980+ Computer Networks Solved MCQs


Which one of the following protocol is used to receive mail messages?

A. smtp
B. post office protocol (pop)
C. internet message access protocol (imap)
D. ftp
Answer» D. ftp

What is on-demand mail relay (ODMR)?

A. protocol for smtp security
B. an smtp extension
C. protocol for web pages
D. protocol for faster mail transfer
Answer» B. an smtp extension

An email client needs to know the _________ of its initial SMTP server.

A. ip address
B. mac address
C. url
D. name
Answer» A. ip address

An SMTP session may not include _______

A. zero smtp transaction
B. one smtp transaction
C. more than one smtp transaction
D. one http transaction
Answer» D. one http transaction

SMTP defines _______

A. message transport
B. message encryption
C. message content
D. message password
Answer» A. message transport

SMTP is not used to deliver messages to ______

A. user’s terminal
B. user’s mailbox
C. user’s word processor
D. user’s email client
Answer» C. user’s word processor

The entire hostname has a maximum of ___________

A. 255 characters
B. 127 characters
C. 63 characters
D. 31 characters
Answer» A. 255 characters

A DNS client is called _________

A. dns updater
B. dns resolver
C. dns handler
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. dns resolver

Servers handle requests for other domains _______

A. directly
B. by contacting remote dns server
C. it is not possible
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. by contacting remote dns server

DNS database contains _______

A. name server records
B. hostname-to-address records
C. hostname aliases
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

If a server has no clue about where to find the address for a hostname then _______

A. server asks to the root server
B. server asks to its adjcent server
C. request is not processed
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. server asks to the root server

Wildcard domain names start with label _______

A. @
B. *
C. &
D. #
Answer» B. *

The domain name system is maintained by _______

A. distributed database system
B. a single server
C. a single computer
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. distributed database system

Secure shell (SSH) network protocol is used for __________

A. secure data communication
B. remote command-line login
C. remote command execution
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

SSH can be used in only _____________

A. unix-like operating systems
B. windows
C. both unix-like and windows systems
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both unix-like and windows systems

SSH uses ___________ to authenticate the remote computer.

A. public-key cryptography
B. private-key cryptography
C. any of public-key or private-key
D. both public-key & private-key
Answer» A. public-key cryptography

Which standard TCP port is assigned for contacting SSH servers?

A. port 21
B. port 22
C. port 23
D. port 24
Answer» B. port 22

Which one of the following is a file transfer protocol using SSH?

A. scp
B. sftp
C. rsync
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

SSH-2 does not contain ______________

A. transport layer
B. user authentication layer
C. physical layer
D. connection layer
Answer» C. physical layer

Which one of the following feature was present in SSH protocol, version 1?

A. password changing
B. periodic replacement of session keys
C. support for public-key certificates
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D. none of the mentioned

SCP protocol is evolved from __________ over SSH.

A. rcp protocol
B. dhcp protocol
C. mgcp protocol
D. gcp protocol
Answer» A. rcp protocol

Which one of the following authentication method is used by SSH?

A. public-key
B. host based
C. password
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) provides __________ to the client.

A. ip address
B. mac address
C. url
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. ip address

DHCP is used for ________

A. ipv6
B. ipv4
C. both ipv6 and ipv4
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. both ipv6 and ipv4

The DHCP server _________

A. maintains a database of available ip addresses
B. maintains the information about client configuration parameters
C. grants a ip address when receives a request from a client
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

IP assigned for a client by DHCP server is

A. for a limited period
B. for an unlimited period
C. not time dependent
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. for a limited period

DHCP uses UDP port _________ for sending data to the server.

A. 66
B. 67
C. 68
D. 69
Answer» B. 67

DHCP client and servers on the same subnet communicate via _________

A. udp broadcast
B. udp unicast
C. tcp broadcast
D. tcp unicast
Answer» A. udp broadcast

WPA2 is used for security in _______

A. ethernet
B. bluetooth
C. wi-fi
D. email
Answer» C. wi-fi

VPNs are financially speaking __________

A. always more expensive than leased lines
B. always cheaper than leased lines
C. usually cheaper than leased lines
D. usually more expensive than leased lines
Answer» C. usually cheaper than leased lines

Storage management comprises of _______________

A. san management
B. data protection
C. disk operation
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is not a storage device?

A. switch
B. raid arrays
C. tape drives
D. hub
Answer» D. hub

Which protocols are used for Storage management?

A. snmp
B. ldap
C. pop3
D. mib
Answer» A. snmp

How do Storage administrators ensure secure access to storage devices?

A. by using zoning
B. by putting a physical lock on the storage device
C. by keeping devices shutdown when not in use
D. by keeping devices when used
Answer» A. by using zoning

Effective Storage management does not include __________

A. security
B. backups
C. reporting
D. connection
Answer» D. connection

SMI-S Standard uses which of the following?

A. java rmi
B. cim-xml/http
C. corba
D. .net
Answer» B. cim-xml/http

Full duplex mode increases the capacity of each domain by ________

A. 10 to 20 mbps
B. 20 to 30 mbps
C. 30 to 40 mbps
D. 40 to 50 mbps
Answer» A. 10 to 20 mbps

Configuration management can be divided into which two subsystems?

A. reconfiguration and documentation
B. management and configuration
C. documentation and dialing up
D. configuration and dialing up
Answer» A. reconfiguration and documentation

To use a Simple Network Management System, we need _______

A. servers
B. ip
C. protocols
D. rules
Answer» D. rules

The main difference between SNMPv3 and SNMPv2 is _______

A. management
B. integration
C. classification
D. enhanced security
Answer» D. enhanced security

BER stands for ________

A. basic encoding rules
B. basic encoding resolver
C. basic encoding rotator
D. basic encoding router
Answer» A. basic encoding rules

SNMP is the framework for managing devices in an internet using the ______

A. tcp/ip protocol
B. udp
C. smtp
D. none
Answer» A. tcp/ip protocol

Structure of Management Information (SMI), is the guideline of ________

A. http
B. snmp
C. url
D. mib
Answer» B. snmp

The application layer protocol used by a Telnet application is ________

A. telnet
B. ftp
C. http
D. smtp
Answer» A. telnet

_______ allows you to connect and login to a remote computer

A. telnet
B. ftp
C. http
D. smtp
Answer» A. telnet

Telnet is used for _______

A. television on net
B. network of telephones
C. remote login
D. teleshopping site
Answer» C. remote login

Which one of the following is not correct?

A. telnet is a general purpose client-server program
B. telnet lets user access an application on a remote computer
C. telnet can also be used for file transfer
D. telnet can be used for remote login
Answer» C. telnet can also be used for file transfer

Which operating mode of telnet is full duplex?

A. default mode
B. server mode
C. line mode
D. character mode
Answer» C. line mode

If we want that a character be interpreted by the client instead of server _________

A. interpret as command (iac) escape character has to be used
B. control functions has to be disabled
C. it is not possible
D. cli character has to be used
Answer» A. interpret as command (iac) escape character has to be used

Telnet protocol is used to establish a connection to __________

A. tcp port number 21
B. tcp port number 22
C. tcp port number 23
D. tcp port number 25
Answer» C. tcp port number 23

Which one of the following is not true?

A. telnet defines a network virtual terminal (nvt) standard
B. client programs interact with nvt
C. server translates nvt operations
D. client can transfer files using to remote server using nvt
Answer» D. client can transfer files using to remote server using nvt

All telnet operations are sent as ________

A. 4 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 32 bits
Answer» B. 8 bits

AbsoluteTelnet is a telnet client for _______ Operating system.

A. windows
B. linux
C. mac
D. ubuntu
Answer» A. windows

The decimal code of Interpret as Command (IAC) character is _______

A. 252
B. 253
C. 254
D. 255
Answer» D. 255

Which of the following is false with respect to TCP?

A. connection-oriented
B. process-to-process
C. transport layer protocol
D. unreliable
Answer» D. unreliable

In TCP, sending and receiving data is done as _______

A. stream of bytes
B. sequence of characters
C. lines of data
D. packets
Answer» A. stream of bytes

TCP groups a number of bytes together into a packet called _______

A. packet
B. buffer
C. segment
D. stack
Answer» C. segment

Communication offered by TCP is ________

A. full-duplex
B. half-duplex
C. semi-duplex
D. byte by byte
Answer» A. full-duplex

The value of acknowledgement field in a segment defines _______

A. sequence number of the byte received previously
B. total number of bytes to receive
C. sequence number of the next byte to be received
D. sequence of zeros and ones
Answer» C. sequence number of the next byte to be received

Size of TCP segment header ranges between ___________

A. 16 and 32 bytes
B. 16 and 32 bits
C. 20 and 60 bytes
D. 20 and 60 bits
Answer» C. 20 and 60 bytes

Connection establishment in TCP is done by which mechanism?

A. flow control
B. three-way handshaking
C. forwarding
D. synchronization
Answer» B. three-way handshaking

SYNC flooding attack belongs to a type of security attack known as ___________

A. sync flooding attack
B. active attack
C. passive attack
D. denial-of-service attack
Answer» D. denial-of-service attack

What allows TCP to detect lost segments and in turn recover from that loss?

A. sequence number
B. acknowledgment number
C. checksum
D. both sequence & acknowledgment number
Answer» B. acknowledgment number

Which of the following is false with respect to UDP?

A. connection-oriented
B. unreliable
C. transport layer protocol
D. low overhead
Answer» A. connection-oriented

Return value of the UDP port “Chargen” is _______

A. string of characters
B. string of integers
C. array of characters with integers
D. array of zero’s and one’s
Answer» A. string of characters

Beyond IP, UDP provides additional services such as _______

A. routing and switching
B. sending and receiving of packets
C. multiplexing and demultiplexing
D. demultiplexing and error checking
Answer» D. demultiplexing and error checking

What is the main advantage of UDP?

A. more overload
B. reliable
C. low overhead
D. fast
Answer» C. low overhead

Port number used by Network Time Protocol (NTP) with UDP is ________

A. 161
B. 123
C. 162
D. 124
Answer» B. 123

What is the header size of a UDP packet?

A. 8 bytes
B. 8 bits
C. 16 bytes
D. 124 bytes
Answer» A. 8 bytes

The port number is “ephemeral port number”, if the source host is _______

A. ntp
B. echo
C. server
D. client
Answer» D. client

“Total length” field in UDP packet header is the length of _________

A. only udp header
B. only data
C. only checksum
D. udp header plus data
Answer» D. udp header plus data

Which is the correct expression for the length of UDP datagram?

A. udp length = ip length – ip header’s length
B. udp length = udp length – udp header’s length
C. udp length = ip length + ip header’s length
D. udp length = udp length + udp header’s length
Answer» A. udp length = ip length – ip header’s length

The ______ field is used to detect errors over the entire user datagram.

A. udp header
B. checksum
C. source port
D. destination port
Answer» B. checksum

IPsec defines two protocols: _______ and ________

A. ah; ssl
B. pgp; esp
C. ah; esp
D. pgp; ssl
Answer» C. ah; esp

IP Security operates in which layer of the OSI model?

A. network
B. transport
C. application
D. physical
Answer» A. network

ESP does not provide ________

A. source authentication
B. data integrity
C. privacy
D. error control
Answer» D. error control

Two broad categories of congestion control are

A. open-loop and closed-loop
B. open-control and closed-control
C. active control and passive control
D. active loop and passive loop
Answer» A. open-loop and closed-loop

In open-loop control, policies are applied to __________

A. remove after congestion occurs
B. remove after sometime
C. prevent before congestion occurs
D. prevent before sending packets
Answer» C. prevent before congestion occurs

Retransmission of packets must not be done when _______

A. packet is lost
B. packet is corrupted
C. packet is needed
D. packet is error-free
Answer» D. packet is error-free

Discarding policy is mainly done by _______

A. sender
B. receiver
C. router
D. switch
Answer» C. router

Closed-Loop control mechanisms try to _________

A. remove after congestion occurs
B. remove after sometime
C. prevent before congestion occurs
D. prevent before sending packets
Answer» A. remove after congestion occurs

Backpressure technique can be applied only to _______

A. congestion networks
B. closed circuit networks
C. open circuit networks
D. virtual circuit networks
Answer» D. virtual circuit networks

The packet sent by a node to the source to inform it of congestion is called _______

A. explicit
B. discard
C. choke
D. backpressure
Answer» C. choke

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Virtual Circuit Network?

A. there are setup and teardown phases in addition to the data transfer phase
B. resources can be allocated during setup phase or on demand
C. all packets follow the same path established during the connection
D. virtual circuit network is implemented in application layer
Answer» D. virtual circuit network is implemented in application layer

Which of the following is not a phase of virtual circuit network?

A. setup phase
B. data transfer phase
C. termination phase
D. teardown phase
Answer» C. termination phase

Steps required in setup process are ___________

A. setup request and acknowledgement
B. setup request and setup response
C. setup request and setup termination
D. setup and termination steps
Answer» A. setup request and acknowledgement

Delay of the resource allocated during setup phase during data transfer is ________

A. constant
B. increases for each packet
C. same for each packet
D. different for each packet
Answer» C. same for each packet

Delay of the resource allocated on demand during data transfer is ________

A. constant
B. increases for each packet
C. same for each packet
D. different for each packet
Answer» D. different for each packet

In data transfer phase, how many columns does the table contain?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» D. 4

ATM and frame relay are ________

A. virtual circuit networks
B. datagram networks
C. virtual private networks
D. virtual public networks
Answer» A. virtual circuit networks

ATM uses _______________

A. asynchronous frequency division multiplexing
B. asynchronous time division multiplexing
C. asynchronous space division multiplexing
D. asynchronous amplitude division multiplexing
Answer» B. asynchronous time division multiplexing

ATM standard defines _______ layers.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

ATM can be used for ________

A. local area network
B. wide area network
C. campus area network
D. networks covering any range
Answer» D. networks covering any range

An ATM cell has the payload field of __________

A. 32 bytes
B. 48 bytes
C. 64 bytes
D. 128 bytes
Answer» B. 48 bytes

Frame relay has error detection at the ______

A. physical layer
B. data link layer
C. network layer
D. transport layer
Answer» B. data link layer

Virtual circuit identifier in frame relay is called ______

A. data link connection identifier
B. frame relay identifier
C. cell relay identifier
D. circuit connection identifier
Answer» A. data link connection identifier

Frame relay has _______

A. only physical layer
B. only data link layer
C. only network layer
D. both physical and data link layer
Answer» D. both physical and data link layer

In frame relay networks, extended address is used _______

A. to increase the range of data link connection identifiers
B. for error detection
C. for encryption
D. for error recovery
Answer» A. to increase the range of data link connection identifiers

What is FRAD in frame relay network?

A. frad assembles and disassembles the frames coming from other protocols
B. frad is used for modulation and demodulation
C. frad is used for error detection
D. frad is used for error recovery
Answer» A. frad assembles and disassembles the frames coming from other protocols

Frame Relay is cheaper than other _____

A. lans
B. wans
C. mans
D. multipoint networks
Answer» B. wans
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