
A is the owner of a parcel of land covered by a TCT No. 1. B stole the title, forged his signature and transferred it under his name. TCT No. 2 was issued under his name. He sold it to C who registered under his name. When returned to the Philippine in 2010, he discovered that his title was transferred to another. Can he recover the same?

A. Yes, because the title of C is void;
B. No, because the title of C is valid because he is a buyer in good faith and for value;
C. No, because even if the title of B is void, a void title can be the root of a valid title if it passes to a buyer in good faith and for value;
D. Yes, because the title of B being void, it cannot produce a valid title.
Answer» C. No, because even if the title of B is void, a void title can be the root of a valid title if it passes to a buyer in good faith and for value;
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