330+ Indian Financial System Solved MCQs


___________ allocates saving efficiently in an economy to ultimate users either for investment in real assets or for consumption

A. economic system
B. banking system
C. financial system
D. market system
Answer» C. financial system

Which of the following is not a regulatory institutions in Indian financial system.

A. rbi
B. cibil
C. sebi
D. irda
Answer» B. cibil

___________ is regarded as a queen of Indian financial system.

A. sebi
B. rbi
C. finance ministry
D. bse
Answer» B. rbi

————— represent claims for the payment of a sum of money sometimes in the future and/or a periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend.

A. physical asset
B. fixed asset
C. financial asset
D. none of these
Answer» C. financial asset

SEBI was established in —————.

A. 1988
B. 1985
C. 1991
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1988

RBI started functioning on —————.

A. 1-4-1935
B. 1-4-1948
C. 1-4-1882
D. 1-4-1945
Answer» A. 1-4-1935

National Housing bank is a fully owned subsidiary of —————.

A. hdfc
B. hsbc
C. rbi
D. hudco
Answer» C. rbi

————— has the statutory powers to regulate and promote the Indian capital market.

A. registrar of issue
B. merchant banks
C. sebi
D. rbi
Answer» C. sebi

Any company making a public issue of value of more than Rs. ———— is required to file a draft offer document with SEBI.

A. 100 lakh
B. 25 lakh
C. 50 lakh
D. 10 lakh
Answer» C. 50 lakh

————— Committee was constituted by SEBI for deciding about derivatives trading.

A. l.c.gupta
B. r. l. gupta
C. vaghul
D. malhotra
Answer» A. l.c.gupta

RBI is the lender of last resort for —————.

A. central government
B. state governments
C. stock markets
D. commercial banks
Answer» D. commercial banks

The market regulator of Indian Capital Market is ……………

A. dfhi
B. rbi
C. sebi
D. stci
Answer» C. sebi

…………………… facilitate the transfer of funds from savers to the borrowers.

A. goods market
B. money market
C. financial market
D. consumer market
Answer» C. financial market

……………………… market is a market for old issues.

A. money market
B. primary market
C. secondary market
D. all the above
Answer» C. secondary market

Which of the following is a financial asset

A. gold
B. silver
C. share
D. land.
Answer» C. share

Which of the following is a cash asset?

A. deposit created out of loans
B. share
C. bond
D. post office certificate.
Answer» A. deposit created out of loans

Govt. bond is a

A. short term security
B. long term security
C. medium term security
D. either a or b.
Answer» B. long term security

Money market deals with ..................... instruments.

A. long term
B. short term
C. medium term
D. all of these.
Answer» B. short term

The market for extremely short period loan is called.....................

A. call money market
B. money at short notice
C. t-bill market
D. g-sec market
Answer» A. call money market

..................... acts as an intermediary between Govt. and money market

A. rbi
B. sebi
C. commercial banks
D. all the above
Answer» A. rbi

................... are drawn by contractors on the Govt. departments for the goods supplied to them

A. treasury bills
B. supply bill
C. bill of lading
D. documentary bill
Answer» B. supply bill

The bill which doesn’t require acceptance is called.....................

A. treasury bills
B. supply bill
C. bill of lading
D. documentary bill
Answer» A. treasury bills

..................... are an important instrument of short term borrowing by the Govt.

A. national saving certificate
B. bonds
C. treasury bill
D. any of the above
Answer» C. treasury bill

..................... is a market for bankers’ acceptances

A. discount market
B. cds market
C. interbank participation market
D. acceptance market
Answer» D. acceptance market

Accommodation bills are also known as ..................... bills

A. kite bills
B. wind bills
C. supply bill
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

Adhoc treasury bills are issued in favour of the ..................... only

A. treasury
B. rbi
C. commercial banks
D. state government
Answer» B. rbi

..................... are short term deposits of specific maturity similar to fixed deposits.

A. commercial paper
B. interbank participation certificate
C. repo
D. certificate of deposit
Answer» D. certificate of deposit

..................... is an unsecured short term promissory note issued by creditworthy companies?

A. commercial paper
B. interbank participation certificate
C. repo
D. certificate of deposit
Answer» A. commercial paper

Discount and Finance House of India was set up in .....................

A. 1982
B. 1988
C. 1992
D. 1969
Answer» B. 1988

Discount and Finance House of India was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of .....................Committee

A. malegam
B. malhotra
C. vaghul
D. narasimham
Answer» C. vaghul

..................... has been set up mainly to provide a secondary market in Govt. Securities

A. dhfi
B. otcei
C. stci
D. nsdl
Answer» C. stci

Right shares are offered to.....................

A. debenture holders
B. existing shareholders
C. list 2 contributories
D. liquidators
Answer» B. existing shareholders

..................... is the suitable method where small companies issue shares

A. public issue
B. placement
C. offer for sale
D. none of these
Answer» B. placement

..................... is a process of admitting securities for trading on a recognised stock exchange.

A. registration
B. filing
C. listing
D. admission
Answer» C. listing

..................... is a preferential independent broker who deals in securities on his own behalf.

A. jobber
B. sub broker
C. remisiers
D. arbitragers
Answer» A. jobber

The facility to carry forward a transaction from one settlement period to another is known as ..................... transaction

A. badla
B. arbitrage
C. cornering
D. trading inside
Answer» A. badla

The device adopted to make profit out of the differences in prices of a security in to different markets is called.....................

A. cornering
B. prise rigging
C. arbitrage
D. margin trading
Answer» C. arbitrage

The central depositary ..................... the security on behalf of the investors

A. hold
B. transfer
C. both a & b above
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a & b above

..................... of shares in the first step in the depository process

A. registration
B. listing
C. rematting
D. immobilisation
Answer» D. immobilisation

. ..................... is the link between the depository and the owner

A. agent
B. depository participant
C. beneficiary
D. broker
Answer» B. depository participant

..................... issues does not bring in any fresh capital

A. equity
B. preference
C. debenture
D. bonus
Answer» D. bonus

Prospectus is not issued in

A. public issue
B. private placement
C. right issue
D. none the above
Answer» B. private placement

An issuer need not file an offer document in case of

A. public issue
B. preferential allotment
C. right issue
D. bought out deal
Answer» B. preferential allotment

An issuer can launch an IPO within.....................

A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. one year
Answer» B. 6 months

An issue of a minimum size of Rs. ..................... crore is a mega issue

A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 300
Answer» B. 100

Financial institutions are also known as ........................

A. financial organisation
B. financial intermediaries
C. financial system
D. any of the above
Answer» B. financial intermediaries

........................ is the first development financial institution in India.

A. idbi
B. icici
C. ifci
D. rbi
Answer» C. ifci

Management Development Institute (MDI)was set up by ........................

A. idbi
B. icici
C. ifci
D. sebi
Answer» C. ifci

IDBI was established in ........................

A. 1948
B. 1954
C. 1992
D. 1964
Answer» D. 1964

........................ is an apex institution to coordinate, supplement and integrate the activities of all existing specialised financial institutions.

A. ifci
B. idbi
C. rbi
D. sebi
Answer» B. idbi

Technical consultancy Organisations were set up by........................

A. ifci
B. idbi
C. rbi
D. sebi
Answer» B. idbi

ICICI was set up in ........................

A. 1955
B. 1964
C. 1989
D. 1935
Answer» A. 1955

........................ assists mainly to industrial undertakings in the private sector

A. ifci
B. idbi
C. icici
D. sebi
Answer» C. icici

LIC was established in........................

A. 1956
B. 1964
C. 1989
D. gcv1935
Answer» A. 1956

UTI was set up in the year ........................

A. 1956
B. 1964
C. 1969
D. 1948
Answer» B. 1964

................known as Brettonwood twins

A. idbi and ifci
B. idbi and uti
C. ibrd and imf
D. rbi and sebi
Answer» C. ibrd and imf

World bank is also known as........................

A. imf
B. adb
C. ibrd
D. unicef
Answer» C. ibrd

World bank was set up in ........................

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1948
Answer» A. 1945

IMF commenced financial operation on........................

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1948
Answer» C. 1947

Which of the following gives long term finance?

A. idbi
B. icici
C. ifci
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following is a fee based service

A. hire purchase
B. leasing
C. capital issue management
D. underwriting.
Answer» C. capital issue management

Find the odd one out

A. commercial paper
B. share certificate
C. certificate of deposit
D. treasury bill.
Answer» B. share certificate

The process of managing the sales ledger of a client by a financial service company is called

A. forfaiting
B. factoring
C. leasing
D. none of these.
Answer» B. factoring

Mutual funds are very popular in

A. usa
B. uk
C. japan
D. india
Answer» A. usa

In India, the company which actually deals with the corpus of the mutual fund is called

A. sponsor company
B. trustee company
C. asset management company
D. mutual fund company.
Answer» C. asset management company

The first bank in India to start factoring business is

A. canara bank
B. sbi
C. punjab national bank
D. allahabad bank.
Answer» B. sbi

An asset with a physical value is called

A. financial asset
B. non financial asset
C. fictitious asset
D. fixed asset
Answer» B. non financial asset

An asset which derives its value because of a contractual claim is

A. financial asset
B. non financial asset
C. fictitious asset
D. fixed asset
Answer» A. financial asset

Gold is -----------asset

A. financial asset
B. non financial asset
C. fictitious asset
D. intangible asset
Answer» B. non financial asset

Cash is --------------asset

A. financial asset
B. non financial asset
C. fictitious asset
D. intangible asset
Answer» A. financial asset

-------------is a whole sale market for short term debt instrument.

A. capital market
B. forex market
C. money market
D. any of the above
Answer» C. money market

Money lent in the inter-bank market for 15 days or more is called -----------

A. call money
B. term money
C. money at short notice
D. all the above
Answer» B. term money

Call money is a loan given for a period of

A. 15 days
B. 30 days
C. 1 day
D. 1 year
Answer» C. 1 day

When money lent for more than a day but up to a fortnight is called

A. call money
B. term money
C. money at short notice
D. none of the above
Answer» C. money at short notice

CBLO stands for

A. collateralised borrowing and lending obligation
B. central banks lending obligation
C. commercial bank and lending option
D. none of these
Answer» A. collateralised borrowing and lending obligation

The NSDL established in

A. august 1996
B. august 1998
C. january 1996
D. january 1998
Answer» A. august 1996

In a private placement the maximum number of investors shall not exceed

A. 51
B. 49
C. 100
D. 25
Answer» B. 49

Merchant banks in India started in

A. 1955
B. 1969
C. 1972
D. 1992
Answer» B. 1969

Merchant banks concept in India introduced by

A. sbi
B. pnb
C. anz grindlays
D. city bank
Answer» C. anz grindlays

SENSEX is the index of

A. bse
B. nse
C. otcei
D. cse
Answer» A. bse

NIFTY is the index of

A. bse
B. nse
C. otcei
D. cse
Answer» B. nse

The first Indian equity index is

A. nifty
B. sensex
C. dollex
D. defty
Answer» B. sensex

........... is a product whose value is derived from the value of underlying asset

A. repo
B. t-bills
C. g.sec
D. derivatives
Answer» D. derivatives

BOLT stands for

A. borrowing or lending trade
B. bombay online trading
C. bond or loan transaction
D. none of these
Answer» B. bombay online trading

--------------is also known as “G.Secs”

A. gold traded fund (gtf)
B. general securities
C. govt. securities
D. growth oriented fund
Answer» C. govt. securities

.................. are negotiable instrument issued by an overseas depository

A. adr
B. gdr
C. idr
D. any of the above
Answer» D. any of the above

Perpetual bond is also known as

A. deep discount bond
B. irredeemable bond
C. bearer bond
D. registered bond
Answer» B. irredeemable bond

Zero Coupon Bond is also known as

A. deep discount bond
B. irredeemable bond
C. bearer bond
D. zero interest bond
Answer» A. deep discount bond

Secured Premium Notes (SPN) always issued with...........

A. premium
B. discount
C. detachable warrant
D. coupon
Answer» C. detachable warrant

................ bonds permit the bond holder to invest the interest income again in host bonds

A. deep discount bond
B. junk bonds
C. bearer bond
D. bunny bonds
Answer» D. bunny bonds

...............bonds are high risk and high yield bonds developed in USA

A. deep discount bond
B. junk bonds
C. bearer bond
D. bunny bonds
Answer» B. junk bonds

ESOP stands for

A. equity share option plan
B. equity shares option premium
C. employee stock option plan
D. equity stock option plan
Answer» C. employee stock option plan

QIPs Stands for

A. quality investment project
B. qualified investment plan
C. qualified institutional placement
D. qualitative investment premium
Answer» C. qualified institutional placement

What you mean by “STRIPS”

A. separate trade register of initial public securities offer
B. stock trading register of interest and principal securities
C. separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities
D. share transfer and registrar of indian public securities issues
Answer» C. separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities

Gilt Edged Securities are

A. govt. securities
B. company’s securities
C. any of the above
D. none of these
Answer» A. govt. securities

In India, forfaiting services are offered by

A. rbi
B. sbi
C. exim bank
D. all the above
Answer» C. exim bank

The small investors’ gateway to enter into big companies is —————

A. equity shares
B. preference shares
C. bonds
D. mutual fund
Answer» D. mutual fund

Money Market mutual fund is also known as---------------

A. growth fund
B. balanced fund
C. income fund
D. cash fund
Answer» C. income fund

————— fund invests in highly liquid securities like commercial paper.

A. open ended fund
B. close ended fund
C. balanced fund
D. mmmf
Answer» D. mmmf

The idea of providing factoring services in India was first thought by —————

A. vaghul committee
B. malhotra committee
C. tanden committee
D. none of these
Answer» A. vaghul committee
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