90+ Psychological Process- Psychology of Abnormal and Social Behaviour Solved MCQs


Which of the following is not a way of defining psychopathology?

A. deviation from the statistical norms
B. distress and impairment
C. measuring iq
D. maladaptive behavior
Answer» C. measuring iq

Which of the following is not addressed by medical model?

A. biochemical imbalance
B. genetic disorders
C. abnormal physical development
D. biased information processing
Answer» D. biased information processing

Aron Beck was the pioneer of which of the following models of psychopathology?

A. cognitive
B. humanistic
C. psychodynamic
D. behaviorist
Answer» A. cognitive

DSM stands for

A. diagnostic schedule of medicine.
B. diagnostic and statistical manual.
C. depressive scale modalities.
D. doctor of surgical medicine.
Answer» B. diagnostic and statistical manual.

Conversion disorder and hypochondriasis are classified under ……….. In DSM IV- TR.

A. physio-mental disorders
B. somatoform disorders.
C. psychosomatic disorders.
D. somatization disorders.
Answer» B. somatoform disorders.

Irrational and very specific fears that persist even when there is no real danger to a person are called

A. anxieties
B. dissociation
C. phobias
D. obsessions
Answer» C. phobias

Which of the following is characteristic of a dissociative disorder?

A. phobic disorder
B. amnesia
C. paranoia
D. depression
Answer» B. amnesia

A person who is preoccupied with fears of having a serious disease suffers from

A. a conversion reaction
B. hypochondriasis
C. a traumatic disorder
D. an obsession.
Answer» B. hypochondriasis

Sudden temporary amnesia or instances of “multiple personality” are __________ disorders.

A. dissociative
B. anxiety
C. psychotic
D. schizophrenic
Answer» A. dissociative

Obsessive-compulsive disorders involve

A. loss of contact with reality.
B. unresolved anger.
C. unresolved oedipal conflict.
D. high levels of anxiety.
Answer» D. high levels of anxiety.

Panic disorder is where:

A. an individual experiences a singular panic attack.
B. there are recurrent and unexpected panic attacks
C. there is a fear of panicking in enclosed spaces.
D. there is excessive anxiety and worry about many different aspects of life
Answer» B. there are recurrent and unexpected panic attacks

Stress that tend to be good is referred to as

A. distress
B. eustress
C. stress tolerance
D. none of these.
Answer» B. eustress

____ characterised by recurrent uncontrollable thought and irresistible behaviors.

A. ocd
B. stress disorders
C. somatoform disorders
D. ptsd
Answer» A. ocd

Disorders that feature disruptions in memory, consciousness or integrity of identity

A. dissociative disorders
B. somatoform disorders
C. substance abuse
D. depression
Answer» A. dissociative disorders

DSM is a scientific classification manual of mental disorders published by

A. who
B. british psychiatric association
C. indian psychiatric association
D. american psychiatric association.
Answer» D. american psychiatric association.

Term used to describe the phenomenon the person becomes amnesic and departs home with a new identity

A. amnesia
B. fugue
C. ptsd
D. phobia
Answer» B. fugue

Serotonin is a

A. hormone
B. disorder
C. medicine
D. neurotransmitter
Answer» D. neurotransmitter

Disorder by which the person feels that his certain body parts are with an ugly appearance:

A. body dysmorphic disorder
B. phobia
C. dissociation
D. schizophrenia
Answer» A. body dysmorphic disorder

According to DSM IV-TR, preoccupations based on misinterpretations of bodily symptoms, with the fear that one has a serious disease.

A. hypochondriasis
B. obsessions
C. compulsions
D. amnesia
Answer» A. hypochondriasis

Preoccupation with certain aspects of the body

A. ocd
B. gad
C. bdd
D. ptsd
Answer» C. bdd

In ________one’s sense of self is temporarily lost.

A. depersonalisation
B. derealisation
C. hypochondriasis
D. anxiety
Answer» A. depersonalisation

Overt repetitive behaviors or more covert mental acts

A. obsessions
B. compulsions
C. suppression
D. stereotypes
Answer» B. compulsions

Who put forward operant conditioning?

A. wolpe
B. pavlov
C. skinner
D. bandura
Answer» C. skinner

Write the odd one

A. exorcism
B. shrine
C. trephination
D. behavior therapy
Answer» D. behavior therapy

Statistical approaches to abnormality define as "abnormal" those who

A. shows evidence of loss of contact with reality.
B. are unhappy, withdrawn, and depressed.
C. deviate from typical or average patterns of behavior.
D. are disabled by anxiety.
Answer» C. deviate from typical or average patterns of behavior.

A rare condition in which separate personalities exist in the same person is called

A. dissociative identity disorder.
B. split personality.
C. schizophrenia.
D. amnesia.
Answer» A. dissociative identity disorder.

A core feature of all abnormal behavior is that it is

A. culturally absolute
B. learned.
C. maladaptive.
D. dependent on age.
Answer» C. maladaptive.

The extreme reaction known as fugue refers to

A. physical flight to escape conflict.
B. severe depression.
C. hallucinations.
D. obsessive behavior.
Answer» A. physical flight to escape conflict.

According to Behaviourists, much of our behaviour, whether normal or maladaptive, can be attributed to:

A. emotion
B. learning
C. environmentalism
D. thinking
Answer» B. learning

Stress is a condition experienced by a person who is constantly exposed to:

A. malnutrition
B. punishment
C. frustrations and conflicts
D. anxiety
Answer» C. frustrations and conflicts

Generally, “abnormal” means deviation from the:

A. social stigma
B. rule and regulations
C. “norm” or “standard”
D. basic principles of living
Answer» C. “norm” or “standard”

Who is considered to be the “father of modern medicine”?

A. hippocarates (460-377
B. c.) b. sigmund freud (1902)
C. plato (429-347 b.c)
D. aristotle (384-322 b.c.)
Answer» A. hippocarates (460-377

The psychodynamic model considers the causes of abnormality as psychological and as being rooted in the:

A. unconscious
B. conscious
C. subconscious
D. mind
Answer» A. unconscious

DSM 5 was established in the year……?

A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2015
D. 2010
Answer» A. 2013

Unemployment can be treated as a ………… causal factor of psychopathology

A. biological
B. sociocultural
C. psychological
D. none of the above
Answer» B. sociocultural

……………. symptoms may include nightmares, flashbacks, sleep disturbance, mood disorders, suicidal ideation, avoidance, and hyper-arousal in response to trauma- related stimuli.

A. dissociation
B. ptsd
C. amnesia
D. ocd
Answer» B. ptsd

…………….. is an anxiety disorder involving discomfort around social interaction, and concern about being embarrassed and judged by others.

A. specific phobia
B. social phobia
C. agoraphobia
D. ocd
Answer» B. social phobia

Severe anxiety over the idea of discarding possessions can be treated as a symptom of?

A. body dysmorphic disorder
B. hoarding disorder
C. ocd
D. dissociation disorder
Answer» B. hoarding disorder

If someone is suffering from trichotillomania, they will usually display various symptoms, including

A. constant pulling or twisting hair
B. fear
C. anxiety
D. phobia
Answer» A. constant pulling or twisting hair

………….. involves sensory or motor symptoms that do not correspond to those that arise from known medical conditions.

A. conversion disorder
B. hypochodriasis
C. somatization disorder
D. anxiety disorder
Answer» A. conversion disorder

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- 5) replaces somatoform disorders with ………………..

A. somatic symptom and related disorders
B. somatization disorder
C. health anxiety disorder
D. body- somatic disorder
Answer» A. somatic symptom and related disorders

……………….. focused on how peoples’ irrational and inaccurate thoughts about themselves and the world can contribute to psychological disorders

A. aron beck
B. piaget
C. freud
D. rogers
Answer» A. aron beck

Humanistic model emphasizes …

A. self awareness
B. unconsciousness
C. defense mechanism
D. learning
Answer» A. self awareness

Ivan Pavlov was famous on his works on …………….

A. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. psychodynamic theory
D. humanistic theory
Answer» A. classical conditioning

Medical model of abnormal behaviour emphasizes ………..

A. biological underpinnings
B. unemployment
C. unconsciousness
D. self
Answer» A. biological underpinnings

Process through which we seek to know and understand others is termed as

A. understanding
B. social perception
C. obedience
D. social facilitation
Answer» B. social perception

Which among the following is not a basic channel of non verbal communication

A. gestures
B. eye contact
C. spoken words
D. facial expressions
Answer» C. spoken words

Solomon asch studied on which of the following social events

A. conformity
B. compliance
C. obedience
D. loafing
Answer» A. conformity

A form of social influence involving direct requests from one person to other is known as

A. compliance
B. obedience
C. request
D. order
Answer» A. compliance

………… is the manner in which we interpret, analyze, remember, and use information about the social world.

A. social cognition
B. memory
C. analysis
D. social perception
Answer» A. social cognition

Attention ,encoding and retrieval are basic processes of?

A. reasoning
B. creativity
C. social thought
D. none of the above
Answer» C. social thought

……….. refers to the processes through which we recover information from memory

A. attention
B. encoding
C. retrieval
D. observation
Answer» C. retrieval

The bias in which we overlook risks and expect things to turn out well is known as

A. optimistic bias
B. counter factual thinking
C. pessimistic bias
D. planning fallacy
Answer» A. optimistic bias

announced schedules for public works (e.g., new roads, airports, bridges, stadiums) that have no chance of being met is best explained by

A. counter factual thinking
B. optimistic bias
C. planning fallacy
D. magical thinking
Answer» C. planning fallacy

………… is the tendency to imagine other outcomes in a situation than the ones that actually occurred

A. counter factual thinking
B. optimistic bias
C. planning fallacy
D. magical thinking
Answer» A. counter factual thinking

I got up on the left side of the bed today; therefore it will rain- is an example of

A. belief
B. optimistic bias
C. planning fallacy
D. magical thinking
Answer» D. magical thinking

Terror management is a pausible explanation of which bias among the following

A. counter factual thinking
B. optimistic bias
C. planning fallacy
D. magical thinking
Answer» D. magical thinking

Which among below is not an error of social cognition

A. schema
B. optimistic bias
C. planning fallacy
D. magical thinking
Answer» A. schema

In ABC triad what does C stands for ?

A. culture
B. cognition
C. coperation
D. none of the above
Answer» B. cognition

In ABC triad what does A stands for ?

A. aggression
B. affect
C. altruism
D. none of the above
Answer» B. affect

Experiment of norman triplett was on?

A. social loafing
B. social facilitation
C. conformity
D. obedience
Answer» B. social facilitation

Norman triplett”S study on social facilitation was a …………study

A. correlational
B. observational
C. experimental
D. qualitative
Answer» C. experimental

Which among below disciplins are associated with social psychology?

A. cognitive psychology
B. personality psychology
C. clinical psychology
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The field which the structure, function, growth, origin, and evolution of living things is called

A. biology
B. social psychology
C. neurology
D. structuralism
Answer» A. biology

…………. Field exclusively examines the concept of culture, and specifically the role of culture in influencing people’s attitudes and behavior.

A. anthropology
B. evolution
C. sociology
D. social psychology
Answer» A. anthropology

The group which doesn’t receive any treatment in experimental method is termed as

A. experimental group
B. control group
C. confounding group
D. none of the above
Answer» B. control group

The variable which is manipulated in an experimental research is called

A. dependent variable
B. independent variable
C. extraneous variable
D. continuos variable
Answer» B. independent variable

The variable which is measured in an experiment is called

A. dependent variable
B. independent variable
C. extraneous variable
D. continuos variable
Answer» A. dependent variable

Variable other than independent variable which makes changes in dependent variable is called

A. control variable
B. continuos variable
C. confounding variable
D. internal variable
Answer» C. confounding variable

----------- is a standardised, planned, and systematic approach to objectively observe and record behavior

A. survey
B. experiment
C. observation
D. record
Answer» C. observation

Which among below are a type of observation?

A. participant
B. naturalistic
C. structured
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Observation in which researcher is not involved with participants is called

A. naturalistic
B. participant
C. non participant
D. unstructured
Answer» C. non participant

A technique which involves observing involves studying the spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings is

A. controlled
B. naturalistic
C. participant
D. none of the above
Answer» B. naturalistic

When , a researchers ask large numbers of people to respond to questions about their attitudes or behavior. It is

A. survey method
B. experimental
C. observation
D. correlation
Answer» A. survey method

The term ________ refers to a tendency for one event to be associated with changes in the other

A. relation
B. correlation
C. association
D. dependency
Answer» B. correlation

The greater the departure from zero correlation strength is said to be

A. weaker
B. no change
C. stronger
D. varying
Answer» C. stronger

Which among below are a type of correlation

A. positive correlation
B. negative correlation
C. none of the above
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

When a variable decreases with the decrease of another variable they are said to be

A. negative correlated
B. positive correlated
C. not related
D. none
Answer» B. positive correlated

When a variable decreases with the increase of another variable they are said to be

A. negative correlated
B. positive correlated
C. not related
D. none
Answer» A. negative correlated

Correlation range is

A. 0-1
B. -1 – 0
C. 0 - +1/-1
D. 0-2
Answer» C. 0 - +1/-1

actions that benefit other people or society as a whole is termed as

A. prosocial behavior
B. empathy
C. social behavior
D. kindness
Answer» A. prosocial behavior

________ is the idea that behaviors that help a genetic relative are favored by natural selection

A. kin selection
B. natural selection
C. genetics
D. selection
Answer» A. kin selection

perceiving others’ thoughts and feelings accurately is known by

A. emotional empathy
B. empathic accuracy
C. empathic concern
D. empathy
Answer» B. empathic accuracy

___________ is defined as the inhibiting influence of the presence of others on a person’s willingness to help someone in need.

A. altruism
B. influence
C. bystander effect
D. prosocial behavior
Answer» C. bystander effect

Diffusion of responsibility & pluralistic ignorance are some of the causes of

A. prosocial behavior
B. bystander effect
C. empathy
D. none of the above
Answer» B. bystander effect

impulsive, angry behavior that is motivated by a desire to harm someone is known as

A. aggression
B. instrumental aggression
C. violence
D. hostile aggression
Answer» D. hostile aggression

GAM stands for ?

A. genetic aggression model
B. general aggression model
C. general aggression map
D. none
Answer» B. general aggression model

cultures in which hold strong norms indicating that aggression is an appropriate response to insults to one’s honor is termed as

A. bad culture
B. good culture
C. cultures of honor
D. cultures of proud
Answer» C. cultures of honor

which among below are not a situational cause of aggression

A. alcohol
B. temperature
C. bullying
D. hormone
Answer» D. hormone

Which among below are a method to control aggression?

A. catharsis
B. punishment
C. self regulation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A pattern consisting primarily of high levels of competitiveness, time urgency, and hostility is termed as _______ behavior pattern

A. type a
B. type ab
C. type b
D. type c
Answer» A. type a
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