250+ Comparative Politics Solved MCQs


An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:

A. india
B. u.s.a.
C. u.k.
D. switzerland
Answer» D. switzerland

Which one of the following countries possess an evolved constitution?

A. britain
B. india
C. u.s.a.
D. nepal
Answer» A. britain

The exponents of Elitist theory believe in:

A. political equality
B. equality between ruler and ruled
C. the superiority of the rules
D. all of the above
Answer» C. the superiority of the rules

Who among the following tried to combine the Elitist theory with Marxism?

A. robert michels
B. jamesburham
C. pareto
D. hobbes
Answer» B. jamesburham

The exponents of Elitist theory hold that the power is always concentrated in the hands of:

A. military
B. bureaucracy
C. priestly class
D. a small group of elites
Answer» D. a small group of elites

Who among the following advocated the concept of circulation of Elites?

A. robert michels
B. james burham
C. pareto
D. hobbes
Answer» C. pareto

Who gave the concept of “Iron law of Oligarchy”?

A. vilfred pareto
B. robert michels
C. karl deutsch
D. coleman
Answer» B. robert michels

The constitution of the Fifth Republic was promulgated on:

A. october 10,1957
B. october 7, 1958
C. november 10, 1958
D. october 27, 1946
Answer» D. october 27, 1946

The constitution of Fifth Republic Consist of :

A. 92 articles
B. 123 articles
C. 280 articles
D. 72 articles
Answer» A. 92 articles

France has:

A. single party system
B. two party system
C. three party system
D. multi-party
Answer» D. multi-party

The French Parliament is a:

A. unicameral house
B. bicameral house
C. tricameral house
D. none of these
Answer» B. bicameral house

The term of French National assembly is:

A. 5 years
B. 6 years
C. 7 years
D. 4 years
Answer» A. 5 years

The first President of France under the constitution of Fifth republic:

A. michel debre
B. napolean
C. general de gaulle
D. de george
Answer» C. general de gaulle

The French legal and judicial system bears the imprint of_________

A. greek law
B. roman law
C. british law
D. arabian law
Answer» B. roman law

Communist Party rule was started in China in the year _____

A. 1940
B. 1957
C. 1949
D. 1927
Answer» C. 1949

The famous French Revaluation was in the year________

A. 1764
B. 1739
C. 1789
D. 1869
Answer» C. 1789

Who was the undisputed leader of Cultural Revolution?

A. lenin
B. karl marx
C. mao-tse-tung
D. sun yat sen
Answer» C. mao-tse-tung

Who authored the book “ Politics of Modernisation”?

A. max weher
B. james s coleman
C. david apter
D. s.p.huntington
Answer» C. david apter

Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as an indicator of modernization?

A. openness of society
B. degree of urbanisation
C. form of government
D. technology
Answer» C. form of government

The Marxian theory of development was greatly influenced by

A. the english classical school
B. the german historical school
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

According to Edward Shills the political development should be measured on the basis of:

A. political institutions of a country
B. the international status of a country
C. the economic development of a country
D. social development of a country
Answer» A. political institutions of a country

Who among the following linked political development with administrative development?

A. max weber
B. james coleman
C. david apter
D. lucian pye
Answer» A. max weber

The political culture of a country is moulded by its:

A. historical factor
B. geographical factor
C. socio-economic factor
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The political culture of a society is symbolised by its:

A. national flag
B. national anthem
C. constitutional
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. both (a) and (b)

Whichamong the following country is associated with “the spoil system”?

A. britain
B. france
C. india
D. u.s.a
Answer» D. u.s.a

Which one of the following country possesses a single party system?

A. china
B. india
C. france
D. u.s.a
Answer» A. china

Which one of the following was a strong supporter of proportional representation?

A. bentham
B. laski
C. j.j mill
D. mare
Answer» C. j.j mill

Universal adult franchise implies a right to vote to all

A. resident of the state.
B. adult residents of the state.
C. adult citizens of the state.
D. adult male of the state.
Answer» C. adult citizens of the state.

Who said “voice of the people may be voice of God”. ?

A. montesquieu
B. rousseau
C. thomas jefferson
D. henry maine
Answer» D. henry maine

MNC stands for

A. multinational corporation
B. multinational centre
C. multinational cities
D. multinational council
Answer» A. multinational corporation

Process of integration of different countries is called

A. liberalisation
B. privatisation
C. globalisation
D. non of the above
Answer» C. globalisation

SEZ stands for

A. special entertainment zone
B. special economic package
C. special evaluative zone
D. special economic zone.
Answer» D. special economic zone.

A company that owns or controls production in more than one nation is called:

A. multinational corporation
B. joint- stock company
C. global company
D. none of the these
Answer» A. multinational corporation

Removing barrier or restriction set by the government is called

A. liberalisation
B. investment
C. favourable trade
D. free trade
Answer» A. liberalisation

The head quarter of IMF and World Bank are located at

A. geneva
B. newyork
C. vienna
D. washington dc
Answer» D. washington dc

When did India adopt a written constitution?

A. november 26, 1949
B. march 26, 1950
C. january 26, 1950
D. april 16, 1948
Answer» A. november 26, 1949

The constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian Federation from the constitution of

A. usa
B. uk
C. france
D. canada
Answer» D. canada

Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the constitution?

A. british constitution
B. us constitution
C. irish constitution
D. government of indian
Answer» D. government of indian

Article 1 of the constitution declares India as

A. federal state
B. quasi federal state
C. unitary state
D. union of states
Answer» D. union of states

Who called Indian federalism as the „cooperative federalism‟

A. g austin
B. k.c wheare
C. d.d basi
D. ivor jennings
Answer» A. g austin

How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian constitution?

A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
Answer» C. 11

The concept of Judicial review in our constitution is taken from the constitution of:

A. england
B. u.s.a
C. canada
D. france
Answer» B. u.s.a

The members of Lok Sabha hold office for a term of

A. 4 year
B. 5 year
C. 6 year
D. 8 year
Answer» C. 6 year

The minimum age to qualify for election in the Lok Sabha is

A. 25 years
B. 30 years
C. 21 years
D. 31 years
Answer» A. 25 years

President of India can dissolve the Lok Sabha on

A. advice of the prime minister
B. advice of the chief justice of india
C. recommendation of lok sabha
D. recommendation of rajya sabha
Answer» A. advice of the prime minister

The office of the President can fall vacant due to

A. resignation
B. death
C. removal
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The powers to prorogue Lok Sabha rests with:

A. the speaker
B. the president
C. the prime minister
D. vice president
Answer» B. the president

The members of state legislative assemblies are elected for a period of

A. 7 year
B. 5 year
C. 2 year
D. 4 year
Answer» B. 5 year

The members of State Public Service Commission are appointed by the

A. chief minister
B. chief justice
C. governor
D. vice president
Answer» C. governor

How many articles are there in constitution of India?

A. 399
B. 295
C. 403
D. 395
Answer» D. 395

The constitution is the supreme law of the land it is protected by

A. the president
B. the prime minister
C. the supreme court
D. parliament
Answer» C. the supreme court

The part of the Constitution that reflect the mind and idols ofthe framers is:

A. dpsp
B. preamble
C. citizenship
D. pr
Answer» B. preamble

The lok Sabha is also known as

A. parliament
B. upper house
C. house of the people
D. council of states
Answer» C. house of the people

The chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the

A. president of india
B. vice president of india
C. cj of india
D. prime minister of india
Answer» B. vice president of india

Every Indian citizen has the right to vote at the age of

A. 21
B. 20
C. 24
D. 18
Answer» D. 18

Article 12 to 35 of the Indian constitution deals with:

A. fundamental duties
B. judiciary
C. fundamental rights
D. executive
Answer» C. fundamental rights

A money bill can be introduced only in

A. rajya sabha
B. legislative council
C. legislative assembly
D. lok sabha
Answer» D. lok sabha

Who is the supreme commander of Indian Armed Force?

A. prime minister
B. president
C. chief justice
D. defence minister
Answer» B. president

To whom can a case of dispute in the election of the President of India be referred to

A. cabinet
B. parliament
C. election commission
D. supreme court
Answer» D. supreme court

Which of the following has been wrongly listed as a national party?

A. bsp
B. bjp
C. sp
D. congress
Answer» C. sp

When was the Indian National Congress formed?

A. 1785
B. 1885
C. 1990
D. 1640
Answer» B. 1885

Lotus is a political symbol of which party

A. inc
B. bsp
C. jds
D. bjp
Answer» D. bjp

System with one party is known as

A. bi party system
B. tri party system
C. multi party system
D. uni party system congress
Answer» D. uni party system congress

India witnessed single party dominance till

A. 1982
B. 1967
C. 1977
D. 1962
Answer» B. 1967

The pressure group are

A. political organisation
B. economic organisation
C. organisation of universal characters
D. moral organisations
Answer» C. organisation of universal characters

Which of the following article deals with the tenure of president?

A. article 53
B. article 56
C. article 55
D. article 52
Answer» B. article 56

The Pressure group tried to promote the interests of their members by exerting pressure on:

A. the legislature
B. executive
C. judiciary
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The political parties impart to the citizens

A. political education
B. legal education
C. general education
D. general education
Answer» A. political education

Who described political parties as power behind the throne?

A. mac iver
B. lord bryce
C. burk
D. herman finer
Answer» D. herman finer

The functions of associational pressure group is to

A. articulate the demand
B. aggregate demand
C. regulate the demand
D. communicate the demand
Answer» A. articulate the demand

Who is known as the father of Comparative Politics

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Machiavelli
Answer» A. Aristotle

The General System Theory was expounded by ……………………….

A. Morton Kaplan
B. Lunsdwing Von Bertallanfy
C. David Easton
D. Karl Deutch.
Answer» B. Lunsdwing Von Bertallanfy

The Input-Output approach and Structural –Functional approach have been derived form :

A. The Political Stimulation approach
B. The Quantitative approach
C. The General System Theory
D. Sociological approach.
Answer» C. The General System Theory

Who said “Political Science is the study of sharing and shaping of power”

A. Lasswell and Kaplan
B. Robert A. Dhal
C. David Easton
D. Paul Janet
Answer» A. Lasswell and Kaplan

Who said “Political system is a sub-system of social system”

A. David Easton
B. Gabriel Almond
C. Morton Kaplan
D. Karl Deutch
Answer» A. David Easton

Which of the following is not a property of political system explained by Almond:

A. Comprehensiveness
B. Interdependence
C. Existence of boundaries
D. Development
Answer» D. Development

Who said “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”: a. Robert

A. Dhal
B. David Easton
C. Lord Acton
D. Paul Janet.
Answer» C. Lord Acton

The Five Characteristics of political system was explained by ………………

A. Almond and Powell
B. Robert A. Dhal
C. Talcott Parson
D. David Easton
Answer» A. Almond and Powell

Black-Box Model was the contribution of ……………….

A. Morton Kaplan
B. Lunsdwing Von Bertallanty
C. David Easton
D. Karl Deutch
Answer» C. David Easton

Which of the following is an input function according to Almond:

A. Political culture
B. Political development
C. Interest Articulation
D. Political structure.
Answer» C. Interest Articulation

Which of the following is an input function according to David Easton:

A. Decisions
B. Communication
C. Supports
D. None of these. 12. In the Input-Output Approach of David Easton, Feedback means:
Answer» C. Supports

Which one of the following is not a type of interest articulation according to Almond?

A. Institutional Interest Groups
B. Non- associational Interest Groups
C. Associational Interest Groups
D. Non-institutional Interest Groups
Answer» D. Non-institutional Interest Groups

Interest articulation is the function of …………….

A. Religious Groups
B. Social Groups
C. Political parties
D. Media.
Answer» C. Political parties

The main exponent of Political Communication was ………………

A. Karl Deutch
B. Max Weber
C. Bingham Powell
D. Carl J.Friedrich.
Answer» A. Karl Deutch

Which of the following is not a capability of political system according to Almond:

A. Responsive capabilities
B. Symbolic capabilities
C. Creative capabilities
D. Regulative capabilities
Answer» C. Creative capabilities

Which of the following is not an Output function according to Almond?

A. Legislature
B. Political parties
C. Executive
D. Judiciary.
Answer» B. Political parties

‘A Framework for Political Analysis’ and ‘A System Analysis of Political Life’ are the books written by …………………..

A. Almond and Powell
B. Robert A. Dhal
C. Talcott Parson
D. David Easton.
Answer» D. David Easton.

‘Process of Government’ was written by: a. Robert

A. Dhal
B. Talcott Parson
C. David Easton.
D. Arthur Bentley
Answer» D. Arthur Bentley

Which one of the following is the two environments exist in Input-Output approach according to David Easton:

A. International and National environments
B. Social and Political environments
C. Internal and External environments
D. Intra-societal and Extra-societal environments.
Answer» D. Intra-societal and Extra-societal environments.

Political system has been defined as “that system of interactions in any society through which binding or authoritative allocation are made and implemented” by:

A. Robert A. Dhal
B. David Easton
C. Max Weber
D. Paul Janet.
Answer» B. David Easton

‘The attitudes, beliefs and orientations of the people towards Politics’ is known as:

A. Political Socialization
B. Political Culture
C. Political Analysis
D. Political Process.
Answer» B. Political Culture

Which one of the following is not a dimension of individual orientation?

A. Cognitive orientation
B. Authoritative orientation
C. Affective orientation
D. Evaluative orientation.
Answer» B. Authoritative orientation

Cognitive orientation means:

A. Knowledge of
B. Feelings for
C. Judgment about
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Knowledge of

Which of the following is not a type of political culture according to Almond?

A. Parochial political culture
B. Subjective political culture
C. Participant political culture
D. Objective political culture
Answer» D. Objective political culture

‘The process of transforming attitudes, beliefs and orientation of the people towards politics from one generation to another’ is known as:

A. Political Culture
B. Political Development
C. Political Socialization
D. Political Modernization.
Answer» C. Political Socialization

The process of political socialization which is continuous and consistent, type is known as:

A. Heterogeneous political socialization
B. Homogeneous political socialization
C. Manifest political socialization
D. Latent political socialization.
Answer» B. Homogeneous political socialization

Which one of the following is not a primary agency of political socialization?

A. Mass media
B. Family
C. School
D. Political parties
Answer» A. Mass media

Which is the most important method used by pressure groups to influence the government?

A. Contest election
B. Lobbying
C. Strike
D. None of these. 30. Who said: “Parties are inevitable. No free country has been without them”:
Answer» B. Lobbying

Who said: “Political parties are an organized body with voluntary membership”:

A. Finer
B. MacIver c. G.
C. Fielsd
D. Sorel.
Answer» A. Finer

Which of the following is not a merit of single party system?

A. Stable Government
B. Strong
C. Slow decision
D. Unity. 33. Single party system prevailing in
Answer» B. Strong
Question and answers in Comparative Politics, Comparative Politics multiple choice questions and answers, Comparative Politics Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Comparative Politics, Comparative Politics MCQs with answers PDF download