
170+ Western Aesthetics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


For Kant the ------------------- is no mere criterion for aesthetics but it is a subject of metaphysical inquiry.

A. judgment
B. sublime
C. pure reason
D. art
Answer» B. sublime

According to Kant ------------------ is the ability to judge an object.

A. taste
B. sublime
C. art
D. reason
Answer» A. taste

Poetics is written by:

A. plato
B. kant
C. aristotle
D. marx.
Answer» C. aristotle

The original meaning of the term aesthetics is :

A. related to sense perception
B. related to beauty
C. related to nature
D. related to nature and beauty
Answer» A. related to sense perception

Kant’s view of Aesthetic judgment is presented in his:

A. critique of pure reason
B. critique of practical reason
C. critique of dialectic
D. critique of judgment
Answer» D. critique of judgment

Aesthetics is defined as a philosophy of:

A. art
B. beauty and art
C. art and reason
D. beauty and reason
Answer» B. beauty and art

Who introduced the term aesthetics?

A. aristotle
B. kant
C. edmund bruke
D. a. g. baumgarten
Answer» D. a. g. baumgarten

Identify the root term of Aesthetics.

A. aesthetica
B. aesthesia
C. aesthesis
D. aesthenes
Answer» C. aesthesis

Aesthesis means:

A. anything connected with sense perception
B. anything connected with beauty
C. anything connected with beauty and perception.
D. anything connected reason
Answer» A. anything connected with sense perception

Baumgarten calls the level of knowledge to the sense perception is:

A. aestheesia
B. aesthesis
C. aesthetica
D. aesthetis
Answer» C. aesthetica

The word ‘aesthetic’ is used by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason for the level of knowledge obtained through:

A. sense perception
B. reason
C. intuition
D. reason and intuition
Answer» A. sense perception

Immanuel Kant devoted --------------------- ------------ for the analysis of beauty.

A. critique of pure reason
B. critique of practical reason
C. critique of dialectic
D. critique of judgment
Answer» D. critique of judgment

Hegel established an / a --------------------------- between beauty and art.

A. intellectual
B. spiritual
C. organic
D. intuitive
Answer» C. organic

according to Hegel beauty id the manifestation of :

A. absolute perception
B. absolute idea
C. absolute experience
D. absolute sensation
Answer» C. absolute experience

What is the norm of Aesthetics?

A. truth
B. goodness
C. beauty
D. art
Answer» C. beauty

Identify the dialogue in which Plato explained about the Absolute Beauty.

A. symposium
B. republic
C. zeno
D. crito
Answer» A. symposium

For Plato beauty exists only at ----------- level.

A. empirical
B. sensuous
C. perceptual
D. ideal
Answer» D. ideal

According to Plato beauty seen in nature is only a -------------- of the ideal beauty.

A. fraction
B. part
C. shadow
D. none of these
Answer» C. shadow

Who thinks that art as the stepping stone to philosophy?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. hegel
D. kant
Answer» C. hegel

According to Kant beauty in mankind is always the expression of:

A. emotion
B. morality
C. reason
D. absolute
Answer» B. morality

Hegel defines aesthetics as the philosophy of:

A. fine art
B. art
C. beauty
D. nature
Answer» A. fine art

For Hegel beauty whether natural or artistic is the product of:

A. experience
B. nature
C. absolute
D. human mind
Answer» C. absolute

Which one is considered as the first stage of art according to Hegel?

A. romantic art
B. symbolic art
C. classical art
D. theological art
Answer» B. symbolic art

------------------- art found in pre-Hellenic antiquity.

A. romantic art
B. classical art
C. theological art
D. symbolic art
Answer» D. symbolic art

Which one is considered as the second developmental stage of art according to Hegel?

A. symbolic art
B. romantic art
C. fine art
D. classical art
Answer» D. classical art

----------------- art attains perfectly harmonious expression of universal human mind.

A. symbolic
B. classical
C. fine
D. romantic
Answer» B. classical

Hegel remarks -------------------- shows an advance to spirituality.

A. symbolic art
B. romantic art
C. fine art
D. classical art
Answer» B. romantic art

Identify the highest stage in the development art according to Hegel.

A. symbolic art
B. fine art
C. romantic art
D. classical art
Answer» C. romantic art

------------ is a depiction of Classical art.

A. sculpture
B. music
C. poetry
D. painting
Answer» A. sculpture

Hegel says that Symbolic art is most successful in:

A. painting
B. sculpture
C. architecture
D. poetry
Answer» C. architecture

Of the Romantic triard ---------------- is treated as the most spiritual by Hegel.

A. painting
B. music
C. poetry
D. sculpture
Answer» C. poetry

Hegel says --------------is the staring of art go beyond itself.

A. symbolic art
B. romantic art
C. fine art
D. classical art
Answer» B. romantic art

Hegel treated Romantic art as:

A. dialectic
B. thesis
C. antithesis
D. synthesis
Answer» D. synthesis

For Hegel ---------------------- considered as the thesis in the dialectical process of art.

A. romantic art
B. symbolic art
C. classical art
D. fine art
Answer» B. symbolic art

According to Hegel -------- is the antithesis in the dialectical process of art.

A. classical art
B. symbolic art
C. romantic art
D. fine art
Answer» A. classical art

Hegel says that -----------alone can express all that the mind conceives.

A. sculpture
B. music
C. poetry
D. painting
Answer» C. poetry

Hegel extended ----------------- method into his analysis of art.

A. dialectical
B. rational
C. logical
D. phenomenological
Answer» A. dialectical

According to Kant aesthetics arises from the faculty of:

A. subjective judgment
B. individual judgment
C. disinterested judgment
D. neither disinterested nor subjective judgment
Answer» C. disinterested judgment

Kant claims that aesthetic judgments has strong similarity to :

A. spiritual judgments
B. moral judgments
C. a-priori judgments
D. both spiritual
Answer» B. moral judgments

Identify the major divisions of Critique of Judgment.

A. critique of aesthetic judgment and critique of teleological judgment
B. critique of analytic and critique of aesthetic
C. critique of a-priori judgment and critique of a-posteriori judgment
D. critique of aesthetical judgment and critique of moral judgment
Answer» A. critique of aesthetic judgment and critique of teleological judgment

------------------- deals with Kant’s account of beauty.

A. critique of pure reason
B. critique of practical reason
C. critique of aestheticjudgment
D. critique of aesthetics
Answer» C. critique of aestheticjudgment

Who is the founder of formalism in aesthetics?

A. hegel
B. burke
C. kant
D. aristotle
Answer» C. kant

For Kant aesthetic judgments are:

A. personal
B. intuitive
C. subjective
D. disinterested
Answer» D. disinterested

Kant says aesthetic judgments behave:

A. universally
B. intuitively
C. emotively
D. emotively and intuitively
Answer» A. universally

Kant explains that the beautiful has to be understood as:

A. useful
B. purposive
C. perfection
D. either useful or perfection
Answer» B. purposive

Kant says that aesthetical judgment help us to reach ---------------- ideals.

A. spiritual
B. moral
C. empirical
D. logical
Answer» B. moral

Kant says -------- gives sensible forms to moral ideals.

A. beauty
B. taste
C. sublime
D. none of these
Answer» A. beauty

What is common in aesthetic judgments and moral judgments according to Kant?

A. purposiveness
B. subjectivity
C. universal validity
D. practicability
Answer» C. universal validity

For Kant ------------------ is the symbol of morality.

A. form
B. acceptance
C. sublime
D. beauty
Answer» D. beauty

According to Hegel art is one mode of apprehending:

A. god
B. truth
C. spirit
D. sublime
Answer» B. truth

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