
230+ Public Administration­ Theory and Practice Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) .


Literally the term ‘administration’ means---------------------

A. Manage the laws
B. Manage the trade
C. Manage the affairs of public or private
D. Education
Answer» C. Manage the affairs of public or private

Public administration is the sum total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit of and in fulfilment of public policy, belongs to which view?

A. Managerial view
B. Integral view
D. Subject matter view
Answer» B. Integral view

The human relations theory focussed on the

A. Physiological factors
B. biological factors
C. Social and psychological factors
D. Economic factors
Answer» C. Social and psychological factors

The discipline of public administration originated in----

A. U.K
B. U.S.A
C. Germany
D. India
Answer» B. U.S.A

Who was the originator of Politics-administration dichotomy?

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. W.F.Willoughby
C. .Mary Parker Follet
D. Henry Fayol
Answer» A. Woodrow Wilson

The ‘POSDCORB’ relates to the --------------- of the public administration?

A. Scope
B. Meaning
C. Purpose
D. Philosophy
Answer» A. Scope

Which one of the following activities are not covered in ‘POSDCORB’?

A. Budgeting
B. Planning
C. Reporting
D. Discipline
Answer» D. Discipline

New Public administration laid emphasis on ------------

A. Economy and efficiency
B. Values and ethics
C. Behaviour of the public
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Values and ethics

Scalar chain refers to:

A. All managers in a company
B. Chain of command
C. Chain of communication
D. Chain of managers from top to bottom linked stepwise
Answer» D. Chain of managers from top to bottom linked stepwise

The name of Max Weber is associated with -------

A. Bureaucratic theory
B. System theory
C. Human relations theory
D. Administrative theory
Answer» A. Bureaucratic theory

The primary focus of human relations theory is on:

A. Increasing labour productivity
B. Economic and efficiency
C. Individual as socio- psychological being and what motive him
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Individual as socio- psychological being and what motive him

The organisation theory which highlights the social and psychological influences on organisational behaviour is called:

A. human relations theory
B. system theory
C. bureaucratic theory
D. classical theory
Answer» A. human relations theory

Which of the following are required in organisation as a process?

A. division of work
B. grouping jobs and departments
C. establishing authority relationship
D. all the three
Answer» D. all the three

The history of evolution of the discipline of public administration is generally divided into:

A. four phases
B. three phases
C. six phases
D. five phases
Answer» D. five phases

The integral view of public administration is supported by:

A. L D. White
B. Dimock
C. Gladden
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The word “POSDCORB” was coined by:

A. J M. Pfiffner
B. Marshal Dimock
C. Luther Gullick
D. L D. White
Answer» C. Luther Gullick

Which of the following is the main point of difference between public administration and private administration?

A. Profit motive
B. Public responsibility
C. Nature of functions
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the increasingly important role of public administration in modern state?

A. The complexities of the modern industrial and urbanised world
B. It is a great instrument of social change
C. Concept of welfare state and total war
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The term “development administration” was first coined by:

A. Fred W. Riggs
B. Edward W. Weidner
C. Goswami
D. Joseph la Palombra
Answer» C. Goswami

Which of the following is a feature of Max Weber’s bureaucratic organisation?

A. A well defined hierarchy
B. Division of labour based on functional specialisation
C. Office holder cannot appropriate his office
D. All the above.
Answer» C. Office holder cannot appropriate his office

Which of the following is required in organisation as a process

A. Division of work
B. Grouping jobs and departments
C. Establishing authority relationships
D. All the three above
Answer» D. All the three above

Which of the following is important in the organisational structure?

A. Well defined jobs
B. Coordination.
C. Clarifying authority and power
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Which of the following is not one of the principles of organisation?

A. Hierarchy or scalar principle
B. Staffing
C. Unity of command
D. Span of control
Answer» B. Staffing

Hierarchy means:

A. Officials at different levels of organisation.
B. Control of the higher over the lower
C. Gang plank
D. All of these
Answer» B. Control of the higher over the lower

The principle of scalar chain was devised by

A. Henry Fayol
B. L.Urwick
C. Frederick Taylor
D. Chester .I.Bernard.
Answer» A. Henry Fayol

The functions of public management are described in PODSCORB by:

A. Henry Fayol
B. Luther Gullick
C. Frederick Taylor
D. none of these
Answer» B. Luther Gullick

Which of the following is not a part of the departmental organisation?

A. Line agency
B. voluntary agency
C. staff agency
D. auxiliary agency
Answer» B. voluntary agency

Which is the most widely prevalent form of governmental organisation

A. Public corporation
B. Independent regulatory commission
C. Department
D. Public limited company
Answer» C. Department

Which of the following functions is not performed by a staff agency?

A. To do research and to provide information
B. To take decisions
C. Contact and liaison
D. Assisting the line.
Answer» B. To take decisions

Which of the following is a true statement about staff agencies?

A. They stand outside the main line of administrative hierarchy.
B. They are an expansion of the personality of the chief executive
C. They are a help or reinforcement.
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following is not an advantage of the auxiliary agencies?

A. they secure economy in the administration
B. they ensure specialisation of functions
C. they help save the time of line agencies
D. helpful to all organisations ,even small ones
Answer» D. helpful to all organisations ,even small ones

Which of the following is not a staff agency in India?

A. Cabinet secretariat
B. planning commission
C. union public service commission
D. Monopolies and restricted trade practices commission
Answer» D. Monopolies and restricted trade practices commission

The establishment of Independent Regulatory Commissions is a feature of the system of administration?

A. British
B. Chinese
C. American
D. Indian
Answer» C. American

The Independent Regulatory Commissions perform

A. regulatory functions
B. administrative functions
C. quasi-judicial functions
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Public corporations are created to perform:

A. Economic functions
B. civil functions
C. regulatory functions
D. police functions
Answer» A. Economic functions

The creation of public corporations was necessitated due to :

A. governments undertaking commercial and financial functions
B. increasing demand made by the public
C. inability of the governments to levy more and more taxes
D. historical reasons
Answer» A. governments undertaking commercial and financial functions

Bureau type or single-head agency is not suitable because:

A. It can lead to one man’s despotism
B. It cannot resist political pressure
C. It cannot avoid political partiality
D. All the three above
Answer» D. All the three above

Span of control is concerned with

A. Number of field establishments which can be controlled by the head quarters
B. Number of levels of authority which can be created in an organisation.
C. Determining the number of subordinates to be supervised by each manager
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Determining the number of subordinates to be supervised by each manager

It is recognised that the span of control varies with:

A. Function ,personality, time, space
B. Personality and function
C. Time and space
D. All the four above
Answer» D. All the four above

Administrative accountability is enforced through such means as;

A. Legislative surveillance
B. Judicial review
C. Ministerial responsibility
D. All the three above
Answer» D. All the three above

Which of the following help establish accountability in the administration

A. Decentralisation
B. Delegation of authority
C. Devolution or deconcentration
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following is not a principle of effective delegation?

A. Responsibility is absolute and cannot be delegated
B. Authority to have parity with responsibility
C. Limits of authority to be well defined
D. No need to delegate in small organisation
Answer» D. No need to delegate in small organisation

In delegation of authority,where no third person or intermediate link intervenes between the two parties to the delegation it is called :

A. Direct or immediate delegation
B. Indirect or mediate delegation
C. Full delegation
D. Partial delegation
Answer» A. Direct or immediate delegation

Which of the following does not influence decentralisation in an organisation?

A. Nature of growth of an organisation
B. Extent of diversification
C. Outlook of top management
D. Nearness to the head quarters
Answer» D. Nearness to the head quarters

Which of the following powers cannot be delegated?

A. Power to sanction new policies and plans
B. Supervision of the work of the first line or immediate subordinates
C. General financial supervision
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Some of the technique of coordination are mentioned below. Which of them is not a technique of voluntary coordination?

A. prior reference, consultation and clearance
B. organisational hierarchy
C. conference
D. standardization of procedure
Answer» B. organisational hierarchy

Dicey’s name is associated with:

A. ecological study of public administration
B. organisational hierarchy
C. Rule of Law
D. scientific theory of management
Answer» C. Rule of Law

Administrative law is a legal concept prevailing in:

A. U K
C. China
D. France
Answer» D. France

The system Rule of Law as adopted many countries, developed in:

C. Switzerland
D. Germany
Answer» B. UK

Which of the following is an attribute of the Rule of Law?

A. all the persons are equal before law
B. all the persons whether officials or non-officials are responsible to the ordinary court of
C. right and liberties of the citizens emanate from the rule of law rather than constitutional guarantees
D. all the above
Answer» B. all the persons whether officials or non-officials are responsible to the ordinary court of

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