
270+ Socio Political Thought Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Who is the author of the book The Republic—

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. kant
D. gandhiji
Answer» A. plato

The idea of Philosopher King introduced by –

A. rousseau,
B. hobbes,
C. locke ,
D. plato
Answer» D. plato

Platos ideal state is known as –

A. the republic,
B. polity,
C. oligarchy ,
D. autocracy
Answer» A. the republic,

To Aristotle the best form of government is-

A. polity,
B. aristocracy,
C. plutocracy,
D. democracy
Answer» A. polity,

“General will” is the concept of –

A. rousseau,
B. webber,
C. gandhiji,
D. nehru
Answer» A. rousseau,

“General will” is equal to ,

A. peoples will,
B. rulers will,
C. workers will,
D. none of these
Answer» A. peoples will,

“The web of relations” is a definition of –

A. state,
B. society,
C. government,
D. group
Answer» B. society,

Who wrote the book “Justice as Fairness”-

A. john rawls,
B. aruna roy,
C. pareto,
D. levinas
Answer» A. john rawls,

Which is the largest democratic country in the world-

A. china,
B. usa,
C. india,
D. brazil
Answer» C. india,

When did the United Nations Organisation establish-

A. 1945,
B. 1935,
C. 1955,
D. 1947
Answer» A. 1945,

The largest written constitution belongs to-

A. usa,
B. india,
C. china,
D. australia
Answer» B. india,

The federal system of India adopted from-

A. canada,
B. russia,
C. britain,
D. germany
Answer» A. canada,

Arthasastra is a book of –

A. economics,
B. statecraft,
C. education,
D. political parties
Answer» B. statecraft,

What do you mean by “A state does not have its own religion”-

A. secular state,
B. religious state,
C. both a&b,
D. none of these
Answer» A. secular state,

How many fundamental rights are there in India-

A. 7,
B. 6,
C. 5 ,
D. 8
Answer» B. 6,

Howmany Lokha sabha seats are there in Kerala-

A. 30,
B. 20,
C. 25,
D. 23
Answer» B. 20,

Ramarajya is a concept of –

A. gandhiji,
B. nehru,
C. patel ,
D. none of these
Answer» A. gandhiji,

The ideal state of Gandiji is known as-

A. polity,
B. ramarajya,
C. republic,
D. county
Answer» B. ramarajya,

The concept of trusteeship is introduced by-

A. gandhiji,
B. tagore, c)
C. r.das,
D. m.n.roy
Answer» A. gandhiji,

Who was the first law minister of India-

A. nehru,
B. ambedkar,
C. patel,
D. none of these
Answer» B. ambedkar,

Indian constitution is a -

A. written,
B. unwritten,
C. evolved,
D. no constitution
Answer» A. written,

The highest court of India is-

A. supreme court,
B. high court
C. parliament,
D. none of these
Answer» A. supreme court,

In ancient Greek, Athens was famous for-

A. commerce,
B. education,
C. logic,
D. handicraft
Answer» A. commerce,

Which articles of Indian constitution prohibits racial discrimination-

A. articles 14,17,
B. 15,16,
C. 17,23,
D. 17,18
Answer» B. 15,16,

Who among the following is a contratualist

A. rousseau,
B. locke,
C. hobbes,
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Who among the following is a liberal political philosopher- a)John Rawls, b)Aristotle, c)Plato d) all of these 28. In which country plural executive functions –

A. switzerland,
B. india,
C. usa ,
D. britain
Answer» A. switzerland,

The head of the state is known as Chancellor in which of the following country

A. holland,
B. china,
C. russia,
D. germany
Answer» D. germany

“Right to vote” is a-

A. political right,
B. civil right,
C. fundamental right,
D. legal right
Answer» A. political right,

Who supported slavery-

A. plato,
B. aristotle,
C. locke
D. , rousseau
Answer» B. aristotle,

“Free citizenship in a free state” pertains to-

A. athens,
B. sparta,
C. both a&b,
D. none of these
Answer» A. athens,

“ Virtue is knowledge” said by whom-

A. socrates,
B. heraclitus,
C. j.s.mill ,
D. all the above
Answer» A. socrates,

“Territory” is an element of –

A. state,
B. executive,
C. government,
D. legislature
Answer» A. state,

The highest law making body in India is-

A. judiciary,
B. executive,
C. legislature,
D. parliament
Answer» A. judiciary,

India follows –

A. constitutional supremacy,
B. parliamentary supremacy,
C. both a&b,
D. none of these
Answer» A. constitutional supremacy,

In India,” right to property” is a –

A. legal right,
B. civil right,
C. fundamental right,
D. political right
Answer» B. civil right,

“giving to everyman his due” pertains to-

A. equality,
B. justice,
C. discrimination,
D. all of these
Answer» B. justice,

How many states are there in India-

A. 30,
B. 29,
C. 25,
D. 28
Answer» B. 29,

Social justice is primarily concerned with

A. .who governs society
B. . how society is governed
C. .how society is defined
D. ) who should get what in society
Answer» D. ) who should get what in society

The International Criminal Court is located at-

A. washington,
B. hague,
C. geneva
D. . london
Answer» B. hague,

State is an –

A. institution,
B. organisation,
C. group,
D. agency
Answer» A. institution,

Indian democracy follows-

A. single party system,
B. byparty system,
C. multiparty system,
D. all of these
Answer» C. multiparty system,

Whose work is “Human Nature in Politics”

A. dicey;
B. wallas;
C. laski;
D. merriam
Answer» B. wallas;

Who wrote “New Aspects of Politis”

A. wallas;
B. laski;
C. merriam;
D. bentley
Answer» C. merriam;

Find out the work of Lasswell and Kaplan

A. systematic politics
B. the politics of system
C. power and society
D. introduction to politics
Answer» C. power and society

Who wrote “The Political System”

A. almond;
B. apter;
C. lasswell;
D. easton
Answer» D. easton

The term ‘Historicism’ was made popular by

A. sabine;
B. oakeshott;
C. popper;
D. foster
Answer» C. popper;

‘It is better to be vague than irrelevant’. This statement explains the following

A. post-behaviouralism;
B. behaviouralism;
C. positivism;
D. empiricism
Answer» A. post-behaviouralism;

The Iron Law of Oligarchy is associated with

A. millett;
B. michels;
C. mcconnell;
D. mazzini
Answer» B. michels;

Who regarded revolution as a means of achieving freedom?

A. hegel;
B. dahl;
C. john milton;
D. karl marx
Answer» C. john milton;

Human consciousness postulates liberty, liberty involves rights, rights demand the state, who has made this statement?

A. hegel;
B. green;
C. laski;
D. barker
Answer» B. green;

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