Chapter: Value of Money

Speculative demand for money depends upon:

A. Income
B. Investment
C. Rate of interest
D. Central bank
Answer» C. Rate of interest

If money supply in a country decrease:

A. Prices will rise
B. Prices will fall
C. Rate of interest falls
D. (b) and (c) of above
Answer» B. Prices will fall

In the equation MV = PY, V represents:

A. Value of money
B. Velocity of circulation of money
C. Variation of nation income
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Velocity of circulation of money

In the equation MV = PY, M represents:

A. Money supply
B. Money demand
C. Maximum output
D. Minimum output
Answer» A. Money supply

According to Keynes, motives for holding money are:

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Answer» B. Three

Quantity Theory of Money explains that:

A. Value of money depends upon quantity of money
B. Rate of interest depends upon quantity of money
C. Quantity of investment depends upon quantity of money
D. Supply of money depends upon quantity of money
Answer» A. Value of money depends upon quantity of money

Cross cheque has a cross sign (X) in the:

A. Right side upper corner
B. Right side lower corner
C. Left side upper corner
D. It does not have cross sign (X)
Answer» D. It does not have cross sign (X)

Cross cheque means:

A. It has been cancelled
B. Cash cannot be directly drawn from the bank
C. It has two lines drawn in left upper corner
D. (b) and (c) of above
Answer» D. (b) and (c) of above

Purchasing power of money during deflation is:

A. Reduced
B. Increased
C. Constant
D. Fluctuating
Answer» B. Increased

Velocity of circulation of money means the number of times a unit of money

A. Changes hands daily
B. Changes hands monthly
C. Changes hands annually
D. Changes purchasing power
Answer» C. Changes hands annually

The equation of exchange PT = MV was given by:

A. Fisher
B. Crowther
C. Kuznets
D. Keynes
Answer» A. Fisher

When value of money falls, they benefit more:

A. Farmers
B. Industrialist
C. Lenders
D. Debtors
Answer» D. Debtors

When the nation's money supply is Rs. 1200 billion and GDP is Rs. 4800 billion, velocity of circulation money is:

A. 0.25
B. 4
C. 0.4
D. 4 billion rupees
Answer» B. 4

Which one is equation of exchange?

A. PT = MV
B. PV = MT
C. PM = TV
D. None of these
Answer» A. PT = MV

Inflation can be controlled by applying:

A. Monetary and fiscal policies
B. Monetary and Labour policy
C. Fiscal and commercial policies
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Monetary and fiscal policies

Inflation is a situation when:

A. Prices of some goods rise
B. General price level rises continuously
C. Prices double every year
D. Prices rise and fall
Answer» B. General price level rises continuously

Under normal circumstances, the velocity of circulation of money in a country is:

A. 100%
B. Negative
C. Less than 10
D. Zero
Answer» C. Less than 10

According to Keynes, demand for money is affected by:

A. Income
B. Rate of interest
C. Literacy rate
D. Both (a) & (b)
Answer» D. Both (a) & (b)

During inflation:

A. Lenders lose, borrowers gain
B. Borrowers lose, lenders gain
C. Borrowers and lenders both lose
D. All sections of the society gain
Answer» A. Lenders lose, borrowers gain

The quantity demanded of money rises:

A. As the interest rises
B. As the interest rate falls
C. As the supply of money falls
D. As the number of banks rises
Answer» B. As the interest rate falls

Which people are most likely to gain during inflation?

A. Those living on pension
B. Those living on their savings
C. Those who are repaying borrowed money
D. Those who have lent money
Answer» C. Those who are repaying borrowed money

If quantity of money increases 100%, other things remaining constant, value of money changes by:

A. Increases by 100%
B. Decreases by 100%
C. Decreases by 200%
D. Does not change
Answer» B. Decreases by 100%

For the economy, prices are beneficial:

A. Falling slowly
B. Rising slowly
C. Rising fast
D. Falling fast
Answer» B. Rising slowly

Value of money means:

A. Gold purchased by money
B. General purchasing power of money
C. Importance of money
D. Demand for money
Answer» B. General purchasing power of money

Value of money and supply of money are related:

A. Inversely
B. Directly
C. Govt. law
D. Are not related
Answer» A. Inversely

They are not affected badly by rising prices:

A. Salaried persons
B. Businessmen
C. Debtors
D. Importers
Answer» B. Businessmen


A. Makes distribution of income equal
B. Makes distribution of income unequal
C. Has no effect on distribution of income
D. Affects only industrial sector
Answer» B. Makes distribution of income unequal

It is assumption of quantity theory of money:

A. Quantity of traded goods increases
B. Velocity of circulation of money constant
C. Govt. imposes new taxes
D. (a) and (b) of the above
Answer» B. Velocity of circulation of money constant

If we put this letter in the blank space, we get quantity theory of money PY = M

A. S
B. T
C. V
D. A
Answer» C. V

In the equation PY = MV showing quantity theory of money. Y represents:

A. Year of measurement of national income
B. National income
C. Tax revenue of the govt
D. (a) and (c) of above
Answer» B. National income
  • Question and answers in Value of Money,
  • Value of Money multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Value of Money Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Value of Money,
  • Value of Money MCQs with answers PDF download