980+ Computer Networks Solved MCQs


Which of the following statements is not applicable for cable internet access?

A. it is a shared broadcast medium
B. it includes hfcs
C. cable modem connects home pc to ethernet port
D. analog signal is converted to digital signal in dslam
Answer» D. analog signal is converted to digital signal in dslam

StarBand provides __________

A. ftth internet access
B. cable access
C. telephone access
D. satellite access
Answer» D. satellite access

Home Access is provided by __________

A. dsl
B. fttp
C. cable
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

ONT is connected to splitter using _________

A. high speed fibre cable
B. hfc
C. optical cable
D. twisted pair cable
Answer» C. optical cable

Which of the following factors affect transmission rate in DSL?

A. the gauge of the twisted-pair line
B. degree of electrical interfernece
C. shadow fading
D. the gauge of the twisted-pair line and degree of electrical interference
Answer» D. the gauge of the twisted-pair line and degree of electrical interference

The number of layers in ISO OSI reference model is __________

A. 5
B. 7
C. 6
D. 10
Answer» B. 7

Which of the following statements can be associated with OSI model?

A. a structured way to discuss and easier update system components
B. one layer may duplicate lower layer functionality
C. functionality at one layer no way requires information from another layer
D. it is an application specific network model
Answer» C. functionality at one layer no way requires information from another layer

OSI stands for __________

A. open system interconnection
B. operating system interface
C. optical service implementation
D. open service internet
Answer» A. open system interconnection

The number of layers in ISO OSI reference model is __________

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer» D. 7

TCP/IP model does not have ______ layer but OSI model have this layer.

A. session layer
B. transport layer
C. application layer
D. network layer
Answer» A. session layer

Which layer is used to link the network support layers and user support layers?

A. session layer
B. data link layer
C. transport layer
D. network layer
Answer» C. transport layer

Which address is used on the internet for employing the TCP/IP protocols?

A. physical address and logical address
B. port address
C. specific address
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

TCP/IP model was developed _____ the OSI model.

A. prior to
B. after
C. simultaneous to
D. with no link to
Answer» A. prior to

Which address is used to identify a process on a host by the transport layer?

A. physical address
B. logical address
C. port address
D. specific address
Answer» C. port address

Which layer provides the services to user?

A. application layer
B. session layer
C. presentation layer
D. physical layer
Answer» A. application layer

Transmission data rate is decided by ____________

A. network layer
B. physical layer
C. data link layer
D. transport layer
Answer» B. physical layer

Which transmission media provides the highest transmission speed in a network?

A. coaxial cable
B. twisted pair cable
C. optical fiber
D. electrical cable
Answer» C. optical fiber

A single channel is shared by multiple signals by ____________

A. analog modulation
B. digital modulation
C. multiplexing
D. phase modulation
Answer» C. multiplexing

Which of the following tasks is not done by data link layer?

A. framing
B. error control
C. flow control
D. channel coding
Answer» D. channel coding

Header of a frame generally contains ______________

A. synchronization bytes
B. addresses
C. frame identifier
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Automatic repeat request error management mechanism is provided by ________

A. logical link control sublayer
B. media access control sublayer
C. network interface control sublayer
D. application access control sublayer
Answer» A. logical link control sublayer

CRC stands for __________

A. cyclic redundancy check
B. code repeat check
C. code redundancy check
D. cyclic repeat check
Answer» A. cyclic redundancy check

Which of the following is a data link protocol?

A. ethernet
B. point to point protocol
C. hdlc
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which of the following is the multiple access protocol for channel access control?

A. csma/cd
B. csma/ca
C. both csma/cd & csma/ca
D. hdlc
Answer» C. both csma/cd & csma/ca

A 4 byte IP address consists of __________

A. only network address
B. only host address
C. network address & host address
D. network address & mac address
Answer» C. network address & host address

User datagram protocol is called connectionless because _____________

A. all udp packets are treated independently by transport layer
B. it sends data as a stream of related packets
C. it is received in the same order as sent order
D. it sends data very quickly
Answer» A. all udp packets are treated independently by transport layer

Socket-style API for windows is called ____________

A. wsock
B. winsock
C. wins
D. sockwi
Answer» B. winsock

_______ topology requires a multipoint connection.

A. star
B. mesh
C. ring
D. bus
Answer» D. bus

WAN stands for __________

A. world area network
B. wide area network
C. web area network
D. web access network
Answer» B. wide area network

In TDM, slots are further divided into __________

A. seconds
B. frames
C. packets
D. bits
Answer» B. frames

The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more devices is called _________

A. fully duplexing
B. multiplexing
C. micropleixng
D. duplexing
Answer» B. multiplexing

Multiplexing is used in _______

A. packet switching
B. circuit switching
C. data switching
D. packet & circuit switching
Answer» B. circuit switching

Which multiplexing technique used to transmit digital signals?

A. fdm
B. tdm
C. wdm
D. fdm & wdm
Answer» B. tdm

The state when dedicated signals are idle are called __________

A. death period
B. poison period
C. silent period
D. stop period
Answer» C. silent period

Multiplexing provides _________

A. efficiency
B. privacy
C. anti jamming
D. both efficiency & privacy
Answer» D. both efficiency & privacy

In TDM, slots are further divided into _________

A. seconds
B. frames
C. packets
D. bits
Answer» B. frames

The total nodal delay is given by ____________

A. dnodal = dproc – dqueue + dtrans + dprop
B. dnodal = dproc + dtrans – dqueue
C. dnodal = dproc + dqueue + dtrans + dprop
D. dnodal = dproc + dqueue – dtrans – dprop
Answer» C. dnodal = dproc + dqueue + dtrans + dprop

Transmission delay does not depend on _____________

A. packet length
B. distance between the routers
C. transmission rate
D. bandwidth of medium
Answer» B. distance between the routers

Propagation delay depends on ___________

A. packet length
B. transmission rate
C. distance between the routers
D. speed of the cpu
Answer» C. distance between the routers

_____________ allows LAN users to share computer programs and data.

A. communication server
B. print server
C. file server
D. network
Answer» C. file server

With respect to physical media, STP cables stands for _________

A. shielded twisted pair cable
B. spanning tree protocol cable
C. static transport protocol cable
D. shielded two power cable
Answer» A. shielded twisted pair cable

What is the max length of the Shielded twisted pair cable?

A. 100 ft
B. 200 ft
C. 100 m
D. 200 m
Answer» C. 100 m

What is the max data transfer rate of STP cables?

A. 10 mbps
B. 100 mbps
C. 1000 mbps
D. 10000 mbps
Answer» B. 100 mbps

Which connector does the STP cable use?

A. bnc
B. rj-11
C. rj-45
D. rj-69
Answer» C. rj-45

What is the central device in star topology?

A. stp server
B. hub/switch
C. pdc
D. router
Answer» B. hub/switch

What is the max data transfer rate for optical fiber cable?

A. 10 mbps
B. 100 mbps
C. 1000 mbps
D. 10000 mbps
Answer» D. 10000 mbps

Which of the following architecture uses the CSMA/CD access method?

A. arc net
B. ethernet
C. router
D. stp server
Answer» B. ethernet

The attacker using a network of compromised devices is known as _____________

A. internet
B. botnet
C. telnet
D. d-net
Answer» B. botnet

Which of the following is a form of DoS attack?

A. vulnerability attack
B. bandwidth flooding
C. connection flooding
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Packet sniffers involve ____________

A. active receiver
B. passive receiver
C. legal receiver
D. partially-active receiver
Answer» B. passive receiver

Sniffers can be prevented by using _______________

A. wired environment
B. wifi
C. ethernet lan
D. switched network
Answer» D. switched network

Firewalls are often configured to block ___________

A. udp traffic
B. tcp traffic
C. sensitive traffic
D. best-effort traffic
Answer» A. udp traffic

UTP is commonly used in __________

A. dsl
B. fttp
C. http
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. dsl

Terrestrial radio channels are broadly classifed into _____ groups.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
Answer» B. 3

A local telephone network is an example of a _______ network.

A. packet switched
B. circuit switched
C. bit switched
D. line switched
Answer» B. circuit switched

Most packet switches use this principle ____________

A. stop and wait
B. store and forward
C. store and wait
D. stop and forward
Answer» B. store and forward

What are the Methods to move data through a network of links and switches?

A. packet switching and line switching
B. circuit switching and line switching
C. line switching and bit switching
D. packet switching and circuit switching
Answer» D. packet switching and circuit switching

In _________ systems, resources are allocated on demand.

A. packet switching
B. circuit switching
C. line switching
D. frequency switching
Answer» A. packet switching

Which of the following is not an application layer service?

A. network virtual terminal
B. file transfer, access, and management
C. mail service
D. error control
Answer» D. error control

Which is not a application layer protocol?

A. http
B. smtp
C. ftp
D. tcp
Answer» D. tcp

The packet of information at the application layer is called __________

A. packet
B. message
C. segment
D. frame
Answer» B. message

Which one of the following is an architecture paradigms?

A. peer to peer
B. client-server
C. http
D. both peer-to-peer & client-server
Answer» D. both peer-to-peer & client-server

Application layer offers _______ service.

A. end to end
B. process to process
C. both end to end and process to process
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. end to end

E-mail is _________

A. loss-tolerant application
B. bandwidth-sensitive application
C. elastic application
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. elastic application

Pick the odd one out.

A. file transfer
B. file download
C. e-mail
D. interactive games
Answer» D. interactive games

Which of the following is an application layer service?

A. network virtual terminal
B. file transfer, access, and management
C. mail service
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Which is a time-sensitive service?

A. file transfer
B. file download
C. e-mail
D. internet telephony
Answer» D. internet telephony

Transport services available to applications in one or another form _________

A. reliable data transfer
B. timing
C. security
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

Electronic mail uses which Application layer protocol?

A. smtp
B. http
C. ftp
D. sip
Answer» A. smtp

The ____________ translates internet domain and host names to IP address.

A. domain name system
B. routing information protocol
C. network time protocol
D. internet relay chat
Answer» A. domain name system

Application layer protocol defines ____________

A. types of messages exchanged
B. message format, syntax and semantics
C. rules for when and how processes send and respond to messages
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the _____________

A. http protocol
B. ftp protocol
C. smtp protocol
D. tcp protocol
Answer» A. http protocol

The default connection type used by HTTP is _________

A. persistent
B. non-persistent
C. can be either persistent or non-persistent depending on connection request
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. persistent

The HTTP request message is sent in _________ part of three-way handshake.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» C. third

The first line of HTTP request message is called _____________

A. request line
B. header line
C. status line
D. entity line
Answer» A. request line

The __________ method when used in the method field, leaves entity body empty.

A. post
B. send
C. get
D. put
Answer» C. get

Which of the following is not correct?

A. web cache doesnt has its own disk space
B. web cache can act both like server and client
C. web cache might reduce the response time
D. web cache contains copies of recently requested objects
Answer» A. web cache doesnt has its own disk space

HTTP is ________ protocol.

A. application layer
B. transport layer
C. network layer
D. data link layer
Answer» A. application layer

In the network HTTP resources are located by

A. uniform resource identifier
B. unique resource locator
C. unique resource identifier
D. union resource locator
Answer» A. uniform resource identifier

FTP server listens for connection on port number ____________

A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23
Answer» B. 21

The File Transfer Protocol is built on ______________

A. data centric architecture
B. service oriented architecture
C. client server architecture
D. connection oriented architecture
Answer» C. client server architecture

In File Transfer Protocol, data transfer cannot be done in ___________

A. stream mode
B. block mode
C. compressed mode
D. message mode
Answer» D. message mode

Expansion of FTP is __________

A. fine transfer protocol
B. file transfer protocol
C. first transfer protocol
D. fast transfer protocol
Answer» B. file transfer protocol

FTP is built on _____ architecture.

A. client-server
B. p2p
C. data centric
D. service oriented
Answer» A. client-server

FTP uses _________ parallel TCP connections to transfer a file.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

Identify the incorrect statement regarding FTP.

A. ftp stands for file transfer protocol
B. ftp uses two parallel tcp connections
C. ftp sends its control information in-band
D. ftp sends exactly one file over the data connection
Answer» C. ftp sends its control information in-band

FTP server _____________

A. maintains state information
B. is stateless
C. has single tcp connection for a file transfer
D. has udp connection for file transfer
Answer» A. maintains state information

Find the FTP reply whose message is wrongly matched.

A. 331 – username ok, password required
B. 425 – can’t open data connection
C. 452 – error writing file
D. 452 – can’t open data connection
Answer» D. 452 – can’t open data connection

The password is sent to the server using ________ command

A. passwd
B. pass
C. password
D. pword
Answer» B. pass

When the mail server sends mail to other mail servers it becomes ____________

A. smtp server
B. smtp client
C. peer
D. master
Answer» B. smtp client

If you have to send multimedia data over SMTP it has to be encoded into _______

A. binary
B. signal
C. ascii
D. hash
Answer» C. ascii

The underlying Transport layer protocol used by SMTP is ________

A. tcp
B. udp
C. either tcp or udp
D. imap
Answer» A. tcp

Choose the statement which is wrong incase of SMTP?

A. it requires message to be in 7bit ascii format
B. it is a pull protocol
C. it transfers files from one mail server to another mail server
D. smtp is responsible for the transmission of the mail through the internet
Answer» B. it is a pull protocol

Internet mail places each object in _________

A. separate messages for each object
B. one message
C. varies with number of objects
D. multiple messages for each object
Answer» B. one message

Typically the TCP port used by SMTP is _________

A. 25
B. 35
C. 50
D. 15
Answer» A. 25

A session may include ________

A. zero or more smtp transactions
B. exactly one smtp transactions
C. always more than one smtp transactions
D. number of smtp transactions cant be determined
Answer» A. zero or more smtp transactions

Which of the following is an example of user agents for e-mail?

A. microsoft outlook
B. facebook
C. google
D. tumblr
Answer» A. microsoft outlook

User agent does not support this ___________

A. composing messages
B. reading messages
C. replying messages
D. routing messages
Answer» D. routing messages

SMTP connections secured by SSL are known as _____________

A. smtps
B. ssmtp
C. snmp
D. starttls
Answer» A. smtps

SMTP uses which of the following TCP port?

A. 22
B. 23
C. 21
D. 25
Answer» D. 25
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