
180+ more mcqs Solved MCQs

in Fluid Mechanics (FM)

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Civil Engineering .


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Which of the following assumptions are true in case of GVF?

A. flow is not steady
B. stream lines are parallel
C. pressure distribution is not hydrostatic
D. channel has varying alignment and shape
Answer» B. stream lines are parallel

What happens to depth of flow when there is obstruction in path

A. remains same
B. increases
C. decreases
D. flow stops
Answer» B. increases

Calculate the value of Froud’s number if the ratio of rate of change of specific energy and rate of
change of depth is 0.9.

A. 0.29
B. 0.30
C. 0.31
D. 0.32
Answer» C. 0.31

If the difference between specific energies is 2m, calculate the rate of change of specific
energies if the length of backwater curve is 26314 m.

A. 6.6x10-5m
B. 7.6 x10-5m
C. 8.6 x10-5m
D. 9.6 x10-5m
Answer» B. 7.6 x10-5m

When gravitational force is equal to the friction drag, what type of depth is formed? P

A. ge 9 of 11a) critical depth
B. normal depth
C. cylindrical depth
D. conical depth
Answer» B. normal depth

Determine the length of backwater curve if E1=2.8m, E2=5.6m, S0=0.00009, Sf= 0.00004.

A. 26000m
B. 36000m
C. 46000m
D. 56000m
Answer» D. 56000m

Calculate the bed slope of the channel if the slop of the energy line is 0.00024 and the length of
backwater curve is 104166.67m. If E1-E2= 3m.

A. 2.28x 10-5
B. 3.28 x10-5
C. 4.28 x10-5
D. 5.28 x10-5
Answer» D. 5.28 x10-5

calculate the frictional slope of a triangular channel having depth 2.5m and side slope of 1H:2V.
If the rate of change of specific energy is 1.6 x10-5m/s, If V= 1.57 m/s.

A. 5.53 x10-4m
B. 6.53 x10-4m
C. 7.53 x10-4m
D. 8.53 x10-4m
Answer» C. 7.53 x10-4m

The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary vertical plate in the direction of the jet is given by

A. fx= ??av2sin2??
B. fx= ??av2(1+cos??)
C. fx= ??av2
D. none of the above
Answer» C. fx= ??av2

The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary inclined plate in the direction of the jet is given by

A. fx= ??av2
B. fx= ??av2sin2??
C. fx= ??av2 (1+cos??)
D. fx= ??av2 (1+sin??)
Answer» B. fx= ??av2sin2??

The force exerted by jet of the water on stationary curved plate in the direction of the jet is given by

A. fx = ??av2sin2??
B. fx = ??av2(1+cos??)
C. fx = ??av2
D. fx = ??av2 (1+sin??)
Answer» B. fx = ??av2(1+cos??)

The force exerted by jet of the water having velocity V on a vertical plate moving with a velocity u is
given by

A. fx = ??a(v-u) 2sin2??
B. fx = ??a(v-u) 2
C. fx = ??a(v-u) 2 [1+cos??]
D. none of the above
Answer» B. fx = ??a(v-u) 2

The force exerted by jet of the water having velocity V on a series of vertical plate moving with a
velocity u is given by,

A. fx= ??av2.
B. fx = ??a(v-u) 2
C. fx = ??avu.
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. fx= ??av2.

Efficiency of the jet of the water having velocity V & Striking a series if vertical plates moving with a velocity u is given by,

A. [2v(v-u)]/u2
B. [2u(v-u)]/v2
C. u2/[v2(v-u)]
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. [2u(v-u)]/v2

Efficiency off the jet of the water having velocity V & Striking a series of vertical plates moving with
a velocity u, is maximum when

A. 1/g (vw1u1 + vw2u2)
B. 1/g[v1u1+v2u2]
C. 1/g[vw1u1??vw2u2.]
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

For a series o curved radial vanes, the work done per second per unit weight is equal to

A. 1/g (vw1u1 + vw2u2)
B. 1/g[v1u1+v2u2]
C. 1/g[vw1u1??vw2u2.]
D. none of the above
Answer» C. 1/g[vw1u1??vw2u2.]

The work done by centrifugal pump on water per second per unit weight of water is given by

A. 1/g[vw1u1]
B. 1/g[vw2u2]
C. 1/g[vw2u2-vw1u1]
D. none of the above
Answer» B. 1/g[vw2u2]

The manometric head Hm of a centrifugal pump is given by

A. pressure head at the outlet of the pump – pressure head at the inlet
B. total head at inlet – total head at outlet
C. total head at outlet - total head at inlet
D. none of the above
Answer» C. total head at outlet - total head at inlet

The manometric efficiency (ηman) of a centrifugal pump is given by

A. hm/gvw2u2
B. ghm/vw2u2
C. vw2u2/ghm
D. gvw2u2/hm
Answer» B. ghm/vw2u2

Mechanical efficiency (ηmech) of a centrifugal pump is given by

A. (power at the impeller)/ s.h.p.
B. s.h.p/ power at the impeller
C. power possessed by water/ power at the impeller
D. power possessed by water/ s.h.p
Answer» A. (power at the impeller)/ s.h.p.

To produce a high head by multistage centrifugal pumps, the impellers are connected… P

A. ge 3 of 7a) in parallel
B. in series
C. in parallel and in series both
D. none of the above
Answer» B. in series

To discharge a large quantity of liquid by multi-stage centrifugal pump, the impellers are connected

A. in parallel
B. in series
C. in parallel and in series both
D. none of the above
Answer» A. in parallel

Specific speed of a pump is the speed at which a pump runs when

A. head developed is unity and discharge is one cubic meter
B. head developed is unity and shat horse power is also unity
C. discharge is one cubic meter and shaft horse power is unity
D. none of the above
Answer» A. head developed is unity and discharge is one cubic meter

The specific speed (Ns) of aa pump is given by thee expression

A. ns= [n√q]/[hm5/4]
B. ns= [n√p]/[hm3/4]
C. ns= [n√q]/[hm3/4]
D. ns= [n√p]/[hm5/4]
Answer» C. ns= [n√q]/[hm3/4]

Cavitation will take place if the pressure of the flowing fluid at any point is P

A. ge 4 of 7a) more than vapor pressure of the fluid
B. equal to vapor pressure of the fluid
C. is less than vapor pressure of the fluid
D. none of the above
Answer» C. is less than vapor pressure of the fluid

Cavitation can take place in case of

A. pelton wheel
B. francis turbine
C. reciprocating pump
D. centrifugal pump
Answer» B. francis turbine

Air vessel in reciprocating pump is used

A. to obtain continuous supply of water at uniform rate
B. to reduce suction head
C. to increase the delivery head
D. none of the above
Answer» A. to obtain continuous supply of water at uniform rate

During suction stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place

A. at the end of the suction stroke
B. in the middle of the suction stroke
C. in the beginning of the suction stroke
D. non off the above
Answer» C. in the beginning of the suction stroke

During delivery stroke of a reciprocating pump, the separation may take place P

A. ge 5 of 7a) at the end of the suction stroke
B. in the middle of the suction stroke
C. in the beginning of the suction stroke
D. non off the above
Answer» A. ge 5 of 7a) at the end of the suction stroke

14 Discharge of centrifugal pump is

A. directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
B. inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
C. directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
D. inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
Answer» C. directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller

The ratio of quantity off liquid discharged per second from the pump to the quantity of liquid
passing per second through the impeller is known as

A. manometric efficiency
B. mechanical efficiency
C. overall efficiency
D. volumetric efficiency
Answer» D. volumetric efficiency

Multi-stage centrifugal pump are used to

A. give high discharge
B. produce high heads
C. pump viscous fluids
D. all of these
Answer» B. produce high heads

The specific speed of a centrifugal pump, delivering 750 liters of water per second against a head of
15 meters at 725r.p.m., is

A. 24.8r.p.m.
B. 48.2r.p.m.
C. 82.4r.p.m.
D. 248r.p.m.
Answer» C. 82.4r.p.m.

The specific speed from a centrifugal pump indicates that the pump is

A. slow speed at radial flow at outlet
B. medium speed with radial flow at outlet
C. high speed with radial flow at outlet
D. high speed with axial flow at outlet
Answer» D. high speed with axial flow at outlet

Discharge of a centrifugal pump is (where N= speed of the pump impeller)

A. directly proportional to n
B. inversely proportional to n
C. directly proportional to n2
D. inversely proportional to n2
Answer» A. directly proportional to n

For a centrifugal pump impeller, the maximum value of the vane exit angle is

A. 10o to 15o
B. 15o to 20o
C. 20o to 25o
D. 25o to 30o
Answer» C. 20o to 25o

Pascal-second is the unit of

A. pressure
B. kinematic viscosity
C. dynamic viscosity
D. surface tension
Answer» C. dynamic viscosity

An ideal fluid is

A. one which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity
B. frictionless and incompressible
C. very viscous
D. frictionless and compressible
Answer» B. frictionless and incompressible

The unit of kinematic viscosity is

A. gm/cm-sec2
B. dyne-sec/cm2
C. gm/cm2-sec
D. cm2/sec
Answer» D. cm2/sec

If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise and specific gravity is 0.5, then the kinematic viscosity of that fluid in stokes is

A. 0.25
B. 0.50
C. 1.0
D. none of the above
Answer» C. 1.0

The viscosity of a gas

A. decreases with increase in temperature
B. increases with increase in temperature
C. is independent of temperature
D. is independent of pressure for very high pressure intensities
Answer» B. increases with increase in temperature

Newton’s law of viscosity relates

A. intensity of pressure and rate of angular deformation
B. shear stress and rate of angular deformation
C. shear stress, viscosity and temperature
D. viscosity and rate of angular deformation
Answer» B. shear stress and rate of angular deformation

An open tank contains 1 m deep water with 50 cm depth of oil of specific gravity 0.8 above it. The intensity of pressure at the bottom of tank will be

A. 4 kN/m2
B. 10 kN/m2
C. 12 kN/m2
D. 14 kN/m2
Answer» D. 14 kN/m2

The position of center of pressure on a plane surface immersed vertically in a static mass of fluid is

A. at the centroid of the submerged area
B. always above the centroid of the area
C. always below the centroid of the area
D. none of the above
Answer» C. always below the centroid of the area

The total pressure on a plane surface inclined at an angle 9 with the horizontal is equal to (where p is pressure intensity at centroid of area and A is area of plane surface.)

B. pA sin 9
C. pA cos 9
D. pA tan 9
Answer» A. PA

A vertical rectangular plane surface is submerged in water such that its top and bottom surfaces are 1.5 m and 6.0 m res-pectively below the free surface. The position of center of pressure below the free surface will be at a distance of

A. 3.75 m
B. 4.0 m
C. 4.2m
D. 4.5m
Answer» C. 4.2m

Centre of buoyancy always

A. coincides with the centre of gravity
B. coincides with the centroid of the volume of fluid displaced
C. remains above the centre of gravity
D. remains below the centre of gravity
Answer» B. coincides with the centroid of the volume of fluid displaced

If the weight of a body immersed in a fluid exceeds the buoyant force, then the body will

A. rise until its weight equals the buoyant force
B. tend to move downward and it may finally sink
C. float
D. none of the above
Answer» B. tend to move downward and it may finally sink

Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the

A. centre of gravity and centre of buoy-ancy
B. centre of gravity and metacentre
C. centre of buoyancy and metacentre
D. free surface and centre of buoyancy
Answer» B. centre of gravity and metacentre

A floating body is said to be in a state of stable equilibrium

A. when its metacentric height is zero
B. when the metacentre is above the centre of gravity
C. when the metacentre is below the centre of gravity
D. only when its centre of gravity is below its centre of buoyancy
Answer» B. when the metacentre is above the centre of gravity

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