100+ Societal and Global Impact Solved MCQs


the industrial revolution led to an increase in _______.

A. Population
B. Imports
C. Free time activities
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Population

before steam powered ships sailed across the seas they used_____.

A. Wind energy
B. Gas
C. Electric motors
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Wind energy

during the industrial revolution many people moved______.

A. To the coast
B. To the country side
C. To the cities
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. To the cities

the first Asian country to become industrialized was ______.

A. India
B. Japan
C. China
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» B. Japan

the industrial revolution began in ______.

B. Germany
C. Italy
D. England
Answer» D. England

production of fertilizers is related to ______ revolution.

A. Green
B. White
C. Pink
D. Grey
Answer» D. Grey

one of the biggest reasons that BIM has had more growth in the ______ sector is competition.

A. Residential
B. Commercial
C. Civil
D. Structural Steel
Answer» B. Commercial

one of the first steps in implementing BIM is to appoint a_______.

A. Chief drafter
B. Job captain
C. BIM manager
D. Lead architect
Answer» C. BIM manager

the virtual building model in a BIM project, called a BIM model, serves as the foundation of the project.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

for some ______ firms, the startup costs involved in implementing BIM can present significant challenges.

A. Structural steel
B. Commercial
C. Residential
D. Civil
Answer» C. Residential

when a firm decides to transition to a BIM system from a traditional design process, there is more involved that just switching to a _______ modeling software.

A. 2D
B. 3D
C. 4D
Answer» B. 3D

which one of the following cause global warming?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen
Answer» A. Carbon dioxide

how many percent of carbon dioxide increased in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times?

A. About 10%
B. About 20%
C. About 30%
D. About 40%
Answer» C. About 30%

who measures the global warming rate?

A. Astrologers
B. Physicist
C. Philosopher
D. Climatologist
Answer» D. Climatologist

which one of the following result takes place due to global warming?

A. Maintaining steady temperature
B. Changes in the rainfall
C. Pleasant environment
D. Causing less pollution
Answer» B. Changes in the rainfall

human activities cause global warming.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

what is the main reason for melting of ice sheets?

A. Increase in the oxygen content
B. Global warming
C. Decrease in carbon dioxide content
D. Noise pollution
Answer» B. Global warming

soot only warm earth’s climate system.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» B. False

GIS uses the information from which of the following sources?

A. Non- spatial information system
B. Spatial information system
C. Global information system
D. Position information system
Answer» B. Spatial information system

which of the following formats can be used for GIS output?

Answer» C. GIF

in the process of GIS, digitalization is done for better output.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

which among the following is not related to GIS software’s?

B. Arc GIS
C. Arc view
D. STAAD pro
Answer» D. STAAD pro

among the following, which do not come under the components of GIS?

A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Compiler
D. Data
Answer» C. Compiler

which of the following doesn’t determine the capability of GIS?

A. Defining a map
B. Representing cartographic feature
C. Retrieving data
D. Transferring data
Answer» D. Transferring data

which among the following is a server based hardware platform of GIS?

A. Autodesk Revit
B. STAAD pro
C. Arc GIS
D. Google maps
Answer» D. Google maps

spatial databases are also known as_____.

A. Geo databases
B. Mono databases
C. Concurrent databases
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Geo databases

consider the following statements regarding human development index:
I) The human development index is a composite index that measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development.
II) The basic dimensions are a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living. Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
Answer» C. Both I and II

what is the definition of ecological footprint?

A. The impact of a person on their neighbors
B. The impact of a person on the environment
C. The impact of the oceans towards erosion
D. How much pollution an animal produces
Answer» B. The impact of a person on the environment

our effect on the environment – a combination of what we consume and the waste we produce.

A. Ecological fingerprint
B. Ecological footprint
C. Ecological image
D. Ecological history
Answer» B. Ecological footprint

what does sustainability mean?

A. Avoiding the depletion of natural resources In order to maintain ecological balance
B. Using only fossil fuels
C. Using only non-renewable resources
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Avoiding the depletion of natural resources In order to maintain ecological balance

which of the following terms best describes a life style that promotes gradual usage and replacement of resources?

A. Sustainability
B. Ecology
C. Footprints
D. Unsustainability
Answer» A. Sustainability

what was the main purpose of the ancient Egyptian pyramids?

A. As monuments to the glory of Egypt
B. As temples to their gods
C. As burial sites for the pharaohs
D. As something to do to keep their salves busy
Answer» C. As burial sites for the pharaohs

what is the largest pyramid built by the Egyptians?

A. The pyramid of Djoser
B. The pyramid of Khafre
C. The pyramid of Menkaure
D. The great pyramid of Giza
Answer» D. The great pyramid of Giza

what geometrical shape formed the base of all the pyramids?

A. The rectangle
B. The triangle
C. The square
D. The circle
Answer» C. The square

about how tall is the pyramid of Khufu at Giza?

A. 30 feet
B. 80 feet
C. 250 feet
D. 480 feet
Answer» D. 480 feet

what innovation allowed fresh water into roman cities?

A. Rivers
B. Aqueducts
C. Catapults
D. Arches
Answer» B. Aqueducts

how did aqueducts help roman society?

A. They could reach places faster
B. They helped protect the city
C. By providing water for drinking, baths, fountains and more
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» C. By providing water for drinking, baths, fountains and more

how long did it take to build the Great Wall of China?

A. One hundred years
B. 50 years
C. Hundreds of years
D. Thousands of years
Answer» C. Hundreds of years

what is the Great Wall of China made of?

A. Stone only
B. Bricks only
C. Dirt and wood
D. A mix of stone, brick, dirt and wood
Answer» D. A mix of stone, brick, dirt and wood

why was the Great Wall of China built?

A. As a competition with leader of ancient India
B. To protect crops from bad weather and animals
C. To protect against people from neighboring Mongolia
D. For fun
Answer» C. To protect against people from neighboring Mongolia

approximately how many miles long (including branches) is the Great Wall of China?

A. 3000 miles
B. 13000 miles
C. 300 miles
D. 30000 miles
Answer» B. 13000 miles

what is the average Wall height of the Great Wall of China?

A. 10-15 feet
B. 15-30 feet
C. 30-45 feet
D. 50 feet
Answer» B. 15-30 feet

the city of Athens is replete with ancient temples honoring various Olympian deities. The temple in the Parthenon honors which Greek deity?

A. Artemis
B. Zeus
C. Athena
D. Aphrodite
Answer» C. Athena

what was the Colosseum mostly made of?

A. Limestone
B. Tuff
C. Concrete
D. Wood
Answer» A. Limestone

where is the Colosseum?

A. Paris, France
B. Hillsborough, NJ
C. San Francisco, California
D. Rome, Italy
Answer» D. Rome, Italy

which of the following is the oldest stone structure in India and was commissioned by the Mauryan king Ashoka?

A. Sanchi Stupa
B. Amaravati Stupa
C. Peshawar Stupa
D. Nagarjunakonda Stupa
Answer» A. Sanchi Stupa

in which Indian city is the Taj Mahal located?

A. Ludhiana
B. Agra
C. Nasik
D. Thane
Answer» B. Agra

which Mughal emperor built the Taj Mahal?

A. Jahangir
B. Shah Jahan
C. Akbar
D. Babur
Answer» B. Shah Jahan

of what material is the outside of the Taj Mahal mainly made?

A. White marble
B. Grey stone
C. Ivory
D. Gold painted stone
Answer» A. White marble

about how many years did it take to build the main body of the Taj Mahal (excluding the surrounding structures)?

A. 14
B. 16
C. 10
D. 12
Answer» D. 12

who created the first indoor plumbing system.

A. Harappa
B. Bob’s porta-potties
C. Inca
D. Mohenjo Daro
Answer» D. Mohenjo Daro

what were the capital cities of ancient Indus valley?

A. Ur and Sumer
B. Babylon and Thebes
C. Mohenjo Daro and Harappa
D. Harappa and Memphis
Answer» C. Mohenjo Daro and Harappa

when were the palm islands created.

A. 2009
B. 2008
C. 2002
D. 2001
Answer» D. 2001

what was the cost of making the palm islands.

A. $11.99 billion
B. $16.99 billion
C. $12 billion
D. $99 billion
Answer» C. $12 billion

which country is the Burj Khalifa made?

A. China
B. New England
C. Dubai
D. New Zealand
Answer» C. Dubai

when was the Burj Khalifa officially finished?

A. 1957
B. 2010
C. 2000
D. 1959
Answer» B. 2010

what grounds was the Burj Khalifa built on?

A. In Dubai
B. Farmland
C. Military grounds
D. Nah the grounds were reserved
Answer» C. Military grounds

how many locks are in the Panama Canal?

A. 3
B. 21
C. 12
D. 28
Answer» C. 12

who owns the Panama Canal Zone?

A. The U.S.
B. Russia
C. Britain
D. Germany
Answer» A. The U.S.

why did the U.S. build the Panama Canal?

A. To reduce travel time
B. To speed up trade
C. To protect from invaders
D. For fishing
Answer» A. To reduce travel time

how long is the Panama Canal?

A. 10 miles
B. 30 miles
C. 48 miles
D. 100 miles
Answer» C. 48 miles

the hoover dam is located on the border of_______.

A. California and Utah
B. Nevada and Arizona
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned
Answer» B. Nevada and Arizona

the hoover dam was built to _______.

A. Provide power, contain flooding and provide irrigation
B. Provide power and create a tourists attraction
C. All of the mentioned
D. None of the mentioned
Answer» A. Provide power, contain flooding and provide irrigation

the name of the reservoir at the hoover dam is______.

A. The Colorado river
B. Lake mead
C. River mead
D. Hoover lake
Answer» B. Lake mead

the hoover dam is ______ feet high.

A. 965
B. 897
C. 785
D. 726
Answer» D. 726

which of the below is not an idea behind solid waste management?

A. Control of waste generation
B. Storage and collection
C. Disposal
D. Stop waste generation
Answer» D. Stop waste generation

under which rule of government, guidelines for solid waste management are followed today?

A. Municipal solid waste rules, 2000
B. Municipal solid waste rules, 2016
C. Solid waste rules, 2000
D. Solid waste rules, 2016
Answer» D. Solid waste rules, 2016

the term ISWM refers to:

A. International solid waste management
B. Integrated solid waste management
C. Integrated solid waste machine
D. International solid waste mechanism
Answer» B. Integrated solid waste management

the average composition of municipal solid waste is:

A. 41% organic, 40% inert & 19% recyclable
B. 20% organic, 60% inert & 20% recyclable
C. 30% organic, 20% inert & 50% recyclable
D. 19% organic, 41% inert & 40% recyclable
Answer» A. 41% organic, 40% inert & 19% recyclable

how many types of landfills are there?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 4
Answer» A. 3

bio medical waste can be effectively managed by the thermal process.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

which gas produced in open dumps from the decomposition of biodegradable waste?

A. Ethane
B. Methane
C. Propene
D. Ethene
Answer» B. Methane

why burning waste is not an acceptable practice of solid waste management?

A. Because it is very costly
B. Because it requires modern technologies
C. Because it cause several environmental issues
D. Because it requires lot of space
Answer» C. Because it cause several environmental issues

the term ‘municipal solid waste’ is used to describe which kind of solid waste?

A. Hazardous
B. Toxic
C. Non hazardous
D. Non toxic
Answer» A. Hazardous

municipal solid waste contains a wide variety of materials.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

which of the integrated waste management is reduced on an individual level?

A. Source reduction
B. Recycling
C. Disposal
D. Burning
Answer» A. Source reduction

which of the following can be recycled many times?

A. Plastic
B. Wood
C. Organic materials
D. Aluminum
Answer» D. Aluminum

what is called for the process of burning municipal solid waste in a properly designed furnace under suitable temperature and operating conditions?

A. Landfill
B. Recycling
C. Vermicomposting
D. Incineration
Answer» D. Incineration

what is the order of waste management hierarchy, from most to least favoured

A. Prevention- Recycle- Reuse- Disposal
B. Prevention- Reuse- Disposal- Recycle
C. Prevention- Disposal- Reuse- Recycle
D. Prevention- Reuse- Recycle-Disposal
Answer» D. Prevention- Reuse- Recycle-Disposal

_____ devices remove materials which would damage equipment or interfere with a process.

A. Grit
B. Screening
C. Oxidation
D. Reduction
Answer» B. Screening

______ represents the heavier inert matter in wastewater.

A. Debris
B. Waste
C. Screens
D. Grit
Answer» D. Grit

what is the most common used coagulant?

A. Alum
B. Ferric sulphate
C. Limestone
D. Coal
Answer» A. Alum

which gas is mainly produced due to incomplete burning of wood?

B. SO2
C. NO2
D. NO3
Answer» A. CO

which of the following is involved in production of carboxy hemoglobin.

B. SO2
C. NO2
D. NO3
Answer» A. CO

which of the following is a liquid form of aerosol?

A. Fume
B. Dust
C. Mist
D. Smoke
Answer» C. Mist

X ray films are a source of which of the following gas?

A. SO2
B. CO2
C. NO2
D. SO3
Answer» C. NO2

which of the following leads to a disease called broncho spasm?

A. SO2
B. SO3
C. SO4
D. CO2
Answer» B. SO3

which air pollutant cause corrosion of building?

A. SO2
B. SO3
D. NO2
Answer» A. SO2

which of the following air pollutant effects plants the most?

A. Fluorine
B. SO2
Answer» A. Fluorine

which of the following is used in ceramic industries?

A. Electrostatic precipitator
B. Dynamic precipitator
C. Spray tower
D. Wet cyclonic scrubber
Answer» B. Dynamic precipitator

which of the following air pollution control device has maximum efficiency?

A. Electrostatic precipitator
B. Dynamic precipitator
C. Spray precipitator
D. Wet cyclonic scrubber
Answer» A. Electrostatic precipitator

which of the following is incorrect regarding the fabric filter?

A. They can remove very small particle
B. They are liable to chemical attack
C. They have low efficiency in comparison to venturi scrubber
D. They can handle large volume of gas at relatively high speed
Answer» C. They have low efficiency in comparison to venturi scrubber

which of the following removes both gaseous and particulate contaminants?

A. Venturi scrubber
B. Gravitational settling chamber
C. Dynamic precipitator
D. Wet scrubber
Answer» A. Venturi scrubber

where undertaken, EIA should be used to help determine whether consent is given for development.

A. Never
B. Hardly ever
C. Often
D. Always
Answer» D. Always

the primary reason for EIA is to

A. Mitigate existing environmental impacts of development
B. Predict the size of impacts of developments
C. Describe proposed developments
D. Identify the environmental consequences of development in advance
Answer» D. Identify the environmental consequences of development in advance

green buildings practices include

A. Only energy efficiency
B. Only recycled materials
C. Only environmental protection
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

LEED means

A. Leadership in ecological and environmental design
B. Leadership in energy and environmental design
C. Leadership in efficiency and environmental design
D. Leadership in efficiency and ecological design
Answer» B. Leadership in energy and environmental design

LEED is a?

A. Building design code
B. Building marketing tool
C. Rating system for sustainability in building
D. Building safety code
Answer» C. Rating system for sustainability in building

re- processing material to make another product called?

A. Reduce
B. Reuse
C. Recycle
D. None of above
Answer» C. Recycle

most recycling focuses on four major categories of products. Which one of these is not one of them?

A. Paper
B. Plastic
C. Chemicals
D. Glass
Answer» C. Chemicals
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