120+ Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1 Solved MCQs


If the number of elements of the two sets are equal, then they are called

A. equal set
B. equivalent set
C. order set
D. subset
Answer» B. equivalent set

If a set has three elements, then its power set consist of ----- elements

A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer» D. 8

Given A in 2x2 and B is 2x4, then the matrix AB will be of the order

A. 2x2
B. 2x4
C. 4x2
D. 1x2
Answer» B. 2x4

Maximum number of linearly independent rows and columns of a matrix is called

A. rank
B. adjoint
C. determinant
D. inverse
Answer» A. rank

Determinant of a 3X3 square matrix is called ----- determinant

A. first order
B. second order
C. third order
D. fourth order
Answer» C. third order

The set consisting of all the elements which belong to A as well as B is called

A. union
B. intersection
C. complement
D. partition
Answer» B. intersection

The total number of elements of the set of all possible outcome when two coins are tossed

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Answer» C. 4

Special type of relation is

A. function
B. binary relation
C. inverse
D. none of the above
Answer» A. function

Rectangular array of numbers, variables or parameters is called

A. set
B. exponents
C. matrix
D. function
Answer» C. matrix

When the demand for a good is given by Q=50-P, the maximum amount that would be demanded at nil price

A. 1
B. 0
C. 40
D. 50
Answer» D. 50

Given A={a,b,c} and B={a,d,c}, then AUB will be

A. a,b,c
B. a,d,c
C. c,d,a
D. a,b,c,d
Answer» D. a,b,c,d

in a square matrix, the elements lie from left top to right bottom is

A. diagonal elements
B. row elements
C. column elements
D. triangular elements
Answer» A. diagonal elements

if all the elements below the leading diagonal are zero in a square matrix, it is

A. lower triangular matrix
B. identity matrix
C. inverse matrix
D. upper triangular matrix
Answer» B. identity matrix

conformity condition for matrix addition is that matrices should be

A. square
B. same order
C. equal
D. proportional
Answer» B. same order

commutative law of matrix subtraction is

A. a+b=b+a
B. a-b=b-a
C. a-b= -b+a
D. a+b=a-b
Answer» C. a-b= -b+a

In matrix algebra (AB)C=A(BC) is

A. associative
B. commutative
C. distributive
D. none of the above
Answer» A. associative

In matrix expression of linear equation, AX=B, X denotes

A. coefficient matrix
B. constants
C. identity matrix
D. solution vector
Answer» D. solution vector

If in a matrix any two rows or columns are identical or proportional or linearly dependent, the determinant will be

A. equal
B. zero
C. unity
D. infinity
Answer» B. zero

Given the demand curve, P=20-0.2Q, the revenue curve will be

A. 20-0.2q
B. 10-.1q
C. 20q-0.2q
D. 20q-0.2q2
Answer» D. 20q-0.2q2

The slope of isocost line is the ratio of

A. quantities
B. input prices
C. costs
D. product prices
Answer» B. input prices

The line of linear equation should begin from

A. the origin
B. x axis
C. y axis
D. any of the above
Answer» D. any of the above

For a matrix minor of element M33 =25, the cofactor is

A. -25
B. 25
C. 0
D. 33
Answer» B. 25
Question and answers in Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1, Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1 multiple choice questions and answers, Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1, Mathematics for Economic Analysis 1 MCQs with answers PDF download