
"Abhinav Bharat" was founded in 1904 as a secoret society of revolutionaries by:

A. Damodar Chapekar
B. V. D. Savarkar
C. Praffula Chaki
D. Khudiram Bose
Answer» B. V. D. Savarkar
Explanation: Abhinav Bharat Society (Young India Society) was a secret society founded by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and his brother Ganesh Damodar Savarkar in 1903. Initially founded at Nasik as Mitra Mela when Vinayak Savarkar was still a student Fergusson College at Pune, the society extended to various parts of India and London. It carried out a few assassinations of British officials, after which the Savarkar brothers were convicted and imprisoned.
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