
The area with annual rainfall less than 50 cm in a year is –

A. Meghalaya
B. Leh in Kashmir
C. Coromandel coast
D. Konkan coast
Answer» B. Leh in Kashmir
Explanation: Rainfall distribution in India is uneven. Areas of Inadequate Rainfall (it implies rainfall less than 50 cm a year): There are basically two belts that receive inadequate rainfall. These belts are of small extent and some parts of these belts receive exceptionally very low rainfall, bike for instance, the Karakoram Mountains and area lying to the north of the Zanskar Himalaya range. This region is situated in the north of the Himalayas. It, therefore, receives little rainfall during the summer monsoon rainy season. Further, a little rainfall is also caused in the months of January. February and March by the westerly depressions.
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