
250+ Theory of Machines Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Mechanical Engineering .


In order to balance the reciprocating masses, the conditions to be satisfied are

A. Primary forces must balance
B. All above conditions must be satisfied
C. Secondary couples must balance
D. Primary couples must balance
E. Secondary forces must balance
Answer» B. All above conditions must be satisfied

A cam profile is the

A. Actual working contour of the cam
B. Profile of path traced by a cam follower
C. Total surface area of the cam
D. Path which the cam follower traces
E. The profile of the path to be traced by the mechanism driven by follower
Answer» A. Actual working contour of the cam

The number of instantaneous centres for a four bar chain mechanism would be

A. 4
B. 6
C. 5
D. 3
E. 2
Answer» B. 6

Which dynamometer will be most suitable for measuring the BHP of an automobile engine?

A. Electrical generator type
B. Rope brake type
C. Prony brake
D. Electrical resistance type
E. Hydraulic
Answer» E. Hydraulic

In case of locomotives, the effect of hammer blow is counteracted by

A. Flanges of the tyres of the wheels
B. Balancing weights
C. Inside section of the rails
D. Dead weight of the engine
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Dead weight of the engine

A 0.5 kg weight attached to a light spring elogates it 7.87 mm. The natural frequency of the system would be in the range

A. 100-175 cpm
B. 300-350 cpm
C. 175-290 cpm
D. 25-50 cpm
E. 50-100 cpm
Answer» B. 300-350 cpm

The secondary critical speed of a shaft occurs at

A. Twice the primary critical speed
B. Occurs only when there are more than 2 rotors on a shaft
C. Four times the primary critical speed
D. If the externam exciting system has a frequency other than the primary critical speed
E. Half the primary critical speed
Answer» A. Twice the primary critical speed

Which of the following instruments may be used in vibration measurements?

A. Photometer
B. Accelerometer
C. Dynamometer
D. Balometer
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Accelerometer

In locomotives the unbalanced part of the primary disturbing force due to reciprocating masses, cause

A. Variation of tractive effect
B. Periodical vibrations
C. Lifting of locomotive
D. Oscillation in vertical planes
E. Hammer blow
Answer» A. Variation of tractive effect

The 'crowning' of flat pulleys is generally done pulley

A. To reduce belt friction
B. To prevent belt joining from damaging the belt surface
C. To prevent the belt from running off the pulley
D. In case of cross belt drives only
E. None of the above
Answer» C. To prevent the belt from running off the pulley

V belt having cross-section A is suitable for usual load of 5 HP. If 15 HP load is to be transmitted

A. Toothed belts may be used
B. 3 Vee belts using 3 groove pulley may be used
C. Machine arrangement may be modified
D. Drive system may be changed
E. Gear system may be adopted
Answer» B. 3 Vee belts using 3 groove pulley may be used

The efficiency in case of worm gear drives is generally in the range

A. 70-85 percent
B. 50-70 percent
C. 10-25 percent
D. 25-40 percent
E. 40 - 60 percent
Answer» A. 70-85 percent

Two shafts have their axes not in the same straight line. Also their axes are not parallel but intersecting. Which of the following coupling can be used for these shafts?

A. Flexible coupling
B. Universal coupling
C. Oldham's coupling
D. Rigid coupling
E. Any of the above
Answer» B. Universal coupling

Coriolis component is not involved in

A. Andreau variable stroke engine mechanism
B. Slider crank mechanism
C. Line sliding in a swivelling pin
D. Quick return mechanism
E. Tangent cam acceleration
Answer» B. Slider crank mechanism

Idler pulley is used for

A. Maintaining belt tension
B. Changing direction of rotation
C. For stopping motion frequently
D. For running during idling periods only
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Maintaining belt tension

Contact ratio of gear should be

A. One
B. More than one
C. Less than one
D. Not defined
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Not defined

The number of nodes in a shaft carrying three rotors will be

A. Three
B. Zero
C. Four
D. Two
E. One
Answer» D. Two

By using large thread angles in a lifting machine

A. The mechanical advantage will be low
B. The mechanical advantage will be high
C. The load will be sustained in absence of effort
D. The load will be easily lifted
E. While unloading, little effort will be required
Answer» A. The mechanical advantage will be low

The throw of a cam is the maximum distance of the follower from

A. Starting to finish
B. Inner most circle
C. Root circle
D. Pitch circle
E. Base circle
Answer» E. Base circle

The number of degrees of feeedom for a vibrating beam will be

A. Nil
B. Four
C. Two
D. Five
E. One
Answer» C. Two

Which of the following is a lower pair?

A. Piston and cylinder
B. Cam and follower
C. Belt drive
D. Gear
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Piston and cylinder

Which of the following is a dead weight governor?

A. Porter governer
B. Hartness governer
C. Watt governor
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Porter governer

The mechanism used in a petrol engine is

A. Crank mechanism
B. Slider mechanism
C. Slider crank mechanism
D. Natural line and circular mechanism
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Slider crank mechanism

In the Crossby engine indicator which one of the following mechanism is used?

A. Slider-crank mechanism
B. Scotch yoke mechanism
C. Scotch yoke mechanism
D. Modified pantograph mechanism
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Scotch yoke mechanism

Timing belt

A. Have no slip
B. Have maximum slip during starting
C. Slip in proportion to the time of operation
D. Are used to determine the life time of a belt
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Have no slip

The speed ratio in case of micro gears is

A. Between 1.1 and 5
B. More than 10
C. Less than 1
D. Between 5 and 10
E. 1
Answer» E. 1

For a rational number for the pitch circle diameter and a rational number of teeth on the wheel, the circular pitch will work out to

A. An odd number
B. An even number
C. A rational number
D. An irrational number
E. None of the above
Answer» D. An irrational number

A swinging field type dynamometer is

A. Torsion dynamometer
B. Vortex type dynamometer
C. Friction dynamometer
D. Electrical dynamometer
E. Transmission type of dynamometer
Answer» D. Electrical dynamometer

Forced vibrations

A. Are followed by free vibrations
B. Are preceded by free vibrations
C. Take place at a frequency more than natural frequency
D. Are independent of natural frequency
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Are independent of natural frequency

A sphere of mass 100 kg moving at 10 m/s overtakes and collides with another sphere of mass 50 kg moving at 3 m/s in the same direction. If the impact is inelastic the velocity of of two masses after impact will be

A. 8.33 m/s
B. 4.17 m/s
C. Zero
D. 13.3 m/s
E. 6.67 m/s
Answer» A. 8.33 m/s

The critical speed of a shaft is affected by

A. Diameter of the disc
B. Eccentricity
C. Span of shaft
D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A), (B) and (C) above
Answer» E. (A), (B) and (C) above

A standard gear cutter No. 3 is marked to cut 35-54 teeth. It implies that

A. The cutter is to be replaced after cutting 54 teeth
B. The cutter will be suitable for gears having 35 to 54 teeth
C. The cutter will be suitable for spur gear teeth cutting only
D. The cutter will provide correct profile for any gear having number of teeth in the range 35 to 54
E. None of the above
Answer» B. The cutter will be suitable for gears having 35 to 54 teeth

A kinematic chain requires minimum of

A. 3 links and 3 turning pairs
B. 4 links and 4 turning pairs
C. 3 links and 4 turning pairs
D. 2 links and 3 turning pairs
E. 4 links and 5 turning pairs
Answer» B. 4 links and 4 turning pairs

Which type of governor is preferred for gramophones?

A. Harting
B. Porter
C. Hartnell
D. Pickering
E. Watt
Answer» D. Pickering

An axial flow fan balanced at one speed often exhibits substantial vibrational effects when operated at other speeds, mainly due to

A. Unbalanced parts of fan
B. Aerodynamic unbalance
C. Primary critical speed effect
D. Secondary critical speed effect
E. Vibration in air
Answer» B. Aerodynamic unbalance

In a kinematic chain the minimum number of kinematic pairs required is

A. Five
B. Three
C. Four
D. Two
E. One
Answer» C. Four

Which of the following is a spring controlled governor?

A. Harting governor
B. Pickering governor
C. Hartnell governor
D. Wilson hartnell governor
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

The sum of the tensions when the belt is running on the pulley is

A. Less than the initial tension
B. More than the initial tension
C. More than twise the initial tension
D. Half the initial tension
E. None of the above
Answer» C. More than twise the initial tension

Klien's construction gives a graphical construction for

A. Velocity polygon
B. Slider crank mechanism
C. Angular accelerations
D. Acceleration polygon
E. Four bar chain mechanism
Answer» D. Acceleration polygon

In order that a belt may not run off the pulley

A. It should be properly tightened
B. The centre line of the belt as it approaches the pulley must lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of that pulley
C. The belt should be provided with frictional material
D. The belt should be provided with a guide
E. None of the above
Answer» B. The centre line of the belt as it approaches the pulley must lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of that pulley

The gears are considered to be operating in medium velocity range if their peripheral velocity lies in the range

A. 25-50 m/sec
B. 3-15 m/sec
C. 15-25 m/sec
D. 1-3 m/sec
E. 50-75 m/sec
Answer» B. 3-15 m/sec

Motor cycle shock sbsorbers are generally designed for

A. Resonant damping
B. Light damping
C. Large damping
D. Critical damping
E. Partial damping
Answer» D. Critical damping

A point on a link connecting double slider crank chain, traces a

A. Circular path
B. Hoperbolic path
C. Straight line path
D. Parabolic path
E. Elliptical path
Answer» E. Elliptical path

Velocity of sliding between two mating gear surfaces can be defined as

A. Sum of their angular velocities x distance between pitch point and point of contact.
B. Sum of their angular velocities x distance between their centres of rotation.
C. Sum of their angular velocities x difference between their pitch circle diameters
D. None of these
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Sum of their angular velocities x distance between pitch point and point of contact.

Identify incorrect statement regarding the flywheel, if any

A. It is provided to minimise vibration of engine
B. It takes care of output fluctuations and controls input accordingly
C. It is provided to control engine speed
D. All above
E. In help in starting engine
Answer» D. All above

The number of natural frequencies for three rotor system will be

A. Six
B. Three
C. One
D. Four
E. Two
Answer» E. Two

In case of gears, the interference takes place

A. Whenever the forms of the mating teeth are such that contact between them can occur at some place other than along the correct path of contact
B. When gears do not move smoothly in absence of lubrication
C. When the pitch of the gears is not same
D. When the gear teeth are under cut
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Whenever the forms of the mating teeth are such that contact between them can occur at some place other than along the correct path of contact

In case of solid friction, when tan ? =

A. The body A will move over the surface B irrespective of the magnitude of the force F applied on the body
B. tan ? can be equal to
C. tan ? can never be equal to
D. No motion of body A on surface B is possible, irrespective of how large the magnitude of force F applied on the body may be
E. tan ? can be equal to
Answer» A. The body A will move over the surface B irrespective of the magnitude of the force F applied on the body

Which of the following is a dead weight type governor?

A. Porter governor
B. Hartnell governor
C. Watt governor
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Porter governor

Which of the following is not a positive drive?

A. Rope drive
B. Flat belt drive
C. V-belt drive
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

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