250+ Theory of Machines Solved MCQs


For two meshing gears, their

A. Clearance must be same
B. No. of teeth must be same
C. Dedendum must be same
D. Addendum must be same
E. Module must be same
Answer» E. Module must be same

The curve traced by the end of a thread as it is unwound from a stationary cylinder is known as

A. Involute
B. Circle
C. Epicycloid
D. Cycloid
E. Straight line
Answer» A. Involute

The Ackermann steering gear consists of a four bar mechanism with

A. Only one pair turning and three paris sliding
B. All four pairs sliding
C. Only two pairs turning and low pairs sliding
D. Only three pairs turning and one pair sliding
E. All four pairs turning
Answer» E. All four pairs turning

In the case of an automobile power is transmitted from the gear box to the differential through

A. Bevel gears
B. Hooke's joint
C. Oldham's coupling
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Hooke's joint

The linear velocity of a point on a link relative to any other point on the link will be

A. Along the line joining the two points
B. Perpendicular to the line joining the two points
C. Same as that of the end points of link
D. Perpendicular to the lower end of the link
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Perpendicular to the line joining the two points

A Peaucellier mechanism has

A. Ten links
B. Eight links
C. Four links
D. Twelve links
E. Six links
Answer» B. Eight links

Two parallel shafts, the distance between whose axies is small and variable, may be connected by

A. Knuckle joint
B. Clutch arrangement
C. Gear drive
D. Oldham's coupling
E. Universal joint
Answer» D. Oldham's coupling

Nominal top width of a B type V-belt is

A. 13 mm
B. 22 mm
C. 32 mm
D. 17 mm
E. 31 mm
Answer» D. 17 mm

The number of nodes in shaft carrying only tow rotor at the ends will be

A. An odd number
B. One
C. An even number
D. Zero
E. Two
Answer» B. One

Which of the following gear is not used on non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts?

A. Bevel
B. Worm
C. Helical
D. Hypoid
E. All of the above
Answer» A. Bevel

In case of helical gears the angle between the plane containing the axes of the gear and plane passing through the pitch point is known as

A. Lead angle
B. Helix angle
C. Pitch angle
D. Pressure angle
E. Axial pitch angle
Answer» B. Helix angle

In case of flat belt drive the length of belt in case of

A. Open belt depends on sum of the diameters of pulleys
B. Open belts depends on difference of the diameters of pulleys
C. Cross belts depends on the sum of the diameters of pulleys
D. Cross belts depends on the difference of the diameters of pulleys
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Cross belts depends on the sum of the diameters of pulleys

The purpose of providing multiple collars on a flat collar pivot bearing is to

A. Increase frictional resistance
B. To establish self-sustaining bearing condition
C. Distribute the frictional load because of limiting friction
D. Distribute the axial load because of limiting bearing pressure on a collar
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Distribute the axial load because of limiting bearing pressure on a collar

In an at tomobile the power is transmitted from gear box to differential through

A. Universal joint
B. Hooke's joint
C. Kunckle join
D. Oldham's coupling
E. Bevel grars
Answer» B. Hooke's joint

In simple harmonic motion the acceleration is proportional to

A. Displacement
B. Linear velocity
C. Angular velocity
D. Rate of change of angular velocity
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Displacement

Slip in belt drive is

A. Loss of power
B. Difference between the velocities of two pulleys
C. Difference between the angular velocities of two pulleys
D. Difference between the linear speed of the rim of pulley and the belt on it
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Difference between the linear speed of the rim of pulley and the belt on it

Tangential acceleration direction is

A. Along the angular velocity
B. Perpendicular to the angular velocity
C. Opposite to the angular velocity
D. Any of (A) and (B)
E. Any of (A) and (C)
Answer» E. Any of (A) and (C)

Kinematics of machines deals with

A. Apparatus for applying mechanical power
B. Number of inter-related parts
C. The forces acting on the parts of the machine
D. The relative motion between the parts, neglecting the consideration of the force
E. None of the above
Answer» D. The relative motion between the parts, neglecting the consideration of the force

A shaft revolving in a bearing forms a

A. Turning pair
B. Lower pair
C. Turning pair
D. Higher pair
E. Clindrical pair
Answer» B. Lower pair

In case of locomotives the percentage of primary forces balanced is generally

A. 33 to 40 percent
B. 40 to 50 percent
C. 50 to 60 percent
D. 60 to 70 percent
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 60 to 70 percent

The belt drive can transmit maximum power when maximum total tension in belt equals

A. Centrifugal tension
B. Twise the centrifugal tension
C. Thrice the centrifugal tension
D. Four times the centrifugal tension
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Thrice the centrifugal tension

The function of a governor is

A. To control the engine speed
B. To maintain the speed of engine constant
C. To maintain constant piston speed of engine
D. To maintain the speed of an engine within prescribed limits of varying load conditions
E. None of the above
Answer» D. To maintain the speed of an engine within prescribed limits of varying load conditions

In case of spur gears the top land is

A. The part of the tooth surface lying below the pitch surface
B. The curve forming face and flank
C. Radius that connects the root circle to the profile of the tooth
D. The width of the gear tooth measured axially along the pitch surface
E. The surface of the top of the tooth
Answer» E. The surface of the top of the tooth

The no of links in Hart mechanism is

A. 8
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4
E. All of the above
Answer» B. 6

In a slider crank mechanism for l/r ratio of 4 the percentage of stroke converted by piston corresponding to 90? movement of crank from top centre will be

A. 0 percent
B. Less than 50%
C. More than 50%
D. 100%
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Less than 50%

The key generally used in wrist watches is

A. Saddle key
B. Sunk key
C. Wood ruff key
D. Tangent key
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Saddle key

In case of involute the angular velocity ratio is

A. Directly proportional to radius of base circle from which the involute was generated
B. Inversely proportional to radius of base circle from which the involute was generated
C. Directly proportional to the distance of the chord over which thread is unwound
D. Inversely proportional to the distance of the chord over which thread is wound
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Inversely proportional to radius of base circle from which the involute was generated

Which one of the following is not a spring controlled governor?

A. Porter governor
B. Hartnell governor
C. Pickering governor
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Porter governor

The purpose of differential in locmomtive is served by

A. Shape of rails
B. Taper on wheels
C. Taper on rails
D. Track contour
E. Track curvature
Answer» B. Taper on wheels

The normal at any point of a involute is

A. Also normal to that circle
B. Tangent to the circle
C. Is inclined to the normal to the circle at an angle equal to pressure angle
D. Is inclined to the tangent to the circle at an angle equal to the pressure angle
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Tangent to the circle

The number of links in Paucellier mechanism is

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 8

A point on a link connecting double slider crank chain will trace a (an)

A. Straight line
B. Parabola
C. Ellipse
D. Hyperbola
E. Circle
Answer» C. Ellipse

The differential gear in the automobiles is used to

A. Provide balancing
B. Assist in changing speed
C. Help in turning
D. Provide jerk free movement of vehicle
E. Reduce speed
Answer» C. Help in turning

The abbreviation P.I.V. drive system stands for

A. Purely Integral Variance
B. Positive Infinitely Variable
C. Periodic Ideal Vibrationless
D. Polar Inertia Vee belt
E. Perfectly Induced Velocities
Answer» B. Positive Infinitely Variable

The Biflar susperision method is used to determine

A. Position of balancing weights
B. Centripetal acceleration
C. Natural frequency of vibration
D. Moment of inertia
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Moment of inertia

A Scott-Russel mechanism consists of

A. Turning and rotary pairs
B. Turning pair only
C. Sliding and turning pairs
D. Sliding and rotary pairs
E. Rotary pair only
Answer» C. Sliding and turning pairs

If three bodies have plane motions, their instantataneous centres

A. Lie in different planes
B. Lie in a plane perpendicular to the plane of motion
C. Lie in the same plane as the plane of motion
D. Lie on a straight line
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Lie on a straight line

The prime circle of a cam is

A. The smallest circle drawn to the pitch curve from the centre of rotation of curve
B. The smallest circle drawn to the cam profile from the centre of rotation of a radial cam
C. The circle with centre as the centre of cam axis and radius such that it passes through the pitch point
D. The circle fitting in cam profile
E. None of the above
Answer» A. The smallest circle drawn to the pitch curve from the centre of rotation of curve

A pulley in a belt drive acts as a

A. Rolling pair
B. Turning pair
C. Surface pair
D. Sliding pair
E. Cylindrical pair
Answer» A. Rolling pair

In the gear box of an automobile, which gear train is used?

A. Simple gear train
B. Compound gear train
C. Epicyclic gear train
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Compound gear train

The locus of a point one the circumference of a circle which rolls without slipping on a fixed straight line, is known as

A. Involute
B. Epicycloid
C. Cycloid
D. Hypocycloid
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Cycloid

Stub tooth is

A. Shorter than standard tooth depth
B. Standard gear tooth
C. Equivalent rack tooth
D. Non-standard tooth
E. Longer than standard tooth depth
Answer» A. Shorter than standard tooth depth

Which of the following road offers maximum resistance to automobiles?

A. Wood paving
B. Macadam
C. Well rolled ground
D. Loose sand
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Loose sand

In case of worm and worm wheel, the maximum efficiency is obtained when

A. Worm is driver
B. Worm wheel is driver
C. Either of the worm or worm wheel is a driver
D. Depends on other factors
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Either of the worm or worm wheel is a driver

In a balancing machine, the units for unbalance measurement are

A. gm-cm-cps
B. cps
C. cm
D. gram
E. gm-cm
Answer» E. gm-cm

The type of teeth used on a gear used in sugar crushing is

A. Hyperboild
B. Semi-epicycloidal
C. Involute
D. Cycloidal
E. Epicycloidal
Answer» D. Cycloidal

In a pin jointed mechanism, the line of thrust on a link is

A. tangential to the friction circles at the ends
B. along the friction axis
C. inclined to axis of link by an angle ?, known as angle of friction
D. All the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All the above

In automobiles, Hooke's joint is used between

A. Flywheel and clutch
B. Clutch and gear box
C. Gear box and differential
D. Differential and wheels
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Gear box and differential

A pair is termed as a higher pair when relative motion between two elements of the pair is

A. partly sliding and partly turning
B. rolling only
C. Outer circle
D. sliding only
E. turning only
Answer» B. rolling only

The swaying couple in a locomotive is due to

A. unbalanced primary forces
B. unbalanced secondary forces
C. partial balancing
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. partial balancing

Bearing suitable for fluctuating loads is

A. Ball bearing
B. Needle roller bearing
C. Sleeve bearing
D. Bush bearing
E. Roller bearing
Answer» B. Needle roller bearing

Radial distance from the top to the pitch circle for a tooth is known as

A. working depth
B. dedendum
C. addendum
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. addendum

Higher pressure angle results in

A. Narrow base and weaker teeth
B. Weaker teeth
C. Non-uniform motion transmission
D. Bigger size of gear teeth
E. Wider base and stronger teeth
Answer» E. Wider base and stronger teeth

In a radial cam with a roller on follwer the prime circle can be defined as

A. the smallest circle tangent to the pitch curve
B. the smallest circle tangent to the cam profile
C. a circle drawn with radius equal to the distance between the pitch point and the centre of base circle
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. the smallest circle tangent to the pitch curve

Identify the incorrect statement in case of cycloidal gears

A. No lubrication needed
B. Interference does not exist
C. Have less wear
D. Interference exists
E. Ease in transmitting variable loads
Answer» D. Interference exists

Which one of the following is not applicable to involute profile

A. The angular velocity ratio when tow involutes are in mesh, is inversely proportional to the size of the base circles
B. No involute has a pressure angle until it is brought in contact with other mating involute
C. Involute is the only tooth form that is not sensitive to centre distance of their base circles
D. The shape of the involute profile is dependent only on the dimensions of the base circle
E. The pitch diameters of mating involutes are inversely proportional to their base circle diameters
Answer» E. The pitch diameters of mating involutes are inversely proportional to their base circle diameters
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