Chapter: Introduction to Noise

Which part of human ear converts sound vibrations into electrical signals

A. Hammer
B. Stirrup
C. Tympanic membrane
D. Cochlea
Answer» D. Cochlea

Sound is measured by units that are called

A. Hertz (Hz)
B. Decibels (dB)
C. Meters (m)
D. Pascal (Pa)
Answer» B. Decibels (dB)

'Eardrum' bursts at

A. 40 dB
B. 80 dB
C. 160 dB
D. 320 dB
Answer» C. 160 dB

The loudness of sound varies directly with the vibrating body's

A. Intensity
B. Amplitude
C. Pitch
D. Quality
Answer» B. Amplitude

The scale to measure the intensity level of sound is called

A. Vector scale
B. Measuring ruler
C. Bel scale
D. decibel scale
Answer» D. decibel scale

Pitch of the sound depends upon

A. Frequency
B. Distance of sound
C. Amplitude
D. Temperature
Answer» A. Frequency

Noise is

A. An unwanted noise
B. An irritant
C. A source of stress
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Following scale is used for loudness of sound or noise

A. Linear scale
B. Logarithmic scale
C. Exponential scale
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Logarithmic scale

Sound Intensity is given by.

A. I=w/s
B. I=s/w
C. w=I/s
D. s=w/I
Answer» A. I=w/s

Unit for Reference sound intensity is_________.

A. W/m2
B. W/mm3
C. W/cm3
D. None of the above
Answer» A. W/m2

Sound power of a machine whose specified sound power level is 125 dB

A. 3.16 w
B. 4.2w
C. 5w
D. 31.6w
Answer» A. 3.16 w

The process of maintaining appropriate noise level without considering economic factors is called as _____

A. noise control
B. noise reduction
C. both a. and b.
D. none of the above
Answer» B. noise reduction

Basic elements of noise control are

A. Source ,Path ,Receiver of noise
B. Amplitude and Frequency
C. Time period
D. A and B both
Answer» A. Source ,Path ,Receiver of noise

All sound is noise.

B. False
C. none
D. none
Answer» B. False

Main sources of noise pollution are

A. Transportation equipment only
B. Heavy machinery only
C. Musical instruments
D. Transportation equipment and heavy machinery
Answer» D. Transportation equipment and heavy machinery

The sound can travel in air when:

A. Particles of medium travel from one place to another
B. There is no moisture in the atmosphere
C. Disturbance travel from one place to another
D. Both particles as well as disturbance travel from one place to another
Answer» C. Disturbance travel from one place to another

White noise is random noise that has a audible frequency rangefrom

A. 320 to 100 KHz
B. 20 to 20KHtz
C. 120 to 20KHtz
D. 220 to 20KHtz
Answer» B. 20 to 20KHtz

Which among the following has a constant power spectral density over a wide frequency range?

A. White noise
B. Black noise
C. Pink noise
D. Blue noise
Answer» A. White noise

Which is correct option for ear protection equipment?

A. Headphone
B. Use of cotton in ears
C. Ear defeders ,Ear plugs
D. All the above
Answer» C. Ear defeders ,Ear plugs

The technique or method to absorb undesirable sounds by soft and porous

A. Acoustic protection
B. Unacoustic protection
C. Audible protection
D. Decibel protection
Answer» A. Acoustic protection

When sound interacts with materials and boundaries, it displays all the

A. Heat
B. Waves
C. Light
D. Electricity
Answer» B. Waves

Soft materials absorb a large amount of

A. Heat energy
B. Light energy
C. Electromagnetic waves
D. Sound energy
Answer» D. Sound energy

Reflection coefficient (Γ) is the rario of intensity of sound ______________.

A. Reflected / Incident.
B. Incident / Reflected.
C. Absorbed / Reflected.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Reflected / Incident.

Absorption coefficient (α) is the rario of intensity of sound ______________.

A. Absorbed / Incident.
B. Incident / Reflected.
C. Absorbed / Incident.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Absorbed / Incident.

Which best describe the sound wave?

A. It may be longitudinal
B. It is always transverse
C. It is always longitudinal
D. All of the above
Answer» C. It is always longitudinal

Which of the following can not travel through a vacuum?

A. Electromagnetic wave
B. Radio wave
C. Sound wave
D. Light wave
Answer» C. Sound wave

Through which medium does sound travel fastest?

A. Air
B. Steel
C. Water
D. Mercury
Answer» B. Steel

Sound wave has two main characteristics which are

A. Pitch and loudness
B. Tone and loudness
C. Highness and loudness
D. Rarefaction and compression
Answer» A. Pitch and loudness

When waves bend away from straight lines of travel, it is called

A. Reflection
B. Diffraction
C. Rarefaction
D. Refraction
Answer» D. Refraction

_________ is the sound power measured over the area upon which is received.

A. Sound pressure
B. Sound energy
C. Sound intensity
D. Sound pressure level
Answer» C. Sound intensity

It is an audio transducer that converts acoustic pressure in air into its equivalent electrical impulses

A. Loudspeaker
B. Amplifier
C. Baffle
D. Microphone
Answer» D. Microphone

_________ is a pressure type microphone with permanent coil as a transducing element.

A. Dynamic
B. Condenser
C. Magnetic
D. Carbon
Answer» A. Dynamic

A capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field is a ______.

A. Dynamic Microphone
B. Condenser Microphone
C. Magnetic Microphone
D. Carbon Microphone
Answer» B. Condenser Microphone

A microphone that uses the piezoelectric effect

A. Dynamic
B. Condenser
C. Crystal
D. Carbon
Answer» C. Crystal

It describes the output of a microphone over a range of frequencies.

A. Directivity
B. Sensitivity
C. Frequency response
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Frequency response

The most important terms that are used to describe the sound field around a sound emitting object

A. Far , Near Field
B. Free ,Diffuse Field
C. A and B both
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A and B both

The sound waves behave in a much more complex fashion, and there is no fixed relationship between ________________.

A. Sound pressure
B. pressure and distance
C. Sound energy
D. Sound intensity
Answer» B. pressure and distance

The sound far field is beginning at a distance of ____________ .

A. pressure and distance
B. Sound energy
C. Sound pressure
D. 2 wavelengths away from the sound source
Answer» D. 2 wavelengths away from the sound source

Measurement of noise can be made in following environment ____________

A. Anechoic Chamber
B. Semi - anechoic Chamber
C. Reverberant Chamber
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above
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