7100+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology)

  1. 1. Basic of Social Anthropology
  2. 2. Basics of Economics
  3. 3. Classical Sociological Theories
  4. 4. Contemporary Social Theories
  5. 5. Crime and Society
  6. 6. Culture and Personality
  7. 7. Environment and Society
  8. 8. Environment and Sociology
  9. 9. Gerontology
  10. 10. Indian Constitution and Politics
  11. 11. Indian Constitution And Politics 1
  12. 12. Indian Constitution And Politics 2
  13. 13. Industry and Society
  14. 14. Introduction to Political Science and Governmental Structures and Processes
  15. 15. Introduction to Sociology
  16. 16. Life Skill Development
  17. 17. Mass Media and Society
  18. 18. Media and Society
  19. 19. Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences
  20. 20. Modern Indian History (1857 to the present)
  21. 21. Modern Indian History (1857 to the present) 1
  22. 22. Modern Indian History (1857 to the present) 2
  23. 23. Modern Social Theories
  24. 24. Modern Sociological Theories
  25. 25. Perspectives On Indian Society
  26. 26. Political Ideas, Concepts and Ideologies
  27. 27. Population and Society
  28. 28. Population Studies
  29. 29. Principles of Social Research
  30. 30. Psychological Process- Psychology of Abnormal and Social Behaviour
  31. 31. Psychological Processes 1
  32. 32. Psychology of Social Behaviour
  33. 33. Research Methods and Statistics
  34. 34. Roots of the Modern World
  35. 35. Social Anthropology
  36. 36. Social Research Methods
  37. 37. Social Stratification
  38. 38. Social Structure and Change in India
  39. 39. Society, Environment and Human Rights
  40. 40. Sociological Analysis
  41. 41. Sociology of Culture
  42. 42. Sociology of Development
  43. 43. Sociology of Marginalised Sections
  44. 44. Sociology of Media and Communication
  45. 45. Tribal Society of India
  46. 46. Urban Sociology

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Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) MCQs PDF download, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) all topics MCQs, MCQ questions and answers for Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology)