250+ Comparative Politics Solved MCQs


One party system means:

A. There is one dominant party, while the other parties occupy an insignificant position
B. There may be number of political parties but the government is formed by one party viz.
C. There is only one political party and no other political party is permitted to come into power
D. None of these.
Answer» C. There is only one political party and no other political party is permitted to come into power

One party system is generally found in:

A. Democratic countries
B. Countries with constitutional monarchy
C. Totalitarian states
D. Aristocratic countries.
Answer» C. Totalitarian states

U.S.A is known for:

A. Bi-party system
B. Single party system
C. Multi- party system
D. No party system.
Answer» A. Bi-party system

One of the chief merits of multi-party system is:

A. It leads to formation of stable government
B. Change of the government is very convenient
C. It is convenient for the voters to elect their representatives
D. People have wider choice in the selection of their representatives.
Answer» D. People have wider choice in the selection of their representatives.

The two major political parties of U.S.A are:

A. Independent and Democratic
B. Republican and Democratic
C. Democratic and Socialist
D. Republican and Communist.
Answer» B. Republican and Democratic

Which one of the following is not a merit of Bi-party system?

A. Difficult in the formation of ministry
B. Stability of government
C. Strong policies
D. Easy choice of the people.
Answer» A. Difficult in the formation of ministry

One of the basic features of interest groups:

A. To promote national interest
B. To promote interest of its members
C. It has close alignment with politics
D. None of these.
Answer» B. To promote interest of its members

Interest groups are:

A. Purely political organizations
B. Purely military organizations
C. Purely economic organizations
D. Of universal character and includes groups like business, labours, farmers and other
Answer» D. Of universal character and includes groups like business, labours, farmers and other

Who defined Pressure groups as “Non-partisan organizations which attempts some phase of public policy”?

A. Reynand
B. Roche and Stedman
C. Turner
D. MacIver.
Answer» C. Turner

Pressure Groups are:

A. political parties
B. Contesting in election
C. Directly participate in politics
D. Influence the governmental policies.
Answer» D. Influence the governmental policies.

Who said: “Modern Democracy is everywhere characterized by presence of numerous groups and associations”:

A. Miller
B. Castles
C. Reynand
D. Roche and Stedman.
Answer» B. Castles

Which is known as the ‘Back bone of democracy’?

A. Interest Groups
B. Political Parties
C. Legislature
D. Pressure Groups.
Answer» B. Political Parties

“A party-less regime is conservative regime, an anti-party regime is a reactionary regime”. Who made this statement?

A. K.C.Wheare
B. Carl J.Friedrich
C. Statori
D. Samuel Huntington
Answer» C. Statori

The famous book ‘Spirit of Law’ was written by:

A. Voltaire
B. Plato
C. Montesquieu
D. Statori.
Answer» C. Montesquieu

The theory of ‘Separation of Powers’ was associated with ………………

A. Montesquieu
B. Voltaire
C. Lord Acton
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Montesquieu

The ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ is the Parliament of ………………. a.Britain b. India c. U.S.A d. France. 51. The name of Legislature of France known as:

A. Parliament
B. Congress
C. National Assembly
D. Federal Assembly
Answer» A. Parliament

In which of the following country unicameral legislature exist:

A. France
B. Russia
C. Italy
D. Finlan
Answer» D. Finlan

In Britain upper house and lower house are known as:

A. House of Lords and House of Commons
B. Congress and Senate
C. Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
D. Senate and National Assembly.
Answer» A. House of Lords and House of Commons

The Upper house of Russian legislature is known as:

A. Senate
B. Federal Council
C. Duma
D. National Assembly.
Answer» C. Duma

Which among the following is considered to be the custodian of Indian Lok Sabha?

A. Prime Minister
B. Leader of Opposition Party
C. Chief Whip of the ruling party
D. Speaker.
Answer» D. Speaker.

Who is the real executive in a Parliamentary form of government?

A. The President
B. The Cabinet
C. Judiciary
D. Army.
Answer» B. The Cabinet

The nominal executive in India is known as:

A. The President
B. The Cabinet
C. Judiciary
D. Army.
Answer» A. The President

In which of the following country the nominated executive prevails:

A. Chile
B. Australia
C. Mexico
D. Brazil.
Answer» A. Chile

Which of the following country possesses a plural executive?

A. U.S.A
C. Switzerland
D. Russia.
Answer» C. Switzerland

The Executive in India is based on:

A. The American pattern
B. The British pattern
C. The Canadian pattern
D. The Swedish pattern
Answer» A. The American pattern

Which one of the following Presidents of India held office for two consecutive terms?

A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
C. Dr. Zakir Hussain
D. Both [a]and[b].
Answer» A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Parliamentary form of government first evolved in:

A. U.S.A
B. Britain
C. Rome
D. Greece.
Answer» B. Britain

Who is the real executive in England?

A. King
B. Ministers
C. Privy Council d. House of Lor
Answer» B. Ministers

Which of the following countries does not have a parliamentary form of government?

A. India
B. U.S.A
C. Japan d. Englan
Answer» B. U.S.A

Legally who has the power to dissolve the lower house in the parliamentary form of government?

A. The Head of Government
B. The Head of the State
C. The Head of Parliament
D. The Head of Judiciary.
Answer» B. The Head of the State

In Presidential system, the head of the state:

A. Cannot be removed by the legislature
B. Can be removed by the legislature
C. Can be removed by the legislature through a very difficult process
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Can be removed by the legislature through a very difficult process

The power of the judiciary to declare a law invalid on constitutional grounds is:

A. Judicial Review
B. Activism
C. Supremacy
D. Absolutism.
Answer» A. Judicial Review

In U.S.A and India judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by …………….. a. Prime Minister b. Cabinet c. President d. Parliament. 70.In India, the power of judicial review is:

A. Extra- constitutional
B. Unconstitutional
C. Constitutional
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Constitutional

The concept of Rule of Law is a special feature of the:

A. Constitution of Switzerland
B. Constitution of USA
C. British Constitution
D. Constitution of Germany.
Answer» C. British Constitution

The most clear exposition of ‘Rule of Law’ is provided by:

A. Jean Bodin
B. Ivor Jennings
C. A.V.Dicey
D. Earnest Barker.
Answer» C. A.V.Dicey

A.V.Dicey expounded ‘Rule of Law’ in his book entitled:

A. An Introduction to the Study of Law of Constitution
B. The Treatise on Civil Government
C. Constitutional Law of Britain
D. The Politics.
Answer» A. An Introduction to the Study of Law of Constitution

In which one of the following cases the Chief Justice of the U.S Supreme Court recognize the power of Judicial Review?

A. McCulloch v. Maryland
B. Marbury v. Madison
C. Gibbon v. Ogdeu d. Scott v. Stanfor
Answer» B. Marbury v. Madison

The Vohra Committee was appointed to look into:

A. Socio-economic nexus
B. Political-industrial nexus
C. Religio-politics nexus
D. Crime- politics nexus.
Answer» D. Crime- politics nexus.

The Vohra Committee submitted its report in the year?

A. 1993
B. 1995
C. 1996
D. 1998.
Answer» B. 1995

The Government of India appointed the Mandal Committee in the year?

A. 1976
B. 1977
C. 1978
D. 1980.
Answer» C. 1978

The recommendations by Mandal Committee provide?

A. 22% job reservation to the OBC
B. 27%job reservation to the OBC
C. 22.5%% job reservation to SCs and STs
D. 28% job reservation to the OBC.
Answer» B. 27%job reservation to the OBC

Who was the first chairman of SC/ST?

A. Bhota Paswan Shastri
B. H.Hanumanthappan
C. Dileep Singh Bharia
D. Bizay Sokar Shastri.
Answer» A. Bhota Paswan Shastri

International Human Rights Day is observed every year on:

A. 5 June
B. 8 January
C. 10 December
D. 20 December.
Answer» C. 10 December

The Protection of Human Rights Act of India was passed in the year:

A. 1994
B. 1993
C. 1998
D. 1996.
Answer» B. 1993

Universal Declaration of Human Rights consist of:

A. One Preamble and 30 Articles
B. 15 Articles
C. One Preamble and 28 Articles
D. One Preamble and 10 Articles.
Answer» A. One Preamble and 30 Articles

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights came into force in the year:

A. 1948
B. 1950
C. 1996
D. 1966.
Answer» D. 1966.

The power of appointing and removing the Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission in India vest with:

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Council of Minister
D. Chief Justice of Supreme Court.
Answer» A. President

Who was the first Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission in India?

A. Justice Ranganath Misra
B. Justice J.S.Varma
C. Justice K.G.Balakrishnan d. Justice A.S.Anan
Answer» A. Justice Ranganath Misra

Who is the present Chairperson of National Women’s Commission in India?

A. Girija Vyas
B. Jayathri Patnaik
C. Mamata Sharma
D. None of these
Answer» C. Mamata Sharma

Rio Summit in 1992 published ………………

A. Kyoto Protocol
B. Cartagena
C. Montreal
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Kyoto Protocol

The World Environmental Day is celebrated every year on:

A. September 6
B. June 5
C. October 16
D. April 4.
Answer» B. June 5

The first UN Conference on Environment and Development was held at:

A. Rio de Janeiro
B. Washington
C. Beijing
D. Tokyo.
Answer» A. Rio de Janeiro

Which organ of UN has the power to maintain peace and security all over the world?

A. Economic and Social council
B. Security Council
D. General Assembly. 93. IPCC stands for?
Answer» B. Security Council

‘Terrorism and Globalization’ was the book written by:

A. James D.Kirans
B. Lon Troyer
C. Karen Mingst
D. None of these.
Answer» A. James D.Kirans

‘Inside Terrorism ‘was the book written by:

A. Leonard Weinberg
B. John Horgan
C. Bruce Hoffman
D. Christopher Harmon
Answer» C. Bruce Hoffman

The oldestConstitutionin theworldis:

A. Britain
B. India
D. None ofthese
Answer» A. Britain


A. TwoPartySystem
B. OnePartySystem
C. MultipartySystem
D. None ofthese
Answer» A. TwoPartySystem

MagnaCarta wassigned by:

A. KingMacbeth
B. KingJohn
C. KingCharles
D. None ofthese
Answer» B. KingJohn
Question and answers in Comparative Politics, Comparative Politics multiple choice questions and answers, Comparative Politics Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Comparative Politics, Comparative Politics MCQs with answers PDF download