
90+ Indian History 1 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in History (BA History) , Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) .


Where do we find the three phases, viz. Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Cultures in sequence?

A. kashmir valley
B. godavari valley
C. belan valley
D. krishna valley
Answer» D. krishna valley

The earliest evidence of settled agriculture in the subcontinent comes from:

A. kalibangan
B. amri
C. mehrgarh
D. inamgarh
Answer» C. mehrgarh

Ochre Coloured Pottery is closely connected with:

A. aryans
B. early harappans
C. late harappans
D. mature harappans
Answer» C. late harappans

Which one of the following is the latest Indus city discovered in India?

A. manda
B. dholavira
C. daimabad
D. rangpur
Answer» B. dholavira

Majority of the Indus terracotta figurines were

A. hand-modelled
B. made in single moulds
C. cut with a saw
D. sculptured with a chisel
Answer» A. hand-modelled

The religious iconography of Indus people consists of
(i) Seals and Sealings
(ii) Images and Statues
(iii) Terracotta figurines
(iv) Amulets and Tablets
Choose the answer from the codes given below

A. i and ii
B. i,ii and iii
C. i,iii and iv
D. all of them
Answer» D. all of them

The majority of the Harappan pottery was

A. polychrome pottery
B. black-painted pottery
C. red-painted pottery
D. plain pottery
Answer» D. plain pottery

Bones of camel are discovered at:

A. kalibangan
B. lothal
C. harappa
D. mohenjodaro
Answer» A. kalibangan

For which one of the following crops there is no evidence of cultivation fromanyone of the Indus sites?

A. barley
B. sugarcane
C. rice
D. field peas
Answer» B. sugarcane

Which of the following were the most standardised products of the Harappans?

A. pottery
B. terracotta
C. bricks
D. statues
Answer» C. bricks

Which one of the following Indus cities has houses with doors on the main streets?

A. lothal
B. surkotada
C. chanhudaro
D. banawali
Answer» A. lothal

The whole area of Harappan culture represents a

A. circular area
B. square area
C. zigzag formation
D. triangle area
Answer» D. triangle area

Which has the earliest ploughed field in the world?

A. harappa
B. kalibangan
C. ropar
D. rangpur
Answer» B. kalibangan

The ruins of Harappa were first noticed by

A. charles mason
B. sahni
C. m wheeler
D. ms vats
Answer» A. charles mason

What was kharaj?

A. a tribute
B. booty
C. land tax
D. gift
Answer» A. a tribute

The most common materials used for the Harappan stone sculptures are
(i) Hard sandstone
(ii) Soft limestone
(iii) White marble
(iv) Steatite
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below

A. ii and iv
B. i and iii
C. i, ii and iii
D. all the four
Answer» A. ii and iv

Of the all Harappan sites, which has the most impressive drainage system?

A. harappa
B. banawali
C. dholavira
D. mohenjodaro
Answer» D. mohenjodaro

The reason for the spread of Harappan culture and settlement of new colonies in far off places was

A. to meet their religious obligations
B. their desire to colonise
C. the population expansion
D. to safeguard their security concerns.
Answer» C. the population expansion

Which one of the following places had a culture, called Jhangar culture, in its late Harappan phase?

A. kalibangan
B. mohenjodaro
C. chanhudaro
D. amri
Answer» D. amri

Which one of the following Indus sites was destroyed by fire?

A. lothal
B. kalibangan
C. kotdiji
D. amri
Answer» D. amri

Which one of the following Vedic texts, apart from the Rig Veda Samhita, cites Indra as the destroyer of the Indus civilisation?

A. atharva veda samhita
B. taittiriya brahmana
C. aitareya brahmana
D. satapatha brahmana
Answer» B. taittiriya brahmana

Majority of the Indus beads meant for export to Mesopotamia were made of

A. steatite
B. terracotta
C. carnelian
D. jade
Answer» C. carnelian

What is Epigraphy?

A. study of coins
B. study of old writing used in inscriptions
C. study of inscriptions
D. study of material remains of the past
Answer» C. study of inscriptions

Indus civilisation belongs to which of the following periods?

A. historical period
B. prehistorical period
C. post-historical period
D. proto-historical period
Answer» D. proto-historical period

Which is the oldest age

A. bronze age
B. neolithic age
C. mesolithic age
D. palaeolithic age
Answer» D. palaeolithic age

What was Dasarajna?

A. ten incarnations of vishnu
B. a former slave turned into a ruler
C. battle of the ten kings
D. ten sacrifices to be performed by the son of a slave mother
Answer» C. battle of the ten kings

Which was probably the most popular assembly in which even women enjoyed an equal status with men in the early Vedic period?

A. sabha
B. samiti
C. gana
D. vidata
Answer» D. vidata

Which priest was responsible for the organisation of the confederacy of ten kings when he was dismissed by Sudas, the Tritsu ruler of the Bharata tribe?

A. vasishtha
B. visvamitra
C. yajnavalkya
D. uddalakaaruni
Answer» B. visvamitra

How many times is the word varna used in the Rig Veda in the sense of a birth-based social division?

A. ten
B. five
C. once
D. nil
Answer» D. nil

Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

A. sira—plough
B. sita—furrows
C. datra—sickle
D. surpa—axe
Answer» D. surpa—axe

According to the Rig Veda, Panis were indulged in

A. cultivation
B. trade and commerce
C. handicrafts
D. hunting and gathering
Answer» B. trade and commerce

The word kusidin used in the Satapatha Brahmana was a designation for the

A. usurer
B. bard
C. perfume-maker
D. outcaste
Answer» A. usurer

How many times does the term jana in the sense of a tribe occur in the Rig Veda?

A. 250
B. 275
C. 300
D. 325
Answer» B. 275

The Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas are together known as

A. samhitas
B. sruti
C. trijnana
D. trayi veda
Answer» D. trayi veda

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

A. sama veda samhita—origins of indian music
B. atharva veda samhita—origins of indian medicine
C. rig veda samhita—earliest prose
D. yajur veda samhita—origins of rituals
Answer» C. rig veda samhita—earliest prose

Which one of the following Vedic texts deals with the ploughing rituals at length?

A. yajur veda samhita
B. satapatha brahmana
C. kausitaki upanishad
D. atharva veda samhita
Answer» B. satapatha brahmana

Who was the first to discover close affinities between Sanskrit and some of the principal languages of Europe?

A. max mueller
B. sir william jones
C. penka
D. filippo sasetti
Answer» B. sir william jones

The origin of Indian music can be traced to which of the following Vedic Samhitas?

A. rig veda
B. sama veda
C. yajur veda
D. atharva veda
Answer» C. yajur veda

Which of the following Vedic Samhitas is partly in verse and partly in prose?

A. rig veda
B. sama veda
C. yajur veda
D. atharva veda
Answer» B. sama veda

Which of the following does not come under sruti literature?

A. brahmanas
B. vedangas
C. aranyakas
D. upanishads
Answer» C. aranyakas

Which of the following animals was probably not known to the Vedic people?

A. elephant
B. lion
C. tiger
D. horse
Answer» C. tiger

Which of the following Rig Vedic gods is said to be the upholder of the Rta or cosmic order?

A. indra
B. agni
C. varuna
D. soma
Answer» C. varuna

Which of the following later Vedic gods is said to have evolved from the Harappan cult of Pasupati Mahadeva?

A. prajapati
B. rudra
C. vishnu
D. pushan
Answer» B. rudra

Which one of the following tribal assemblies is considered as the oldest of all?

A. sabha
B. samiti
C. vidata
D. gana
Answer» C. vidata

Which of the four Vedic Samhitas is considered as the least useful for the purpose of reconstruction of the history of the Aryans?

A. rig veda
B. sama veda
C. yajur veda
D. atharva veda
Answer» B. sama veda

Jaina philosophy is known as

A. pudgala
B. samkhya
C. samachari
D. syadvada
Answer» D. syadvada

Which one of the six traditional schools of Hindu philosophy closely resembles the Jaina philosophy?

A. nyaya
B. samkhya
C. mimamsa
D. vaisesika
Answer» B. samkhya

Which one of the following four Agnikula families was known for its patronage of Jainism.

A. chauhans
B. solankis
C. pawars
D. pariharas
Answer» B. solankis

Mahavira preached in the

A. magadhi
B. ardha-magadhi
C. suraseni
D. apabhramsa
Answer» B. ardha-magadhi

What is Mahabhinishkramana?

A. the renunciation of worldly life by mahavira
B. the ‘great going forth’ by mahavira
C. the renunciation of worldly life by buddha
D. the delivery of the first sermon by buddha
Answer» C. the renunciation of worldly life by buddha

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