110+ Western Philosophy Solved MCQs


The original principle of this universe is------- according to Thales

A. water
B. fire
C. air
D. ether
Answer» A. water

Thales is a------ philosopher

A. milesian
B. hebrew
C. arab
D. german
Answer» A. milesian

-------- was counted among the Seven Wise Men

A. plato
B. socrates
C. thales
D. aristotle
Answer» C. thales

The arche of things is apeiron, according to ------

A. plato
B. socrates
C. tales
D. anaximander
Answer» D. anaximander

According to Anaximenes--- is the first principle

A. fire
B. water
C. infinite
D. air
Answer» D. air

Who said number is the essence and basis of all things?

A. descartes
B. pythagoras
C. anaxagoras
D. kant
Answer» B. pythagoras

Who is known as the Father of Western Philosophy?

A. thales
B. plato
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» A. thales

Who advocated theory of atoms?

A. plato
B. democritus
C. thales
D. leibnitz
Answer» B. democritus

Who is the main atomist?

A. leibnitz
B. leucippus
C. pythagoras
D. kepler
Answer» B. leucippus

Protagoras is a ------Philosopher

A. sophist
B. spiritualist
C. religious
D. idealist
Answer» A. sophist

Man is the measure of all things, according to ------

A. thales
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. protagoras
Answer» D. protagoras

Democritus and Leucippus are belonging to------ school

A. ionian
B. atomist
C. idealist
D. eleatic
Answer» B. atomist

----- was the first Athenian born Philosopher

A. thales
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. socrates
Answer» D. socrates

Knowledge is relative associated with

A. protagoras
B. pythagoras
C. anaximander
D. thales
Answer» A. protagoras

Maieutic method is by ------Philosopher

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. socrates
D. democritus
Answer» C. socrates

Who said that the unexamined life is not worth living?

A. anximander
B. plato
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» C. socrates

Socrates is a prominent ------ philosopher

A. greek
B. pragmatist
C. german
D. french
Answer» A. greek

Whose doctrine is ?Know Thyself??

A. plato
B. thales
C. protagoras
D. socrates
Answer» D. socrates

Socrates is a mentor of --------

A. democritus
B. sophists
C. plato
D. pythagoras
Answer» C. plato

---- invented the dialectic method of finding truth through conversation

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. all are true
Answer» A. socrates

Athens where Plato established ------, the first university in the Western world

A. lyceum
B. dialectics
C. academy
D. all are true
Answer» C. academy

In his famous ?Allegory of the Cave,? ----- relates a story illustrating the journey of the soul from ignorance to knowledge.

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. socrates
D. protagoras
Answer» A. plato

The Republic is the famous work of ---------

A. socrates
B. thales
C. plato
D. sartre
Answer» C. plato

Theory of truth lies in the theory of Ideas is the philosophy of

A. socrates
B. pythagoras
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» D. plato

Who distinguished world of ideas and physical world?

A. plato
B. socrates
C. aristotle
D. kant
Answer» A. plato

Aristotle mentioned theory of truth in his work------

A. analytic
B. ethics
C. epistemology
D. metaphysics
Answer» D. metaphysics

For Plato, ---- are eternal ideas beyond the physical world.

A. forms
B. dialectics
C. phenomenon
D. episteme
Answer» A. forms

Who wrote Symposium?

A. thales
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. anaxagoras
Answer» C. plato

Aristotle was a student of ---

A. plato
B. socrates
C. protagoras
D. anaximander
Answer» A. plato

Who founded a school in Athens called Lyceum.

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates
D. sophists
Answer» A. aristotle

?There is no form without matter and no matter without form.?

A. leucippus
B. plato
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» D. aristotle

Matter is the substance out of which everything in the world is made is the statement of -----

A. anaxagoras
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. socrates
Answer» C. aristotle

Who discovered four causes that govern change in everything?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. st.augustine
D. st.anselm
Answer» B. aristotle

Who believed that God created the world out of nothing and before God created the world nothing existed?

A. anaximander
B. plato
C. socrates
D. st. augustine
Answer» D. st. augustine

The City of God is the work of ----

A. st. augustine
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. pythagoras
Answer» A. st. augustine

------- predicted an eclipse of the sun

A. thales
B. pythagoras
C. socrates
D. plato
Answer» A. thales

Who was the first Milesian materialist philosopher?

A. heraclitus
B. anaximander
C. pythagoras
D. thales
Answer» D. thales

The major source of Thales?s philosophy is by

A. plato
B. pythagoras
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» D. aristotle

Who said that living things are always moist?

A. plato
B. socrates
C. tales
D. anaximander
Answer» C. tales

Anaximander belongs to --------

A. stagira
B. miletus
C. samos
D. all are false
Answer» B. miletus

Anaximander, a philosopher came after ------

A. anaximenes
B. plato
C. socrates
D. thales
Answer» D. thales

apeiron in Anaximander means -----

A. formal logic
B. infinite
C. eidos
D. hyle
Answer» B. infinite

Anaximander's cosmogony gives rise to a

A. heliocentric
B. teleological
C. geocentric
D. god
Answer» C. geocentric

Who said that in the beginning man was similar to a different animal, namely, a fish.

A. anaximander
B. leucippus
C. pythagoras
D. thales
Answer» A. anaximander

The thinkers of Milesian school were the thinkers of ------

A. metaphysics
B. nature
C. religion
D. idealism
Answer» B. nature

Pythagoras was born on-------

A. samos
B. iona
C. athens
D. all are false
Answer» A. samos

Who believed in the immortality, transmigration, and reincarnation of souls?

A. ionians
B. atomists
C. pythagoras
D. eleatic
Answer» C. pythagoras

Who included various dietary restrictions against meat and beans.

A. thales
B. pythagoras
C. anaximander
D. socrates
Answer» B. pythagoras

Central to Pythagoreanism is the idea that --------- accounts take precedence over material things.

A. numbers
B. zeros
C. music
D. god
Answer» A. numbers

------is a Philosopher who made a distinction between mind and matter

A. anaxagoras
B. thales
C. socrates
D. democritus
Answer» A. anaxagoras

Who said that everything is a mixture of earth, air, fire, and water

A. anaximander
B. plato
C. socrates
D. anaxagoras
Answer» D. anaxagoras

------- philosopher is the main source of Anaxagoras

A. socrates
B. pythagoras
C. plato
D. herodotus
Answer» C. plato

-----gave a power and grandeur to Athenian Democracy

A. pericles
B. thales
C. protagoras
D. anaximander
Answer» A. pericles

-- --is an important element introduced by Anaxagoras into his philosophy and it is the cause of motion.

A. change
B. god
C. matter
D. mind/ nous
Answer» D. mind/ nous

The atomists are the last pre-Socratics and they follow------

A. physis
B. religion
C. theism
D. idealism
Answer» A. physis

The word atom means ----

A. cuttable
B. thesis
C. antithesis
D. uncuttable
Answer» D. uncuttable

------is believed to be a disciple of Leucippus

A. protagoras
B. democritus
C. anaximander
D. plato
Answer» B. democritus

------ say that all things consist of a single kind of matter broken into tiny particles.

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. atomists
D. protagoras
Answer» C. atomists

Who claimed that there are two fundamental types of elements: atoms and void.

A. socrates
B. atomists
C. plato
D. idealist
Answer» B. atomists

Who held that the atoms were so small as to be invisible?

A. democritus
B. pythagoras
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» A. democritus

Sophia which means -----

A. wisdom
B. speech
C. action
D. concept
Answer» A. wisdom

Protagoras a native of --------in northeast Greece

A. clazomen
B. samos
C. stagira
D. abdera
Answer» D. abdera

Who was the first of the professional Sophists?

A. socrates
B. democritus
C. protagoras
D. plato
Answer» C. protagoras

Who said that instead of speaking well think well?

A. thales
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. socrates
Answer» D. socrates

Truth and On the Gods are the woks of -------

A. plato
B. socrates
C. protagoras
D. anaximander
Answer» C. protagoras

------ were more concerned with public speaking, rather than thinking well.

A. materialists
B. rationalists
C. idealists
D. sophists
Answer» D. sophists

Man is the measure of all things, says -----

A. leucippus
B. protagoras
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» B. protagoras

Maieutic means -----

A. midwifery
B. dialectical
C. perceptual
D. universal
Answer» A. midwifery

--- ?says that knowledge is an adjustment between the knower and the object known

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. protagoras
D. st.anselm
Answer» C. protagoras

-----was known as a self- taught philosopher

A. anaximander
B. plato
C. socrates
D. st. augustine
Answer» C. socrates

Who was known as the street genius philosopher?

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. pythagoras
Answer» A. socrates

Who was the author of philosophic tendency and of a Philosophic method of irony?

A. socrates
B. aquinas
C. plato
D. protagoras
Answer» A. socrates

Who said that the first step is to be wise is to admit that one is not wise.

A. plato
B. anselm
C. socrates
D. thales
Answer» C. socrates

According to ------, knowledge is virtue and ignorance is vice

A. thales
B. plato
C. pythagoras
D. socrates
Answer» D. socrates

Who said that as virtue is knowledge, so virtue can be thought?

A. leucippus
B. protagoras
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» C. socrates

The highest ideal according to Socrates is -----

A. matter
B. dialectical
C. statement
D. virtue
Answer» D. virtue

Concept means ------

A. judgment
B. idea
C. virtue
D. particular
Answer» B. idea

The mentor of Aristotle is ---

A. plato
B. socrates
C. academy
D. lyceum
Answer» A. plato

Who was the founder of Academy?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. socrates
D. protagoras
Answer» A. plato

Apology is the famous work of ---------

A. socrates
B. thales
C. plato
D. sartre
Answer» C. plato

The concepts lies in the transcendental world is the philosophy of --------

A. socrates
B. pythagoras
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» D. plato

Who distinguished knowledge and doxa?

A. plato
B. socrates
C. aristotle
D. kant
Answer» A. plato

The theory of forms/ideas/concepts/essences is the Philosophy of -------

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. thales
D. pythagoras
Answer» B. plato

Plato wrote ------ dialogues

A. 37
B. 24
C. 34
D. 35
Answer» C. 34

Who wrote Theaetetus?

A. thales
B. aristotle
C. plato
D. anaxagoras
Answer» C. plato

Who said that true knowledge lies in conceptual level?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. protagoras
D. anaximander
Answer» B. aristotle

------stated that the best possible political system (state) will be ruled by philosophers.

A. aristotle
B. sophists
C. socrates
D. plato
Answer» D. plato

Whose philosophy is that one who knows the difference between knowledge, ignorance, and opinion

A. leucippus
B. plato
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» B. plato

The perceptible world (i.e., the world we perceive through our senses) is a reflection or copy of that higher intelligible world is the philosophy of ------

A. plato
B. anaxagoras
C. aristotle
D. socrates
Answer» A. plato

The Greek word for ?forms? in Plato is ---------

A. hyle
B. logos
C. eidos
D. philos
Answer» C. eidos

Plato divided human soul into -------parts

A. three
B. two
C. four
D. all are false
Answer» A. three

Plato?s Theory of Ideas was severely criticized by -------

A. protogoras
B. socrates
C. aristotle
D. all is true
Answer» C. aristotle

Plato admit the immortality of soul in his ---- dialogue

A. apology
B. republic
C. theaetetus
D. phaedo
Answer» D. phaedo

----------is a philosopher who was born at Stagira

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates
D. thles
Answer» A. aristotle

Which of the following philosopher who taught Alexander, the Great

A. leucippus
B. plato
C. socrates
D. aristotle
Answer» D. aristotle

Which thinker who went to Athens and joined Plato?s Academy.

A. anaxagoras
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. socrates
Answer» C. aristotle

The works of------ are divided into two types-exoteric and esoteric.

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. st.augustine
D. st.anselm
Answer» B. aristotle

Who wrote the famous work the Metaphysics?

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates
D. st. augustine
Answer» A. aristotle

Who defined substance is something that we can point out as ?this?

A. st. augustine
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. pythagoras
Answer» C. aristotle

Who made the statement that Universals are extremely real but are not separable from their particulars.

A. socrates
B. aquinas
C. plato
D. aristotle
Answer» D. aristotle
Question and answers in Western Philosophy, Western Philosophy multiple choice questions and answers, Western Philosophy Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Western Philosophy, Western Philosophy MCQs with answers PDF download