessary to maintain a constant standard of living.

A. price index
B. sensex
C. correlation
D. regression
Answer» A. price index

____________ measure of living costs based on changes in retail prices

A. correlation
B. whole sale price index
C. consumer price index
D. regression
Answer» C. consumer price index

Paasche index was developed by ______economist Hermann Paasche for measuring current price or quantity levels relative to those of a selected base period

A. american
B. british
C. australian
D. german
Answer» D. german

The ratio-moving-average procedure can be used to deseasonalize data

A. true
B. false
C. either of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» A. true

The weighing factor, used in the exponential smoothing method, is always a number between ______

A. zero and ten
B. five and ten
C. zero and one
D. zero and negative one
Answer» C. zero and one

A moving average of a time series is the value around which a series moves over time.

A. true
B. false
C. either of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» B. false

In a time series analysis it is often important to analyze seasonal variations

A. true
B. false
C. either of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» A. true

The index number for the price of a good in 2002 was 142 and in 2003, it was 148.5, on a base year of 1994. What is the percent increase in price of gasoline from 2002 to 2003

A. 4.377%
B. 4.577%
C. 95.62%
D. 6.5%
Answer» B. 4.577%

Which one of the following is not a component of the multiplicative time series model?

A. trend
B. irregular variation
C. regression trend
D. seasonality
Answer» C. regression trend

Which of the following is not a component of the multiplicative time series model?

A. trend analysis
B. seasonal variation
C. cyclical variation
D. regressive variation
Answer» D. regressive variation

The time series component that indicates a steady increase or decrease over time is known as a ____________

A. order
B. pattern
C. trend
D. seasonality
Answer» C. trend

A pattern in a times-series model that occurs over a duration of more than a year is called a ___________ variation

A. trend
B. seasonal
C. cyclical
D. regressive
Answer» C. cyclical

Which two components are smoothed out by the moving average

A. seasonality and irregular
B. cyclicality; seasonality
C. variability: randomality
D. randomality; seasonality
Answer» A. seasonality and irregular

If a value is missing in a time series we can do one of the following

A. just copy the previous value
B. estimate it as an average between two neighbouring values
C. take the overall mean as the best estimate of it
D. ignore it
Answer» B. estimate it as an average between two neighbouring values

One of the classifications of time series is that they can be either

A. categorical or ordinal
B. stationary or non-stationary
C. inflationary or non-inflationary
D. increasing or decreasing
Answer» B. stationary or non-stationary

Another name for the regression method is

A. linear method
B. univariate method
C. time series method
D. causal method
Answer» D. causal method

Exponential smoothing is

A. a method to use number exponents to smooth the time series
B. one of the forecasting methods
C. a method of testing linearity
D. a method to find elasticity
Answer» B. one of the forecasting methods

“Sensex” is related to

A. bse
B. nse
C. rbi
D. sebi
Answer» A. bse

Which of the following is not one of the four types of variation that is estimated in time- series analysis

A. predictable
B. trend
C. cyclical
D. irregular
Answer» A. predictable

The cyclical component of time-series data is usually estimated using

A. linear regression analysis
B. moving averages
C. exponential smoothing
D. qualitative methods
Answer» D. qualitative methods

In time-series analysis, which source of variation can be estimated by the ratio-to-trend method

A. cyclical
B. trend
C. seasonal
D. irregular
Answer» C. seasonal

If regression analysis is used to estimate the linear relationship between the natural logarithm of the variable to be forecast and time, then the slope estimate is equal to

A. the linear trend
B. the natural logarithm of the rate of growth
C. the natural logarithm of one plus the rate of growth
D. the natural logarithm of the square root of the rate of growth
Answer» C. the natural logarithm of one plus the rate of growth

The use of a smoothing technique is appropriate when

A. random behaviour is the primary source of variation
B. seasonality is present
C. data exhibit a strong trend
D. all of the above are correct
Answer» A. random behaviour is the primary source of variation

Barometric methods are used to forecast

A. seasonal variation
B. secular trend
C. cyclical variation
D. irregular variation
Answer» C. cyclical variation

A single-equation econometric model of the demand for a product is a ________ equation in which the quantity demanded of the product is an ________ variable

A. structural, exogenous
B. structural, endogenous
C. definitional, exogenous
D. definitional, endogenous
Answer» B. structural, endogenous

Econometric forecasts require

A. accurate estimates of the coefficients of structural equations
B. forecasts of future values of exogenous variables
C. appropriate theoretical models
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Laspeyre's formula does not obey

A. factor reversal test
B. time reversal test
C. circular test
D. none
Answer» B. time reversal test

P10 is the index for time

A. 1 on 0
B. 0 on 1
C. 1 on 1
D. b) 0 on 0
Answer» B. 0 on 1

Fisher's Ideal Formula for calculating index nos. satisfies the________ tests

A. units test
B. factor reversal test
C. both a and b
D. do not satisfy any test
Answer» C. both a and b

_______________ is particularly suitable for the construction of index nos

A. harmonic mean
B. arithmetic mean
C. geometric mean
D. none
Answer» C. geometric mean

The________ of group indices given the General Index

A. harmonic mean
B. arithmetic mean
C. geometric mean
D. none of the above
Answer» B. arithmetic mean

In computing Index Numbers, ___________ is concerned with the measurement of price changes over a period of years, when it is desirable to shift the base

A. unit test
B. circular test
C. time reversal test
D. none of the above
Answer» B. circular test

Index nos. are often constructed from the

A. frequency
B. class
C. sample
D. none
Answer» C. sample

The formula should be independent of the unit in which or for which price and quantities are quoted in

A. unit test
B. time reversal test
C. factor reversal test
D. none of the above
Answer» A. unit test

Factor Reversal test is satisfied by

A. fisher\s ideal index
B. laspeyres index
C. paasches index
D. none of the above
Answer» A. fisher\s ideal index

The index no. is a special type of average

A. false
B. true
C. both
D. none
Answer» B. true

Laspeyre's method and Paasche's method do not satisfy

A. unit test
B. time reversal test
C. factor reversal test
D. none of the above
Answer» B. time reversal test

We use price index numbers

A. to measure and compare prices
B. to measure prices
C. to compare prices
D. none of the above
Answer» A. to measure and compare prices

Simple aggregate of quantities is a type of

A. quantity control
B. quantity indices
C. both
D. none of the above
Answer» B. quantity indices

The test of shifting the base is called

A. unit test
B. time reversal test
C. circular test
D. none of the above
Answer» C. circular test

Price relative is equal to

A. ×
B. ×
C. ℎ × 100
D. ℎ × 100
Answer» A. ×

The price relative is a price index that is determined by

A. (price in period t/base period price)(100)
B. (base period price/price in period t)(100)
C. (price in period t + base period price)(100)
D. none of the above
Answer» A. (price in period t/base period price)(100)

A composite price index based on the prices of a group of items is known as the

A. laspeyres index
B. paasche index
C. aggregate price index
D. consumer price index
Answer» C. aggregate price index

A weighted aggregate price index where the weight for each item is its base period quantity is known as the

A. paasche index
B. consumer price index
C. producer price index
D. laspeyres index
Answer» D. laspeyres index

A monthly price index that uses the price changes in consumer goods and services for measuring the changes in consumer prices over time is known as the

A. paasche index
B. consumer price index
C. producer price index
D. laspeyres index
Answer» B. consumer price index

A monthly price index that measures the changes in the prices of goods sold in a primary market is known as the

A. consumer price index
B. quantity index
C. index of industrial production
D. producer price index
Answer» D. producer price index

A composite price index where the prices of the items in the composite are weighted by their relative importance is known as the

A. price relative
B. weighted aggregate price index
C. consumer price index
D. none of the above
Answer» B. weighted aggregate price index

An index that is designed to measure changes in quantities over time is known as the

A. time index
B. quantity index
C. paasche index
D. change index
Answer» B. quantity index

A quantity index that is designed to measure changes in physical volume or production levels of industrial goods over time is known as the

A. physical volume index
B. time index
C. index of industrial production and capacity utilization
D. none of the above
Answer» C. index of industrial production and capacity utilization

The term econometrics was coined by

A. marsahll
B. pawel
C. ragnar frisch
D. pareto
Answer» C. ragnar frisch

Econometrics model is ___________model

A. exogenous
B. endogenous
C. identified
D. either exogenous or endogenous
Answer» D. either exogenous or endogenous

The starting point of econometric analysis is

A. model specification
B. formulation of alternative hypothesis
C. formulation of null hypothesis
D. collection of data
Answer» C. formulation of null hypothesis

Regressor refers to

A. independent variable
B. dependent variable
C. error term
D. dummy variable
Answer» A. independent variable

In perfect linear model, we assume that regression coefficient remains _________

A. variable until some point
B. variable through out
C. constant to some point
D. constant through out
Answer» D. constant through out

In econometric models, t+1 indicates,

A. net addition
B. current value with some fluctuations
C. expected value
D. none of these
Answer» C. expected value

When a north Indian town data and south Indian data are totalled, it leads to the problem of _________aggregation.

A. national
B. regional
C. spatial
D. heterogeneous
Answer» C. spatial

Among the following, which is an assumption of OLS

A. the explanatory variables are measurable
B. the relationship being estimated is identified
C. error term and independent variables are related
D. error term and independent variables are linearly related
Answer» B. the relationship being estimated is identified

The property of average or expected value is equal to true value of the coefficient is the property of

A. zero variance
B. minimum variance
C. zero mean
D. minimum mean
Answer» B. minimum variance

The power of a statistical test is defined as,

A. 1−β
B. 1 + β
C. 1
D. β
Answer» A. 1−β

Standard error is defined as,

A. standard deviation of the sampling distribution
B. standard deviation of the population
C. variance of the sampling distribution
D. variance of the population
Answer» A. standard deviation of the sampling distribution

Student t test is preferred in the case of a,

A. large sample
B. small sample
C. when sample is below 50
D. when sample is above 50
Answer» B. small sample

Cobb Douglas production function is an example of

A. linear model
B. double log model
C. lin log model
D. log lin model
Answer» B. double log model
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