
Which of the following statements about Kharif and Rabi is not correct?

A. Kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon season and harvested in late Spring
B. Kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon season and harvested in Autumn
C. Rabi season begins in Autumn after the rains and harvested in late Spring.
D. Important Kharif crops are rice, millets, jute, maize and cotton; important Rabi crops are wheat, gram, barley and linseed
Answer» A. Kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon season and harvested in late Spring
Explanation: Kharif crops refer to the planting, cultivation and harvesting of any domesticated plant sown in the rainy (monsoon) season on the Asian subcontinent. Such crops are planted for autumn harvest and may also be called the summer or monsoon crop in India and Pakistan.
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