
40+ Culture,Personality and Society Solved MCQs

in Introduction to Sociology

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) .


Chapter: Culture,Personality and Society

Culture has two essential qualities. They are

A. transmitted and shared
B. learned and shared
C. learned and forgotten
D. Shared and communicated.
Answer» A. transmitted and shared

The process by which an individual learns the culture of their society is known as

A. Socialisation
B. Internalisation
C. Sanskritisation
D. Modernization
Answer» A. Socialisation

The study of a society becomes incomplete without a proper understanding of

A. The culture of that society
B. Rules and Regulations of that society
C. Arts and literature of that society
D. Education and government system of that society
Answer» A. The culture of that society

Only man is born and bought up in a

A. Natural environment
B. Cultural environment
C. Artificial environment
D. Original environment
Answer» B. Cultural environment

Who defined culture is the “realm of styles, of values, of emotional attachment, of intellectual adventures”

A. Morgan
B. Edward Tylor
C. Maclver and Page
D. Sir James Frazer
Answer» C. Maclver and Page

Peer group is a group whose numbers share

A. Similar values
B. Similar play ground
C. Similar circumstances
D. Similar study circle and books
Answer» C. Similar circumstances

Peer groups are often of a

A. Similar culture
B. Similar race and colour
C. Similar height
D. Similar age
Answer» D. Similar age

Every culture contains a large number of guideline which direct conduct in a particular situation. Such guidelines are known as

A. Culture
B. Folkways
C. Mores
D. Norms
Answer» D. Norms

A norm is a

A. Specific guide to action
B. Culture of society
C. Guideline for socialization
D. Guide for social interaction
Answer» A. Specific guide to action

Norms are enforced by

A. Positive sanction
B. Negative sanction
C. Order
D. Positive and negative sanction
Answer» D. Positive and negative sanction

Norms are imposed through _________ means of social control

A. Formal and legal
B. Formal and informal
C. Cultural
D. Informal and illegal
Answer» A. Formal and legal

A value is a belief that something is

A. Moral
B. Very productive in society
C. Good and desirable
D. Cultural
Answer» C. Good and desirable

All numbers of society occupy a number of social positions known as

A. Role
B. Prestige
C. Esteem
D. Status
Answer» D. Status

A group involves some degree of _________ among its members for the attainment or common goals

A. Cooperation
B. Conflict
C. Competition
D. Association
Answer» A. Cooperation

Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities acquired by man as

A. member of society – it is said by
B. Talcott Parsons
C. W F Green
D. Tylor
Answer» C. W F Green

To prepare one for future roles is

A. Futurisation
B. Prediction
C. Anticipatory socialization
D. Internalisation
Answer» C. Anticipatory socialization

Personality is expressed through

A. Habits, tendencies and thinking
B. Habits and behavior
C. Thinking
D. Tendencies and thinking
Answer» A. Habits, tendencies and thinking

The unification of individuals socio psychological behavior is reflected in

A. The way individual behaves
B. His personality
C. His social interaction
D. His culture
Answer» B. His personality

____________ is a person who is taken as the point of reference in a discussion

A. Individual
B. Id
C. Ego
D. Superego
Answer» C. Ego

Which is the following statements is true

A. Cooperation is based on emotional relationship harmony and intimacy
B. Accommodation is the situation of tolerating one another without
C. Cooperation
D. Accommodation
Answer» C. Cooperation

When the individual stand up against the group the process is called

A. Conflict
B. Completion
C. Alienation
D. Un socialization
Answer» C. Alienation

When the individual is ex-communicated or the membership of the group is prohibited for him/her the process is called

A. Isolation
B. Cooperation
C. Tolerance
D. Discrimination
Answer» A. Isolation

The process of learning that takes place in group situation is called

A. Socialisation
B. Culturisation
C. Routinisation
D. Acculturation
Answer» A. Socialisation

Whose definition is this “Personality indicates the individual organized tendency of working, seeing, thinking and feeling”?

A. W F Green
B. New Comb
C. Herskovits
D. R E Park
Answer» B. New Comb

The groups from which the individual extracts his behavior and cultural norms are called

A. Cultural groups
B. Homogenous groups
C. Reference groups
D. Ought to be groups
Answer» C. Reference groups

Discrimination refers to __________ against any individual group

A. Negative action
B. Negative attitude
C. Negative labeling
D. Negative Report
Answer» C. Negative labeling

Trait is

A. Social trend at present
B. Social trend af the past
C. The smallest unit of culture
D. The smallest unit of personality
Answer» C. The smallest unit of culture

Non material culture may consist of

A. Words people use, the ideas, customers and belief they hood and the habits they follow.
B. Non Manufactured items
C. Manufactured items which people use in cultural way
D. Culture which teaches a particular behavior for particular situation
Answer» A. Words people use, the ideas, customers and belief they hood and the habits they follow.

The material culture is always the outgrowth of the non material culture. The statement is

A. True
B. False
C. Partially true
D. Can happen provided with stimuli
Answer» A. True

A cluster of related traits is called

A. Culture norms
B. Culture complex
C. Cultural collectively
D. Cultural uniformity
Answer» C. Cultural collectively

Who has propounded the theory of cultural lag?

A. W F Ogburn
B. Nim Koff
C. Bogardus
D. Oscar Lewis
Answer» A. W F Ogburn

The acquisition of foreign culture by the subject people is called

A. Assimilation
B. Acculturation
C. Colonisation
D. Subjectisation
Answer» A. Assimilation

Cultural relativism means

A. Function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural setting
B. Culture is relatively rare
C. Culture evolution is relative
D. Cultural diffusion is relative
Answer» A. Function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural setting

Which among the following is not true about assimilation?

A. It brings about cultural diffusion
B. It is historical process
C. Culture contact is there
D. Cultural conflict is there.
Answer» D. Cultural conflict is there.

Established modes of thought and action is called

A. Culture
B. Personality
C. behavior
D. Customs
Answer» D. Customs

“A scientific theory of culture” is the work of

A. Frazer
B. Radcliffe Brown
C. Malinowski
D. Redfield
Answer» C. Malinowski

Who considered culture as essentially a response to human needs?

A. Redfield
B. Radcliffe Brown
C. Malinowski
D. Herskowitz
Answer» C. Malinowski

The book ‘The folk culture of Yucatan’ is written by

A. Oscar Lewis
B. R.E.Park
C. Redfield
D. Max Muller
Answer» C. Redfield

Who has defined culture as a body of shared understandings’?

A. Redfield
B. Tylor
C. Frazer
D. Herskowitz
Answer» A. Redfield

Normative culture is that sub-division of non material culture that consists of

A. Norms
B. Values
C. Mores
D. Standard Way
Answer» A. Norms

When the balance between the material and non-material culture is disrupted by rapid social change, the material culture is left behind This situation is called

A. left culture
B. far-culture
C. Cultural lag
D. Taken culture
Answer» C. Cultural lag

Culture treats all human products and learned abilities

A. Equally
B. differently
C. Insignificant
D. great
Answer» A. Equally

Some norms within a culture are explain out in the open, everyone in the culture is able to formulate the rule’ This may be defined as

A. Explicit culture
B. Explicit Norm
C. Implicit culture
D. Implicit Worm
Answer» B. Explicit Norm

Explicit norms are learned through

A. Formal means
B. Informal means
C. inbuilt in human
D. Human beings learn it automatically
Answer» A. Formal means

Organized social life emerges from

A. Social Organization
B. Social Interaction
C. Social Culture
D. Social Group
Answer» B. Social Interaction

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