620+ Operating System Architecture Solved MCQs


To invoke "bash" you type

A. bsh
B. sh
C. bsh
D. either a or c
Answer» C. bsh

The last character of the "bash" prompt is usually

A. $
B. #
C. %
D. ?
Answer» A. $

The part of the Unix operating system that interacts with the hardware is called

A. gnu project
B. the kernal
C. the shell
D. linux
Answer» C. the shell

To start a process in the background, enter the command with this character at the end.

A. $
B. #
C. &
D. %
Answer» C. &

Which of the following is not a major Unix shell?

A. x shell
B. c shell
C. bash shell
D. korn shell
Answer» C. bash shell

A personal run control file for bash is

A. .cshrc
B. profile
C. .bsh
D. .bashrc
Answer» D. .bashrc

The shell in the Unix system is the

A. outer layer of a seed
B. user interface with the operating system
C. provides a prompt
D. both b and c
Answer» D. both b and c

Applications of Shell programming include

A. simplifying complex jobs
B. automating repetitive tasks
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both a and b

Another term for shell programs is

A. scripts
B. c programs
C. compiled programs
D. shell command language
Answer» A. scripts

Shell programs are

A. compiled
B. interpreted
C. command processed
D. none of the above
Answer» B. interpreted

A shell program is a

A. binary file
B. system file
C. text file
D. linked file
Answer» C. text file

Comments in a shell program are important because

A. keeps complex programs understandable
B. other programmers may try to read your program
C. you may revise an old program
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Flow control in a shell program allows parts of a shell program to be executed

A. repeatedly
B. conditionally
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» C. all of the above

In "bash", "if" constructs are ended with

A. fi
B. endif
C. end
D. none of the above
Answer» A. fi

Which of the following is not a iterative construct in "bash"?

A. if
B. for
C. until
D. while
Answer» A. if

A loop that continues indefinitely is called a

A. indefinite loop
B. non-stop loop
C. infinite loop
D. none of the above
Answer» C. infinite loop

The asterisk is a metacharacter which in the command "ls *.txt" means

A. any single character
B. any combination of one or more characters
C. any combination of zero or more characters
D. none of the above
Answer» C. any combination of zero or more characters

A metacharacter is any character that

A. is taken literally
B. represents any string of characters that fit its definition
C. is an "asterisk" or "question mark"
D. all of the above
Answer» B. represents any string of characters that fit its definition

Which of the following Unix utilities are not commonly used to process regular expressions?

A. grep
B. sed
C. cut
D. awk
Answer» C. cut

Which programming language has a powerful regular expression engine?

A. c++
B. perl
C. pearl
D. c
Answer» B. perl

Which meta-noncharacter is used to indicate the end of the line?

A. ^
B. ?
C. >
D. $
Answer» D. $

Which meta-noncharacter is used to indicate the beginning of the line?

A. ^
B. ?
C. <
D. $
Answer» A. ^

The character separating fields is called a

A. separator
B. delimiter
C. blank
D. semicolon
Answer» B. delimiter

"Awk" is a program that is primarily concerned with formatting output. It is designed to work best with pieces of data called

A. records
B. characters
C. fields
D. strings
Answer» C. fields

A bootstrap is :

A. the flat cable that connects the cpu to thre printer
B. the flat cable from the disk controller card to the disk driver
C. additional memory device
D. a small intialization program to start up the computer
Answer» D. a small intialization program to start up the computer

Which process checks to ensure the componenets of the computer and operating system are connected properly ?

A. booting
B. processing
C. saving
D. editing
Answer» A. booting

The main difference between application and system software is that ………

A. application software is composed of program instruction but system software is not
B. application software is stored in memory whereas system software is only the cap
C. system software is unnecessary wheras application software must be present on the computer
D. system software manages hardware wheras application software performs user tasks
Answer» D. system software manages hardware wheras application software performs user tasks

BIOS stands for ……….

A. boss india operating system
B. basic input operating system
C. basic input output system
D. boston input output system
Answer» C. basic input output system

What is size of master boot record ?

A. 256 byte segment
B. 512 byte segment
C. 1024 byte segment
D. 128 byte segment
Answer» B. 512 byte segment

What is master boot record ?

A. the master boot record is the information in the first sector of any hard disk
B. the master boot record is the information in the first sector of any floopy
C. the master boot record contains information about operating system
D. all of these
Answer» A. the master boot record is the information in the first sector of any hard disk

GRUB stands for ………

A. grand unified boot loader
B. greater rochester urban bounty
C. greedy reclamation of unused bandwidth
D. none of the above
Answer» A. grand unified boot loader

By default, GRUB reads its default boot configuration from………

A. /boot/grub/menu.lst
B. /boot/grub/splash.x pm.gz
C. /boot
D. grub.config
Answer» A. /boot/grub/menu.lst

To enter command line mode from GRUB boot screen, type             

A. d
B. c
C. find
D. boot
Answer» B. c

At run level the system is complelety shut down.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 1
D. 0
Answer» D. 0

Which command is used for changing init's run level once the system is up ?

A. inittab
B. telinit
C. restart
D. chkconfig
Answer» B. telinit

Runlevel System command is used for

A. getting the present and previous runlevel of the system
B. setting the runlevel attribute of the system in the inittab file
C. can be used to restart or reboot the system
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Pick the run level to run Linux in Multi user mode with networking                  

A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 3

What command be used to find the systems previous run level ?

A. runlevel
B. level
C. rlevel previous
D. show level previous
Answer» A. runlevel

You want to have the process /etc/myprocess run when the system enters run level 3. Which of the following inittab entries would accomplish this ?

A. 5:3.once:/etc/myproces s
B. 3:4:once:/etc/mypr ocess
C. once:3:4:/etc/myp rocess
D. once:5:3:/etc/my process
Answer» A. 5:3.once:/etc/myproces s

Which of the following syslog.config entries would cause kernel error message to be sent to the system console ?

A. kern warning console
B. kern.error console
C. kern.warning/dev/ console
D. kern error console
Answer» C. kern.warning/dev/ console

What option can be used with shutdown command to send a warning message alerting users that the system will be shutdown ?

A. shutdown -k
B. shutdown -w
C. shutdown -a
D. shutdown -c
Answer» A. shutdown -k

You want there to be 3 grace days after a password expires before an account becomes disabled. How would you do this ?

A. use the useradd command with the -f switch
B. check the delay option in user admin
C. edit the user\s user.config file
D. use the useradd command with the -d switch
Answer» A. use the useradd command with the -f switch

You want to install lilo. Which of the following would you do to accomplish this ?

A. lilo -u
B. remove lilo
C. uninstall lilo
D. lilo -r
Answer» A. lilo -u

You want to view a listing of previously enetered commands. What command would you use ?

A. hist
B. histfile
C. showbuff
D. history
Answer» D. history

You want to add files to a previously created tar file. You want to replace existing files with newer files, how can you do this ?

A. use the append command
B. use the tar command with the - t switch
C. use the add command
D. use the tar command with the -u switch
Answer» D. use the tar command with the -u switch

Perl stands for

A. practical extraction and report language
B. practical extraction and ready language
C. post expression and report language
D. none of the above
Answer» A. practical extraction and report language

What is output of following perl program ? My $val='x'; print ref($val);

A. scalar
B. empty value
C. string
D. "not a reference"
Answer» B. empty value


A. is an effective multi tasking langugae that requires a great deal of development time.
B. is easy to learn and use, but awkward when dealing with compex tasks.
C. is available in all major operating system, but is quite expensive
D. can handle a variety of tasks involving large amounts of data with ease
Answer» D. can handle a variety of tasks involving large amounts of data with ease

What is the first line in every perl script that contains special instructions to the operating system ?

A. the perl interpreter line
B. the shebang line the perl statement
C. the standard out line
D. the perl statement
Answer» B. the shebang line the perl statement

The print function                  

A. retrives data from the user while a script is executing
B. prompts the user for specific information
C. modifies a string
D. outputs a string to standard out
Answer» D. outputs a string to standard out

Which of the following is true of all Perl scripts ?

A. meta characters are always preceded by a forward slash
B. perl statements are always followed by a period
C. parameters must always followed by period
D. perl statements are always followed by a semicolon
Answer» D. perl statements are always followed by a semicolon

Scalar variables                      

A. include string exclusively
B. are defied two discrete values
C. are the building blocks of more complicated data structure
D. always operate in the same manner as variable in algebric function
Answer» C. are the building blocks of more complicated data structure

Which of the following expression operators increments a varibale by one ?

A. ..
B. .
C. **
D. *
Answer» B. .

STDIN, or standard in, is a mechanism for

A. performing type conversion automatically
B. retrieving data from the user while a script is executing
C. prompting the user for specific information
D. outputting a string to standard out
Answer» B. retrieving data from the user while a script is executing

Perl is scripting language which is based on

A. inerpreter
B. compiler
C. assembler
D. all of the above
Answer» A. inerpreter

Perl define scalar variable by                  

A. @
B. %
C. $
D. #
Answer» C. $

What is the extension of the perl file ?

A. .p
B. .pl
C. .perl
D. .pe
Answer» B. .pl

which is escape character in perl ?

A. //
B. !
C. \\
D. |
Answer» C. \\

comments are placed inside a perl program file using the character

A. @
B. %
C. $
D. #
Answer» D. #

An array, in perl, is an              

A. un-ordered list of scalar data
B. ordered list of scalar data
C. ordered list of numbers
D. none of the above
Answer» B. ordered list of scalar data

The logical operator op1 && op2 means

A. performs a logical not of the operand
B. performs a logical or of the two operands
C. performs a logical and of the two operands
D. performs alogical and then or of the two operands
Answer» C. performs a logical and of the two operands

Perl uses this <=> operator for              

A. equal
B. comparision
C. less than or equal
D. greater than and equal
Answer» B. comparision

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE statements ?

A. perl chomp function will not remove all whitespace characters by default
B. perl chomp function returns the number of characters removed
C. perl chomp function checks whether the last character matches the input line separator and only then it deletes it.
D. it deletes the last ending varibale character regardless of whatever it is.
Answer» D. it deletes the last ending varibale character regardless of whatever it is.

Default file accessed through a print statement in perl is              

A. stdin
B. stdout
C. stderr
D. all of these
Answer» B. stdout

What is python ?

A. it is object oriented programming language
B. it is software package
C. it is intrpreter
D. it is assembly language
Answer» A. it is object oriented programming language

In python, the list L contains the following elements : ['A', 1,'1','George']. Which of the following ways of slicing would assign only the first two elements to the variable X ?

A. l[1:2]
B. x=l[0:1]
C. x=[l[0:2]
D. none of the above
Answer» C. x=[l[0:2]

"//" in pyhon is                    

A. floor division operator
B. comment
C. new line
D. none of the above
Answer» A. floor division operator

"**" in python is an                    

A. exponentiation
B. address of
C. value redirection
D. none of the above
Answer» A. exponentiation

In python, multi line string are given by

A. single quotes
B. double quotes
C. triple quotes
D. none of the above
Answer» C. triple quotes

python source code file has an extension of

A. pys
B. py
C. src
D. none of the above
Answer» B. py

which of the following translate and execute programe statements in sequence, instead of having separate translation and execution steps ?

A. procedure
B. interpreter
C. paradigm
D. compiler
Answer» B. interpreter

Which of the following procedure a true or false result ?

A. control structure
B. strong typing
C. data types
D. boolean express
Answer» D. boolean express

Which of the following language has an IF statement for making decision ?

A. perl chomp function will
B. c++
C. python
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Which of following language does not requires declarations ?

A. java
B. c++
C. python
D. vb.net
Answer» C. python

Which of the following is not a valid data type in python ?

A. int
B. float
C. double
D. str
Answer» C. double

How do you find out what's your shell ?

A. echo $shell
B. echo $shell
C. echo $shell
D. echo shell
Answer» A. echo $shell

What is command to find out todays date ?

A. time
B. date
C. cal
D. cd
Answer» B. date

What's the command to find out users on the system ?

A. who
B. whoami
C. user
D. pwd
Answer» A. who

How do you find current directory you are in ?

A. cd
B. pwd
C. chdir
D. mkdir
Answer» B. pwd

Which variable contains current shell process id ?

A. $*
B. $?
C. $$
D. $!
Answer» C. $$

Which command is used to debug a shell script program ?

A. set
B. set -x
C. debug
D. db
Answer» B. set -x

How do you remove a file ?

A. del
B. rm
C. cd
D. rmdir
Answer» B. rm

How do you find your own username ?

A. who
B. user
C. whoami
D. root
Answer» C. whoami

Which of the following display content of file1 ?

A. cat file1
B. cat > file1
C. cat >> file2
D. cat
Answer» A. cat file1

Which of the following creates a file named file1 ?

A. cat file1
B. cat > file1
C. cat < file1
D. cat
Answer» B. cat > file1

What are the files attributes for executing perl programs ?

A. 666
B. 755
C. 766
D. 777
Answer» B. 755

What is default administrator username ?

A. administrator
B. admin
C. superuser
D. root
Answer» D. root

The name of the Unix scheduling utility is

A. sched
B. cron
C. sc
D. timer
Answer» B. cron

Examples of repetitive tasks performed by system administrators

A. disk space inventories
B. security audits
C. system backups
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Another term for shell programs is

A. compiled
B. interpreted
C. command processed
D. none of the above
Answer» B. interpreted

The Unix slang for " #! " is

A. hash-bang
B. shboom
C. shebang
D. more than one of the above
Answer» D. more than one of the above

Which of the following is not true of program variables

A. can be exported to the entire system
B. can be used only within the shell program
C. can hold data
D. all of the above
Answer» C. can hold data

Flow control in a shell program allows parts of a shell program to be executed

A. repeatedly
B. conditionally
C. all of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Shell script is preferable to other forms of programming because it

A. makes programming task easier
B. occupies less space
C. enhances portability
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Choose the incorrect statements.

A. shell scripts can accept arguments
B. shell scipts are interp
C. shell scripts are interpreted
D. shell scripts are compiled
Answer» D. shell scripts are compiled

Files that store data in the same format as used in program are called

A. binary files
B. executable file
C. source file
D. core
Answer» D. core

Which of the following file names can be found in more than one directoy?

A. date
B. passwd
C. bin
D. both b and c
Answer» D. both b and c

Which one of the following options is not a shell in UNIX system?

A. bourne shell
B. c shell
C. net shell
D. korn shel
Answer» C. net shell

Which command is used to display the top of the file?

A. cat
B. more
C. head
Answer» C. head

Lint should be used

A. before compilation
B. after compilation
C. to analyze a c code
D. none of the above
Answer» A. before compilation
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