620+ Operating System Architecture Solved MCQs


Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file?

A. cut
B. grep
C. past
D. cat
Answer» A. cut

Which command is used with vi editor to move the cursor to the left?

A. i
B. k
C. j
D. h
Answer» D. h

Which command is used to create a directory?

A. crdir
B. mkdir
C. md
D. cr
Answer» B. mkdir

Which of the following changes permission to deny write permission to group and others?

A. chmod go-w filex
B. chmod go w filex
C. chmod go=w file
D. none of the above
Answer» A. chmod go-w filex

Which command is used with vi editor to delete a single character?

A. z
B. y
C. a
D. x
Answer» D. x

The tar command in UNIX

A. used to create compressed archives of directories and files
B. used to extract directories and files from an archives
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both a and b

Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order

A. sort
B. sh
C. st
D. sort -r
Answer» D. sort -r

Which of the following commands is used to rename a file?

A. rename
B. mv
C. remove
D. ren
Answer» B. mv

Which command is used to display a file contents in octal form?

A. cd
B. of
C. od
D. oct
Answer» C. od

Which of the following commands is used to count the total number of lines,words and characters contained in a file?

A. count p
B. wcount
C. wc
D. count w
Answer» C. wc

The cc command makes a total of

A. 1 pass
B. 2 pass
C. 4 pass
D. 5 pass
Answer» D. 5 pass

Which of the following commands is used for an automatic remainder service?

A. write
B. calender
C. mail
D. mesg
Answer» B. calender

The Unix command used to find out the number of characters in a file is

A. nc
B. wc
C. chcnt
D. c
Answer» B. wc

In a system ,if 5 people are currently using vi editor ,then the number of corresponding processes will be

A. 1
B. 5
C. 3
D. 0
Answer» B. 5

Which set option is used with vi editor to display line numbers on screen?

A. nm
B. nu
C. ic
D. li
Answer» B. nu

Which command will be used with vi editor to move back to the beginning of a word?

A. b
B. e
C. a
D. w
Answer» A. b

Which of the following are not system calls?

A. chmod
B. open
C. lseek
D. getc
Answer» D. getc

The advantage of binary files over text files is that

A. it is compact
B. it can be accessed faster
C. many commands assume the named file to be a binary file
D. they are more reliable
Answer» D. they are more reliable

The cat command is used to

A. print a file
B. display a file
C. capture a file
D. copy a file
Answer» B. display a file

Command compares two files byte by byte and displays the first mismatch.

A. cmp
B. comp
C. cmap
D. none of these
Answer» A. cmp

When the read system call encounters EOF ,it returns

A. some positive integer
B. some negative integer
C. 0
D. -1
Answer» C. 0

Which of the following system calls,does not return control to the calling point, on termination?

A. fork
B. exec
C. ioct1
D. longjmp
Answer» B. exec

Which command is used to display the characteristics of a process?

A. pid
B. ps
C. du
D. au
Answer» D. au

Which command is used to display and create files?

A. cat
B. ed
C. vi
D. lyrix
Answer» A. cat

Files that can store data in the same format as used in program are called

A. binary files
B. source file
C. text file
D. core
Answer» A. binary files

The file that stores an integer as a sequence of characters is a

A. text file
B. data file
C. binary file
D. core
Answer» A. text file

Which is the earliest and most widely used shell that came with the UNIX system?

A. c shell
B. korn shell
C. bourne shell
D. smith shell
Answer» C. bourne shell

System call mknod creates a

A. new file
B. new directory
C. new binary file
D. none of these
Answer» B. new directory

A pipe a mechanism that allow a stream of data between to be passed between……..

A. reader and writer process
B. reader process
C. writer process
D. none of these
Answer» A. reader and writer process

Which command is used to display the top of the file?

A. cat
B. head
C. more
D. grep
Answer» B. head

Which of the following keys is used to replace a single character with new text?

A. s
B. s
C. r
D. c
Answer» B. s

Which command sends the word count of the file infile to the newfile.

A. wc infile >newfile
B. wc <infile >newfile
C. wc infile - newfile
D. wc infile | newfile
Answer» A. wc infile >newfile

Which command is used to remove the read permission of the file 'note' from both the group and others?

A. chmod go+r note
B. chmod go+rw note
C. chmod go-x note
D. chmod go-r, 4-x note
Answer» D. chmod go-r, 4-x note

Which of the following commands is used to display the directory attributes rather than its contents?

A. ls -1 -d
B. ls -1
C. ls -x
D. ls -f
Answer» A. ls -1 -d

Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch*

A. patch
B. catch
C. .ch
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

If you are to use [Control-c] as the interrupt key instead of [Del], then you will have to use

A. tty ^c
B. stty intr \\^c
C. stty echoe
D. stty echo \\^a
Answer» B. stty intr \\^c

Which of the following keys is used to move the cursor to the end of the paragraph.

A. }
B. {
C. |
D. $
Answer» A. }

Which command is used to concatenate all files beginning with the string 'emp' and followed by a non-numeric characters?

A. cat emp[!0-9]
B. more [emp][!0-9]
C. cat emp[x-z]
D. cat emp[a-z]
Answer» A. cat emp[!0-9]

The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is

A. tee
B. tr
C. sort
D. grep
Answer» A. tee

Which symbol is used to separate more than one command in the same command line?

A. $
B. #
C. :
D. ;
Answer» D. ;

The agency that sits between the user and the UNIX system is called the

A. logic
B. profile
C. shell
D. erxc
Answer» C. shell

Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification times of a file?

A. grep
B. wc
C. touch
D. cat
Answer» C. touch

Which command is used to count just the number of characters in a file?

A. wc - 1
B. wc -c
C. wc -w
D. wc -r
Answer» B. wc -c

Which of the following commands is used to list contents of directories?

A. ls
B. lp
C. dir
D. tar
Answer» A. ls

In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.

A. :pat
B. :pat
C. /pat
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the last background job?

A. $!
B. $#
C. 0
D. $*
Answer» A. $!

Which option will be used with ps command to slow the entire command line of the process being run?

A. -4
B. -f
C. -1
D. -4
Answer» B. -f

Which of the following command addresses all users who are currently hooked on?

A. write
B. mail
C. wall
D. mesg
Answer» C. wall

Which of the following directories contain all the Ales created by a user, including his login directory?

A. /tmp
B. /etc
C. /usr
D. /dev
Answer» C. /usr

Which of the following commands is used to obtain a list of all files by modification time?

A. ls -1
B. ls -t
C. ls -i
D. ls -r
Answer» B. ls -t

Which command is used to display the characteristics of a process?

A. pid
B. du
C. ps
D. au
Answer» C. ps

The filed separator in cut command is specified with

A. -a option
B. -d option
C. -r option
D. -x option
Answer» B. -d option

Which option will be used with touch command to change the access time?

A. -a
B. -b
C. -t
D. -h
Answer» A. -a

Which command is used to make all files and sub-directories in the directory (progs) executable by all users?

A. chmod -r a+x progs
B. chmod -r 222 progs
C. chmod -1 a+x progs
D. chmod -x a+x progs
Answer» A. chmod -r a+x progs

The second set of the three permissions (r-) indicates that

A. group has read permission only
B. other has read permission only
C. owner has read permission only
D. group has write permission only
Answer» A. group has read permission only

Which column contains all details of the permissions of a file when you issue the ls - l command?

A. second
B. fourth
C. third
D. first
Answer» D. first

Which of the following commands is used to display your working directory?

A. second
B. fourth
C. third
D. first
Answer» C. third

While working with mail command, which command is used to save mail i a separate file?

A. s
B. r
C. w
D. d
Answer» A. s

Which command is used to terminate a process?

A. shutdown
B. haltsys
C. cancel
D. kill
Answer» D. kill

The cp command uses:

A. standard input file
B. standard output file
C. both input and output file
D. neither standard input nor standard output file
Answer» D. neither standard input nor standard output file

Which command is used to print a file?

A. print
B. prn
C. pg
D. lp
Answer» D. lp

Which command is used to list out all the hidden files along with the other files?

A. ls -l
B. ls -x
C. ls -f
D. ls -a
Answer» D. ls -a

Which command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction?

A. /
B. ?
C. //
D. ??
Answer» A. /

The command to count the number of files in the current directory by using pipes, is

A. ls | wc
B. ls -l | ws -l
C. ls | wc -w
D. ls | ws -c
Answer» C. ls | wc -w

Which of the following commands is used to get directory one level up?

A. cd
B. cd ..
C. cd/
D. chdir
Answer» B. cd ..

Which of the following commands is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters contained in a file.

A. count p
B. wc
C. wcount
D. countw
Answer» B. wc

Which command is used to delete all files in the current directory as well as all files and sub-directories in its subdirectories?

A. rm *
B. rm -r *
C. rm all
D. rm *.*
Answer» B. rm -r *

Which of the following commands is used to change the working directory?

A. cd
B. changedir
C. chdir
D. cdir
Answer» A. cd

Services provided by kernel are………

A. controlling execution of process
B. scheduling processes
C. allocating main memory for an executing process
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The shell acts as an interface between the ………..

A. user and kernel
B. user and operating system
C. kernel and operating system
D. none of these
Answer» A. user and kernel

When a process executes a system call, the execution mode of the process changes from ………..

A. kernel mode to user mode
B. user mode to kernel mode
C. user mode to operating system mode
D. none of these
Answer» B. user mode to kernel mode

when the kernel services an intrrupt, it blocks out low priority interrupts but………..

A. services middle priority interrupt
B. services higher priority interrupts
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. services higher priority interrupts

The commonly used UNIX commands like date, ls, cat, etc. are stored in………..

A. /dev directory
B. /bin and /usr/bin directories
C. /tmp directory
D. /unix directory
Answer» B. /bin and /usr/bin directories

Which of the following commands is used to summarize the disk usage?

A. chkdsk
B. fdisk
C. du
D. disk
Answer» C. du

Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in alphabetical order?

A. sort
B. sh
C. st
D. sort -r
Answer» A. sort

If a file has read and write permissions for the owner, then the octal representation of the permissions will be

A. 1
B. 6
C. 5
D. 3
Answer» B. 6

Which command is used to copy a file wb with the same name from the programs directory to the misc directory?

A. copy programs/wb misc/wb
B. cp programs/wb misc
C. tar programs/wb misc/wb
D. copy a:programs/wb b:misc/wb
Answer» B. cp programs/wb misc

The seventh field of /etc/password is………….

A. password
B. login
C. shell
D. home
Answer» C. shell

Which command is used to display the end of the file?

A. head - r
B. tail
C. eof
D. bof
Answer» B. tail

The ls -l command tells

A. who the owner of the file is
B. the name of the group owner of the file
C. how large the file is and when the file was last modified.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which option will be used with disk free command to include the total amount of disk space in the file system?

A. -t
B. -tt
C. -4
D. -i
Answer» A. -t

Which command is used to set the three permissions for all the three categories of users of a file?

A. chgrp
B. chown
C. chmod
D. chusr
Answer» C. chmod

Which of the following commands can be used to get information about yourself?

A. who am i
B. i /4
C. pwd
D. which
Answer» A. who am i

Which of the following commands can be used to get information about all users who are currently logged into the system?

A. which
B. who
C. who am i
D. 1 /u
Answer» B. who

Which of the following keys is used to overstrike a whole line?

A. r
B. v
C. c
D. u
Answer» A. r

Which command is used to locate all the .profile files in the system?

A. ls profile
B. find /-name profile print
C. cd /.profile
D. l -u .profile
Answer» B. find /-name profile print

The File that contains a set of instructions which are performed when a user logs in, is

A. .exrc
B. .profile
C. .autoexec
D. autoexec.bat
Answer» B. .profile

The octal representation 652 indicates

A. execute permission for the owner
B. write permission for others
C. read and write permission of groups
D. all of the above
Answer» B. write permission for others

Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file?

A. wc -l
B. wc -c
C. wc -w
D. wc -r
Answer» A. wc -l

Which command is used to move all files to the bin sub-directory of the parent directory?

A. mv *.* /bin/
B. mv * /bin/*
C. mv * ../bin
D. mv * ../bin *.*
Answer» C. mv * ../bin

Which command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal?

A. more
B. cat
C. grep
D. tee
Answer» D. tee

Which of the following commands is used to copy directory structures in and out

A. cp
B. cpio
C. cp - p
D. copy
Answer» B. cpio

Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time?

A. more
B. pg
C. cat
D. lp
Answer» B. pg

Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the current shell?

A. $!
B. $$
C. 0
D. $*
Answer» B. $$

Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files?

A. -l
B. -d
C. -r
D. -b
Answer» A. -l

Which command is used with vi editor scroll half page backward?

A. [control-d]
B. [control - u]
C. [control-c]
D. [control -p]
Answer» B. [control - u]

Which command is used with vi editor to move cursor forward to first occurrence of character 'ch' in the current line?

A. tch
B. fch
C. rch
D. ech
Answer» B. fch

Which of the following keys is used to delete the character beneath the cursor?

A. x
B. x
C. dd
D. d
Answer» A. x

Which command is used to assign only read permission to all three categories of the file 'note'?

A. chmod go+r note
B. chmod a-rw
C. chmod ugo=r note
D. chmod u+r,g+r,o x note
Answer» C. chmod ugo=r note

Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line?

A. a
B. a
C. i
D. i
Answer» A. a
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