Chapter: Concept of Statistics

A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as a sample mean, is known as a_______

A. Population Parameter
B. Sample Parameter
C. Sample Statistic
D. Population Mean
Answer» C. Sample Statistic

Statistics branches include___________

A. Applied Statistics
B. Mathematical Statistics
C. Industry Statistics
D. Both A and B
Answer» D. Both A and B

To enhance a procedure the control charts and procedures of descriptive statistics are classified into_______

A. Behavioural Tools
B. Serial Tools
C. Industry Statistics
D. Statistical Tools
Answer» A. Behavioural Tools

Sample statistics are also represented as__________

A. Lower Case Greek Letter
B. Roman Letters
C. Associated Roman Alphabets
D. Upper Case Greek Letter
Answer» B. Roman Letters

Individual respondents, focus groups, and panels of respondents are categorized as_________

A. Primary Data Sources
B. Secondary Data Sources
C. Itemised Data Sources
D. Pointed Data Sources
Answer» A. Primary Data Sources

The variables whose calculation is done according to the weight, height and length and weight are known as:_______

A. Flowchart Variables
B. Discrete Variables
C. Continuous Variables
D. Measuring Variables
Answer» C. Continuous Variables

A method used to examine inflation rate anticipation, unemployment rate and capacity utilisation to produce products is classified as________

A. Data Exporting Technique
B. Data Importing Technique
C. Forecasting Technique
D. Data Supplying Technique
Answer» C. Forecasting Technique

Graphical and numerical methods are specialized processes utilized in_________

A. Education Statistics
B. Descriptive Statistics
C. Business Statistics
D. Social Statistics
Answer» B. Descriptive Statistics

The scale applied in statistics which imparts a difference of magnitude and proportions is considered as_____

A. Exponential Scale
B. Goodness Scale
C. Ratio Scale
D. Satisfactory Scale
Answer» C. Ratio Scale

Review of performance appraisal, labour turnover rates, planning of incentives and training programs and are examples of ___________

A. Statistics in Production
B. Statistics in Marketing
C. Statistics in Finance
D. Statistics in Personnel Management
Answer» D. Statistics in Personnel Management

The number of accidents in a city during 2010 is__________

A. Discrete variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Qualitative variable
D. Constant
Answer» B. Continuous variable

The mean of a distribution is 23, the median is 24, and the mode is 25.5. It is most likely that this distribution is__________

A. Positively Skewed
B. Symmetrical
C. Asymptotic
D. Negatively Skewed
Answer» D. Negatively Skewed

According to the empirical rule, approximately what percent of the data should lie within $\mu \pm 2\sigma$?_______

A. 75%
B. 68%
C. 99.7%
D. 90%
Answer» C. 99.7%

Census reports used as a source of data is________

A. Primary source
B. Secondary source
C. Organized data
D. None
Answer» D. None

The first hand and unorganized form of data is called____________

A. Secondary data
B. Organized data
C. Primary data
D. None of these
Answer» C. Primary data

If a distribution is abnormally tall and peaked, then is can be said that the distribution is__________

A. Leptokurtic
B. Pyrokurtic
C. Platykurtic
D. Mesokurtic
Answer» A. Leptokurtic

A chance variation in an observational process is____________

A. Dispersion/ Variability
B. Measurement error
C. Random error
D. Instrument error
Answer» C. Random error

Given $$$X_1=12,X_2=19,X_3=10,X_4=7$$$, then $$$\sum_{i=1}^4 X_i$$$ equals?________

A. 36
B. 48
C. 41
D. 29
Answer» C. 41

Questionnaire survey method is used to collect____________

A. Secondary data
B. Qualitative variable
C. Primary data
D. None of these
Answer» C. Primary data

The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the coefficient of variation?____________

A. 60.4%
B. 48.3%
C. 35.7%
D. 27.8%
Answer» B. 48.3%

Sum of dots when two dice are rolled is___________

A. A discrete variable
B. A continuous variable
C. A constant
D. A qualitative variable
Answer» C. A constant

The data which have already been collected by someone are called_____________

A. Raw data
B. Array data
C. Secondary data
D. Fictitious data
Answer» C. Secondary data

Data collected by NADRA to issue computerized identity cards (CICs) are__________

A. Unofficial data
B. Qualitative data
C. Secondary data
D. Primary data
Answer» B. Qualitative data

A parameter is a measure which is computed from______________

A. Population data
B. Sample data
C. Test statistics
D. None of these
Answer» B. Sample data

The grouped data is also called_________

A. Raw data
B. Primary data
C. Secondary data
D. Qualitative data
Answer» D. Qualitative data

Primary data and _____________ data are sam

A. Grouped
B. Secondary data
C. Ungrouped
D. None of these
Answer» B. Secondary data

A constant variable can take values____________

A. Zero
B. Fixed
C. Not fixed
D. Nothing
Answer» C. Not fixed

Cumulative frequency is___________

A. Decreasing
B. Increasing
C. Different
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

Data Classified by attributes are called____________

A. Qualitative Data
B. Quantitative Data
C. Ungrouped Data
D. Geographical Data
Answer» A. Qualitative Data

Statistics results are_____________

A. Absolutely Correct
B. Not True
C. True on Average
D. Universally True
Answer» C. True on Average

Measurements usually provide_____________

A. Discrete Data
B. Continuous Data
C. Qualitative Data
D. Primary Data
Answer» B. Continuous Data

Which one is the not measure of dispersion.____________

A. The Range
B. 50th Percentile
C. Inter-Quartile Range
D. Variance
Answer» B. 50th Percentile

Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from_____________

A. Population
B. Sample
C. Data
D. Observations
Answer» B. Sample

In statistics, a sample means_____________

A. A portion of the sample
B. A portion of the population
C. All the items under investigation
D. None of the above
Answer» B. A portion of the population

Data in the Population Census Report is___________

A. Grouped data
B. Ungrouped data
C. Secondary data
D. Primary data
Answer» C. Secondary data

When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portion or subset of all elements of interest we are using___________

A. A sample
B. A Parameter
C. A Population
D. Both b and c
Answer» A. A sample

The algebraic sum of deviations from mean is___________

A. Maximum
B. Zero
C. Minimum
D. Undefined
Answer» B. Zero

In inferential statistics, we study ____________

A. The methods to make decisions about the population based on sample results
B. How to make decisions about mean, median, or mode
C. How a sample is obtained from a population
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The methods to make decisions about the population based on sample results

The height of a student is 60 inches. This is an example of___________

A. Qualitative data
B. Categorical data
C. Continuous data
D. Discrete data
Answer» C. Continuous data

In statistics, a population consists of____________

A. All People living in a country
B. All People living in the area under study
C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied
D. None of the above
Answer» C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied

In descriptive statistics, we study____________

A. The description of the decision-making process
B. The methods for organizing, displaying and describing data
C. How to describe the probability distribution
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The methods for organizing, displaying and describing data

Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal parts?__________

A. Quartiles
B. Standard Deviations
C. Percentiles
D. Deciles
Answer» C. Percentiles

In statistics, conducting a survey means__________

A. Collecting information from elements
B. Making mathematical calculations
C. Drawing graphs and pictures
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Making mathematical calculations

You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information, you stated that the average height of all students in your university or college is 67 inches. This is an example of___________

A. Descriptive statistics
B. Inferential Statistics
C. Parameter
D. Population
Answer» B. Inferential Statistics

Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize, summarize, and present the data__________

A. Advanced Statistics
B. Probability Statistics
C. Inferential Statistics
D. Descriptive Statistics
Answer» C. Inferential Statistics

Which of the following is not based on all the observations?________

A. Arithmetic Mean
B. Geometric Mean
C. Harmonic Mean
D. Mode
Answer» C. Harmonic Mean

The weights of students in a college/ school is a___________

A. Discrete Variable
B. Continuous Variable
C. Qualitative Variable
D. None of these
Answer» B. Continuous Variable

Life of a T.V picture tube is a__________

A. Discrete variable
B. Continuous variable
C. Qualitative variable
D. Constant
Answer» B. Continuous variable

Population census is conducted through________

A. Sample survey
B. Accounting
C. Investigation
D. Complete enumeration
Answer» D. Complete enumeration

Which of these represent qualitative data___________

A. Height of a student
B. Liking or disliking of (500) persons of a product
C. The income of a government servant in a city
D. Yield from a wheat plot
Answer» B. Liking or disliking of (500) persons of a product
Chapter: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

What is the arithmetic mean of the data set: 4, 5, 0, 10, 8, and 3?____________

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 5
Answer» A. 5

What is the geometric mean of: 1, 2, 8, and 16?___________

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer» A. 4

The arithmetic mean of all possible outcomes is known as___________

A. expected value
B. critical value
C. variance
D. standard deviation
Answer» A. expected value

What is the average of 3%, 7%, 10%, and 16% ?____________

A. 8%
B. 9%
C. 10%
D. 11%
Answer» B. 9%

The mean, mode, and median of the data set: 5, 4, 10, 12, 1, 5, 3, 7, 15, and 8 is respectively___________

A. 5, 6, 7
B. 7, 6, 5
C. 6, 5, 7
D. 7, 5, 6
Answer» D. 7, 5, 6

Harmonic men gives more weigntage to____________

A. Small Values
B. Large Values
C. Positive Values
D. Negative Values
Answer» A. Small Values

If the distribution is symmetric about mean then the skewness is_____________.

A. 1
B. Positive
C. negative
D. none
Answer» A. 1

Standard deviation is calculated from the Harmonic Mean (HM)____________

A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
D. None of these
Answer» B. Sometimes

In statistics, a sample means______________

A. A portion of the sample
B. A portion of the population
C. All the items under investigation
D. None of the above
Answer» B. A portion of the population

The algebraic sum of deviations from mean is__________

A. Maximum
B. Zero
C. Minimum
D. Undefined
Answer» B. Zero

Sum of deviations will be zero if it is taken from___________

A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Standard Deviation
Answer» A. Mean

Arithmetic Mean is __________ affected by extreme values

A. Not
B. Highly
C. Less
D. None of these
Answer» B. Highly

The sum of squared deviation is least from____________

A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Standard Deviation
Answer» B. Mean

__________ is based on all observations of data

A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. None of these
Answer» C. Mean

The mean of 10 numbers is 9, then the sum (total) of these numbers will be________

A. 9
B. 0.9
C. 70
D. 90
Answer» D. 90

The sum of values divided by their number is called__________

A. Median
B. Harmonic Mean
C. Mean
D. Mode
Answer» C. Mean

The calculation of mean and variance is based on_____________

A. Small values only
B. Large values only
C. Extreme values only
D. All values
Answer» D. All values

The Geometric Mean of -2, 4, 03, 6, 0 will be______________

A. -3
B. 0
C. Cannot be Computed
D. None of these
Answer» C. Cannot be Computed

The most repeated (popular) value in a data set is called____________

A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Geometric Mean
Answer» C. Mode

Which of the following Measure of Averages is not based on all the values given in the data set___________

A. Arithmetic Mean
B. Geometric Mean
C. Median
D. Mode
Answer» C. Median

Which of the following Measure of averages is affected by extreme (very small or very large) values in the data set?____________

A. Geometric Mean
B. Median
C. Arithmetic Mean
D. Harmonic Mean
Answer» C. Arithmetic Mean

Data must be arranged either in ascending or descending order if some want to compute________________

A. Mode
B. Median
C. Harmonic Mean
D. Median
Answer» D. Median

If any of the value in data set is negative then it is impossible to compute___________

A. Arithmetic Mean
B. Harmonic Mean
C. Geometric Mean
D. Mode
Answer» C. Geometric Mean

If any of the value in the data set is zero then it is not possible (i.e. impossible) to compute_____________

A. Mode
B. Median
C. Mean
D. Harmonic Mean
Answer» D. Harmonic Mean

To find the average speed of a journey which is the appropriate measure of central tendency____________

A. Mean
B. Geometric Mean
C. Harmonic Mean
D. Weighted Mean
Answer» C. Harmonic Mean

Which of the following cannot be less than zero (negative)?_____________

A. Median
B. Geometric Mean
C. Arithmetic Mean
D. Harmonic Mean
Answer» B. Geometric Mean

________ is the measure of average which can have more than one value____________

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Harmonic Mean
D. Mode
Answer» D. Mode

Find the median of the following data: 160, 180, 200, 280, 300, 320, 400______________

A. 140
B. 300
C. 180
D. 280
Answer» D. 280

Which of the following describe the middle part of a group of numbers?_____________

A. The Measure of Variability
B. The Measure of Central Tendency
C. The Measure of Association
D. The Measure of Shape
Answer» B. The Measure of Central Tendency

The middle value of an ordered array of numbers is the_____________

A. Mode
B. Mean
C. Median
D. Mid-Point
Answer» C. Median

If mean, median, and mode are all equal then distribution will be_______________

A. Positive Skewed
B. Negative Skewed
C. Symmetrical
D. None of these
Answer» C. Symmetrical

The values of mean, median and mode can be____________

A. Some time equal
B. Never equal
C. Always equal
D. None of these
Answer» A. Some time equal

In symmetrical distribution, mean, median, and mode are__________

A. Equal
B. Different
C. Zero
D. None of these
Answer» A. Equal

The empirical relation between mean, median, and mode is____________

A. $ 3 mean – 2 median $
B. $ 3 median – 2 mean $
C. $ 2 mean – 3 median $
D. $ mean = median = mode $
Answer» B. $ 3 median – 2 mean $

In a symmetrical distribution, mean is ____________ mode

A. Equal to
B. Less than
C. Greater than
D. Not equal to
Answer» A. Equal to

If in a distribution left tail is longer than right tail, then the distribution will be____________

A. Symmetrical
B. Positive skewed
C. Negative skewed
D. None of these
Answer» C. Negative skewed

In Uni-model distribution, if mode is less than mean, then the distribution will be__________

A. Symmetrical
B. Normal
C. Positively skewed
D. Negatively skewed
Answer» C. Positively skewed

The shape of symmetrical distribution is _______

A. U shaped
B. Bell Shaped
C. J Shaped
D. None of these
Answer» B. Bell Shaped

The distribution in which mean = 60 and mode = 50, will be ____________

A. Symmetrical
B. Positive skewed
C. Negative skewed
D. None of these
Answer» B. Positive skewed

If mean is less than mode, the distribution will be____________

A. Positively skewed
B. Negatively skewed
C. Symmetrical
D. None of these
Answer» B. Negatively skewed

A symmetrical distribution has mean equal to 4. Its mode will be____________

A. Equal to 4
B. Less than 4
C. Greater than 4
D. Not equal to 4
Answer» A. Equal to 4

A set of values is said to be relatively uniform if it has___________

A. High Dispersion
B. Zero Dispersion
C. Littel Dispersion
D. Negative Dispersion
Answer» C. Littel Dispersion

The measures of dispersion are changed by the change of_______________

A. Scale
B. Origin
C. Unit
D. None of these
Answer» A. Scale

Statistics are aggregates of______________

A. Methods
B. Calculations
C. Facts
D. Data
Answer» D. Data

The appropriate average for calculating average percentage increase in population is____________

A. Arithmetic Mean
B. Harmonic Mean
C. Mode
D. Geometric Mean
Answer» D. Geometric Mean

Which mean is most affected by extreme values?____________

A. Geometric Mean
B. Harmonic Mean
C. Arithmetic mean
D. Trimmed Mean
Answer» C. Arithmetic mean

When mean, median, and mode are identical, the distribution is___________

A. Positively Skewed
B. Negatively Skewed
C. Symmetrical Bivariate
D. Uniform
Answer» C. Symmetrical Bivariate

Sum of absolute deviations about median is_________

A. Zero
B. Maximum
C. Minimum
D. One
Answer» C. Minimum

Sum of square of the deviations about mean is___________

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Zero
D. None of these
Answer» B. Minimum

The extreme values in negatively skewed distribution lie in the_____________

A. Middle
B. Right Tail
C. Left Tail
D. Whole Curve
Answer» C. Left Tail
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