160+ Socio Peace Studies Solved MCQs


According to Gandhi is Untouchability is

A. love of mankind
B. crime
C. equality
D. none of these.
Answer» A. love of mankind

Swadesi means

A. globalization
B. decentralization
C. indegenous
D. none of the above
Answer» C. indegenous

‘There is no way to peace.peace itself is the way’ who told this?

A. dalai llama
B. gandhi
C. buddha
D. tolstoy
Answer» B. gandhi

---is opposition to war , violence or militarianism

A. pacifism
B. amnesty
C. truce
D. none of these
Answer» A. pacifism

The word tranquil means

A. peace.
B. truth
C. ahimsa
D. quite
Answer» D. quite

Universal declaration of human rights was on

A. 10 december 1948
B. 11 december 1948
C. 12 december 1948
D. 13
Answer» A. 10 december 1948

Lokasamgraha is a concept in

A. arthashasthra.
B. bagavat githa
C. nyaya sutra
D. tripithaka
Answer» B. bagavat githa

Adibhouthika means

A. material
B. divine
C. spiritual
D. none ofthese
Answer» C. spiritual

Adyatmika means

A. material
B. divine
C. natural
D. spiritual
Answer» D. spiritual

Adidaivika is related with

A. material
B. natural
C. divine
D. none of these
Answer» C. divine

Fundamental principal of Gandhi’s philosophy of peace is called

A. non-violence
B. truth
C. god.
D. religion
Answer» A. non-violence

Satyagraha means

A. insistence on non-violence
B. insistence on truth
C. insistence on justice
Answer» B. insistence on truth

Gandhi adopted ---as the moral equivalent to war and conflict

A. himsa
B. satyagraha
C. fasting
D. dharnna
Answer» B. satyagraha

The term civil disobedience was coined by

A. gandhi
B. tolstoy
C. marx
D. henry david thoreau
Answer» D. henry david thoreau

Refusal to obey laws and government is called

A. ahimsa
B. himsa
C. swaraj
D. civil disobedience
Answer» D. civil disobedience

Buddha called the eight fold path as

A. janana marana chakra
B. samsara chakra
C. middle path
D. bhava chakra
Answer» C. middle path

Who says about the ‘causes of quarrel’?

A. kant
B. david hume
C. gandhi
D. thomas hobbes
Answer» D. thomas hobbes

Which one is not belonged to three definite instincts according to Thomas Hobbes?

A. acquisitive
B. possessive.
C. glory
D. just
Answer» D. just

The primary formulation of Kantian ethics is called

A. categorical imperative
B. utilitarianism
C. consequentialsim
D. none of
Answer» A. categorical imperative

A theory of justice is written by

A. marx
B. john rawls
C. kant
D. gandhi
Answer» B. john rawls

John rawls was an

A. british
B. american
C. german
D. holand
Answer» B. american

Original position is a thought experiment propounded by

A. kant
B. marx
C. hume
D. john rawls
Answer» D. john rawls

Who is the advocator of modern tradition of non-violent action for change according to Dalai Llama

A. buddha
B. gandhiji
C. marx
D. hitler
Answer» B. gandhiji

Dalai Llama is

A. chinese monk
B. nepal
C. japan
D. tibetan monk
Answer» D. tibetan monk

The root cause of all suffering according to Buddhism

A. vidya
B. four noble truths
C. ashtanga marga
D. ignorance
Answer» D. ignorance

The doctrine of dependent origination is also called

A. pratityasamutpada
B. arya satya
C. kshanika vada
D. middle path
Answer» A. pratityasamutpada

Gandhi called his form of disobedience as

A. himsa
B. sathyagraha
C. fasting
D. dharnna
Answer» B. sathyagraha

Which one of the category is not part of eight fold path?

A. wisdom
B. ethical conduct.
C. mental cultivation
D. kshanika vada
Answer» D. kshanika vada

Ahimsa means

A. not to injure
B. not to jealous
C. not to desire
D. none of these
Answer» A. not to injure

Dharma means

A. love
B. way of righteousness
C. himsa
D. karma
Answer» B. way of righteousness

Moral autonomy is associated with the work of

A. john rawls
B. immanuel kant
C. locke
D. aristotle
Answer» B. immanuel kant

According to kant freedom of action is restricted by

A. theory of justice.
B. original position.
C. veil of ignorance
D. moral
Answer» D. moral

Leviathan is a great work written by

A. thomas hobbes
B. locke
C. plato
D. spinoza
Answer» A. thomas hobbes

Awareness of a communion identity is called

A. swadeshi
B. swaraj
C. national integration
D. none of these
Answer» B. swaraj

The one who is mentally and bodily attuned to a specific socio-cultural space is called

A. outsider
B. insider
C. outspoken
D. none of these
Answer» B. insider

The one who does not experience the socio-cultural-political belonging is called

A. insider
B. outsider
C. outclass
D. none of these
Answer» B. outsider

Inherent and inalienable value of human being is called

A. human desire
B. fame
C. human dignity
D. none of these
Answer» C. human dignity

Peoples rule is called

A. aristocracy
B. oligarchy
C. plutocracy
D. democracy
Answer» D. democracy

When two warring sides decides to call it quits, it’s called

A. truce
B. amnesty
C. treaty
D. none of these
Answer» A. truce

The First World War held on

A. december 20, 1914
B. december 16, 1914
C. december 24, 1914.
Answer» C. december 24, 1914.

---is known as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because he or she is a human being

A. human rights
B. human desire
C. human duty
D. none of these
Answer» A. human rights

Which one is milestone document in the history of human rights?

A. vedas
B. smritis
C. india constitution
D. universal declaration of human
Answer» D. universal declaration of human

which one is not included in three kinds of suffering or pain

A. adhyatmika
B. adhiboutika
C. adhidaivika
D. adhidhamma
Answer» D. adhidhamma

In democracy supreme power is vested in the

A. governor
B. president
C. people
D. prime minister
Answer» C. people

Direct democracy is also called

A. pure democracy
B. representative
C. presidential
D. none of these
Answer» A. pure democracy

Indirect democracy is also called

A. pure democracy
B. representative democracy
C. presidential
D. none of
Answer» B. representative democracy

….is a permissive attitude toward those whose opinions differ from one’s own.

A. amnesty
B. truce
C. tolerance
D. none of these
Answer» C. tolerance

Gandhi said – is a peaceful form of civil disobedience

A. satyagraha
B. himsa
C. aparigraha
D. none of these
Answer» A. satyagraha

Doctrine of middle path is a contribution to

A. buddhism
B. jainism
C. samkhya
D. carvaka
Answer» A. buddhism

Which one is not related to causal wheel of dependent origination?

A. dharmachakra
B. bhavachakra
C. samsara chakra
D. kshanika vada
Answer» D. kshanika vada

which year Dalai Llama got Nobel price for peace?

A. 1967
B. 1972.
C. 1976.
D. 1989
Answer» D. 1989

satyagraha is a technique of

A. non –violence,
B. swadwshi
C. sarvodaya,
D. bhoodan
Answer» A. non –violence,

which of the following is not the requirements of satyagraha

A. faith in god
B. honest
C. fearless.
D. atheism
Answer» D. atheism

which of the following is not a kind of satyagraha

A. civil disobedience
B. dharna
C. fasting.
D. violence
Answer» D. violence

Which one is not suit for satyagrahi?

A. resisting injustice
B. respect opponent
C. self sacrifice
D. killing
Answer» D. killing

satyagraha is a force against

A. violence
B. tyranny
C. injustice
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

which one is Gandhi’s ashram

A. sabarmati ashram
B. advaita ashram
C. sivagiri ashram
D. none of
Answer» A. sabarmati ashram

The word ‘demo’ stands for

A. king
B. people
C. justice.
D. none of these.
Answer» B. people

The word ‘kratos’ meaning

A. rule
B. tyranny
C. injustice,
D. representation
Answer» A. rule

Rawls tries to determine the principles of

A. justice
B. injustice
C. sovereign
D. rights
Answer» A. justice

Thomas Hobbes was belonged to

A. english
B. french
C. america
D. german
Answer» A. english

Who advocate the state is not the creation of god

A. locke
B. kant.
C. berkeley
D. thomas hobbes
Answer» D. thomas hobbes

Which one is not the work of Thomas Hobbes?

A. de corpore
B. de cive
C. leviathan.
D. das capital
Answer» D. das capital

Thomas Hobbes says man is exclusively

A. selfish
B. just
C. genuine
D. innocent
Answer» A. selfish

Individual egoism is the theory of

A. locke
B. hobbes
C. hume
D. spinoza
Answer» B. hobbes

Who said ‘man was perpetually at war with every other men’ ?

A. hobbes
B. descartes
C. leibniz
D. hegel
Answer» A. hobbes

kantian ethics refers to

A. utilitarianism.
B. consequentialism.
C. deontological theory
D. all of
Answer» C. deontological theory

In deontology, deon means

A. injustice
B. rule.
C. duty
D. king
Answer» C. duty

Suffering caused by self is called

A. adhiboutika.
B. adyatmika.
C. adhidaivika
D. none of these
Answer» B. adyatmika.

Which one is the Vedic kind of peace?

A. adhiboutika.
B. adyatmika.
C. adhidaivika
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The suffering caused by extrinsic super natural influence is called

A. adhiboutika.
B. adyatmika.
C. adhidaivika
D. none of these
Answer» C. adhidaivika

The concept of nishkama karma is described in

A. bible
B. vedas
C. brahmasutra
D. bhagavat gita
Answer» D. bhagavat gita

Action without the expectation of result from action is called

A. nishkama karma
B. svadharma
C. ashrama dharma.
D. varna dharma.
Answer» A. nishkama karma

The Republic is wriiten by

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates.
D. descartes
Answer» B. plato

The republic is mainly concerned with

A. anger
B. justice.
C. values
D. none of these
Answer» B. justice.

which one refers to underlying order in nature as well as order in human life and behavior

A. dharma.
B. karma
C. nirvana
D. kaivalya
Answer» A. dharma.

who adopted the satyagraha marga

A. tagore
B. aurobindo
C. marx
D. gandhi
Answer» D. gandhi

Bhagavat gita contains in

A. ramayana
B. mahabharatha
C. vedas
D. nyayasutra
Answer» B. mahabharatha

Siddhartha Gautama is also known as

A. buddha
B. mahavira
C. gaudapada
D. sankaracharya
Answer» A. buddha

Which one is referred by Buddha as middle path?

A. arya satya
B. eight fold path
C. kshanika vada
D. none of these
Answer» B. eight fold path

state of peace and quiet is called

A. tranquility
B. truce
C. armistice
D. treatise
Answer» A. tranquility

according to kapila three sources of pain is known as

A. trigunas
B. triratnas
C. trividham dhukham
D. none of these
Answer» C. trividham dhukham

The most fundamental principle of Gandhi’s philosophy of peace is

A. truth
B. non-violence
C. sarvodaya
D. breadlabour
Answer» B. non-violence

According to Gandhi the universal human value of ahimsa ought to be cultivated in ---levels

A. international
B. personal
C. national
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Holding onto truth is called

A. satyagraha
B. truth
C. non-violence
D. means
Answer» A. satyagraha

Truth force is called

A. sarvodaya
B. eight fold path
C. satyagraha
D. four noble truth
Answer» C. satyagraha

To prevent conflicts caused by religious bigotry, Gandhi suggested

A. sarva dharma samabhav
B. sarvodaya
C. swaraj
D. swadeshi
Answer» A. sarva dharma samabhav

Practical ethics is written by

A. peter singer
B. immanuel kant
C. william lilly
D. g.e. moore.
Answer» A. peter singer

One world is a work by

A. dalai llama
B. gandhi
C. peter singer
D. immanuel kant
Answer» C. peter singer

Invitation to Indian philosophy is written by

A. t.m.p. mahadevan
B. dr. s. radhakrishnan
C. aurobindo
D. m.k. gandhi
Answer» A. t.m.p. mahadevan

Theory of satyagraha in Gandhi and his life and thought is a work by

A. j.b. kripalani
B. vinoba bhave
C. jayaprakash narayan
D. dalai llama
Answer» B. vinoba bhave

First indo-pak war was started in

A. 1947
B. 1962
C. 1956
D. 1972
Answer» A. 1947

Shimla agreement was signed between India and Pakistan on

A. 2 july 1972
B. 2 july 1982
C. 2 june 1962
D. 2 june 1952
Answer» A. 2 july 1972

kargil war was held in

A. 2000
B. 1999.
C. 2001
D. 1998
Answer» B. 1999.

Smiling buddha is related with

A. pokhran -1
B. pokhran-2
C. kirana -1
D. none of these
Answer» A. pokhran -1

Indus river treaty is between

A. india and china
B. india and pakistan
C. india and sre lanka
D. pakistan
Answer» B. india and pakistan

Which of the following organization led the foundation towards the formation of the International society nations?

A. league of nations
B. united nations
C. international un federation
D. international
Answer» A. league of nations

Which organization is termed as "a Child of War"?

A. un
B. league of nations
C. saarc
D. who
Answer» B. league of nations

Which of the following place is the headquarters of IMF (International Monetary Fund)?

A. geneva
B. paris
C. washington
D. hague
Answer» C. washington

Who had given the "Fourteen Point" programme for the formation of League of Nations?

A. williamson
B. franklin d. roosevelt
C. sam kutesa
D. woodrow wilson
Answer» D. woodrow wilson
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