
190+ Philosophy of Gender Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Founder of Samkya philosophy

A. kapila
B. gautama
C. patanjali
D. jaimini
Answer» A. kapila

Who consider Samkaya school as main opponent of Vedanta?

A. ramanuj
B. madhv
C. sankara
D. vallabha
Answer» C. sankara

Samkya school belongs to the category of……………

A. dualistic and pluralistic
B. monistic and pluralistic
C. realistic and monistic
D. none of the above
Answer» C. realistic and monistic

Sankyaschool is consider as -----------------

A. theistic pluralism
B. atheistic realism
C. theistic realism
D. none of the above
Answer» B. atheistic realism

Sankya theory of causation is known as-------------

A. prakrtiparinamavada
B. brahma parinamavada
C. brahma vivarthavada
D. prakrtivivarthavada
Answer» A. prakrtiparinamavada

According to Satkaryavada effect is …………..

A. new creation
B. pre latent in the cause
C. both a &b
D. none of the above
Answer» B. pre latent in the cause

According to sankya theory of causation production means-----------

A. manifestation or avirbhava
B. new creation
C. neither manifestation nor new creation
D. none of the above
Answer» A. manifestation or avirbhava

Samkya school is consider dualistic because it accepts

A. prakrti and purusha
B. prakrti and god
C. purusha and god
D. all of the above
Answer» A. prakrti and purusha

which is the first principle of this universe according to Sankya

A. prakrti
B. god
C. purusha
D. none of the above
Answer» A. prakrti

According to sankya system prakriis……………

A. unintelligent and unconscious
B. intelligent and conscious
C. intelligent and unconscious
D. unintelligent and conscious
Answer» A. unintelligent and unconscious

Samkya theory of evolution is called………………

A. prakrtiparinamavada
B. prakrtivivartavada
C. anityaparamanukarana vada
D. none of the above
Answer» A. prakrtiparinamavada

Gunas in Samkya philosophy

A. sattva, rajas,tamas
B. sattva and rajas
C. sattva only
D. rajas only
Answer» A. sattva, rajas,tamas

Rajo gunapossess the quality of----------------

A. lightness
B. darkness
C. activity
D. all of the above
Answer» C. activity

TamoGuna possess the quality of------

A. heaviness
B. acitivity
C. lightness
D. none of the above
Answer» A. heaviness

The colour of Rajas is ……………….

A. red
B. white
C. dark
D. green
Answer» A. red

The color of Sattva is -------------

A. white
B. red
C. black
D. blue
Answer» A. white

The colour of Tamas is --------------

A. white
B. green
C. dark
D. red
Answer» C. dark

When the evolution tookplace in Samkya philosophy?

A. trigunas in the state of equilibrium
B. heterogeneous changes in the gunas
C. homogeneus changes in the triguna
D. none of the above
Answer» B. heterogeneous changes in the gunas

At the stage of pralaya or dissolution gunas are changes………..

A. homogeneously
B. heterogeneously
C. both homogeneously and heterogeneously
D. none of the above
Answer» A. homogeneously

According to Samkya philosophy the essence of Purusha is---------------

A. consciousness
B. bliss
C. ananda
D. evolution
Answer» A. consciousness

According to Samkya philosophy evolution is-------------

A. teleological
B. not teleological
C. both teleological and non teleological
D. none of the above
Answer» A. teleological

Samkya philosophy is called pluralistic because it believes that

A. purushas are many in number
B. prakriti is more than one
C. gunas are many
D. all of the above
Answer» A. purushas are many in number

According to Samkya philosophy evolution is ---------------------

A. cyclic
B. linear
C. upward
D. downward
Answer» A. cyclic

The first product of evolution in Samkya philosophy is called

A. mahat
B. manas
C. ego
D. intellect
Answer» A. mahat

The psychological aspect of Samkya evolution is------------------

A. intellect
B. manas
C. ego
D. purusha
Answer» B. manas

The principle of Individuation in Samkya philosophy is called--------------

A. ahankara
B. mahat
C. consciousness
D. manas
Answer» B. mahat

In Samkya system Budhi, ahankara, and manas are called -------------

A. bahyakarana
B. anthakaran
C. immaterial
D. none of the above
Answer» B. anthakaran

Howmany principles are there in Purusha including Purusha?

A. 24
B. 28)
C. 25
D. 18
Answer» C. 25

According to Samkya philosophy bondage means-------------------

A. non discrimination between self and not self
B. non discrimination between self and manas
C. non discrimination between ahankara and manas
D. none of the above
Answer» A. non discrimination between self and not self

Samkya philosophy believes in -----------------

A. jivanmukti
B. videhamukt
C. bothjivanmukti and videha mukti
D. none of the above
Answer» A. jivanmukti

According Samkya philosophy Prakriti is --------------

A. efficient cause only
B. mateial cause only
C. both efficient and material cause
D. none of the
Answer» A. efficient cause only

In Samkya evolution Bahyakaranas are------------------

A. five sensory organs
B. five motor organs
C. both a and b
D. none of thje above
Answer» C. both a and b

which veda praises shakti as ‘the supporter of the earth living in heaven ‘?

A. rgveda
B. yajur veda
C. sama veda
D. adharva veda
Answer» A. rgveda

The Kaula, Samaya, and Mishra are the schools of-------------

A. samkya
B. yoga
C. shakti tantra
D. none of the above
Answer» C. shakti tantra

According to Shakta tradition liberation means……………

A. differentiate right knowledge from wrong knowledge
B. non difference between soul and brahman
C. differentiate brahman and atman
D. all of the above
Answer» A. differentiate right knowledge from wrong knowledge

According to Shakta tradition Shiva is--------------------

A. determinate
B. indeterminate
C. maya
D. jiva
Answer» B. indeterminate

)Manusmriti is also known as …………………….

A. manavdharm shastra
B. tarka shastra
C. dharma shastra
D. all of the above
Answer» A. manavdharm shastra

“Yatarnaryastopojyantay,ramantaytatr devata” is the sloka from

A. manusmriti
B. brahmasutra
C. bhagavt gita
D. ramayana
Answer» A. manusmriti

Ardha narishvara concept signifies------------

A. men and women are separabl
B. higher status of women
C. higher status of men
D. male and female principles are inseparable
Answer» D. male and female principles are inseparable

The post structuralist idea of gender emphasis the view that

A. there is only one category called men
B. there is only one category called women
C. to identify intersectionality of sex, race
D. none of the above
Answer» C. to identify intersectionality of sex, race

Judith Butler’s idea of gender is -------------

A. phenomenological
B. analytical
C. skeptical
D. empirical
Answer» A. phenomenological

According to Butler feminism comes under

A. logical category
B. livedexperience
C. hermeneutics
D. all of the above
Answer» B. livedexperience

According to Butler sex is ---------------------

A. biological
B. sociological
C. ideological
D. all of the above
Answer» A. biological

The book ‘Ain’ t I a Woman ‘ is related with

A. black feminism
B. white feminism
C. eurocentric feminism
D. third world feminism
Answer» A. black feminism

Who wrote the book ‘Ain ’t a Women’?

A. bell hook
B. carol gilligan
C. robbin morgan
D. firestone
Answer» A. bell hook

‘Sisterhood is Powerful’ is written by

A. robin morgan
B. simon de beauvoir
C. kate millett
D. lawrence kohlberg
Answer» A. robin morgan

Black feminism mainly focus the issue ---------------

A. sexism
B. racism
C. both a &b
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both a &b

who rejects the idea that feminism is a western ideology

A. kumari jayawardena
B. valerie smith
C. elizabeth spelman
D. v.geetha
Answer» A. kumari jayawardena

Biologically determined sexual difference in morality is proposed by -------------

A. sigmund freud
B. jacques lacan
C. carol gilligan
D. simon de beauvior
Answer» D. simon de beauvior

Who wrote the book “ In a different Voice”

A. robbin de morgan
B. carol gilligan
C. karl jung
D. karl marx
Answer» B. carol gilligan

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