200+ Transition to the Contemporary World Solved MCQs


‘Wealth of Nations’was the work of ………..

A. John Locke
B. Rene Descartes
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Adam Smith
Answer» D. Adam Smith

………….., one of the best scientists of his time, wrote an essay entitled, "On Liberty and Necessity: Man in the Newtonian Universe."

A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Robert Owen
C. John Calvin
D. Thomas Paine
Answer» A. Benjamin Franklin

……………..was "the founder of liberalism”.

A. John Locke
B. Montesquieu
C. Thomas Paine
D. Robert Fulton
Answer» A. John Locke

Two years after writing the Two Tracts on Government, …………….changed significantly in his views about magisterial authority and toleration in An Essay Concerning Toleration (1667).

A. John Locke
B. Thomas Paine
C. Michael Faraday
D. Jethro Tull
Answer» A. John Locke

The Advancement of Learning was written by ………………..

A. Francis Bacon
B. Thomas Paine
C. Robert Fulton
D. Rousseau
Answer» A. Francis Bacon

Who wrote’Novum Organum Scientiarum’?

A. Newton
B. Thomas Paine
C. Francis Bacon
D. Montesquieu
Answer» C. Francis Bacon

Thomas Hobbes was an……………. Philosopher

A. French
B. Russian
C. English
D. Indian
Answer» C. English

Whose masterwork was Leviathan?

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. Locke
Answer» C. Thomas Hobbes

‘Meditations on First Philosophy’ was written by ……………….

A. Montesquieu
B. Thomas Paine
C. Descartes
D. Charles Telford
Answer» C. Descartes

Whose masterpiece was ‘The Spirit of the Laws’?

A. Thomas Paine
B. Thomas Aquinas
C. Aristotle
D. Montesquieu
Answer» D. Montesquieu

Persian Letters was written by ………………

A. Montesquieu
B. Thomas Paine
C. Rousseau
D. Viscount Townsend
Answer» A. Montesquieu

Who wrote the philosophical work, A Discourse on the Sciences and Arts?

A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Thomas Paine
C. Charles Telford
D. Voltaire
Answer» A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality was written by ………………..

A. Rousseau
B. Thomas Paine
C. Montesquieu
D. Robert Fulton
Answer» A. Rousseau

Whose major work on political philosophy was the The Social Contract?

A. Michael Faraday
B. Montesquieu
C. Charles Telford
D. Rousseau
Answer» D. Rousseau

‘The Confessions’ was the Autobiography of ………………..

A. Jethro Tull
B. Thomas Paine
C. Montesquieu
D. Rousseau
Answer» D. Rousseau

Denis Diderot was the brightest light of the ……………Enlightenment-a man of intelligence, passion and genius.

A. Dutch
B. Spanish
C. Russian
D. French
Answer» D. French

Voltaire was a prolific writer, philosopher, poet and pamphletist, and the preeminent figure of the 18th century ………..Enlightenment.

A. French
B. American
C. Russian
D. German
Answer» A. French

Who Wrote Philosophical Dictionary?

A. Robert Fulton
B. Thomas Paine
C. Montesquieu
D. Voltaire
Answer» D. Voltaire

Who were The Physiocrats?

A. Historians
B. Sociologists
C. Scientists
D. Economists
Answer» D. Economists

Colbert was served as a minister in the Court of…………..

A. Louis XIV
B. James I
C. Edward VI
D. Charles I
Answer» A. Louis XIV

Thomas Paine was a radical writer who emigrated from …………to America in 1774.

A. England
B. Russia
C. Spain
D. Austria
Answer» A. England

Early in 1776, …………published Common Sense, a hugely influential pamphlet that convinced many American colonists that the time had finally come to break away from British rule.

A. Thomas Paine
B. Montesquieu
C. Michael Faraday
D. Ranke
Answer» A. Thomas Paine

In Common Sense, …………made a persuasive and passionate argument to the colonists that the cause of independence was just and urgent.

A. Thomas Paine
B. Karl Marx
C. Charles Darwin
D. Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer» A. Thomas Paine

Who wrote the controversial work, The Age of Reason?

A. Thomas Paine
B. Montesquieu
C. Charles Telford
D. Robert Fulton
Answer» A. Thomas Paine

The …………..Revolution began with the fall of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.

A. French
B. Dutch
C. American
D. English
Answer» A. French

The French Revolution began with the fall of the Bastille on July 14, ………….

A. 1789
B. 1798
C. 1799
D. 1889
Answer» A. 1789

The French Revolution began with the fall of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 and continued till ………………..rose to power.

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Charles Telford
C. Robert Fulton
D. Louis XIV
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

Who gave good advice to his successor Louis XV saying "Do not imitate my fondness for building and for war, but work to lessen the misery of my people?"

A. Louis XIV
B. Charles I
C. James I
D. Elizabeth I
Answer» A. Louis XIV

When his ministers attempted to discuss affairs of the state with him, who merely remarked, "After me, the deluge."

A. Louis XV
B. Edward VI
C. James II
D. Henry VIII
Answer» A. Louis XV

Queen Marie Antoinette was the Queen of ……………..

A. Louis XV
B. Louis XVI
C. George I
D. Henry VIII
Answer» B. Louis XVI

………………, a lawyer and student of constitutional government summed up his ideas in his book ‘The Spirit of the Laws’.

A. Montesquieu
B. Robert Fulton
C. Voltaire
D. Rousseau
Answer» A. Montesquieu

Who put forward the theory of ‘the separation of powers’?

A. Voltaire
B. Montesquieu
C. Charles Telford
D. Robert Fulton
Answer» B. Montesquieu

The Bloodless or Glorious Revolution started in England in ……….

A. 1678
B. 1688
C. 1698
D. 1699
Answer» B. 1688

The ………..Estate of France found the entrance of their meeting place blocked by the royal army on June 20, 1789 as a royal session was to be held there. Hence they rushed to a nearby place that was originally a tennis court and took the famous ‘Tennis Court Oath’.

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. fourth
Answer» C. Third

July 14, …………saw the fall of the Bastille, a royal fortress and symbol of Bourbon autocracy.

A. 1779
B. 1789
C. 1793
D. 1798
Answer» B. 1789

Feudalism and serfdom was abolished in France in August ………….. by the National Assembly.

A. 1689
B. 1789
C. 1786
D. 1797
Answer» B. 1789

The Constitution of ……….. was the first written constitution of France.

A. 1781
B. 1791
C. 1796
D. 1799
Answer» B. 1791

The ………….were moderates who wanted a republican form of government in France.

A. Girondists
B. The Constitutionalists
C. The Jacobins
D. Liberals
Answer» A. Girondists

The Jacobins of ……………..were republicans of the extreme type.

A. Germany
B. France
C. Italy
D. Africa
Answer» B. France

King Louis XVI was found guilty of high treason by the National Convention and was guillotined on 21st January ………

A. 1746
B. 1769
C. 1793
D. 1795
Answer» C. 1793

The National Convention entrusted all executive authority to the "Committee of Public Safety", consisting of 12 members led by …………………..

A. Robespierre
B. Shaftesbury
C. Diderot
D. Charles Telford
Answer» A. Robespierre

The National Convention entrusted all executive authority to the ‘Committee of Public Safety’, consisting of 12 members led by Robespierre. It let loose a ‘reign of terror’ in……….., from 1793 to 1794.

A. Germany
B. Portugal
C. France
D. Rome
Answer» C. France

The ’reign of terror’ came to an end with the revolt of the Parisian mob against Robespierre who was guillotined on March 13, ………….

A. 1736
B. 1766
C. 1794
D. 1798
Answer» C. 1794

After the ……………a committee of nine members was appointed by the National Convention to draft a new constitution.

A. Monarchical rule
B. Constitutional rule
C. reign of terror
D. Moderate
Answer» C. reign of terror

After ruling France from 1792 to 1795, the National Convention was dissolved and the new constitution came to be called the Constitution of the Year ……………

A. Third
B. fourth
C. fifth
D. sixth
Answer» A. Third

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is a fundamental document of the ……………………..

A. American Revolution
B. English Revolution
C. French Revolution
D. Bour war
Answer» C. French Revolution

Year of the U.S. Declaration of Independence ……………..

A. 2nd July 1742
B. 4th July 1749
C. 4th July 1776
D. 4th July 1767
Answer» C. 4th July 1776

……………….was the primary author of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

A. John Eliot
B. Robert Fulton
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Robert Owen
Answer» C. Thomas Jefferson

Who referred to his tactics thus: "I have fought sixty battles and I have learned nothing which I did not know at the beginning. Look at Caesar; he fought the first like the last."

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Charles Telford
C. Alexandro Volta
D. James I
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon crowned himself Emperor on 2 December ……….. at Notre Dame de Paris

A. 1704
B. 1784
C. 1798
D. 1804
Answer» D. 1804

Year of the Battle of Trafalgar.

A. 1776
B. 1785
C. 1788
D. 1805
Answer» D. 1805

"The battle of Austerlitz is the finest of all I have fought." Who said?

A. CharlesI
B. Henry VII
C. Alfred
D. Napoleon Bonaparte
Answer» D. Napoleon Bonaparte

Who defeated Prussia at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt ?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Robert Fulton
C. Michael Faraday
D. James II
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

In the Treaty of Fontainebleau, the victors exiled ……………..to Elba, an island of 12,000 inhabitants in the Mediterranean, 20 km off the Tuscan coast.

A. Louis XII
B. Charles Telford
C. Henry VIII
D. Napoleon Bonaparte
Answer» D. Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon escaped from Elba on 26 February …………..

A. 1715
B. 1789
C. 1799
D. 1815
Answer» D. 1815

Battle of Waterloo ,18 June ……………..

A. 1754
B. 1764
C. 1787
D. 1815
Answer» D. 1815

Who was imprisoned and then exiled to the island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,870 km from the west coast of Africa.

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Alexandro Volta
C. Edward VI
D. William III
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

…………..negotiated with Pope Pius VII. Finally, a Concordat was concluded in 1802.

A. Matternich
B. Elizabeth
C. Charles I
D. Napoleon Bonaparte
Answer» D. Napoleon Bonaparte

Who said: "My true glory is not to have won 40 battles...Waterloo will erase the memory of so many victories. ... But...what will live forever is my Civil Code."

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Robert Fulton
C. Edward VI
D. James II
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

The Continental System or Continental Blockade was the foreign policy of …………….

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Charles Telford
C. Victoria
D. George II
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

………….., by Orders in Council (1807), prohibited its trade partners from trading with France.

A. Britain
B. Germany
C. Poland
D. Malaysia
Answer» A. Britain

The members of the ………..take the famous ‘Tennis Court Oath’ and resolve to remain united until a constitution is established.

A. First Estate
B. Second Estate
C. third Estate
D. Fourth Estate
Answer» C. third Estate

The French Revolution of…………, also known as the July Revolution.

A. 1730
B. 1768
C. 1807
D. 1830
Answer» D. 1830

The Congress of Vienna was headed by ………………..

A. Metternich
B. Charles Telford
C. Alexandro Volta
D. Michael Faraday
Answer» A. Metternich

The term 'Industrial Revolution' was first used by the historian…………, to describe the economic development in England, from 1760 to 1840.

A. Arnold Toynbee
B. Robert Fulton
C. Alexandro Volta
D. Adam Smith
Answer» A. Arnold Toynbee

The Industrial Revolution first started in …………….

A. France
B. Germany
C. Spain
D. England
Answer» D. England

Who introduced the continental system?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Robert Fulton
C. Alexandro Volta
D. Michael Faraday
Answer» A. Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1764, ……………..invented a machine called the ’Spinning Jenny.’

A. James Hargreaves
B. John MacAdam
C. Charles Telford
D. John Smeaton
Answer» A. James Hargreaves

In 1769, ……………invented a machine run by waterpower instead of manpower. Hence it came to be called the ’Water-Frame’.

A. Richard Arkwright
B. John MacAdam
C. Robert Fulton
D. James Watt
Answer» A. Richard Arkwright

Samuel Crompton removed the defects of the Spinning Jenny and Water Frame, with his machine known as ……………..

A. Spinning Mule
B. John MacAdam
C. John Smeaton
D. Charles Telford
Answer» A. Spinning Mule

……………..removed the defects of the Spinning Jenny and Water Frame, with his machine known as ’Spinning Mule’( 1778) .

A. Samuel Crompton
B. Charles Telford
C. James Watt
D. Alexandro Volta
Answer» A. Samuel Crompton

In 1733, ………….had invented a device called the ’Flying Shuttle’.

A. John Kay
B. John MacAdam
C. Charles Telford
D. John Smeaton
Answer» A. John Kay

In 1785, ……………..invented the Automatic or Power Loom.

A. Dr. Edmund Cartwright
B. John Smeaton
C. Robert Fulton
D. James Watt
Answer» A. Dr. Edmund Cartwright

Who invented a machine called the ’Cotton Gin.’?

A. Eli Whitney
B. John MacAdam
C. Charles Telford
D. Thomas Newcomen
Answer» A. Eli Whitney

In 1816, …………….invented a machine called Davy’s Safety Lamp.’

A. Sir Humphry Davy
B. John Smeaton
C. Thomas Newcomen
D. James Watt
Answer» A. Sir Humphry Davy

In 1856, ……………discovered a process by which impurities could be removed from iron. This purified refined iron came to be known as ’steel’, which helped in making more accurate tools, implements, weapons and machines.

A. Henry Bessemer
B. John MacAdam
C. Robert Fulton
D. Charles Telford
Answer» A. Henry Bessemer

In 1801, ………………invented the first steam locomotive.

A. Richard Trevithick
B. Charles Telford
C. Thomas Newcomen
D. James Watt
Answer» A. Richard Trevithick

Who is regarded as ’the father of the railway locomotive’?

A. John Smeaton
B. George Stephenson
C. Charles Telford
D. Robert Fulton
Answer» B. George Stephenson

George Stephenson is regarded as ’the father of the railway locomotive’, because he made great improvements on Trevithick’s locomotive in his ………….. in 1814.

A. Phone
B. ’Rocket’
C. Computer
D. Railway
Answer» B. ’Rocket’

In 1807, …………..invented the steamboat called the ’Clermont’.

A. Robert Fulton
B. James Watt
C. Alexandro Volta
D. Robert Bakewell
Answer» A. Robert Fulton

…………..invented the first steam engine in 1705, in order to pump water out of the mines.

A. Thomas Newcomen
B. Michael Faraday
C. Jethro Tull
D. Viscount Townsend
Answer» A. Thomas Newcomen

In 1769, ………….invented a better steam engine called the ’Beelzebub.’

A. James Watt
B. Alexandro Volta
C. Michael Faraday
D. Robert Bakewell
Answer» A. James Watt

Who invented a Seed Drill that would distribute the seeds evenly in rows, over a large piece of land?

A. Jethro Tull
B. Viscount Townsend
C. Benjamin Disraeli
D. Robert Owen
Answer» A. Jethro Tull

The discovery of a new method of ’Crop Rotation’, was made by……………….

A. Viscount Townsend
B. Robert Bakewell
C. Adam Smith
D. Benjamin Disraeli
Answer» A. Viscount Townsend

In……………., Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels issued the ‘Communist Manifesto’ which introduced scientific socialism or Communism.

A. 1648
B. 1748
C. 1848
D. 1948
Answer» C. 1848

In 1867 Marx and Engels published the first of three volumes, entitled……….., in which they explained the sum and substance of Marxian Socialism or Communism.

A. Communist Manifesto’
B. Wealth of Nations
C. Das Kapital
D. Utopia
Answer» C. Das Kapital

……………means "leave to do, leave to pass" or more accurately "let things alone, let them pass".

A. Socialism
B. Communism
C. Laissez-faire
D. Chartism
Answer» C. Laissez-faire

The Chartist Movement had at its core the so-called "People's Charter" of 1838.This document, created for the London Working Men's Association, was primarily the work of ………………………

A. William Lovett
B. Rousseau
C. Auguste Comte
D. Newton
Answer» A. William Lovett

The "People's Charter" of 1838 was a public petition aimed at redressing omissions from the electoral ……………………..

A. Representation of the People Act, 1918
B. Representation of the People Act, 1928
C. Reform Act of 1832
D. Reform Act of 1884
Answer» C. Reform Act of 1832

Who formed a Consultative Council, known as the ’Witan’ (the Council of the wise men), which was composed of several learned men?.

A. James I
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Robert Owen
D. King Alfred
Answer» D. King Alfred

On June 15, 1215 ……………affixed his seal on the ’Great Charter’, which is referred to as the ’Magna Carta.’

A. Robert Owen
B. Charles I
C. Oliver Cromwell
D. King John
Answer» D. King John

Who is called as the "Father of Parliament"?

A. Louis Blanc
B. Saint Simon
C. Charles Fourier
D. Simon-De-Montford
Answer» D. Simon-De-Montford

In 1295, King Edward attempted to curb the nobles and the clergy, by securing the support of the third estate, consisting of the common people. To do so, he summoned the first complete English Parliament including representatives from all sections of society. This meeting came to be referred to as the……………..

A. The Petition of Rights
B. Bill of Rights
C. Act of Settlement ,1701
D. Model Parliament
Answer» D. Model Parliament

……………was a strong champion of the doctrine of the Divine Right of kings.

A. Karl Marx
B. Robert Owen
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. James I
Answer» D. James I

Charles I (1625-49) was forced to call a parliament, which laid certain conditions on him in the famous document known as ……………….

A. Bill of Rights
B. Act of Settlement ,1701
C. Model Parliament
D. The Petition of Rights
Answer» D. The Petition of Rights

Who was called the "Great Protector?"

A. George V
B. Maria Theresa
C. James I
D. Oliver Cromwell
Answer» D. Oliver Cromwell

Which was year of The Glorious Revolution of England?

A. 1588
B. 1658
C. 1678
D. 1688
Answer» D. 1688

Charles II was succeeded by his younger brother, …………in 1685, who ruled as an absolute autocrat.

A. James I
B. Henry I
C. Henry III
D. James II
Answer» D. James II

William of Orange was the Protestant ruler of Holland and the son-in-law of ………….

A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. Charles IV
D. James II
Answer» D. James II

As James II would not be able to fight against the Parliament and William of Orange, he escaped to ……………….

A. Germany
B. Russia
C. Italy
D. France
Answer» D. France
Question and answers in Transition to the Contemporary World, Transition to the Contemporary World multiple choice questions and answers, Transition to the Contemporary World Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Transition to the Contemporary World, Transition to the Contemporary World MCQs with answers PDF download