170+ Foundation engineering Solved MCQs


                     in hydraulic structure.

A. bulk heads
B. bearing stratum
C. boulders
D. composite piles
Answer» A. bulk heads

The piles that are used for protecting structures from ships and floating object is

A. anchor piles
B. fender piles
C. compaction piles
D. batter piles
Answer» B. fender piles

Modern pile driving method was first invented by                        

A. romans
B. nasmyth
C. terzaghi
D. vitruvious
Answer» B. nasmyth


A. three
B. eight
C. two
D. four
Answer» C. two

Which of the following piles is a cast-in- situ type of concrete pile?

A. under-reamed pile
B. raymond standard pile
C. pressure pile
D. anchor pile
Answer» B. raymond standard pile

Composite piles are suitable for

A. maximum design load
B. project above the water table
C. compacting the soil
D. protect water front structures
Answer» B. project above the water table

Piles are commonly driven in to ground by means of special device called

A. pile driver and hammer
B. driller
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. pile driver and hammer

The types of hammer used for driving piles are                        

A. drop hammer
B. diesel hammer
C. vibratory hammer
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

If a hammer is raised by steam and allowed to fall by gravity on top of the pile, it is called as                 

A. diesel hammer
B. vibratory hammer
C. single acting hammer
D. drop hammer
Answer» C. single acting hammer

Single acting hammers provide an advantage in                      type of soil.

A. compact soil and hard soil
B. light weight soil
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. compact soil and hard soil

The maximum load which can be carried by a pile is defined as its                      

A. ultimate load carrying capacity
B. ultimate bearing resistance
C. ultimate bearing capacity
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The allowable load which the pile can carry safely is determined on the basis of

A. factor of safety
B. load test
C. stability of the pile foundation
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. stability of the pile foundation

Which of the following are some of the commonly used dynamic formula?

A. engineers news formula and hiley’s formula
B. static formula
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. engineers news formula and hiley’s formula

When a pile hammer hits the pile, the total driving energy is equal to                    

A. weight of hammer times the height of drop
B. weight of the ram time times the height of the stroke
C. sum of the impact of the ram
D. sum of the impact of ram plus the energy delivered by explosion
Answer» A. weight of hammer times the height of drop

The load carrying capacity of a pile can be determined by which of the following

A. fine grained soil
B. coarse grained soil
C. cohesive soil
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. coarse grained soil

Dynamic formula does not indicate about

A. temporary change in soil structure and future settlement
B. allowable load
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. temporary change in soil structure and future settlement

The dynamic formula is valueless for which of the following type of soil?

A. loose sand
B. saturated soil
C. clay soil
D. compacted soil
Answer» C. clay soil

In dynamic formulae what are the energy losses, that is not accounted?

A. energy loss due to vibration and energy loss due to heat
B. frictional loss
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. energy loss due to vibration and energy loss due to heat

The greater objection to any of the pile driving formulae is                    

A. uncertainty in relation between dynamic and static resistance
B. shear strength of the soil
C. uncertainty in the allowable pressure
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. uncertainty in relation between dynamic and static resistance

The static formula is based on the assumption that the ultimate bearing capacity Qup is equal to                        

A. rf + qa
B. rf + rp
C. as + ap
D. q up / f
Answer» B. rf + rp

The efficiency of pile group depends upon

A. characteristic of pile and spacing of pile
B. bearing capacity of soil
C. all of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. characteristic of pile and spacing of pile

In which of the following rule, the value of each pile is reduced by one-sixteenth?

A. converse labarre formulae
B. feld’s formulae
C. seiler-keeney formulae
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. feld’s formulae

The bearing capacity of a single pile in clay is mainly due to                    

A. friction
B. shear strength of soil
C. allowable load
D. ultimate load
Answer» A. friction

The area of the pile group along the failure surface is equal to                      

A. perimeter × area of cross section
B. breadth × length
C. perimeter × length
D. perimeter/area of cross section
Answer» C. perimeter × length

                     diameter of the pile.

A. four
B. five
C. three
D. ten
Answer» C. three

The settlement of a group of friction piles can be computed on the assumption that

A. clay is incompressible
B. pile below the lower level is ignored
C. qug = n qup / ηg
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. pile below the lower level is ignored

The pile load test should be performed on

A. working pile
B. test pile
C. all of the mentioned
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. all of the mentioned

For pile in cohesive soil                      is neglected for individual pile action.

A. frictional resistance
B. surface area of pile
C. shear strength of soil
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. surface area of pile

The result of Dutch cone penetration test can be applied to determine                    

A. ultimate skin fraction
B. total ultimate point
C. ultimate bearing capacity
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. ultimate bearing capacity

The separation of Q at any stage of loading into Rp and Rf in cyclic test is based on experimental value found out by                 

A. hailey
B. a.f. van weele
C. a.m. wellington
D. macarthur
Answer» B. a.f. van weele

The test which can be used for separating load carried by the pile is                    

A. cyclic load test
B. pile load test
C. penetration test
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. cyclic load test

Explanation: The cyclic load test is

A. terzaghi’s theory
B. hooke’s law
C. meyerhof’s theory
D. hiley’s formula
Answer» B. hooke’s law

Under-reamed pile foundation is most suitable for                        type of condition.

A. seasonal moisture change
B. dry conditioned soil
C. cohesive type of soil
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. seasonal moisture change

The under-reamed piles are connected by a beam known as                        

A. capping beam and grade beam
B. reamed beam
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. capping beam and grade beam

The maximum spacing of the under-reamed pile should not normally exceed                      

A. 2 meters
B. 2½ meters
C. 1.5 meters
D. 30 centimeters
Answer» B. 2½ meters

The load carrying capacity of a under- reamed pile may be determined by

A. safe load test
B. penetration test
C. pile load test
D. cyclic load test
Answer» A. safe load test

Explanation: The load carrying capacity of an under-reamed pile may be determined

A. cast-in-situ piles
B. pre-cast-piles
C. steel piles
D. composite piles
Answer» A. cast-in-situ piles

The spacing of the piles in under-reamed pile foundation depends on which of the following factor?

A. nature of the ground and type of pile
B. load acting on the pile
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. nature of the ground and type of pile

The theory of plasticity pertaining to soils is based on                        

A. mohr’s theory
B. rankine’s method
C. mohr-coulomb theory
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. mohr’s theory

On designing retaining walls it is necessary to take care of                      exerted by soil mass.

A. erosion
B. lateral pressure
C. surcharge
D. lateral stress
Answer» B. lateral pressure

The material retained or supported by the retaining structure is called                      

A. surcharge
B. support wall
C. back fill
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. back fill

The wedge-shaped portion of the backfill tending to move with the wall is called

A. wedge fall
B. active fall
C. failure wedge
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. failure wedge

In active stress, the major principal stress σ1 acting on the wall will be in                       plane.

A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. inclined
D. zero
Answer» B. horizontal

Explanation: In an active state, the major principal stress σ1 is vertical and the minor principal stress σ3 is horizontal.

A. active state
B. plasticity
C. surcharge
D. slip lines
Answer» C. surcharge

What will be the co-efficient of passive earth pressure, at a depth of 8m in cohesion less soil sand with an angle of internal friction of 30° when the water rises to the ground level?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 3
D. 1
Answer» C. 3

Originally, Rankine’s theory of lateral earth pressure can be applied to only                

A. cohesion less soil
B. cohesive soil
C. fine grained soil
D. coarse grained soil
Answer» A. cohesion less soil

Rankine’s theory of lateral pressure was extended to other soil by                      

A. resal and bell
B. mohr
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. resal and bell

Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil mass is                      

A. stratified
B. submerged
C. homogeneous
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» C. homogeneous

Which of the following cases for cohesion less backfill in Rankine’s theory is considered?

A. submerged backfill
B. moist backfill with no surcharge
C. backfill with sloping surface
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The factor that is responsible for inclination of resultant pressure to the retaining wall is                      

A. frictional force
B. surcharge
C. earth pressure
D. weight of the wall
Answer» A. frictional force

If the sand filled behind the retaining wall with saturated water with water, then the possible lateral pressure is                      

A. lateral pressure due to submerged weight and lateral pressure due to water
B. lateral pressure due to retaining wall
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. lateral pressure due to submerged weight and lateral pressure due to water

The earth pressure at rest exerted on a retaining structure can be calculated using

A. theory of plasticity
B. theory of elasticity
C. mohr’s theory of rupture
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. theory of elasticity

Explanation: The earth pressure at rest, exerted on the back of the rigid, unyielding retaining structure, can be calculated using theory of elasticity.

A. 0.6
B. 0.5
C. 0.4
D. 0.8
Answer» C. 0.4

The expression for K0 as given by Jacky is

A. k0 = 1 – sin φ
B. k0 = sin φ
C. k0 = 1 – cos φ
D. k0 = 1 + sin φ
Answer» A. k0 = 1 – sin φ

What will be the coefficient of earth pressure at rest for a rigid retaining wall, If the backfill consists of cohesion less soil having φ = 26°?

A. 0.1295
B. 0.6552
C. 0.5616
D. 0.7383
Answer» C. 0.5616

The wedge theory of earth pressure is based on the concept of                    

A. active earth pressure
B. sliding wedge
C. wall friction
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. sliding wedge

Which of the following is a basic assumption of the wedge theory?

A. the slip surface is plane
B. the backfill is dry
C. the backfill is homogeneous
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The active lateral pressure of intact saturated clays is calculated by assuming

A. φ=0 and φc=0
B. φ=90
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. φ=0 and φc=0

The forces acting on the trial wedge which is used for finding Rankine’s active earth pressure is                      

A. weight w of the wedge
B. resultant force
C. resultant reaction between wedge and sol
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

In Coulomb’s wedge theory, the angle λ is referred as                        

A. angle of wall friction
B. surcharge angle
C. critical slip angle
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. critical slip angle

The φ-line in wedge theory can also be called as                      

A. surcharge line
B. natural slope line and repose line
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. natural slope line and repose line

The Belli equation at the ground surface is given by                    

A. pa=γzcot2 α-2c cotα
B. pa=γzcot2 α+2c cotα
C. pa=-2c cotα
D. pa=γzcot2 α/2c cotα
Answer» C. pa=-2c cotα

The effect of cohesion in the soil is to

A. reduce pressure intensity
B. increase pressure intensity by 3
C. double the pressure intensity
D. increase pressure intensity by 4
Answer» A. reduce pressure intensity

wall to a depth Zo in cohesive soils, then the total net pressure is zero for a depth of

A. 2zo
B. 3zo
C. 4zo
D. 5zo
Answer» A. 2zo

For an inclined back and surcharge, if P1, is horizontal pressure and W is weight of soil wedge, then the total pressure is given by

A. p=p1+w
B. p = √p 2 + w 2
C. p=(p1+w)2
D. p=p1-w
Answer» B. p = √p 2 + w 2

The lateral pressure for cohesive backfill with surcharge q is                        

A. pa=γzcot2 α-2c cotα+qcot2 α
B. pa=γzcot2 α+2c cotα+cot2α
C. pa=-2c cotα-cot2 α
D. pa=γzcot2 α/2c cotα
Answer» A. pa=γzcot2 α-2c cotα+qcot2 α

Rebhann’s graphical method can be used for the location of                          

A. slip plane and total active earth pressure
B. passive earth pressure
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. slip plane and total active earth pressure

Culmann’s solution can be conveniently used for                            

A. various type of surcharge loads
B. ground surface of any shape
C. backfill of different densities
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned


A. coulomb’s
B. rebhann’s
C. mohr
D. rankine’s
Answer» A. coulomb’s

Which of the following effect of line load can be taken into account by Culmann’s graphical method?

A. railway track and long wall of a building
B. road alignment
C. none of the mentioned
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» A. railway track and long wall of a building

Earth pressure for retaining walls, of less than 6m are obtained by                                

A. analytical method
B. graphical method
C. considering approximate value
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» B. graphical method

All available graphs and tables, used for finding earth pressure is based on

A. rankine’s theory
B. coulomb’s theory
C. culmann’s theory
D. rebhann’s graphical method
Answer» A. rankine’s theory

Which of the following is not one of the criteria, for design of gravity dam?

A. the wall must be safe against sliding
B. the wall must be safe against overturning
C. the wall must be thinner in section
D. no tension should be developed in the wall
Answer» C. the wall must be thinner in section

For the design of gravity dam, the minimum value of F(factor of safety) against sliding should be                      

A. 2.0
B. 1.5
C. 0.5
D. 4.0
Answer» B. 1.5

The load carrying capacity of a pile can be determined by which of the following methods?

A. dynamic formulae
B. static formulae
C. plate load test
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

                   type of soil.

A. fine grained soil
B. coarse grained soil
C. cohesive soil
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. coarse grained soil
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